Property Investment Strategies for Beginners

Property InvestmentProperty Investment

Have you considered real estate investing? If so, now is the right time. More and more people are leaping and investing in the rental market today as a way to supplement their income, or as a business venture in its own right. There are several things to consider, as with any large investment, but it can be a really good way to make significant returns.

Property Investment locations are one of many things to consider when renting out a single home, or when undertaking large-scale property management. My city Atlanta, for example, offers a lot to potential investors because of its continued popularity with renters. Although, even if you have already picked out the perfect location, it’s important to know the pros and the cons before deciding if it’s the right move for you.

When deciding where to invest in a property many variables need careful consideration. Atlanta, Georgia is an up-and-coming investment hub, and given that property management in Metro Atlanta is well supported with excellent services, it is a location worth investigating.

The job market is healthy and growing even in this economic time. Between March 2021 and the same month, a year later, the city added 22,900 private sector jobs, demonstrating a growth rate of 5.3%. Metro Atlanta Regional Economic Development places it as the top metro area for economic growth and strategic investment in tech innovation.

It is also worth noting that this city has a bustling international airport, 19 colleges, and universities. It has also been rated as one of the top 100 places in the USA for business and careers.

Property Investment 3Pros of Investing

Tax Benefits

You may well be able to reduce your tax burden as a result of deductions you can make from your real estate investment. Fees that you pay towards property management, maintenance, and insurance can often be deducted leaving you with a smaller tax bill.


With a little luck, it’s not uncommon to find that your home will appreciate significantly over time. This can be even more effective at generating profit if you’re able to carry out repairs and maintenance that bring the property to a higher standard. To find out about great areas that are undervalued you can turn to a company that does property Investment. Atlanta, Georgia is just one example of an area that insider knowledge can help with when it comes to appreciation.

Regular Income

Maybe it goes without saying, but the single biggest pro of investing in the rental market is the fact you’ll have regular, recurring income. Not only that, but rental market fluctuations mean that sometimes your rental value will increase year on year without any material changes being made to the building.

Cons of Investing

Lots of Cash Upfront

To get the most out of the market, you’ll likely need more cash upfront than you would for other types of investments. A quarter of the value of the property is a good amount to aim for when it comes to an investor’s down payment.

Time Intensive

Your time is every bit as valuable as the property you’ll be purchasing, so it’s good to be aware that investing in the rental market can be very time intensive. A handy way around this is to engage a property management company to handle the laborious aspects of the process.

Unpredictable Tenants

Ultimately, your tenants are the source of your income, so you wouldn’t want to lease your building to anybody who won’t take care of it, or who would delay or miss rental payments. There are checks that you can do to help with this aspect but, again, it’s good to have some professionals there to take care of tenant relationships where possible.

Property Investment2Professional Property Management

There are a lot of things to think about when deciding to invest in the rental market, and although there is every chance you’ll make a good return on your investment, having people to help you is always a good thing. For that reason, it’s important to engage a company that can help you with every aspect of property management. Big and small cities will always have eager renters, but having expert property managers can ensure that you experience as few hiccups as possible.

What Do They Do?

The management company is not just there to collect rental payments; they can also provide an excellent bespoke service to take care of things like:

  • Sourcing tenants for your property
  • Organizing maintenance and repairs
  • Managing bills and payments
  • Inspecting the property
  • Making sure the building is compliant with legal requirements

This is a simple but effective rule: always do your research before reaching out. Even if you’re short on time, a quick 30-minute internet scroll can reveal a wealth of information about a service provider. Be sure to check out customer reviews for honest opinions that can help point you in the right direction. It’s also worth checking out the larger directories for a more comprehensive list of companies in your area. From here you can begin to compare a few companies that you like the look of.

Don’t take anything for granted, that every company will have all the necessary credentials (you’ll be surprised how silver-tongued some firms can be!) Make sure that your agent is fully licensed; this is a promise of protection and will ensure that everything is managed professionally and appropriately within the legal requirements.

Why It’s So Important

Your time is important, and so is your property. That’s why engaging a management company ensures that you get the most out of your investment without having to operate as an on-the-ground landlord, which can be time-consuming and fraught with difficulty. Whether you need new tenants ASAP, or your current lease needs updating, you’ll be glad you hired a company to handle rental management. Here in Atlanta, GA it’s a competitive and exciting rental market right now, so if you’re thinking of investing, then the organizational know-how of trained professionals can give you the edge.

The cost of living here in Atlanta is higher than the average but there are more options for outdoor activities compared to neighboring cities. The average commute time here is 21-60 minutes, compared with hours in other places, and the climate is desirable – which is a plus when you have more time on your hands.

Summary of cost of living in Atlanta, GA, USA:

Family of four estimated monthly costs is $3,701.49 without rent.

A single person’s estimated monthly costs are $1,045.74 without rent.

Atlanta is 27.36% less expensive than New York

Rent in Atlanta is, on average, 52.35% lower than in New York.





Live Your Best Life

Change Your LifeChange Your Life

Two years ago, when I was on vacation in Morocco, I was sitting in a local coffee shop by the beachfront Marina with my family, I started to think about what was the BIG change that made me successful in my own online business.

After some thought, I came up with 4 principles that I thought were the main kickstarter for me…

Maybe only those with a certain mindset will be able to truly see it. Change your life and feel completely better!  This is just one of several ways lucky people create their fortunes.

To put these simple principles into action, here are four tips, (if you like) for creating more luck Expect Good Things to Happen. This is so powerful and rewires your brain. It programs you to find good things. In many cases, those good things were already there, just waiting to be discovered. But mental programming is strong. It makes us overlook “treasures” that are right in front of our noses.

The brain has to process a ton of input every day — and not everything we see makes its way to our conscious mind.

Fortunately, by focusing your conscious attention on the good rather than the bad, you can “train” your mind to find things that contribute positively to your life.

This becomes a great habit to have in your locker. How to change your life completely;  Because there are things you may have otherwise overlooked. Follow the steps to change.

Ok, what’s holding you up? Are you dealing with a state of unhappiness that is not usually influenced by circumstances or certain events as most people tend to believe, but it is rather influenced by your way of thinking, gaining a more positive mindset can be the solution you needed to change your life around.

Only you can change your life; certain aspects might be preventing you from truly experiencing the beauty of life and the beauty that lies within you. How to change your life for the better; there are a few amazing solutions that you can seek, to acquire the happiness and inner peace you have always desired to have, one example is slowing the aging process

Your journey toward happiness often lies in your self-esteem, and if there is anything that can affect that negatively is your lack of confidence in your physical appearance. If you have been dealing with self-esteem issues due to being overweight, then doing something about it will be necessary.

Making a change in your life to lose weight and achieving a better body image will not be possible if you do not change your perspective on the weight loss process, improve your lifestyle, and focus on the long-term results. If you need advice on how to lose weight, resorting to a specialist for counseling might be the answer you needed.

When you are talking about aging, you should not think about the physical implications that the passing of time has, but the mental ones. The moment you no longer feel young and full of life is the moment you start to age. It does not matter if you are 19 years old or 55, as long as you know how to change your mindset and know how to keep yourself motivated, feeling the way you did in your 20s will be possible.

You can become that joyful, active, adventurous, and passionate spirit you used to be by overcoming certain limits you have created for yourself.

Because in theory it might seem easy to obtain that life change you desire, but in reality, things can be quite difficult if you do not adopt the right mindset-changing methods, resorting to a specialist for advice will be more than beneficial. Just by searching on the internet, you will be able to find someone who can provide you with incredible solutions to any problems you might be dealing with, starting with apathy and tiredness and up to weight or confidence problems.

Discussing with someone who is experienced and knows the right ways of change your life someone’s negative way of thinking, will offer you guidance and as long as you believe making this change is possible, they will push you towards a more fulfilling and happy life. You can find such an expert even by searching online.

Let’s take the first step towards a positive change in your life that lies within your mindset. There are ways in which you can become more positive, in terms of how you view life, so pursuing a few effective methods or increasing positivity can truly help you turn your life around for the better.

  • Be Grateful

Change Your LifeWhen you start looking for things to be thankful for, you’re likely to find more and more reasons to feel grateful.

And really, gratitude is just another word for feeling lucky.

In my experience, gratitude leads to more energy and motivation. As such, it’s much easier to create positive life changes when you have a firm foundation of gratitude.

A daily gratitude journal (which can be as simple as writing down one thing you’re grateful for) is a great place to start.

There are a lot of people today that receive spiritual counseling. They are getting help navigating the world around them, and they are making progress slowly. There are a lot of great things that come with this. If you are struggling with your life, and aren’t sure where to turn, consider the beauty of counseling, and how it can help you change things for the better. Finding guidance is a lot easier than you may think. At first glance, this may seem a bit much, but honestly, it’s something that is going to prove amazing, if you find the right resource.

Finding A Counselor

Believe it or not, some counselors can be found through medical means. Some insurance plans even cover counseling and mental health visits. You’re going to find that these visits can help you have someone to talk to about your daily routine, life, and anything that is bothering you. While this may not be a “cure”, it can definitely shine a light on the issues that you may be facing. Sometimes, all you need is a fresh set of eyes to look at what you’re dealing with on a regular basis. You’ll find that this can help you in a lot of different ways, and finding a counselor can be made simple.

When in doubt, look online for the benefits that come with spiritual counseling. You’ll see that it’s more than just about raising your mood and evaluating your mindfulness. There’s a lot to consider here, and a lot of it can help you see life in a new manner. As long as you approach the spiritual awakening with some lifestyle change, you will no doubt benefit from what a spiritual counselor can offer. Even if you’ve never gone this route, test the waters once, and see why so many go this route overall. Finding help is not difficult, especially in these modern times.

  • Be Generous

What goes around comes around. You never know if someone you help may find their way to success, or how that favor might be unexpectedly returned to you

That doesn’t mean you should do nice things with the intent of someone owing you a favor, though. Instead, developing genuine relationships is key.

It also doesn’t mean you should overextend yourself, trying to help everyone to the point where you’re exhausted. and not making time for yourself Instead, it’s about finding balance.

That balance will look a little different for everyone, depending on your life and obligations.

But even when life is busy, you’re likely to find occasions now and again when you feel inspired and capable of giving someone else a helping hand.

  • Trying New Things

If what you’re currently doing hasn’t gotten you closer to where you want to be, then take a long look at yourself, isn’t it time to take 2023 by the horns? Change your life.

Don’t get stuck in a rut. Do something different.

I don’t know why people are constantly doing the same thing over, and over again, and expecting different results.

Several life coaches I know argue that by changing up your routine, you open yourself to new possibilities.

There are both emotional and practical factors at play here …the brain needs new challenges.

On the practical side, trying something new will introduce you to new people, places, and ideas. Any of these things could lead to an unexpected opportunity in your professional or personal life.

Change your life. On the emotional side, consider this: Often, we get stuck in our routines. Even if we think we’re open to change, it’s hard to get out of our comfort zone and change our habits. (And yes, I’ve been guilty of this myself in the past.)

Foods For Better Health

There are stories in everything: Big stories, little stories, and the most important stories are in health. Finding the right story is paramount to success in reaching your goal. Any of us never leave our comfort zone unless we’re forced to. We are known as creatures of habits and when we’re confronted with a major change in life our routine is interrupted and we’re plunged into the unknown. Gaining new experience, and new knowledge and positively changing the way of thinking is the beginning of something ‘new’. Health is no different; nothing will change unless you make it happen. Only in the last decade or so research has uncovered how we can take control of our health.

The message over recent times has been very clear: Some foods are good for us and some are not. Research and tests have found that extracts from natural and whole foods are more effective in healing and can sustain optimal health better than anything else.

Can food save our lives?

There are many testimonials and facts of people who survived aggressive cancers through changing diets and lifestyles. The name “lifestyle” can often be misleading and also be called industrialized or westernized world diet, which mainly consists of fried fatty foods, takeaway, fast foods, artificial flavors, sugar unhealthy snacks, soft drinks, and sodas loaded with artificial sugars. These are only some of the foods causing the most of bad health; at the same time, it answers that burning question: The right food can save our lives.

Being or become healthy we have to avoid processed, genetically modified enhanced junk some of which we are eating every day. As long as we keep buying it and perpetuate the conglomerates, in return they continue to give us more and all of this with no objections from our governments.

On the other hand, can we expect governments to take the initiative to warn people or even ban these substances from being used that are linked to many carcinogenic products endangering millions of people’s lives?

This is why we must gain knowledge, read and learn how to avoid the things that can hurt us and see through those commercials that try to brainwash us.

What we don’t know not only can hurt us, it can take years of our life.

Foods for better health

The power of natural foods hasn’t been realized for some decades, or maybe forgotten or just exchanged for the often better-tasting processed ones. Boosting your immune system with whole foods, vegetables and fruits is the only sustainable way to optimal health. The most powerful way to up our mineral and vitamin consumption is by making drinks fresh from plants every day, by either blending or juicing vegetables and fruits together. Green drinks make you feel energetic, improve your skin and appearance, and help to drop those kilos at the same time.

Have a salad and a few sticks of celery before your meal; these raw greens and other veggies will ensure that we are getting our enzyme intake. Enzymes help to digest food better and make us feel full faster since they contain lots of fiber. Any fermented vegetables and fruits are excellent and good for your gut health. Cultured cabbage like sauerkraut and other vegetables are easily made in your kitchen to your taste.

