What is TikTok

tiktokIs TikTok safe to use?

As of my last update in December 2022, TikTok has become a popular social media platform, but there were concerns about its safety and privacy practices. Here are some factors to consider:

  1. Privacy Concerns: TikTok collects a significant amount of user data, including location information, device information, and browsing history. This raised concerns about how this data was being used and shared.
  2. Data Security: There were reports of vulnerabilities and potential security risks in the TikTok app, which could expose user data to potential breaches or unauthorized access.
  3. Content Exposure: The nature of TikTok, being a video-sharing platform, means that users can potentially share personal information unintentionally or expose themselves to cyber bullying and online harassment.
  4. Age Restrictions: TikTok has a minimum age requirement, but enforcing it can be challenging. Younger users might be exposed to content that’s not suitable for their age.
  5. Inappropriate Content: Like any social media platform, TikTok can host a range of content, including inappropriate or explicit material. The platform does have some content moderation measures in place, but they might not catch everything.
  6. User Experience: The addictive nature of TikTok might lead to excessive screen time, which can have implications for mental health and productivity.

creative challengeTo determine if TikTok is safe for you to use, consider the following steps:

  1. Review Privacy Settings: Take a look at the app’s privacy settings and customize them to your comfort level. Limit the amount of personal information you share on the platform.
  2. Check Permissions: Be cautious about granting permissions to access your camera, microphone, and location. Only provide these permissions when necessary.
  3. Understand Content: Familiarize yourself with the types of content shared on TikTok and be mindful of what you engage with.
  4. Monitor Usage: Keep track of your usage time on the app and ensure it doesn’t interfere with your daily responsibilities or well-being.
  5. Educate Yourself: Stay informed about the latest privacy and security concerns related to TikTok and other social media platforms.
  6. Talk to Young Users: If you’re a parent or guardian of a young user, have an open conversation about the potential risks and responsible usage of TikTok.

Remember that the safety of any online platform can evolve over time, and it’s important to stay updated on current trends and news related to TikTok’s safety measures and practices.

What age group uses TikTok the most?

TikTok was most popular among younger age groups, particularly teenagers and young adults. The platform gained significant traction among users in their teens and early twenties. However, this popularity might have continued to evolve since then.

TikTok’s user base varies by region and demographic factors, but it generally appeals to:

  1. Teenagers: TikTok became especially popular among teenagers, offering them a platform for creative expression and entertainment.
  2. Young Adults: Users in their early twenties also make up a substantial portion of TikTok’s user base. Many college students and young professionals use the app.
  3. Younger Users: There are also users below the age of 13 on TikTok, although the platform’s terms of service officially require users to be at least 13 years old.

It’s worth noting that the age distribution on social media platforms can change over time, and newer data might provide more accurate insights into the current demographics of TikTok users. If you’re interested in the most up-to-date information, I recommend checking recent surveys or studies about TikTok’s user demographics.

What is the biggest use of tiktok?

TikTok is primarily used as a short-form video-sharing platform where users can create, share, and discover videos set to music. The biggest use of TikTok is for entertainment and creative expression. Here are some of the main ways in which people use TikTok:

  1. Video Creation: Users create short videos, typically ranging from 15 seconds to 3 minutes, often set to music. These videos can showcase a wide range of content, including lip-syncing, dancing, comedy skits, tutorials, challenges, and more.
  2. Entertainment: TikTok is a hub for discovering entertaining and engaging content. Users scroll through their “For You” page to watch videos from a diverse range of creators, exploring trending challenges, memes, and creative ideas.
  3. Trends and Challenges: TikTok is known for viral challenges and trends that spread rapidly throughout the platform. Users participate in these challenges by creating their own videos that adhere to a specific theme or concept.
  4. Music Discovery: Many songs become popular on TikTok due to their use in viral videos. This has led to increased exposure for artists and has even influenced music charts and streaming platforms.
  5. Creativity and Artistic Expression: TikTok provides a platform for users to express their creativity through visual storytelling, video editing, and innovative ideas.
  6. Personal Branding: Some users use TikTok as a way to build their personal brand and gain a following. This has led to the rise of social media influencers and content creators on the platform.
  7. Educational Content: TikTok is also used to share informative and educational content. Users create videos that teach various skills, provide tips, or share knowledge on a wide range of subjects.
  8. Social Interaction: TikTok has a strong sense of community, with users engaging through comments, likes, shares, and duets (videos that are created in response to another user’s video). It can serve as a way for people to connect and interact with others who share similar interests.
  9. Business and Marketing: Brands and businesses have also started using TikTok as a marketing platform to reach younger audiences and promote their products or services.