Or create a very powerful miracle drink: All you need is one potato, one carrot, and one apple to make the juice; you can add some lemon or lime for better taste, put them all through the juicer, and drink while it’s fresh an hour before your meal.


 Strengthens the immune system, is good for eyesight and red eyes eliminate pain and muscle ache, assists bowel movement, eliminates constipation, good for acne and skin problems, lessens menstrual pain, and assists hay fever sufferers. According to some feedback it has prevented cancer cells to grow, prevented kidney, liver, and pancreas disease, and as well can cure ulcers. It can lower blood pressure and prevent heart attacks. For best results drink it first thing in the morning one hour before breakfast and late afternoon and make it fresh every time.

This is low in cost and little time involved in making it and will be a great benefit to your health. All vegetables and fruits have different benefits for different health issues. The most powerful ones are found in the cabbage family which includes broccoli, kale, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts. These green leafy vegetables have the highest nutritional and protein value, also the most needed omega 3, and other fatty acids which are essential for our body.

By changing our routine, we mentally open up to positive changes and look at challenges from new angles.

Changing Your LifeTo start, this change can be as big or as small as you’d like.

For example, is it time to change your job?

Or is it time to start small, by taking a new route home from work, reading in the evening instead of watching the news, or signing up for that art class, what about that home business you’ve been considering?

If you’re not sure where to begin, I’d recommend a small change to your daily schedule (like a short morning walk) or picking up a new hobby just for fun.

Change Your Life 2

Hug someone today!


Unlocking Your Business Potential with a Business Coach

Business Coach, a Mentor, or a Consultant
Difference Between a Business Coach, a Mentor, or a Consultant2

Whether you want to expand your small business to another country, kick-start your career as an entrepreneur or hone your marketing skills, you may be looking for some outside support.  If you look at top business achievers, you will find one common denominator: They didn’t do it all alone.

High-performing entrepreneurs and small business owners know that if they want to truly excel, they need guidance and support. But what’s best for your professional development? a coach? a mentor? a consultant? How do you even begin to choose?

Great professional development options:

Working with a mentor. You’re getting someone who’s already walked in your shoes. They are experienced in your field and can help fast-track you along your growth path. They can offer guidance, friendship, and support; there is usually a level of personal connection as they serve as a role model to help an individual reach their potential.

This can be super valuable because it saves you from having to go through a steep learning curve and make a bunch of mistakes along the way.

Difference Between a Business Coach, a Mentor, or a Consultant4Some of the advantages include:

Getting an outside perspective. Often, we are too close and emotionally tied to our business to see what’s truly happening. It can be beneficial to get a bird’s-eye view of your situation. Often, we’re too in love with our work to know about areas that need a little work. Your mentor will probe to uncover some problem issues that may not be instantly apparent to you.

Enabling you to reach higher. Sometimes we do things for other people that we wouldn’t do for ourselves. When you have the accountability of a mentor, you may push harder to reach your goals. Because you know that you have to report your results during your mentorship, can make you go the extra mile.

Gaining business experience.  Even if you have years of corporate experience, running your own business is a new challenge. You probably know a lot about your industry, but you may not know enough about running and growing a business.

When you hire someone with experience in creating systems, marketing, delegating, and growing a business, it helps you avoid costly mistakes and grow further, and faster. And they often have proven blueprints and templates to boost your results.

Being your cheerleader. You probably know that being a business owner can be a roller coaster! Some days you’re on top of the world, and other days you doubt yourself. Maybe you wonder if you should throw in the towel because everything seems to be going wrong. Mentorship can help you stay positive and motivated, so you can keep your business moving forward.

Working with a coach. A coach takes a slightly different approach. He or she serves as an expert guiding you in a very specific area of performance. If you Google “coach” you’ll see results for performance, marketing, financial support, sales, business growth, social media support, and more.

A business coach is trained to help you figure out your roadblocks, holds you accountable for your business success and shares their tried-and-true experiences and processes to help you get ahead in your business.Difference Between a Business Coach, a Mentor, or a Consultant


However, it’s important to note that many coaches are self-appointed experts. They may present themselves as highly successful and knowledgeable, but many could just be one step ahead of you. Read the fine print in any document.

While they may “talk the talk”, you don’t know if they have the skills or experience to help you succeed.

Leadership Coaching to uncover people’s hidden and natural talents and assess individual skills, capabilities, and/or behaviors that impact them positively and negatively. This helps her clients understand the actions they need to take to move in the right direction to get what they want.

Working with a business coach can help you in many of the same ways mentorship can, but they’re less of a “friend” and more of a “guide.”

  • Hear more objective opinions • Increase your networking opportunities.  • Lead more strategically • Develop your personality and leadership style • Better understand yourself

Read: 30 Things Business & Marketing Coaches Wish Entrepreneurs Would Stop Doing, on our website

From the economy to the weather, struggling entrepreneurs have all sorts of reasons why their product or service isn’t selling. But have you ever considered that you might be doing things all wrong and that’s why you’re not reaching the success you’d like to see?

Here are some valuable insights from 30 successful business coaches. They’ve observed what frustrates them to no end, and these are the things that could very well be thwarting your success!

Working with a consultant. A consultant is often an expert in their field and provides you with advice. While they may sound similar to a mentor or a coach, consultants don’t work with you to improve your skills or guide you in your professional development. They usually work within your defined metrics and deliverables.

A coach A mentor A consultant

When you work with a consultant, you’re getting valuable advice from someone with niche experience and industry understanding. While a business coach or a mentor will encourage you to do your best, a consultant will focus on identifying what you need to do to accomplish your goals. 

The most common consulting methods are:

  • Strategic Advice: When a business has specific problems, a consultant can create a strategy to solve them. 
  • Done-for-you Service: Some consultants have a team to support them, so this option makes sense if a small business requires a solution, they aren’t skilled in implementing. 
  • One-Time Training: Say your management team hasn’t been meeting a certain objective. A consultant could offer them training to help them get back on track.
  • Ongoing Coaching: You can’t expect amazing results by meeting with a consultant once for four hours. Many small businesses will work with a consultant over months or years on things like a marketing plan or expanding the company globally.

Difference Between a Business Coach, a Mentor, or a Consultant3Your unique needs will determine whether you need a mentor, coach, or consultant to enhance your professional development. But each one has the power to prevent you from making bad decisions that will leave you in financial distress and conducting self-sabotage to your success, whether you realize you are doing it or not!


Get Your Finances in Order with Debt Consolidation

Debt Consolidation to Clean Up Your Finances

Debt ConsolidationA significant challenge that many people experience as they get older, especially those who are not the best at managing money, is the mounting debt that is against their name.

Perhaps you paid for private college or university, or you had to spend a lot of money on a car or other expenses. While you may have thought that taking out loans was responsible, as they were relatively low interest, you are now having to deal with the aftermath.

Between significant loans and regular credit card debt, you likely have a lot of monthly payments to get through. Below is a guide that explains how you can use debt consolidation loans as a way to get out of such a hole.

What is Debt Consolidation?

The concept of debt consolidation in the United States is that you are taking all the money that you owe, and combining them into a single, low-interest loan. People find this advantageous, especially if they have a lot of money to repay that could take them several years to get through.

If you were to make a list of all the money that you owe each month as a result of loans or credit card bills, you are looking at a significant percentage of your monthly income. People who are giving up 50 percent or greater of their income to debt will have a very hard time making ends meet, or saving any money.

Debt consolidation loans can come in handy during such situations. By engaging in debt consolidation in the US, you can lower the amount of money that you have to pay each month to a manageable level.

Extend Your Loans

Taking longer to pay back loans, on the surface, may not appear like the smartest way to get out of debt. The issue for a lot of people is that their monthly loans are not manageable anymore. You may have taken out two or three long-term loans, while putting money on your cards, thinking that you can handle the minimum payments.

The problem is that minimum payments can add up very quickly, and if you are only paying a modest sum on each loan, you are incurring a lot of interest charges. That puts pressure on you to quickly pay off your loans, which can eat into your monthly earnings.

Taking out a single loan that you can handle with your present earnings will make life a lot easier. Depending on your current job and credit history, you may be eligible for a debt consolidation loan that is lower interest, compared to many of the loans that you are repaying.

Rebuild Your Finances

Arranging your loans into a single, manageable payment is only the first step in getting your finances in order. Limiting how much you have to pay in loans each month will make your life easier, but does not solve the root cause of the problem.

What you must tackle is your spending, as it is overspending that likely got you into this problem. To find a solution, start by spending two months tracking every dollar you spend. Assess where you are spending the most money, and what expenditures you could eliminate without damaging your quality of life too much.Debt Consolidation3

Perhaps you are spending a lot of money when you go out on the weekends, or you love ordering take-out or delivery food. Such indulgences are great when you have a very high-paying job, but if you are struggling to save money, you may need to cut back on some luxuries to secure your long-term future.

Take Control of Your Life

Allowing debt to take over your life is not pleasant, and can have a significant impact on your personal and professional life. Not only will you find it difficult to focus at work, but your relationships with friends and family may be impacted by your constant stressing about debt.

Rather than letting the cycle of repaying various loans each month take over your life and consume your thoughts, debt consolidation offers an out. You still have to pay back the money you owe, but you can do so using a single, manageable loan.

Debt Consolidation2

You take the money from that loan, pay off all the loans and credit card debts you owe, and then start making monthly payments on the consolidation loan. Within a few years, you will be debt free. If you have made changes to your spending habits in the meantime, you will likely have significant savings by then as well.


The Destruction of Love: How to End a Relationship

Destroy a Relationship Destroy a Relationship

Why being mindful of clients’ perspectives can keep them supporting your business

We all have them.

Days when everything pisses us off.

I doubt there’s a human being on this planet who hasn’t been in a bad mood now and then.

And for a variety of reasons too.

But there’s one thing we business owners have an unwritten rule about (well probably it’s written somewhere by someone) is that no matter what, we don’t bring our bad mood with us when communicating with clients.

Would you agree with that fundamental principle?

But how many times have you, as a client or customer, been on the receiving end of someone’s the bad mood?

It happened to me recently and that single instance destroyed a 30-year working relationship.

I had a hair appointment with the same gal that I’ve been seeing for decades. She works out of her home and lives about 25 minutes away from me. I know exactly how long it takes for me to get to her place and am typically on time, every time.

Except for the last two appointments.

The time previous to this last visit, I had an emergency come up just before heading out the door. It was something I had to take care of or faced dire consequences (as in having a very angry client on my hands!)

It meant I was going to be about 5 minutes late for my appointment. I texted her when I was leaving stating I was hurrying over and will be a few minutes late.

She didn’t reply and never said anything when I got there. We had our usual girl talk that I very much looked forward to.

This recent time I needed to do a quick errand before my appointment. I completely misjudged how much time it would take me to get from that other location to my stylist’s place. Plus… I got lost finding my way there since I was coming from a different direction.

I didn’t want to risk taking any time to stop and text her and honestly thought I was just a minute away… except it was more like 15 minutes before I finally got there.

I’ve never been 15 minutes late for anything and I felt terrible. I apologized profusely but unfortunately; she wouldn’t hear any of it.

Destroy a Relationship3She was pissed.

So angry in fact, she first lectured me on “always” being late, citing my text from the previous appointment, and that she was sick and tired of constantly hearing, “sorry I’m late” as if I’m the only one that says that every time I walk into her room.

Stunned at how mad she was, especially knowing it was the last appointment of the day, I apologized again and tried to explain why I was late and even offered to leave with my hair wet to make up for the lateness so we would still end in time.

I didn’t know what else to do to rectify my error. She was so angry; she gave me the silent treatment and only grunted her “hold your head here” and “move to the sink” commands throughout the entire time there.

I did leave with wet hair, 15 minutes earlier than what our appointment time would have ended had I been on time, vowing to never return.

I fully realize I was the catalyst that set off her anger, and I also realize she had to have been having one hell of a bad day before I arrived, and I got the brunt of her wrath. I get it.

But as a customer, a loyal one for 30 years at that, there’s no excuse whatsoever to be treated like that.


When I have bad days like what she must have experienced, I set aside whatever is going on and treat anyone whom I speak with that day, whether it’s one of our team members, a client, a lead or even chatting on social media, with the utmost respect and kindness.

Even if they are the reason for my having a bad day. It serves no purpose whatsoever to make the other person feel worse than what I am feeling. I found this experience to be so distressing, I posted about it on Facebook.

I received a variety of responses, ranging from my owing her an apology (which I did) to justifying why she blew up, right over to demanding I fire her on the spot (which I ended up doing).

These kinds of responses go to show how we are all human and all look at experiences from our lens and history. For me, I was taken straight back to elementary school when I was the victim of bullying quite a bit. A feeling I never want to experience again! Destroy a Relationship

Others empathized with her where time is very important to them and get angry themselves when someone disrespects it. (I’m the same way – being punctual is a huge deal for me.)

One thing I have done as a result of this experience is to find the lesson behind it all. For one, I will plan my time better and ensure I give myself enough time to do what needs to be done in time!

I also learned just how fragile our relationships can be. She lost a client of 30 years – and I lost any further opportunities to visit with someone I’ve known for a long time to get some of the much-valued girl time I look forward to with each visit.

It doesn’t take much to destroy a 30-year working relationship.

Yes, I realize I could reach out and try to mend the fences but I am choosing not to. At least not right now.

At the end of the day, this lesson goes to show how important it is for us all to keep our anger in check. To realize our anger is being received by the other person, and be aware of how they are receiving it with their response. They won’t always understand where you are coming from because they’re looking at things from a different perspective.

So, what do we do when we’re having a bad day and business must go on?

If you ever find yourself feeling angry, whether justified or not, here are eight tips on what you can do to avoid creating irreparable situations with your clients:

  1. Exercise. Go for a walk, head to the gym, and box with a punching bag. Whatever works for you to do some venting.
  2. Meditate. Or just sit quietly and practice deep breathing.  Destroy a Relationship
  3. Yoga. Nothing is better at centering our emotions and getting back in touch with our bodies than practicing yoga.
  4. Watch a funny show or listen to a positive podcast. It’s amazing how quickly your anger can turn around when you’re laughing or receiving positive energy from someone else!
  5. Use anger as motivation. If you can control the scenario that’s causing your anger, then you can do something about it!
  6. Focus on something more positive. A great thing to do here is to think of something you are grateful for and focus on why you’re so grateful for it. Putting yourself in a state of gratefulness will trigger those happy endorphins and will get you out of that crappy mood fast.
  7. Get productive. Feeling on purpose can be quite energizing. If you have something that’s calling your name, get busy and shift your attention to that.
  8. Write in a journal. A great way to release that negative vibe from your body is to write it out. Keep writing until you’ve vented everything that comes to mind. Even if it’s not the same thing that got you angry in the first place – just let it all out!

I’m curious if you have ever experienced someone either getting angry with you in a business relationship or did you lose your cool and get angry with a client or service provider? How did it turn out? What lesson did you learn? And do you have any other tips on how to let go of anger to share?


  1. READ: Learn effective communication principles from an expert. This book from communications specialist Yvonne Douma is a must-read. It will be available on June 8th but you can get yourself on her notification list and grab some great bonuses if you purchase on launch day: REFRAME: How to Change Your Conversations to Resolve Those Messy Conflicts.
  2. WATCH: Have you ever been frustrated by the lack of customer service from another company and vowed to never do business with them again? And most certainly never told anyone else about them?
  3. READ: I guess all of us have been on the receiving end of a situation where we are not satisfied with customer service. But how do you respond? Read this great piece from Kindi Gill who shares excellent insights on managing difficult client situations: Five Tips for Managing Customer Complaints.


The Incredible Health Benefits of Cabbage

According to Ancient Roman healers, breast cancer could be cured by rubbing on pastes made from cabbage. Not long ago, modern scientists would have considered this practice as Folklore, but now they are not so sure.

Jon Michnovicz, president of the Foundation for Preventive Oncology in New York City says: “Studies have shown that if you make cabbage into a paste and rub it on the backs of laboratory animals, you can prevent the development of Tumors.

But the best way to absorb the health properties of cabbage is to eat it, of course.

Cabbage can fight off breast, lung, and prostate cancer. It also contains a wealth of nutrients that can protect you against heart disease, birth defects, and digestive problems, and lowers the risk of cataracts. One study found that eating four servings of cruciferous vegetables, like cabbage, per week, reduced the risk of dying from any cause by 26 %.

 Healing Properties of Cabbage Cabbage, like other cruciferous vegetables, contains several compounds that can help prevent cancers, according to studies. Researchers reviewed almost 100- studies that showed the relationship between brassica vegetables, such as cabbage, and cancer. They found that in 70% of the studies cabbage consumption was related to a lower risk of Cancer.

Scientists found that there are two compounds in Cabbage that make it a cancer-preventing food. The first one, Indole-3-Carbinol, or I3C, is especially effective against breast cancer, according to research. The compound act as an Antiestrogen, which means that it removes harmful estrogens that have been linked to Breast Cancer. “There was no doubt that if we gave women pure I3C, it would work,” says Dr. Michnovicz. But for the average person, eating cabbage or another cruciferous vegetable, such as broccoli, would have the same effect.

The second compound in cabbage, named Sulforaphane, proved to protect against breast cancer, by inhibiting carcinogens and aiding in DNA repair. Women in Poland eat three times as much cabbage as women in the United States 30 lbs a year compared to 10 lbs in the US. Women in Poland also use to eat more raw cabbage, sauerkraut, and short-cooked cabbage as a side dish, instead of boiled or slow-cooked cabbage. Compounds in cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables are also protective against Lung Cancer. A study of Chinese women in Singapore, a city with a high level of air pollution, found that non-smokers who ate cruciferous vegetables reduced their risk of lung cancer by 30%.

Smokers who ate cruciferous vegetables reduced their risk of lung cancer by 69%.

savoy-cabbageCabbage also protects against Prostate Cancer. A study at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centre in Seattle found that men who ate three or more servings of cruciferous vegetables each week lowered their risk of prostate cancer by 44 percent. Cabbage is a cook’s best friend. It’s versatile, inexpensive, readily available, and easy to prepare. The only thing is the unpleasant smell. But there is a remedy against it. Next time you want to cook cabbage, add a Celery stalk or a whole English Walnut (in the shell) to the pot. This will neutralize the smell.

Or, cook the cabbage quicker, stir-frying it in a wok or skillet, rather than boiling it for a long time. To preserve the beneficial compounds in cabbage, experts recommend eating cabbage raw. If you must cook your cabbage, steam it lightly, (5 minutes or less), to retain the phytonutrients and maximize their availability. Don’t microwave cabbage, because it decreases the amount of Sulforaphane. Don’t boil cabbage either. In one study, 90 percent of the glycosylates were found in cooking water. 

Don’t buy halved or shredded cabbage, because it loses its Vitamin C content quickly when cut. When you get your cabbage home, place the whole head (in a plastic bag) in the fridge. To promote the production of the most glycosylates, slice or chop cabbage and let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes before cooking.

Antioxidant Protection. You have read about antioxidants in presiding articles, like Vitamin C and E and Beta-Carotene. They do an excellent job by protecting you and neutralizing free radicals, which damage healthy tissues throughout the body, causing heart disease, cancer, and other serious conditions. All cruciferous vegetables are loaded with these antioxidant compounds. Researchers found that a half-cup of red cabbage contains more antioxidants than a cup of Green Tea, which has long been considered to be a super antioxidant source.

bok-choyTwo cabbages, Bok choy, and Savoy are also excellent sources of Beta-Carotene, a nutrient that other cabbages don’t have in abundance. High blood levels of Beta-Carotene are related to fewer cases of heart attacks, certain types of cancer, and cataracts.

These cabbages are also excellent sources of vitamin C, which has proved to boost immunity, as well as reduce blood pressure and heart disease. A half-cup serving of raw Bok choy provides 16 milligrams of Vitamin C, 27% of the Daily Value (DV) for this Vitamin, while the same amount of raw Savoy Cabbage supplies 11 milligrams or 18 % of the DV. These same cabbages are also decent sources of B Vitamin Folate. Half-cup of either of those provides about 35 milligrams, or 9 % of the DV.

Your body needs Folate for normal tissue growth. Studies have proved that Folate also may protect against certain forms of Cancer, including Cervical, Colorectal, and Lung Cancers, Heart Disease, and Birth Defects.

Also, research shows that women are at high risk for Folate deficiency, especially if they take Birth Control pills.

-Adrian Joele

Winning the War on Our Money: A Psychological Battle

Our Money: Fighting a Psychological Battle

Fighting a Psychological BattleAcross the world, governments and populations alike are encountering the same challenges – namely, how to treat the coronavirus and prevent its spread.

But this is just the beginning. Certainly, in the here and now – in the immediate future – bringing the virus under control is the priority, and we salute the legions of scientists, medical personnel, and key workers who are making that happen every day. But what comes next? How do we deal with the economic depression that follows such a crisis? How do we avoid global recession? There is one thing we must do: We must not give in. We must not roll over and simply accept the worst case as inevitable.

And we won’t. This is not the way that we – as a species – do things. If the last few months have taught us anything, it is that the incredible resilience of humanity is still alive and well. Even in the face of such hardship, the flame of endeavor, compassion, of positivity, still burns brightly.

This is all well and good, but what does this mean in practice? How do we go about channeling this resilience into a set of practical solutions that will carry us, and our finances, forward?

Let’s take a look at this in a little more detail.

Fighting a Psychological Battle3Practical Solutions to Winning the Psychological Battle

We often hear the phrase “it’s all in your head,” as if a psychological problem is somehow less valid than a physical or external issue. In the 21st century, we are pushing back against this – not only recognizing that psychological issues need real consideration but also understanding that there are real steps we can take to overcome them. So, if you’ve found yourself hounded by money worries and anxiety as a result of this crisis, how do you overturn the negativity?

Develop a complete understanding of your situation

Much of the anxiety and worry we feel daily comes from uncertainty and a lack of knowledge. If we do not know what we are dealing with, we assume the worst. And, these negative feelings build and build until we are overwhelmed. Fight this tendency. Fight it with knowledge. Sit down and work out how the virus has affected your incomings. Then, work out what adjustments can be made so not only can you keep yourself moving forward, but you also can actively set yourself up for a thriving future.

This is not a one-off exercise. You need to get used to appraising your situation regularly, running the accounts, assessing the damage and the improvement, and arming yourself with the knowledge you need to gain the upper hand.

Begin to diversify

Don’t put all your eggs, as the adage goes, in one basket. There’s a reason why this has become so cliché – because it’s such great advice. If your income stream is too narrow or too restricted, you are putting yourself in danger. Even when times are good, you are only a hop, step, and jump away from a serious financial problem.

So, what’s the answer? Diversity. Don’t turn your back on your current revenue streams and business interests. Instead, seek to add to them. Think about how you can protect yourself with a more diverse portfolio of investments, and then consider how this diversity can drive your success.

Fighting a Psychological BattleBuild a positive attitude

Negativity will get us nowhere. Instead, it erodes our psychology and makes it difficult to gain perspective and understanding of our situation. Our minds become clouded by doubt and other such thoughts. But, by making small positive changes to our mindset, we can counteract this. Make these small incremental changes – by reframing setbacks as challenges and opportunities, for example, or by putting certain minor hardships in a broader context. Get used to doing this, and witness big changes in your psychology.

Be proactive

Change cannot happen by itself. Your aims and objectives won’t be achieved without effort and action. This does not mean mistaking movement for progress and rushing around like a headless chicken, though. Rather, it means outlining what you want to achieve in the long and short term, thinking about what you need to do to achieve this, and then putting one foot in front of the other until you get there.Fighting a Psychological Battle4

The coronavirus has made goal achievement a little more challenging than usual, so you may need to change your approach. But don’t be discouraged.

Seek assistance

There is help out there, so make sure you get the help you need. This may come from talking to friends and co-workers, or from engaging with webinars, video media, or insightful articles. The truth is, there is no single “correct” way to educate ourselves and grow our emotional and psychological resilience. We are all in this together, so let’s help one another. Let’s accept the help that we need to win the psychological battle, and come through this crisis stronger than ever.

-David Love

Seafood: The Key to a Longer Life

Live longer eating Seafood

Live longer on seafood 2It’s no strange coincidence that many of the fish-eating populations located within the Arctic regions of the world have experienced fewer occurrences of heart disease.

This is primarily because seafood their main dietary food which is highly recognized for its high concentration in omega-3 fatty acids is widely renowned for not only lowering the cholesterol levels of the blood within the body but additionally for protecting the heart from diseases.

Research into the benefits of seafood discovered that individuals who consumed an extra portion of fish each week were found to lower their risk of heart disease by more than fifty percent.

Consuming fish reduced the risk of thrombosis (clotting of the blood) by improving blood circulation through the omega-3 oils which reduces the need for the body to produce the hormone-like substance eicosanoids which have been primarily responsible for inflammation and blood clotting occurring within the body.

Individuals who include seafood as a regular dish whether by dining out or via seafood delivery service as a balanced diet were generally shown to experience significant relief in their rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, a severe medical condition resulting in the inflammation of the joints within the body resulting in severe and often unbearable pain.

Alaska Smokehouse Jumbo Smoked SalmonThe link between the omega-3 fatty acids found within the seafood and its ability to relieve the symptoms of osteoarthritis has been confirmed through medical research resulting in a strong medical recommendation that eating more seafood will prevent the occurrence of this and other health-related diseases.

Live longer on seafoodSeafood has been globally renowned for providing the human body with a vast number of nutrients including zinc, iodine, potassium, and selenium.

Selenium is renowned for its production of enzymes that serve in protecting the human body from cancer, and iodine which is a vital ingredient for the thyroid glands to reduce the risk of slow heart rate, dry skin, depression, weight gain, and several other illnesses.

Shellfish such as lobster, shrimps, and crabs and fish traditionally found in dishes such as Vermicelli Crab, Grilled Salmon, and Steamed Crab Lobster Assorted Platter also contain a form of vitamin-A known as retinol which is popularly recognized for improving vision at night. Individuals who suffer from age-related macular degeneration causing deterioration of the eyesight resulting in blurred vision often referred to as AMD when introduced to a regular diet consisting of such seafood cuisines were able to experience some levels of restoration of their sight.

This has led to a large majority of local health practitioners recommending including seafood as a healthy diet in keeping the eyes bright and healthy.

Seafood not only has been proven through medical research to relieve the symptoms of asthma in children but has shown remarkable signs in preventing the illness from occurring. Families who have customarily eaten large quantities of seafood were observed to possess stronger and healthier lungs with age when compared to those who were found to eat less seafood.