The way people use TikTok can vary widely based on their interests, age, and cultural context. The platform’s dynamic nature and ability to quickly spread content have contributed to its popularity as a space for entertainment and creativity.

looking-at-phoneDoes TikTok save your data?

Yes, TikTok collects and saves user data. Like many other social media platforms, TikTok gathers various types of data from its users. This data can include:

  1. User Profile Information: This includes the information you provide when you create an account, such as your username, profile picture, and bio.
  2. Usage Data: TikTok collects information about how you interact with the app, such as the videos you watch, the accounts you follow, the likes and comments you make, and the hashtags you use.
  3. Device Information: The app collects data about your device, including its type, operating system, unique device identifiers, and other technical information.
  4. Location Data: If you allow TikTok to access your location, the app can collect information about your precise or general location.
  5. Contact Information: If you grant permission, TikTok can access your phone’s contact list, which helps the app suggest friends to follow.
  6. Metadata: This includes information about the videos you upload, such as the time and date of the video, the location where it was recorded, and the captions and hashtags you include.

It’s important to note that TikTok has faced scrutiny and criticism regarding its data privacy practices. Concerns have been raised about how the collected data is used, shared, and potentially accessed by third parties. TikTok’s ownership by a Chinese company, ByteDance, has also led to concerns about potential connections to the Chinese government and data security.

To address some of these concerns, TikTok has taken steps to enhance transparency and privacy for its users. For instance, they’ve introduced features that allow users to control who can comment on their videos, who can duet with them, and more. They’ve also published guidelines on how they handle user data and have set up a Trust and Safety Hub to provide more information about their safety and security practices.

However, it’s always a good practice to review an app’s privacy policy and settings to understand how your data is being used and take appropriate steps to protect your privacy online.

Can anyone use TikTok?

TikTok has age restrictions in place, and its terms of service officially require users to be at least 13 years old to create an account and use the platform. However, like with many online platforms, enforcing these age restrictions can be challenging.

TikTok offers a separate app called “TikTok for Younger Users” that is designed for users under the age of 13. This version provides a more limited experience and additional privacy protections to comply with child online privacy laws, such as the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) in the United States.

It’s important to note that while TikTok has these age restrictions, some younger users might still find ways to access the platform by providing false information about their age. Parents and guardians are encouraged to have conversations with their children about online safety and responsible internet usage, especially when it comes to social media platforms like TikTok.


Different ways to generate passive income

Different ways to generate passive income, you can consider the following methods:

Rental income: Rent out a property you own, such as a house, apartment, or office space.

Rental income 2Rental income refers to the money earned from renting out a property or any other asset that you own. It typically applies to residential or commercial real estate properties, but it can also include income from renting out other assets like vehicles or equipment. The rental income is generated when a tenant pays you regular payments, usually every month, in exchange for the right to use and occupy the property or asset. This income can be an important source of passive income for many individuals and can contribute to their overall financial stability.

  • Dividend income: Invest in stocks that pay regular dividends to shareholders. This requires investing in dividend-paying companies.

Dividend income refers to the portion of earnings distributed by a corporation to its shareholders. When a company makes a profit, it can choose to reinvest the earnings back into the business or distribute a portion of it to its shareholders in the form of dividends. These dividends can be paid in cash or additional shares of the company’s stock. Dividend income can provide a steady stream of passive income for investors who own dividend-paying stocks or funds.

Peer-to-peer lending: Platforms exist where you can lend money to individuals or businesses and earn interest on those loans.

Peer-to-peer lending, also known as P2P lending or marketplace lending, is a form of lending where individuals or businesses can borrow money directly from other individuals or investors, bypassing traditional financial institutions such as banks. P2P lending platforms connect borrowers with lenders, allowing borrowers to access funding and lenders to earn returns on their investments.

  • Here’s how it generally works: borrowers apply for a loan on a P2P lending platform, providing necessary information such as loan amount, purpose, and repayment terms.

Lenders then assess the borrower’s creditworthiness and decide whether to fund the loan based on factors like credit history, income, and risk appetite. Successful loans are funded by multiple lenders, often in small increments, spreading the risk among various investors. Once the loan is funded, borrowers make regular repayments, which include principal and interest, back to the lenders.

P2P lending offers benefits to both borrowers and lenders. Borrowers may find it easier to access loans, especially if they have limited credit history or face challenges getting approved by traditional lenders.