Live longer on seafood 3Depression today remains one of the most widespread illnesses globally affecting millions of men and women today.

In a recent study, it was confirmed that individuals who maintained a diet rich in seafood containing omega-3 oils experienced a lower rate of depression, Seasonal Affective Disorder, and post-natal depression.

Fish which has traditionally been a great source of protein is recognized for providing the human body with the essential ingredient collagen, a chemical substance widely known for keeping the human skin flexible and firm.

The skin additionally has been scientifically proven to be protected from the harmful effects of ultraviolet damage by the omega-3 oils found in seafood. Many dermatologists and local physicians confirmed that by eating an increased amount of seafood, patients suffering from illnesses including psoriasis and eczema were provided with continuous relief from their symptoms once a regular seafood diet was maintained.

A seafood diet rich in omega-3 fish oils safeguards the individual from severe inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease additionally slowing the progression of inflammatory bowel disease suffered by many patients today.

Sea Best NY Strip Steak and Warm Water Lobster Surf

The human brain is composed of approximately sixty percent omega-3 fat. In a recent study, individuals who routinely ate a lot of seafood were found less likely to be affected by memory difficulty and dementia as they approached their senior years.

During the research, it was discovered that the omega-3 fat DHA found within seafood played a vital role in the development of reading skills, attentiveness, and behavior in children additionally improving instances of ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder).




Where can we get seafood delivery?

Live longer on seafood crabMany popular restaurants around the world have as a mandatory rule included a wide variety of seafood dishes within their menu and delivery service due to the exceptional taste and vast health benefits of the meal.

Restaurants such as the American-based California Pizza Kitchen, Seafood Fettuccine, Hard Rock Café, and Tony Roma’s Cajun Shrimp and Scallops.

Pasta is known for a wide and extravagant range of seafood cuisines such as Clams, shrimp in calamari rings, squid, and sweet and spicy soy sauce,

Tender scallops and shrimp cooked in lemon wine among several other exquisite dishes.

Chinese, Indian, Italian, Korean Lebanese, Vietnamese, and several other countries host several fine dining and takeout restaurants and are continuously finding new ways to include more and more favorite seafood cuisines within their menus for their customers. Enjoy steak and lobster today!


Ready to Reopen: Back to Business This Fall

Back to Business This Fall

Back to Business This Fall2As the days continue to get shorter and summer comes to an end, there’s no better time than now to do some much-needed planning and ensure you can get back to business this fall with renewed confidence.

For many businesses, the summer months tend to be much slower, and this makes it easier to neglect the business planning process when what we should be doing is kicking things into high gear in preparation for the upcoming holiday season.

I know some of you are probably wondering, “Why is she going on about business planning? Isn’t that something you do before you’ve even launched your business?”

That may be true, but writing a business plan isn’t something you just do once and never think about again.

A business plan is supposed to define your company’s objectives and determine how you plan on achieving those goals, right?

So, what makes you think the business planning process is something that ends the second your business is launched?

The truth is your business plan shouldn’t be some static document that always remains the same.

Instead, it should be a fluid strategy that morphs to meet the ever-changing needs of your business, and that means it’s a never-ending process.

At a minimum, you should be re-evaluating your business plan at least once a year, and what better time to do it than before the holiday rush?

In any case, after reading through the list of tips we’ve laid out below, you should be able to get back to business this fall armed with great ideas and inspiration to help you cap off the year on a high note.

Back to Business This Fall3Tips to Get Back to Business This Fall

  • Review & Strategize Many small business owners spend so much time working on their businesses, that they often don’t take time to work on their businesses by planning, reviewing, and strategizing.

At any rate, as the summer comes to a close, you should try to schedule some quiet time away from the office to think, dream, plan, strategize, and review.

With that in mind, here are some questions for you to ponder:

Have you met your objectives?

If so, what allowed you to do that?

If not, what was it that got in your way?

Did you reach your revenue goals?

How many new clients did you gain?

How did those clients find you?

What areas of your business were the most profitable?

Are there any undue expenses you need to keep an eye on?

Which marketing activities are giving you the best return on investment?

Is every member of your team on the same page about your business objectives and what needs to be done to achieve them?

Are there people you need to follow up with who is coming back from vacation or about to go on vacation?

  • Make Goal Cards I’ve always been a firm believer in the power of focus and intention.

That being said, writing down your business goals and reviewing them as much as possible should help you keep them top of mind, while staying excited about achieving them, and avoiding getting sidetracked by things that are not in alignment with your priorities.

I love to set aside time each morning to visualize each one of my goals as if it’s already come true. This gets me engaged and enthusiastic about doing whatever it takes to make those goals materialize.

  •  Organize Your Tasks Another way to maintain that enthusiasm and stay on top of all your business goals, and the tasks that need to be completed to reach them is to break them down into action items with deadlines.

This means you need to define what you’re going to do yourself, what you can assign to a team member, and what you can outsource.

Aside from determining who’s going to do what, you’re also going to have to ensure everything’s organized in a way that’s comprehensive and easy to understand.

For example, Asana and Basecamp are excellent project management tools that make it easy to track, manage, and follow the progress of tasks, especially for teams that work remotely.

Here at eVision Media, we use EGroupware to manage all of our projects and it helps our virtual team to be more organized and productive.

This platform offers a multitude of project management tools and allows every member of our team to find whatever they need to know about a particular task using a single intuitive interface.

So, whether you choose to use one of these platforms, go with another one, or decide to use a completely different method, the important thing is to find a way to organize all your tasks so you can ensure every member of your team stays on the same page about what needs to be done when it’s due, and who’s supposed to do it.

  • Identify Required Resources If you want to ensure you’re firing on all cylinders this fall, you’ve got to take stock of everything you need to make that happen.

I know this can be incredibly overwhelming, but it’s better to do it now when you have some breathing room instead of doing it on the fly in the middle of the holiday season when there’s no time to plan.

Here are some questions you can ask yourself to make sure you’re not forgetting anything:

Do I need to learn any new skills?

Do I need to hire new team members?

What do I need to make my goals happen?

Are there any industry events I should attend?

Are there any networking groups I should look into?

Should I hire a coach or mentor to help keep me on track with my goals?

Should I invest in new equipment or software so I can get things accomplished faster?

Whatever questions you end up asking yourself, the purpose of this reflection is to make sure you’ve armed yourself with everything you need to make your goals a reality.

So, make sure to go over everything meticulously and consider every possible scenario so you can be sure you’re not overlooking anything.

READ: Simplifying & Demystifying the Business Plan by simplifying-demystifying-business-plan-pamela-chatry2

Creating a business plan can be one of the most intimidating things you’ll ever do. There are a ton of things to consider, and once you start getting into the financial aspects, it can end up being downright terrifying. So, if you want to come up with a business plan, but you want to learn more about what goes into it, then this is definitely for you.

In this video, strategic business advisor and planner, Pamela Chatry, and I discuss what goes into a business plan, including what your sales and marketing should look like, determining hiring and outsourcing criteria, and much more.

  • Update Your Website Something else you can do to adjust your business plan at this critical time of year is to review your website.

This means looking for anything that’s out of date, updating it with new information about things like upcoming promotions or product launches, and changing anything else that is no longer applicable to your business.

For example, one of our clients is a Texas-based human resource and leadership consultant who runs a business called Quantum Ascendance.

Over the last several months, her business has shifted to focus mainly on helping American business owners who’ve been affected by pandemic restrictions to apply for what’s known as the employee retention credit.

So, once she made us aware of this change, we got straight to work making a banner for her website, so this new service could be featured prominently on her home page.

We also worked with her to update her site with fresh blog content related to the employee retention credit, so she can highlight her expertise and let potential clients know that she’s offering this service.

Truth be told, she was already connecting with a lot of clients through other means, including referrals and social media, but it wouldn’t be right to not showcase this service on her website, as well.

At any rate, with the holidays just around the corner, now is the time to stop neglecting your website, update it accordingly, and get it working for you instead of against you.

  • Holiday Planning If you’re planning on taking some time off over the holidays, now would be a great time to ensure all your ducks are in a row so you can relax and enjoy your vacation instead of wasting your time worrying.

First and foremost, this means making sure every single member of your team knows what’s expected of them and they understand all the protocols they’re required to follow.

That being said, no matter what kind of business you run, it’s incredibly important to have a solid set of standard operating procedures (SOP).

With this in place, even if you’re unable or unwilling to answer inquiries from your team while you’re on holiday, they’ll have something to refer to that will tell them everything they need to know.

I recently took three weeks off, which was a bit scary at first, not least because my team had to launch a website in my absence.

But I made sure to finalize our SOP before going on vacation, which ensured they knew exactly what to do, and as a result, I experienced only a few minor interruptions during my time off.

  • Scheduling If you’re running a business, you’ll probably end up with a mile-long to-do list, and that means it’s going to be very difficult to remember everything.

And if you’re anything like me, you won’t rest until everything is scheduled and organized, so you can stop worrying and get back to building your business.

If you’re looking to do this sort of schedule, two things I would recommend are creating a content calendar and a promotional calendar.

This involves planning out all the content you’re going to publish and all the promotions you plan to offer well in advance, using some sort of calendar or spreadsheet.

Everything I need to know to write each article can be found on this sheet, including the topic, due date, keywords, and notes to explain exactly what needs to be written.

But before you can do all that, you’re going to have to determine what kind of content and promotions you want to offer.

As of right now, there’s still time to have a back-to-school sale, plus Thanksgiving, Halloween, and Christmas are coming up, so you should try to take advantage of this window to sit down and figure out exactly what your plans are for these holidays.

This way, instead of scrambling to come up with ideas at the last minute or stressing about when your next article is going to be published, you can just kick back and relax with your family during the holidays, knowing everything is planned out and ready to go.

  • Advertising One way to quickly grab holiday sales is to capture the attention of potential customers by setting up ads that correspond to each holiday you’re looking to target.

For example, you can retarget people who visit your business’s Facebook page using a custom audience retargeting pixel on your website.

This means if someone is looking at gifts for dad on your website, you can retarget them with ads on their Facebook feed that feature the best gifts for dad.

Most social media platforms offer this same kind of functionality, as well, so make sure to take some time to think about where you’re getting a lot of engagement on social media so you can make the best decision about which platforms you want to target.

No doubt, social media can be an absolute goldmine for ad targeting, but despite having accounts on most of the major platforms, I still prefer advertising through Google Ads and other forms of paid search, so keep this in mind.

Paid search allows you to target users similar to how you would on social media, but instead of the ads being served to them on their social feeds, they’ll show up on Google when they search for whatever keyword(s) you’re targeting, and your link will be prominently placed within the search results.

Not sure how to do all this stuff? You should get help from a marketer who knows how to get the best results from these kinds of advertising.

  • Consider Some Cards Despite being immersed in the world of digital marketing for more than 20 years now, I will never discount the value of tried-and-true old-school marketing tactics, like sending out greeting cards.

You could just buy some greeting cards and send them out to your customers, colleagues, staff, and vendors, or target specific areas and have them delivered door-to-door, but you’d be missing out on the perfect chance to showcase your brand.

Instead, why not take this opportunity to leverage your visual brand with some custom-designed cards?

I know it sounds like a blast from the past, but greeting cards are still a great way to let your clients, colleagues, staff, and trusted vendors know how much you appreciate them.

One idea to stand out from the crowd is to send Thanksgiving or New Year’s cards instead of the typical Christmas card.

And speaking of cards, with all these holidays coming up, it’s also an appropriate time to start offering gift cards, if you’re not doing that already.

Even if you are, you can always entice people by featuring specific imagery on your cards for each holiday.

In any case, gift cards provide a terrific option for people who are shopping for those hard-to-buy-for individuals, so it’s something to consider.

  • Book Your Vacation Time Now I know this one seems like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how many business owners leave this stuff to the last minute and allow their teams to do the same, only to end up with one massive headache right before the holidays.

Aside from booking your own vacation time as soon as possible, you should encourage team members to put in their vacation requests early, as well.

This way, you’ll have more time to work out any scheduling issues, and this will make your holiday time less stressful.

In any case, I hope these tips have inspired you to come up with some creative and profitable plans that will help you to build your business as we near the fall season.

Putting this kind of thought into your business plan, and updating it regularly, can produce truly amazing results if you go through everything in detail and make sure to cover all your bases.

Remember, the more you plan now, the easier and more successful your business will be for the rest of the year.

Do you have any further tips you can share about how you’re trying to get back to business now that summer is almost over?

Are you wondering how you’re ever going to figure out all this stuff on your own? We’ve been helping business owners to build their brands for more than 20 years, and we can help you, too. Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you.

To your business success, Susan Friesen


Start Your Career as a Bookkeeper

Become a bookkeeperBecome a bookkeeper

Bookkeeping is one of the oldest and most important professions in the world. Bookkeepers maintain accurate company records, financial transactions, and statements.

This article provides some tips on how to teach yourself how to become a bookkeeper. It will also give you some information on the skills needed to succeed in this profession.


Roles of a Bookkeeper

To become a bookkeeper, you’ll first need to understand what a bookkeeper does and the education and skills required to become one.

A bookkeeper’s work is to keep track of company finances by creating financial records for all transactions that occur in the company. They also maintain the company’s books and records by calculating taxes and payrolls, paying bills and invoices, reconciling bank statements, preparing financial statements and budgets, and managing investments or other assets such as stocks or bonds held.