 They may also benefit from potentially lower interest rates compared to conventional sources. On the other hand, lenders have the opportunity to diversify their investment portfolios and earn potentially higher returns compared to traditional savings or investment options.

  • It’s important to note that P2P lending carries risks. Borrowers should carefully consider their ability to repay the loan, and lenders should assess the creditworthiness of borrowers before investing. Additionally, P2P lending platforms generally charge fees, and there is always a risk of default or late payments.

Peer-to-peer lending, or P2P lending, does carry risks. While it can provide investment opportunities and access to funding for borrowers, there are certain risks involved. Some of the key risks associated with P2P lending include:

  • Default Risk: Borrowers may default on their loans, leading to potential losses for lenders.
  • Lack of Regulation: P2P lending platforms may not be as strictly regulated as traditional financial institutions, which can increase the risk of fraud or unethical practices.
  • Platform Risk: There is a risk that the P2P lending platform itself may fail or face financial difficulties, which can impact the lenders and borrowers.
  • Illiquidity: Unlike traditional investments, P2P loans are often not easily tradable or have limited secondary markets, making it difficult to exit the investment early if needed.
  • Economic and Market Risks: P2P lending can be influenced by economic and market conditions. Downturns in the economy or a decline in the creditworthiness of borrowers can increase the risk of defaults.

It’s essential for individuals to carefully consider these risks, conduct thorough research, and diversify their investments when participating in P2P lending.

  • Creating and selling digital products: Develop digital products like e-books, online courses, or software that can be sold repeatedly without much extra effort.

Various popular types of digital products can be created and sold.

Some examples include:

  • eBooks: These are electronic books that can be written on a wide range of topics and sold online.
  • Online courses: Digital courses provide instruction and knowledge on specific subjects and can be delivered through videos, lectures, or interactive modules.
  • Stock photos and videos: Photographers and videographers can sell their high-quality visual content for others to use in their projects.
  • Software and mobile apps: Creating useful software programs or mobile applications can be a lucrative digital product.
  • Graphic design templates: Designers can create templates for websites, social media posts, logos, and more, which can be sold to businesses or individuals.
  • Music, audio, and sound effects: Musicians and sound engineers can create original music tracks, audio recordings, or sound effects for use in various media projects.
  • Web design themes and templates: Designing and selling website or blog themes/templates for popular content management systems like WordPress or Shopify.
  •  Virtual art and assets: Digital artists can create and sell digital art, illustrations, 3D models, or virtual assets for use in

digital marketplaceIn the digital marketplace, virtual art and assets are typically bought and sold using various methods, depending on the platform and the type of asset.

Here are some common ways:

  1. Direct Transactions: Buyers and sellers can engage in direct transactions using peer-to-peer platforms or marketplaces. They negotiate the price and terms directly with each other. Once an agreement is reached, the buyer typically sends payment, and the seller transfers the ownership rights or provides access to the virtual art or asset.
  2. Auctions: Virtual art and assets can also be sold through online auctions where potential buyers place bids and the highest bidder wins the item. Auction platforms facilitate the bidding process, and the seller sets a starting price and duration for the auction.
  3. NFT Marketplaces: Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have gained popularity for selling virtual art and assets. NFTs are unique digital tokens that represent ownership or proof of authenticity of a particular item. They are typically bought and sold on specific NFT marketplaces, where buyers can make offers or purchase NFTs at a set price.
  4. Third-Party Platforms: Some platforms specialize in selling virtual assets for specific purposes like gaming or virtual reality. These platforms often have their own in-app or in-game currencies that facilitate buying and selling of assets within their ecosystem.

When buying or selling virtual art and assets, it’s important to research the marketplace, understands the terms of ownership, and ensure the authenticity and legitimacy of the transaction.

Different ways to generate passive incomeDigital marketing services: Offering digital marketing services like SEO consulting, social media management, or content creation can also be sold as digital products.