They do this by using accounting software such as QuickBooks or Xero and following generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).

As a bookkeeper, you’ll have different responsibilities depending on the size of your employer. For example, if working for a small business, you might also be responsible for handling payroll or managing inventory. If you work in public accounting, you may also be responsible for preparing tax returns.Become a bookkeeper



Skills Needed to Become a Good Bookkeeper

The main requirement for becoming a bookkeeper is knowing how to keep books. A four-year degree in accounting is not required, especially if you possess the following skills;

  • Organized and detail-oriented
  • High level of accuracy and organization
  • Ability to handle multiple tasks at once, such as bills and daily transactions
  • Ability to use computer software and adapt to new programs easily
  • The terminology and procedures involved in financial record keeping
  • Basic math skills, an understanding of debits and credits, and a working knowledge of double-entry accounting.

How to Become a bookkeeper

Step 1. Learn Accounting

To become a bookkeeper, you’ll first learn basic accounting skills. If you don’t know how to balance your checkbook, start there. Learn the difference between a debit and a credit, the difference between cash and accrual accounting, and how to use the various reports generated by accounting software.

You can practice these skills on software like QuickBooks or Quicken as you learn them. These programs are often available at local libraries or on the internet. Once you feel comfortable with these basic skills, you can seek more advanced training.

Step 2. Take Free or Low-cost Online Bookkeeping Courses

Bookkeeping coursework covers general bookkeeping principles and the specific accounting software used by many businesses. Accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll, trial balance, and journal entries are covered in typical bookkeeping classes.

Free/low-cost bookkeeping courses includeBecome a bookkeeper2

  • Coursera courses

Coursera is a large online learning platform. Many free online courses are available, including courses in accounting and bookkeeping. Most of these courses are done in partnership with other online universities, are accredited, and have certificates of completion.

They offer various courses in different subjects. Some of the courses are free, and some are pay-as-you-go. You can learn and expand your knowledge on bookkeeping at Coursera at a minimal expense.

  • Corporate Finance Institute

Corporate Finance Institute is an online community college that offers specialized training in corporate finance, including stock trading and investing. You can learn from the world’s best instructors in just three months. Corporate Finance Institute also offers new students six months of free access to their online course materials. This includes a large selection of free video training courses covering topics such as stock trading and investing and bookkeeping and payroll.

  • Intuit bookkeeping basics

Intuit is the bookkeeping division of the software giant Intuit Inc., formerly QuickBooks. The QuickBooks bookkeeping software is a great place to get started with bookkeeping, but if you want to advance your career and learn more advanced techniques, you should consider enrolling in one of the company’s online courses. There are several different courses available, designed for beginners and advanced users. You can learn QuickBooks fundamentals and more advanced topics, such as the payroll module.

Step 3. Enroll In Internship ProgramsBecome a bookkeeper3

You may also want to look for an internship with a company in your area that uses bookkeepers. This will give you some hands-on experience.

Once you have completed formal training and gained some practical experience, you will be ready to seek employment as a bookkeeper for a company in your area or even as an independent contractor working from home.


Unlock Your Inner Artist: Learn How to Draw

Learn How to DrawLearn How to Draw

Drawing is an art that requires special skills. It’s why some people struggle with basic things like drawing a simple circle or a straight line, even after several attempts. The good news is that anyone can learn how to draw.

You can teach yourself how to draw and improve this skill. Sure, it’s easier to improve this skill for a talented person. But even if you are not, you can perfect your drawing with time and dedication. This article shares some insights on learning how to draw by yourself. Read on to learn more.

Can You Learn to Draw at Any Age?

Anyone can learn to draw regardless of their age. Well, it’s usually easier to perfect your drawing skills at a young age. However, you can still do it even if you are older. What matters is that you are dedicated and motivated to learn this skill. Contrary to what many people think, drawing isn’t only for kids. Adults can perfect this skill and use it as a hobby or even a source of income.

So, how long will it take to perfect my drawing? Unfortunately, there isn’t a simple answer to this. It could be a few minutes to a few hours or even many years, depending on the individual. It is a matter of prioritization and how complex the object you want to draw is. But once you master a concept, you can keep practicing and improving on it.

Steps to Teaching Yourself How to Draw

Step 1: Collect Your Art Supplies

Of course, you cannot start drawing without the needed tools. But don’t trouble yourself buying expensive art supplies since you are only starting. A simple pen, pencil, and paper will get the job done.

Step 2: Sketch Anything You Want

Choose any subject you like, preferably one that you can currently see. Please choose a meaningful subject like a flower or a pet. Also, note that drawing what you can see is much easier than using your imagination. A visible object improves your focus, and you can capture all the detail.

Step 3: Start by Drawing Short Lines

Begin to press your pencil very lightly against the paper. Pay attention to the line you are drawing without worrying about your subject. For instance, if you have picked your cat, don’t think about it yet. Instead, focus on outlining first. Your cat’s edge will be represented by the line between it and the environment.

It’s also advisable that you avoid drawing continuous lines. Rather, opt for short strokes. The shorter the strokes are, the easier it will be to draw. Also, avoid critiquing your work at this stage. Just draw fast and finish your strokes.

Step 4: Fill in the DetailsLearn How to Draw4

Now that you have an outline of your subject, you can begin working on the interior. Identify the landmarks or distinguishing marks on your subject to help you know where to draw the next line. Using the same cat example, look out for marks like a tuft of hair on the cat.

Step 5: Time to Shade in Shadows

Shading is challenging for many people, but it’s an essential step as your drawings will have more depth and light. Start by observing how the sun shines on the subject, then with a sharp pencil, shade lightly on the object. Remember to make even marks on your subject’s dark areas. As your pencil tip starts to wear away, shade shadow areas. Here, you’d want to press harder to make the marks darker.

You can perfect your shading using a shading bar. Move your pencil back and forth, starting from one end of your drawing paper, and moving across it to the other end. Remember to put more pressure when transitioning to darker marks.

Alternatively, one can use value bars. Divide a rectangle into five sections leaving one end white. Darken the other end and layer lines in the squares in between. This will bring out a different shade of gray.

How to Draw Your Art Style?Learn How to Draw2

Now, the above steps are for drawing a subject that has already been created. But to be a true artist, you must also learn to come up with unique drawings from your imagination. Here are the steps for drawing an original piece;

Step 1: Draw several shapes with your hands shaking; like you are feeling nervous. Do that until your hand relaxes. Try to draw 3D shapes as much as you can. (Skip this step if you already know how to draw perfect shapes).

Step 2: Combine blocks to form figures. Join the objects that you’ve outlined to form one imaginary object. For instance, you can make several rectangles, cylinders, and circles. Then imagine which of these blocks can join together to form an object. Once you have that picture, start linking the blocks up.

Step 3: Design a reference sheet. It’s unlikely that the first trial would be perfect. In that case, you want to make it a reference sheet that you can refer to when doing another attempt. Arrange forms to form a subject’s shape. Erase meaningless lines and refine useful ones to give the subject shape. Once done, try drawing your subject from different angles. For instance, if drawing a horse’s side view, most people would draw the nose from a square, the chest from a circle, and the ears from a triangle. However, there are various other ways you can draw this object.

Step 4: Perfect you’re drawing. Go back to the sketches and check where you made a mistake. Once you identify, draw the subject again, paying close attention to all detail. Start by drawing shapes to outline the subject, then bring out the other details.Learn How to Draw3

Step 5: Practice and more practice. The more you draw, the better you’ll become. So spare time every week to perfect your drawing skills.

If you want to go beyond being just a beginner at this or any other skill, and work toward developing a real mastery, then you are going to need a deeper and more powerful strategy. What you need is a way to hack your brain so you can develop a winning mindset. Learn How to Draw5


Exercise for Optimal Health

Healthy for Life 

If people would realize how many health benefits exercise can offer, there would be no hesitation in getting started with some form of exercise. older folks are harder to get motivated because they think the exercise will cause an injury. On the contrary, exercise will keep their overall fitness level and muscle strength in optimal form. It’s a matter of choosing the right form of exercise.

Swimming, walking, and gardening are very suitable for older people. Swimming has the advantage that their body weight will be partly supported by the water, which makes it possible to exercise without risking any bodily harm.

Walking is the best exercise you can have because it’s natural. Good long brisk walks give a lot of benefits- the whole body begins to respond. You breathe properly, your circulation and heart benefit, and it’s good for the mind and positive thinking.

fitness-running (2)Fitness gurus have recognized the supremacy of brisk walking. Contrary to jogging, brisk walking provides a lot of benefits without any problems. Walking is almost as important as the right food. You need to eat properly and exercise properly, the two together give you the best results. The internal organs of the body need tone and for this most of them depend almost entirely on physical activity.

Exercise produces big results whether we’re 40, 60, or 80. According to the Human Physiology Laboratory at Tufts University Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, we respond well to exercise at any age. Muscles grow, bones strengthen, and metabolism increases. Our body fat decreases while blood sugar and balance improve. I proved this to myself when I taught strength training at a retirement residence. modest effort, exercisers in their 80s grew stronger and more vital. We were all delighted. Reduced muscle strength is associated with age-related disability. The most common cause of muscle weakness is inactivity. After three months of high-intensity muscle training, healthy men over 60 experienced gains similar to those reported for younger men training with similar intensity and duration. Stronger people remained more independent and less burdened by advancing years. Any type of exercise helps, but combining aerobics, strength, and flexibility works best. For most people, aerobic exercise is an easy place to begin.

As we breathe deeply, the diaphragm – which separates the chest from the abdomen – rises and falls repeatedly, massaging all the internal organs, particularly the stomach, small intestine, bowel, lungs, and liver. The stretching and relaxing of the intestines are vital in preventing that widespread form of ‘self-poisoning’: constipation. Exercise does keep you regular!

In the mid-eighties, a vital clue to the right exercise for lifelong health was uncovered by brilliant research in biochemistry. Biochemists established that all cell replication in the immune system and therefore all immune strength is dependent on the availability of the amino acid glutamine. Your immune system uses a ton of it. But immune cells cannot make glutamine. Only muscle cells can do the job. So your muscles have to supply large amounts of glutamine to your immune system every day to maintain it. That’s it! The mitochondria of muscle are the furnaces in which most of your body fat and sugar are burned for fuel.

Muscle is what stresses your skeleton to maintain your bones. We also know that muscle is the vital link that also maintains your immunity and hence your resistance to all diseases. Muscle is the health engine. Which so much overwhelming evidence that muscular exercise is essential to health, what are we doing about it? A big fat zero.

Healthy for Life with Exercise3Muscle is the health engine. It’s a proven fact that the right exercise not only maintains your heart, your lungs, your muscles, your bones, a healthy level of body fat, and even your intestinal function but also some more subtle functions, like insulin and your body’s dealing with sugar. It has been known for more than fifty years that a lack of exercise leads to glucose intolerance.

However, not long ago research has shown that getting off the couch and starting moving, not only maintain insulin function to deal with the sugar but also can reverse decades of damage. Insulin-dependent diabetics, for example, using the right exercise program, can increase insulin efficiency so much that some patients, who have used insulin daily for years, no longer need it. In healthy people, the right exercise completely protects glucose tolerance against the degenerative changes in insulin metabolism that lead to adult-onset diabetes.

Healthy old men who maintain a lifelong exercise program, have the same healthy insulin efficiency as young men. A high-sugar diet, which progressively destroys insulin metabolism, makes it virtually mandatory to exercise if you want to avoid glucose intolerance as you grow older.

Most physicians believe that hardening of the arteries, a degenerative process, is inevitable. The National Institute on Aging Research Centre in Baltimore is showing in ongoing experiments, that regular exercise maintains arterial elasticity and even reverses arterial hardening that has already occurred. I could fill many pages citing numerous bodily functions which are maintained by regular exercise. But I will keep it short.

runners-for-fitnessResearch recently undertaken has revealed the major way in which exercise protects you against all diseases. It started with the evidence that exercise increases the overall number of white blood cells. Followed by more precise findings that moderate exercise increases bodily production of lymphocytes, interleukin 2, neutrophils, and other disease-fighting components of the immune system. There is no doubt that the right exercise strengthens your immunity. And it also strengthens your resistance to all forms of damage, decay, bacteria, viruses, toxins, and even radiation.


Closing with the wise words of Louis Pasteur, the father of modern medicine: “Host resistance is the key.”


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Wishing you a cheerful holiday season!


Beyond the Impossible

Impossible is Just a WordImpossible is Just a Word

Everyone, at some point in his or her life, has dreamed of being somebody special, somebody big. Who hasn’t fantasized about being the one who hits the game-winning homer?

Who hasn’t dreamed of being the homecoming queen?

And how many times have we dreamed of being rich, successful, or happy with our relationships?

Often, we dream big dreams and have great aspirations. Unfortunately, our dreams remain just that – dreams. And our aspirations easily collect dust in our attic.

This is a sad turn of events in our life. Instead of experiencing exciting adventures in self-actualization, we get caught up in the humdrum of living from day to day just barely existing.

But you know what? Life could be so much better, if only we learned to aim higher.

The most common problem with setting goals is the word impossible. Most people get hung up thinking I can’t do this. It’s too hard. It’s too impossible. No one can do this.

However, if everyone thought that, there would be no inventions, no innovations, and no breakthroughs in human accomplishment.