Digital marketing services refer to the various strategies and techniques used to promote products, services, or brands using digital channels. These services typically include:

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Optimizing websites to improve their visibility and rankings on search engine result pages.
  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: Running paid online advertising campaigns on platforms like Google Ads, Bing Ads, or social media channels to drive targeted traffic and conversions.
  • Social Media Marketing: Utilizing social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn to engage with the target audience, increase brand awareness, and drive website traffic.
  • Content Marketing: Creating and distributing valuable and relevant content in various formats (blogs, articles, videos, infographics) to attract and engage a specific target audience.
  • Email Marketing: Sending targeted email campaigns to nurture leads, promote products/services, build customer relationships, and increase conversions.
  • Influencer Marketing: Collaborating with influential individuals, bloggers, or social media personalities to endorse products/services and reach a wider audience.
  • Online Reputation Management (ORM): Managing and monitoring a brand’s online reputation by tracking customer reviews, mentions, and feedback on various platforms and addressing any negative sentiment.
  • Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): Improving website design, user experience, and content to optimize conversions and increase the percentage of website visitors who take desired actions.
  • Mobile Marketing: Optimizing marketing strategies for mobile devices, including mobile-friendly websites, mobile apps, SMS marketing, and location-based marketing.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Utilizing data analytics tools to track, measure, and analyze the effectiveness of digital marketing campaigns, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions.

Digital marketing services are tailored based on business goals, target audience, industry, and budget to achieve maximum reach, engagement, and conversions in the online space.

These are just a few examples, and the possibilities for creating and selling digital products are vast. It ultimately depends on your skills, interests, and target audience.

Rental incomeAffiliate marketing: Promote products or services offered by others and earn a commission for each successful sale or referral.

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing strategy where individuals or businesses promote products or services for a commission on each sale they generate. It involves three main parties: the merchant (seller or advertiser), the affiliate (promoter or publisher), and the consumer.

In affiliate marketing, affiliates promote the merchant’s products or services through various channels such as websites, blogs, social media, email marketing, or paid advertising. They use unique affiliate links or codes that track the referrals they bring to the merchant’s website. When a consumer purchases through the affiliate’s link, the affiliate earns a commission on that sale.

Affiliate marketing is a popular method of earning passive income for many individuals, as it allows them to monetize their online presence or marketing skills. It benefits merchants by expanding their reach and boosting sales without incurring upfront marketing costs. Meanwhile, consumers can discover products or services through affiliates they trust or relate to.

  • Royalties from creative work: If you are an artist, writer, musician, or photographer, you can earn passive income through royalties when your work is used or sold.

Royalties are payments made to the original creator or copyright holder of a creative work for the ongoing use or distribution of that work. They are a form of compensation for the intellectual property rights associated with the creative work. Royalties can be earned from various sources such as books, music, films, patents, trademarks, and more.

In the context of creative work, royalties are typically earned by creators such as authors, musicians, filmmakers, and other artists. These royalties are often paid based on factors like the sales, usage, or performance of the work. For example, authors receive book royalties based on the number of books sold, musicians earn royalties from their songs being streamed or downloaded, and filmmakers receive royalties from their films being shown in theaters or distributed through other channels.

The payment of royalties ensures that creators continue to benefit financially from their work, even after the initial creation or sale. It helps protect their rights and encourages them to create more original content. The specific terms and conditions of royalty agreements can vary, but they generally provide a fair compensation mechanism for creative work in various industries.

  • Real estate crowdfunding: Invest in real estate projects through crowdfunding platforms, allowing you to a Real estate crowdfunding is a type of investment model that allows multiple individuals to pool their funds together online to invest in real estate projects. It utilizes crowdfunding platforms to connect investors with real estate developers or property owners who are seeking funding for their projects. This model allows investors to participate in real estate investments with smaller amounts of money compared to traditional methods of real estate investing. It also provides access to a wider range of investment opportunities, as investors can choose from various property types, locations, and investment strategies.
  • High-yield savings accounts or bonds: By saving money in high-yield savings accounts or investing in bonds, you can receive interest income regularly. 

When it comes to choosing between high-yield savings accounts and bonds, there are a few factors to consider.

High-yield savings accounts: These are typically offered by banks and financial institutions and offer higher interest rates compared to traditional savings accounts. They are considered low-risk investments, as they are insured by the FDIC (up to $250,000 per depositor). High-yield savings accounts provide easy access to your funds and can be a good option for short-term savings goals or as an emergency fund. However, the interest rates may fluctuate over time, and inflation could erode the real return on your investment.Dividend income

Bonds: Bonds are debt instruments issued by governments, municipalities, or corporations to raise capital. When you invest in a bond, you are essentially lending money to the issuer in exchange for regular interest payments (coupon payments) and the return of the principal amount at maturity. Bonds offer a fixed income stream and are available in various types, such as government bonds, corporate bonds, municipal bonds, etc. They typically have a longer investment horizon and can provide relatively stable returns. However, bonds carry some level of risk, including interest rate risk and credit risk.