Impossible is Just a Word2

Remember that scientists were baffled when they took a look at the humble bumblebee? Theoretically, they said, the bumblebee couldn’t fly. Unfortunately for the bumble, bee no one has told it so. So, fly it does.

On the other hand, some people suffer from dreaming of totally outrageous dreams and not acting on them. The result? Broken dreams, and tattered aspirations.

If you limit yourself with self-doubt, and self-limiting assumptions, you will never be able to break past what you deem impossible. If you reach too far out into the sky without working towards your goal, you will find yourself clinging to the impossible dream.

Try this exercise. Take a piece of paper and write down some goals in your life. Under one header, list down things ‘you know you can do. Under another header, write the things “you might be able to do”. And under one more, list the things that are “impossible for you to do”.

Now look at all the headers who strive every day to accomplish the goals that are under things ‘you know you can do. Check them when you can accomplish them. As you slowly can check all of your goals under that heading, try accomplishing the goals under the other header-the one that reads ‘you might be able to do.’

Impossible is Just a Word4As the items you wrote under things I could do are accomplished, you can move the goals that are under things that are ‘impossible for you to do to the list of things ‘you might be able to do.’

As you iterate through this process, you will find out that the goals you thought were impossible become easier to accomplish. And the impossible begins to seem possible after all.

You see, the technique here is not to limit your imagination. It is to aim high and start working towards that goal little by little. However, it also is unwise to set a truly unrealistic goal.

Those who just dream of a goal without working hard end up disappointed and disillusioned.

On the other hand, if you told someone a hundred years ago that man could be on the moon, they would laugh at you. If you had told them that you could send mail from here to the other side of the world in a few seconds, they would say you were out of your mind. But, through sheer desire and perseverance, these impossible dreams are now realities.

Impossible is Just a Word 10Thomas Edison once said that genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. Nothing could be truer. For one to accomplish his or her dreams, there has to be work and discipline. But take note that 1% has to be a think-big dream, and not some easily accomplished one.

Ask any gym rat and he or she will tell you that there can be no gains unless you are put out of your comfort zone. Remember the saying, “No pain, no gain”? That is as true as it can be.

So dream on, people! Don’t get caught up with your perceived limitations. Think big and work hard to attain those dreams. As you step up the ladder of progress, you will just about find out that the impossible has just become a little bit more possible.



Impossible is Just a Word3Impossible is Just a Word


Conquer the Board: Play Chess and Other Games

Play Chess 

6 Reasons to Play Chess & Other Board Games6 Reasons to Play Chess

When it comes to games, you not only play for physical fitness but also to build your mental fitness. If you are looking for the best games with these qualities, then chess is of course the first choice (there’s a reason that everyone knows of the game of chess), but other board games can serve this purpose as well.

A board game involves a ‘board’ of course and a defined area where the competition will take place – and pieces that represent you, your army, your resources, or whatever is necessary for the game you are playing. In many board games, there may be dice and ‘money’. In chess there are no dice, only pieces to represent your army that you deploy against your opponent.

Winning in chess depends solely on the player’s skills, other board games may involve luck as well as skill. Despite being old-fashioned, board games continue to be popular and are a great way to socialize. So, the top six reasons to play chess and board games are:

  • Board games are easy to learn and tough to master

Board games involve rules, usually, the rules are easy enough to understand that only a few minutes are necessary before you can begin playing. However, mastering any game is hard and takes time, regardless of your skills in other areas. This means that you keep learning as you play, which makes it interesting.

  • Playing games increases the function of the brain

Playing a board game involves critical thinking, which stimulates the area of the brain that is responsible for memory formation and complex thoughts. This stimulation stretches your brain cells, strengthens your memory, and builds your thinking skills. Studies have shown that playing board games reduces the chance of developing Alzheimer’s, so it is especially important to make a life-long habit of playing board games if you want to stay sharp in your senior years.

  • Board games strengthen relationships and bring people closer. 6 Reasons to Play Chess2

Sitting together with family or friends without interruptions may, at times, seem like an impossibility. However, playing board games gives you an activity to engage in while building social bonds. Board games involve two or more people, and whether those people are family, friends, or strangers (such as at a chess tournament), it is a social activity. You will be spending time together, and sharing a common, casual activity. That is the best way to connect with others, naturally.

Board games are especially good for couples. They build connections and help to discover new depths in the relationship.

  • Board games enhance self-confidence and creativity

When playing board games, you tend to open up and come out of your shell as you have to take an active role in the game. Board games are also relaxing, which makes it easier and more natural to interact with others. Being noticed or included in the game gives a sense of fulfillment and raises one’s self-esteem. Therefore, for timid adults and shy children, playing board games is a fantastic way to develop a strong sense of individuality and self-confidence.

  • Board games reduce stress and make us laugh

It is impossible to play board games and not laugh. Laughter is a natural side effect of playing board games. Laughing helps reduce stress. According to a study by RealNetworks, more than 50% of people who play board games do it to relieve stress.

  • Board games help you build life skills  6 Reasons to Play Chess5

While a board game may seem simple to play, they all teach patience. You have to wait for your turn, and sometimes it takes considerable time to achieve the objective of the game. You not only learn to be patient during games but the skill transfers to other aspects of your life.

Board games teach you how to be fair and honest and build a sense of compassion and empathy as you engage with other players.

Strategy games such as monopoly and chess help you to develop quick responses when faced with tough decisions in real life.

Our Conclusion

Board games are not limited to the elderly or the young, the poor or the rich, they are for everyone and they are enjoyed around the world… for good reason.

6 Reasons to Play Chess4




Exhausted: The Reasons Behind My Constant Fatigue

So tired all the time? The question that arises is why I am feeling tired all the time. Although it is pretty normal to feel tired after a long day, a constant urge to drop into a bed or a cozy couch is an alarm that something is amiss with your health. This article discusses why you are always on a press to snooze mode or feel drained post-lunch and recommendations to avoid the situation.

tired all the timeWhy am I so Tired All the Time?

The day can affect a person’s physical and mental health. It also takes a dig at the quality of life. Usually, a good night’s sleep or a day off can work well to restore energy levels or eliminate extreme fatigue. But if they are not fixing the issue, something could keep up with your mental health, and should be concerned immediately. It is beneficial to seek help sooner than later if you are not sure about the cause of being tired all the time despite a good diet and enough rest.

Here are 13 key reasons why someone is so tired all the time and when to seek help:

Diet is the most critical pillar of a healthy lifestyle, and so is its importance in sustaining the body’s energy levels. Skipping the meals drops the required level of calories. Long breaks between the means lower the sugar level and make you tired. It is essential to take a healthy diet and high-energy snacks to keep your systems running smoothly. Another more important thing is never to skip an end-day meal going hungry to bed reduces sleep quality, leaving you tired on the day after.

Sedentary Lifestyle Physical activity improves energy levels; on the other hand, a sedentary lifestyle leaves you feeling exhausted and sleepy. In one study, researchers worked on how an inactive and sedentary lifestyle affects women’s fatigue levels. Seventy-three women participated in the study. Some woman was physically active quite well, while others were not physically active.

According to the study’s findings, physically active women had a significantly lower fatigue level than women living a sedentary life. This supports the notion that a healthy lifestyle is physically active, leading to more energy and vigor.

Vitamin Deficiency multivitamins Being tired all the time can be a sign of vitamin deficiency. It might occur because of low vitamin D levels, vitamin B-12, iron, magnesium, and potassium. A routine blood test is required to identify the deficiency. In case a person is vitamin deficient, the doctor may recommend taking supplements. The natural way to cope with the deficiency is to increase foods rich in multivitamins and other nutrients. For example, clams, beef, and liver may reverse a B-12 deficiency and reduce the constant tiredness and fatigue.Why I am so tired all the time?

Stress can deteriorate sleep quality and its duration. Also, the lack of sleep elevates stress levels. Therefore, it is essential to manage the mental burden and enable a better and sufficient rest, restoring your energy levels. Persistent stress keeps the body in a state of fight and flight, leaving you exhausted. Stress is also a trigger in worsening sleep disorders. It is advisable to avoid stressful events and off to bed in time for healthy sleep. Other ways to prevent stressful thoughts and remain calm are to practice meditation and build new achievable goals regularly.

Depression When you are suffering from depression, lack of energy and tiredness becomes a problem. Feeling tired tends to associate with physical issues, but mental health problems like depression, anxiety, and stress contribute to exhaustion and chronic fatigue. Consult your therapist for mental health treatment or counseling. Antidepressants, anti-anxiety medicine, and cognitive behavioral therapy can make a difference to alleviate the symptoms of depression. If you’re struggling to cope with depression, It can cause Irregularities in sleep and begin to impact your mental health, seek medical advice immediately.

Sleep Disorder can be an underlying cause of tiredness. If a person’s energy level doesn’t improve after weeks, or even improving lifestyle, speak with your doctor. You may need a sleep specialist. A sleep disorder such as sleep apnea or insomnia also affects a person’s cognitive, mental, and physical abilities. Sleep apnea is a disorder in which breathing pauses while a person is asleep. As a result, the brain and body don’t receive enough oxygen during sleep leading to daytime fatigue.

Sleep Apnea is a complex medical condition that can cause hypertension (high blood pressure), decreased concentration, and even a stroke or heart attack. Sleep apnea treatment involves using a CPAP machine or an oral device to keep the upper airway open during sleep hours.

Burn-out If a person has a constant feeling of running on empty, one could be going through burnout. The World Health Organization (WHO) now considers burn-out as a medical condition, defining the condition as a syndrome caused by chronic stress at the workplace. But how does it play a part in making someone feel tired all the time?

Scientific facts determine that a rest-activity rhythm is an essential requirement to perform well. Sleep is a prime pillar of human health which is mandatory for the body to perform well during working hours. If a person is becoming a workaholic and performing continuously without a sound sleep or downtime, which is required to restore the body’s ability to function OK- what comes next is physical and mental health deterioration. Therefore, sidestep burn-out and let more downtime invade your daily routine for relaxation.

Being Overweight Being overweight can also cause tiredness all the time. When body weight is more than the desired BMI, it becomes harder for the body to carry your weight during daily life, making you exhausted or feeling tired all the time. You can gradually improve your condition by working on a plan to gradually lose weight by adopting a healthy lifestyle like eating well and starting exercises like swimming, jogging, walking, and gradually increasing the workout.

Fibromyalgia Daily activities become a struggle for people who have fibromyalgia, causing muscle pain and tenderness. Fibromyalgia affects the muscles and soft tissues, but it causes pain that does not let you have a good sleep. The awakening of night and restless leg syndrome results in chronic tiredness throughout the day. An over-the-counter pain killer helps improve pain and sleep. Some people also find an antidepressant, physical therapy, and exercise helpful.

Why I am so tired all the time2Chronic Fatigue Syndrome A person can feel tired all the time without any significant health ailment because of chronic fatigue syndrome. It is a long-term illness with various symptoms such as extreme tiredness, insomnia, and even some patients may feel staying asleep for longer durations. Even longer sleep durations do not help to improve the feeling of tiredness. The cause of chronic fatigue syndrome is unknown, and the diagnosis is only possible after ruling out the chances of all other health disorders by a health professional. Treatment of chronic fatigue is possible only by understanding your physical limitations, mild to moderate regular exercise, and circadian rhythm changes.

Medication Certain medications can make you drowsy and sleepy or make you feel tired all the time and complete everyday chores like driving or operating machinery challenges. On the other hand, some medications can cause insomnia, such as high blood pressure and asthma. Consult your doctor about any such medicine you are taking to find if any alternative or dose adjustment.

Diabetes If you are continually experiencing fatigue, thirst, frequent urination, and unexplained weight loss, get yourself tested for diabetes. Feeling tired all the time can be a symptom of diabetes. If a person has diabetes, the body doesn’t make enough insulin leading to high blood sugar and leaving you tired and irritable. Consult a doctor for any unexplained fatigue as it can be a symptom of other medical conditions like heart disease and cancer.

Under-Active Thyroid Hypothyroidism, or an underactive thyroid, occurs when the body doesn’t produce the required thyroid hormones. An under-active thyroid causes symptoms such as fatigue, lethargy, and weight gain. Although with treatment, people with hypothyroidism can lead an everyday life.

Sleep ApneaPost-Viral Fatigue feeling tired all the time or for most of the day after recovering from an infection like flu and glandular fever, are the signs of post-viral fatigue syndrome. Symptoms include chronic tiredness, severe muscle pain, weight loss, vomiting, diarrhea, fever or chills, chest pain, and shortness of breath. It is common to feel tired after an illness, but if your symptoms are not alleviating for weeks or months and prevent you from leading an energized healthy man’s life-it’s better to seek medical advice. However, there is not enough research on post-viral fatigue, so it’s challenging to find treatment. The best way to improve the condition is by having self-care making you feel better gradually.

The takeaway, There is not a hard and fast rule that every other day is an easy day. A few days are meant to squeeze your energy and it’s quite understandable to feel tired at the end of such days. But being tired all the time is something that needs to be addressed by a health professional. You may have a health condition that required to be discussed with your health professional. Another thing to understand well cannot be attributed to physical health alone, sometimes what needs the most attention is your mental health.

Overcoming Bad Habits: A Step-by-Step Guide

Break a Negative Habit One Day at a Time

Unless you’re perfect, you probably have a habit that drives you or others nuts. The conflicting nature of bad habits makes them difficult to overcome. What is your bad habit?

Typically, the top bad habits we indulge in are eating unhealthy foods, smoking, using chewing tobacco, lying on the sofa instead of exercising, and nail-biting.

The good news is, however, that whatever negative habit you have, you have the power to change it if you want to.stress-bad-habits

Consider these strategies for inspiration to break your negative habit now:

  • Avoid getting overwhelmed. Realize your goal now is to simply decrease the occurrence of the negative behavior. As you endeavor to gradually reduce the behavior, you’ll feel better and more in control. Eventually, you may be able to stop the habit.
  • Focus on a daily mini-goal to help you make small adjustments. Let’s say you typically eat more bread and carbohydrates than recommended. You have two bowls of cereal for breakfast and eat two sandwiches for lunch. Do you think you could reduce your daily carbs? But you’re caught in a vicious cycle and keep eating the same things each day.

* Set a specific mini-goal to reduce carb intake by making one small change daily. You’ll be motivated to turn around your negative habit. In this example, a daily goal to reduce bread at lunch strengthens the resolve to eat fewer carbs. * At lunch, rather than eating two sandwiches, add extra meat, cheese and vegetables to your sandwich. You’ll still have a filling lunch but you’ll reduce your bread intake by half. high-carbs

* After you’ve persevered in altering your habit for six weeks to two months, then you can set another mini-goal to replace your second bowl of cereal with a bowl of fruit instead. You’ll feel optimistic and ready to tackle another mini-goal in your quest to reduce carbs.

  • Use time intervals to control your negative habit. Maybe your negative habit is smoking. The first thing you should know is how many cigarettes you smoke in a day. Perhaps you smoke 20 cigarettes. If you’re awake 16 hours a day, you’re smoking slightly more than 1 cigarette per hour.

* Allow yourself to smoke one cigarette per hour. During the first day, you’ll reduce your cigarette intake by four cigarettes. That’s progress! By the end of the week, you’ll have smoked 28 cigarettes less than you normally do. Now that’s a real motivation to continue the path to a smoke-free life! quit-smoking

* After smoking one per hour for 10 days to two weeks, extend the time interval between cigarettes from one cigarette every hour to every 1-1/4 or 1-1/2 hours. Continue increasing the time length between cigarettes until you’re smoking one cigarette every 4 hours-four cigarettes daily.

* At this point, decide either to further reduce cigarette intake or to quit smoking completely. Your one-day-at-a-time method is working.

  • Reward yourself for your successes. Daily, document on a calendar how you did. For example, if you met your mini-goal, record “MMG” for “met mini-goal.”

* You could also jot down the number of times you did the negative behavior that day-this method works well for those working to reduce smoking, chewing tobacco, or nail-biting behaviors.

* Use your calendar information at the end of the month to determine if you were successful 75 percent of the time in reducing your negative habit. If so, allow yourself a reward of some type to strengthen future efforts to break your bad habit.

* You might enjoy an afternoon of fishing or taking part in a favored hobby. Maybe a new nail polish or set of golf balls will suffice.

Although getting rid of a bad habit is a challenge, you can break your negative habit using these one-day-at-a-time techniques. 

Thanks to Don Lewis for this helpful wisdom. Check out his site 

The Symbolism of Pearls

What is the Meaning of Pearls

The Meaning of PearlsJust like all the other gemstones, pearls carry a meaning. Historically, the glowing white orbs have been associated with the moon. With the high luster and deep color of pearls, it is no wonder why these natural gemstones have been held in such high regard for thousands of years.

What is the spiritual meaning of a pearl? Simply wearing a pearl reminds the wearer to be honest, pure, and wise, and to walk with the utmost dignity. Different colors of pearls bear different meanings. As expected, white pearls symbolize purity, innocence, faith, and honesty. Gold or black pearls symbolize prosperity and riches. Rose or pink pearls work well with the Heart Chakra, while all pearls work with the solar plexus Chakra, beneficial for digestion and immunity.

woman 1879905 1920Just like other gemstones, pearls are given for a single month as a birthstone. June is the month of the pearl and many women and men born in June proudly display their pearls to honor this fact. The birthstone chart was first established in the 16th Century when it was believed fair favor and good luck would fall upon the wearer of their birthstone.

In Christianity, St. Augustine deemed the pearl to be a symbol of Jesus Christ, after evaluating a passage of Biblical text that gives each of the twelve apostles a specific gemstone in their honor. Several passages in the Bible refer to pearls, the most well-known one an allegory about the “pearly gates” of heaven and “casting pearls before swine.”

The Japanese have always held pearls in high esteem, and often associate good luck with those to wear the round beauties. It should be noted that the Japanese only hold meaning for the saltwater variety of the pearl since the round saltwater pearls are native to the archipelago chain and have made the island native quite popular due to the innovations of pearl harvesting companies like Mikimoto.

Meaning of PearlsPearls have a spiritual meaning and have been the most popular accessories with bridal wear historically and continue to be a strong favorite today. The innocence and beauty symbolized by the pearl are also symbolized by the bride, so the match is perfect. From the traditional princess-length pearl necklace to a stunning pendant, earrings, or bracelet mixing pearls with other precious gemstones, pearls are a fast favorite for weddings. Even many bridal gowns, veils, and headpieces are adorned with pearls to create a stunningly elegant effect.

Achieving True Satisfaction

Know Deep Fulfillment 

Several decades ago, I began studying goal setting as if my life depended on it. I was committed to learning anything and everything I could about how to set goals and “have it all”. I was certain that having it all would bring me a very deep level of happiness. My motivation was the fact that in my twenties I had reached a point where my greatest goal was to merely get through another day. With many of my childhood dreams shattered, my life consisted of going to a job I despised, being newly divorced and left with no apparent way to support myself, and living from day to day wondering if this was it.   

Know Deep Fulfillment

More than three decades ago, all I wanted to do was survive the harsh realities life had put in front of me. And survive I did. I barely got by each day, feeling like the world was against me and wondering why all the lucky breaks happened to others but not to me. I nurtured the belief about how tough life was and as a result, never got any breaks. So much in fact that I lost my assembly-line job with the inability to get another. I became more disillusioned with each passing day and felt stuck with no way out.

I found a book that changed my life foreverThe Magic of Believing by Clyde Bristol. From the first page to the last, I was captivated by what I read. Written in 1948, the information is as powerful today as the day the book was written.

In essence, the author wrote that we create our reality by what we think and believe. Feeling as if I had found the holy grail of knowledge, I was fascinated that I had never heard this before. Or if I had heard it, I had never paid attention to it.

Amazingly, as I applied what I read, a few small things shifted. The shift was enough to encourage me to learn more about the power of thought.

Because I didn’t have any disposable income at that time, I found one of my favorite hangouts to be the local library. I read anything and everything I could get my hands on to do with changing the circumstances of my life. There was no shortage of information on setting goals, reaching achievement, accepting “believe and you will achieve” and other such topics. 

Know Deep Fulfillment 2

As much as I had no desire to do much of anything before the discovery of The Magic of Believing, I now had a thirst that no amount of reading, learning, or searching could quench. I was fascinated with what I heard about “What you can believe, you can achieve.”

Now my quest was to turn my life around and acquire whatever I wanted on a material level so that I would be fulfilled. Little did I realize the lessons life had in store. I would learn that fulfillment was not about acquisition but rather something completely different. You see, there were many times I acquired just what I thought would be the “golden ticket” to happiness. Although some things did bring me a sense of satisfaction, often it would be short-lived.

So, what was the answer? When would that deep sense of fulfillment be mine? Having placed so much emphasis on acquisitions, awards, and outward recognition (and having achieved a great deal) I wondered why there were times when, regardless of the outward trappings, a deep level of fulfillment would often evade me.

Over more than a 30-year journey of discovery, my experience and definition of fulfillment have morphed more than once from something superficial to something that words cannot begin to express. Something that one comes to “know” rather than define with words. Yet, words are often all there is to convey to another what the experience is.

Happiness and fulfillment had very little to do with what was manifested on the outside. There is no doubt whatsoever that happiness is an inside job. Granted, there are outward things that do invoke feelings of joy, but it is something that manifests from the inside out, rather than from the outside in. 

Know Deep Fulfillment 4


Ironically, when we are on a quest for the deepest level of fulfillment, life will give us exactly what we need. It may appear as if it has nothing to do with what we want, yet when we give ourselves permission to step back, observe all that has occurred, and recognize the gift in even the most difficult situations, we realize we have been given exactly what was needed to reach the deepest level of appreciation, fulfillment and joy life has to offer.


Yet, it takes more than simply knowing this. It takes surrender and willingness to allow life to unfold in such a way that we are allowed to become who we are meant to be. It takes a willingness to know that often we just don’t know all there is to know.

This is counterintuitive to much of what many people are selling as the “key to happiness.” How ironic is this? For years we can search for “the knowledge” only to discover the greatest knowledge is that we just don’t know all there is to know.

It is in surrendering to this fact we are in a position to know more. What happens is we become okay with letting go of the need to do, know, and be everything. We simply move in the space of being in concert with what is. We reach a place of showing up to the miracle of what each day has in store.

It has been said that a miracle is a shift in perception. It is in the ability to recognize the shift where the greatest miracle resides – the miracle of who we are meant to be.

Know Deep Fulfillment 4Make no mistake, there will be experiences in our day-to-day living that at times may seem more than we are equipped to handle. Yet, when we move in the space of appreciation for what is in front of us, life holds amazing miracles – miracles that no amount of money can buy; miracles that create the tapestry of our lives; miracles that take us to the deepest place of surrender that makes life have more depth than we ever dreamed possible; miracles that allow us to love in ways we never dreamed we would or could; miracles that allow us to become the person we are truly meant to be.

It is in the surrender to something beyond what we can see, feel or touch that all we had hoped for will manifest.


Seven Strategies for Smart Nutrition

7 steps of Savvy Nutrition, 14 tips of Balanced Body

Nutrition and body well-being from the inside out are overlooked in modern days. We focus on outer appearance and sometimes miss that treating the inner causes is by far more successful in the long run than treating the outer consequences.

During the past years, I became increasingly interested in holistic approaches and methods to improve mind, body, and spirit. Today I would like to share useful information I have come across and collected over time-related to body wellbeing. Please take what you need from this article. It’s an invitation to reflection and an encouragement to deeper research or even a visit to a nutritionist should you need and choose to do so.

Our blood tells us everything

7 steps of Savvy Nutrition Our body is a vehicle and representation of everything we eat, drink, ingest or absorb regardless of form. Whilst I am not by far in favor of extremes or dramatic life changes, some balance and moderation are always good when it comes to food, drinks, and other substances we expose to.

Through our digestive system, our blood is a health barometer and a representation of all meals and liquids that come into our body. A blood microscope analysis takes about 5 minutes and shows: how we function, the level of toxins collected in the body, the state of health for the red cells and the oxygen transportation (Wikipedia on Red cells), the existence of any bacteria, mushroom (yeast), level of fat and hydration, clogged cells due to toxicity.

How the body works

In chemistry, the PH scale measures the acidity or alkalinity of an aqueous solution. The scale ranges from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral and our blood ranging between 7.3-7.4 Everything above 7 and up to 14 is alkaline, and everything below 7 and down to 0 is acidic.

When the blood and body are too acidic, they create an unfavorable environment where illness, bacteria, and yeast thrive. Hormonal diseases, digestive and lymphatic problems, cancer, reduced oxygen intake, and fatigue are only some of the issues that may appear.

Scientifically it was not proven that an alkaline diet will remove these risks. Moreover, our bodies have strong regulatory systems that adapt to the environment and whatever food we choose in our diet. However, what is true, is that a more alkaline diet will ease the burden on your digestive system and your blood and body during the PH balancing process. When the PH is too acidic, the blood neutralizes it by extracting minerals from muscles or good alkaline food if ingested. Our mouth, digestive system, and mind (producing thoughts) are acidic, our muscles are alkaline. That is why, too much acidity results in low minerals (calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium) and overall weakened muscles and body.

The aim would be to have a diet that mirrors the normal PH of the blood. Unfortunately, our lives today make it difficult to easily access alkaline products. In simple terms, almost everything around us is acidic. Processed food, meat, dressings, alcohol, coffee, and cosmetics are acidic. The same goes for rumbling thoughts, overworking, stress, or usage of technology which produce acidity and bring blood PH below neutral.

So how can we Help our Body be Slightly Alkaline?  Savvy Nutrition

  1. Drink Alkaline Water! Water is vital to the correct functioning of the body, both from quantity and quality perspectives. The quantity depends on factors such as environment, health conditions, pregnancy in the case of ladies or exercising, and the intensity of physical effort. As with everything, a book can be written only on this. In a simplified version, a formula for the quantity (in liters) is your weight in kg times 0.4. For example, a weight of 60kg, requires an intake of 2.4 liters of water per day (60kg x 0.4).

Alcohol, coffee, or coffee-containing teas do not count and intake of water should increase proportionately. Soup and herbal tea are good and so is bottled water sold in shops if the label shows a PH level around 7. Tap water (where drinkable) is mostly alkaline. If not, adding lemon juice, and sodium carbonate or buying a machine that alkalizes automatically would do the job.