The choice between high-yield savings accounts and bonds depends on your investment goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon. High-yield savings accounts are suitable for short-term savings or funds you may need quick access to, while bonds can be considered for longer-term investments that offer a fixed income stream. It’s always a good idea to diversify your portfolio by considering both options or seeking guidance from a financial advisor to align your investments with your specific financial situation.

Remember, generating passive income often requires initial effort, time, and sometimes capital, depending on the method chosen. It’s essential to do thorough research and consider your financial goals and risk tolerance before pursuing any passive income streams.


Conflict Management in an Organization

Conflict Management in an OrganizationConflict management in an organization is done through several approaches

  • Preventive measures

In a preventive approach, the company management tries to develop a work environment or a situation where dysfunctional conflict can be avoided. Conflict is not constructive, so it needs to be resolved quickly as soon as it seems to arise.

Efforts should be made consistently to prevent conflicts from arising. Following are the preventive measures taken by company management to reduce organizational conflicts.

  • Develop Common Goals

It has been seen that the main cause for the development of organizational conflicts is due to incompatible objectives. This occurs when conflicts between groups or between an organization and its employees occur. The prime strategy to reduce conflicts is to establish common goals that all the groups can agree on to facilitate effective communication. The common goals facilitate mutual group dependency since they are high-value superordinate goals.

An incentive system can be used to reduce group conflicts and reward the task that benefits the organization.

  • Reducing Interdependence

Interdependence is the main cause of all inter-group conflicts. For instance, staff managers as well as line managers. When the interdependence will be low the level of conflicts among the groups will also be low. Although, indeed, interdependency among groups can’t be avoided totally.

It is better to separate the departments physically instead of separating them organizationally. 

  • Reduce The Shared Resources

Sharing scarce resources poses another cause for inter-group conflict. This type of conflict is reduced by management by reducing the sharing. One way to reduce this inter-group conflict is by increasing the scarce resources so that all units can use them independently. However, being scarce, these resources can’t always be increased. The best technique for solving this conflict is the optimum allocation of scarce resources and reducing group conflicts.


  • Building Trust and Communication Conflict Management in an Organization

Management ensures building trust among all unit members. More honesty and trust in an organization will ensure effective communication. Management should ensure that all groups and individuals communicate openly with one another to avoid miscommunication and misunderstanding. Building more trust will help them understand each other’s problems and be open to each other. 


  • Coordination

The next step after effective communication is maintaining proper coordination. Conflict can be managed in an organization by properly coordinating all organizational activities. It is better to establish a specialized unit to deal with coordination problems whenever it arises.

  • Exchanging Personnel

Another best way for managing and reducing organizational conflict is exchanging the personnel of the conflicting team for a specific period. The exchange of the conflicting group’s personnel ensures better understanding between groups where one person will defend and present the other’s role. The method of personnel exchange is identical to role reversal. 

  • Superior Authority 

Suppose a conflict that arises in an organization can’t be solved by organizational team members or group members. In that case, it has to be reported to the superior authority, who can resolve organizational conflict and give a correct decision.

Although the decision may not result in agreement all the members will accept it since it will be given by a superior who holds an official higher rank.

  • Reorganizing the Conflicting Group 

Conflict management can be ensured through group reorganization. Group members having similarities will be put in one group since they have common interests and similar perspectives. So, their objectives, as well as the problem-solving approach, will also be similar. As this group includes predictable behavior, it becomes easy for the management to reduce conflict.

  • Curative measures Conflict Management in an Organization 22

The curative measure helps to resolve behavioral conflict. This measure helps resolve conflicts when they occur and become dysfunctional in the company.

Five major styles for conflict management 

Conflict is a natural phenomenon that takes place in the work environment. However, it leads to mental health problems, absenteeism, and low organizational productivity. Conflict also acts as a great motivator to increase flexibility, generate new ideas, and better understand the relationship and workplace.

Therefore, it is important to manage conflict effectively to help the organization gain more success. As per TKI (Thomas Kilman conflict mode instrument), five big conflict management styles are used by human resources.

  • Collaborating Style

This conflict style requires groups to be cooperative and assertive and collaborative to find a solution to work and work with others. This conflict management style helps to satisfy the needs of all people as it is the opposite of avoiding. This style works best to minimize negative feelings and maintain long-term relationships.

For instance, integrating two departments into one department where both sides work in the best way in the new department.

  • Competing Style

Uncooperative and assertive people take this style to achieve their concerns without caring about the relationship. This style works for an organization while hiring a new client and competing with other companies. 