  1. Eat Greens! Almost all green vegetables are alkaline and good for digestion. Notice the difference in how you feel after eating veggies vs. eating meat or other processed food. Heavy meals induce a state of fatigue and burden as the system and blood are fully employed for digestion. On the other hand, vegetables make you feel light and energized, whilst in addition, they contain chlorophyll and help the production and transportation of oxygen into the cells

  2. Eat Proteins from Vegetables! Our bodies need Proteins, but good alkaline ones which exist in vegetables. Meat such as pork, lamb, or beef has a PH between 3 and 4, below the PH level of our blood. In exchange, some vegetables such as broccoli, beans, peas, lentils, sprouts, mushrooms, corn, spinach, or artichoke contain a good proportion of proteins and can be a good replacement for meat. In a simplified manner, the formula of ideal protein intake (in grams) is your weight in kg times 0.8 (For example if you weigh 60kg you should eat around 50 grams of protein per day). An ideal diet would include meat or fish only once a week, eggs maybe twice a week, and the rest of the necessary taken from the greens.

  3. Add good Fat to your meals! Fat is very important for the brain, and eyesight and they make you feel full. Fat is not necessarily meat or associated products. You can take your necessary dose of fat by adding alkaline ingredients to your food such as olive oil, coconut oil, avocado, or nuts and seeds that contain Omega-3s. Good fats (unsaturated) help reduce cholesterol levels and the risk of heart disease. Bad fats (saturated) are found normally in animal products and cooking oils. Coconut oil, butter, olive, and avocado oils are relatively good for cooking. However, seeds, nuts, and other vegetable oils such as corn, sunflower, sesame, canola, etc. contain polyunsaturated fats which are unhealthy in the long run, especially for cooking.

  4. Eat natural Sugar! Added sugar contains no nutrients and is bad for the teeth, overloads the liver, can be addictive, and can cause illnesses like diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol, and heart disease. As with fats or carbs, sugar can also be categorized between ‘’good’’ and ‘’bad’’. Processed sugar or similar sweetener products are generally not recommended, including cakes, sweets, and commercially processed products containing sugar among ingredients. The best intake of sugar and energy comes from fruits and vegetables. Agave, stevia, and coconut sugar are also good replacements. You may also create cookies and desserts from alkaline products such as almond milk, coconut, and banana (PH around 9) (

  5. Have your dose of rich Salt! Salt helps the body with minerals and balances the acidity. Processed salt contains limited amounts of minerals. Himalayan salt is a good modern option that contains 84 minerals. It has been preserved under ice and lava for millennia and kept free from pollution, so it’s a good source of healthy minerals.

  6. Limit Dairy products! Opinions differ quite a lot, but generally dairy is difficult for the digestive system, especially as we grow older and have fewer lactase enzymes (after the age of 4). Most of the world (depending on the ethnic group) is intolerant to dairy or highly allergic. In addition to different chemical substances that can end up in the milk such as pesticides or antibiotics (, cow’s milk contains much more protein than human milk. This creates acidity and employs the body to neutralize it. Because it’s an acidic source of calcium, our body will extract its calcium to balance it and in return weaken our bones.

Cheese is also not necessarily good and comes down to common sense. Besides the fact that it consists of milk, it may also contain mushrooms (like yeast) or other bacteria. Goat milk and cheese are a better replacement as their DNA is closer to the human one.

How to detox your body?  detox-your-body

In the body we have around 5-6 liters of blood (7% of the body weight) that transports nutrients and oxygen to the body, cleans the waste in our cells, fights disease, and moves hormones and chemicals. When our digestive system activates, it employs the blood for breaking food into vitamins, fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. The more time the blood is employed for digestion, the less time and resources are available for the other functions of cleaning the body, transporting oxygen to the cells, and taking out the residuum and toxins.

Giving some break from eating can enable the blood to perform its other functions and improve health. For example, fasting has been in some traditions for ages. It’s a process of cleansing the body based only on liquid and no solid food. A simpler way to fast is once or twice a week between 8:00 pm to 12:00 am or between 12:00 am to 6:00 am. That translates into having eaten solid food for around 75% of the time and allowing your body to detoxify 25% of the time.

14 tips for a Balanced Body

  1. Size of the portion is one of the biggest problems of today’s modern world. Obesity, digestive problems, bad sleep, bloating, and fatigue can be caused by what you eat and more important by how much you eat. The ideal size of your portion is the size of your fist, which is how big your stomach is. Everything, in addition, stretches the stomach to accommodate the amount of food consumed. Except for green vegetables which contain water and shrink after chewing, most of the food maintains its original weight and size from the plate into your stomach. To help yourself, use smaller plates and utensils for eating, as well as non-transparent dishes which have been demonstrated to facilitate eating higher quantities of food
  2. Chew well! About 20-30 times for one bite. The more we chew, the more the food gets exposed to saliva and digestive enzymes. This facilitates digestive processes and avoids indigestion and bloating. Putting the fork down after having taken a bite, is a simple way to allow time to chew well and be present.
  3. Take Smaller bites! Taking little pieces and breaking down the food sufficiently is one of the most critical processes of the digestive system; overeating or eating in big pieces results in the food not being digested and transferred into the colon where they create a good environment for indigestion, flatulence and bacterial overgrowth.
  4. Don’t eat fast! Your meal should take about 30 minutes minimum. Eating fast allows one to put more food into the stomach and get ‘’stuffed’’ before realizing it. It takes 20 minutes for the brain to register the chemicals from the food and tell you if you are full. Satiety is not a result of your stomach being full but rather of your brain acknowledging the chemicals. The level of chemicals increases 10 to 30 minutes after eating and decreases in the next 3-5 hours giving the sensation of hunger
  5. Contrary to common knowledge, drinking water during eating is not recommended. The water dilutes the gastric acid and burdens the process of digestion. Water intake should be done 30-40 minutes before or after a meal.
  6. Stay present! You may have caught yourself wondering when did you eat all the ice cream or all the popcorn. When we are not fully focusing on one process, we easily end up not realizing what we do. Overeating or not chewing well is very common when we watch TV or engage in conversations. Keeping your levels of awareness high and putting all the concentration in one place, will relief your stomach and bring short and long-term benefits. Some soothing music may be a wonderful way of accompanying your meals without distraction.
  7. Eat-in healthy combinations: Proteins (meat, fish, eggs) go well with greens (vegetables), and greens go well with carbs (bread, pasta, rice, cereals). Proteins and carbs (starches and fruits) do not digest well at the same time and fruits ideally should be eaten alone. Allow a minimum of 2 hours between meals and around 3 hours in-between your last meal of the day and going to sleep
  8. Eat at regular hours. Your body remembers the time for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks and prepares its resources for these processes. In other words, some discipline and predictability to your lifestyle make it easier for the body to allocate resources and employ them for optimal functioning.
  9. Buy and eat seasonal fruits and freshly collected vegetables as they maintain best their vitamins and minerals; replace eating anything processed with everything from the garden. Don’t avoid garlic and onions as they are natural bacteria-killing and try replacing processed fat with coconut oil and Omega 3/6/9
  10. Treat your stomach! If you feel your digestive system needs some help you may want to talk to a doctor or nutritionist. Having a close look at what you eat may change your life for the better. Probiotics are also good helpers; they are good live bacteria that help the gut stay healthy and improve the digestive system. The impression is that bacteria is bad in general, but actually, our body is a home for good and bad bacteria and probiotics rebalance your intestine flora accordingly.
  11. Brush / clean your tongue. During the night, our mouth accumulates all kinds of bad bacteria resulting from digestion. Before putting these bacteria back into your body, you may wish to use a brush or scraper device to clean your tongue (which can be found online or at the pharmacy). Rinsing your mouth afterward with coconut oil helps eliminate the acidity, cleans even better, and has a good taste and smell; for a continued good start, I would recommend drinking a glass of warm water and lemon juice that has a high alkaline PH
  12. Brush your body 10 minutes after waking up (a big natural brush that can be found in body shops). These will gently remove the dead cells eliminated during the night from your body and allow the skin to breathe better, regenerate and have an optimal release of toxins. Take a shower afterward.
  13. Exercise to increase your muscle mass and help the body become more alkaline. Practice love and a positive mindset as they are both alkaline as well 🙂
  14. In addition to daily movement, meditation as a routine is a great tool to manage the rumbling mind and balance overall wellbeing




Most of the things our bodies need can be made from natural products with no additives or chemicals. Even toothpaste can be done from mint, coconut oil, and soda with no aluminum; or sunscreen for example from carrot juice and coconut oil. It’s a matter of lifestyle and caring for yourself.

Always ask your body how it feels after ingesting different things and make observations on what works for you. If you have pain, feel tired, and have low energy after eating or drinking, then something is not working well for you, you may need to read, learn or observe more about it.

The more you practice the 7 steps of Savvy Nutrition, the more you look and feel way better! 7 steps-of-savvy-nutrition


Generate a Steady Income

earn-good-moneyEarn good money and If you work remotely you can realize how to bring in cash with Fiverr, your income potential is limitless. With Fiverr, you can travel anyplace on the planet with your abilities, and obviously, you can get paid for it.

Regardless of your figure, Fiverr can be your remote work stop, make more than $5 per work. A few consultants charge hundreds or even a huge number of dollars.

In this way, as should be obvious, Fiverr’s $5 notoriety was fortunately lost. Pay attention to the assessments of computerized wanderers, explorers, and occupation searchers.

Fiverr is an extraordinary method to utilize your abilities and make additional money. So, we should borrow something more profound and discover how to bring in cash on Fiverr.

In this article, I will show you what how to earn good money at the place where to begin, and what kinds of occupations are accessible on Fiverr, including the best generally beneficial and well-known positions to earn good money on Fiverr.

What is Fiverr?

Fiverr is a popular online freelance marketplace for all types of services. From graphic design to voiceover work, Fiverr has you covered. You can now also offer your skills as a video editor or web developer on the site.

With over 3 million gigs listed and more than half available for $5, this platform offers some great opportunities for freelancers looking to make money and build their portfolios at the same time.

Let’s take a look at some high-paying gigs on Fiverr that you may be interested in getting started with today! Fiverr, to put it is an online commercial center that offers a wide scope of administrations, errands, and smaller-than-normal positions.

The site contains a large number of occupations for every ability type. Regardless of whether you are an originator, web engineer, legal counselor, or performer, Fiverr can address your issues. work-anywhere-earn-good-money

The administrations offered on Fiverr are designated “shows,” and a large number of them start at as low as $5 per individual, which is the name of the organization. Nonetheless, this is just the essential compensation. You pay similar expenses as other building locales.

By straightforwardly associating salesmen with specialists, Fiverr has formed into one of the biggest online assistance trade destinations.

Its ubiquity in the business makes it a mainstream approach to bring in cash while voyaging, low maintenance, and surprisingly busy working.

As I said, Fiverr has practically a wide range of abilities and gifts for work. There are in reality more than 200 different occupation classes on the site! These are only the absolute most ideal approaches to bringing in cash with Fiverr.

Best Freelance High Paying Gigs on Fiverr

Web Developer $100-$2,000 /Gig  vaca-work-earn-good-money

Web development and advancement can be supposed to be one of the most generously compensated high-paying gigs on Fiverr. If you can make every one of the three, you can get more cash flow.

Particularly online business web development is of incredible interest. Purchasers are particularly searching for merchants who can utilize platforms like WordPress, Squarespace, and Shopify.

Graphic Design $10–1,000 /Gig earn-good-money2

There is no shortage of affordable graphic pricing plans on Fiverr. Whether you have practical experience in planning T-shirts, logos, or business cards, there should be no problem tracking your graphic layout work on Fiverr.

Video Marketing $100-10,000 /Gig

Call all hungry bosses! Video marketing is one of the most profitable channels in Fiverr’s diversified work. Interest in this management has increased by more than 100% in recent years, making it a useful alternative for those with video experience.

Alternatives are video preparation, short film events, and promotional activities. In addition, there is an important market for companies trying to become their social media sites. You can find jobs looking for YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook Video Managers.

Social Media Marketing $50–$2,000 /Gig

Interest in important social media marketing is growing. Based on your experience, you can make a lot of money by providing your knowledge to growing companies.

Buyers look for everything, from creating and promoting advertising campaigns to technology and large-scale research. Sometimes, they can also ask someone to manage their social media profile for their benefit.

Virtual Assistant $5-$100 /Gig

As a virtual assistant, you can work anywhere in the world! Assistant is a valuable option. It’s one of the high-paying gigs on Fiverr

Fiverr has a seemingly endless number of virtual assistant positions. Trends include notification areas, patch settings, and cold starts.

Copywriting $50-$2000 /Gig  earn-good-money-now

To win at Fiverr, you don’t have to be a technical genius! There are many composing works, especially in writing. For example, we found that it is possible to verify the posts of journalists, bloggers, and even eBook authors.

Translation Service $100–$1,000 /Gig

If you can communicate in multiple languages, you can certainly make extra money by transcribing recordings for others. The organization looks forward to multilingual providers that can decrypt various files and projects.

Similarly, you can find buyers who want to learn different dialects on Fiverr. If you have a teaching tolerance, you can use these language skills effectively. Many active students are willing to pay for private language coaches.

Keep in Mind

In a nutshell, Fiverr is an online marketplace where you can sell your skills for $5. It’s a great way to make some extra cash while getting the experience needed to land high-paying gigs. I have used this site to get work done for years. 

There are all kinds of services on Fiverr and they’re rated based on quality, price, and turnaround time so it’s easy to find what you need at a reasonable price.

Whether it be graphic design or writing content, someone in their community can help you out!work-anywhere-earn=good-money

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