  • Avoiding Style

Groups adopt this style to avoid conflict and take diplomatic steps to withdraw themselves from risky situations. For instance, conflict with any member regarding their ethics. It is better to use this style to postpone the situation /outcome when it is secure. 

Accommodating Style  Conflict Management in an Organization 2

An accommodating style is an approach to conflict management that may seem generous and self-sacrificing but also tends to take advantage of your weakness.

It is better to use this style to avoid conflict when you want to preserve your relationship with the opposite person and when you don’t care much about the result. 




  • Compromising Style

This style is a perfect solution that is mutually accepted by both parties and satisfies both conflicting parties while carrying an element of cooperation and assertiveness. It is better to use this style when the outcome isn’t important and there is a shortage of time. For instance, giving a little by making a decision and moving on to other important things. 

Hopefully, this help, and allows for peace and productivity in your organization.

Mastering Your Finances: A Guide to Money Management

How to Create a Budget That Works for You

money managementCreating a budget is an important step in managing your finances. A budget can help you track your spending, save money, and reach your financial goals. With a few simple steps, you can create a budget that works for you.

First, determine your income. This includes your salary, any investments, and any other sources of income. Next, list your expenses. This includes rent or mortgage payments, utilities, groceries, transportation, and any other regular expenses.

Once you have a list of your income and expenses, you can begin to create your budget. Start by subtracting your expenses from your income.

This will give you an idea of how much money you have left over each month.

Next, decide how you want to allocate your remaining funds. You may want to save some of it for a rainy day, or you may want to use it to pay off debt. You may also want to set aside money for entertainment or other discretionary spending.

Finally, track your spending. This will help you stay on top of your budget and make sure you are sticking to it. You can use a budgeting app or spreadsheet to track your spending.

Creating a budget that works for you is an important part of managing your finances. By following these steps, you can create a budget that will help you reach your financial goals.

The Benefits of Automating Your Savings

Automating your savings is a great way to ensure that you are consistently setting aside money for your future. By automating your savings, you can take the guesswork out of saving and make sure that you are consistently putting money away for your future. Here are some of the benefits of automating your savings:

  • Convenience: Automating your savings is incredibly convenient. You can set up an automatic transfer from your checking account to your savings account, and the money will be transferred on a regular basis without you having to remember to do it. This makes it easy to ensure that you are consistently setting aside money for your future.
  • Discipline: Automating your savings can help you to stay disciplined with your savings. By setting up an automatic transfer, you are committing to saving a certain amount of money each month. This can help you to stay on track with your savings goals and ensure that you are consistently setting aside money for your future.
  • Savings Growth: Automating your savings can help you to grow your savings over time. By setting up an automatic transfer, you can ensure that you are consistently adding money to your savings account. This can help you to grow your savings over time and reach your financial goals.

By money management refers to automating your savings is a great way to ensure that you are consistently setting aside money for your future. By taking the guesswork out of saving, you can make sure that you are consistently putting money away for your future. Automating your savings can also help you to stay disciplined with your savings and grow your savings over time.

Strategies for Paying Off Debt Quickly

1. Create a Budget: The first step to paying off debt quickly is to create a budget. This will help you to identify where your money is going and how much you can realistically afford to pay towards your debt each month.

2. Prioritize Your Debts: Once you have created a budget, you should prioritize your debts. Start by paying off the debt with the highest interest rate first, as this will save you the most money in the long run.

3. Make Additional Payments: Making additional payments towards your debt can help you pay it off faster. Consider making bi-weekly payments instead of monthly payments, or adding any extra money you have to your debt payments.

4. Cut Expenses: Cutting expenses can free up more money to put towards your debt. Look for ways to reduce your spending, such as cutting back on eating out or canceling unnecessary subscriptions.

5. Consolidate Your Debt: Consolidating your debt can help you pay it off faster. Consider taking out a personal loan or balance transfer credit card to combine all of your debts into one payment with a lower interest rate.

6. Negotiate with Creditors: Negotiating with creditors can help you reduce your debt. Contact your creditors and ask if they are willing to lower your interest rate or waive any fees.

7. Seek Professional Help: If you are struggling to pay off your debt, consider seeking professional help. A financial advisor or credit counselor can help you create a plan to pay off your debt quickly and efficiently.

The Basics of Money Management: How to Create a Budget and Stick to It

Money management is an important skill to have in order to ensure financial stability and security. Creating a budget and sticking to it is the key to successful money management. Here are some tips to help you create a budget and stick to it.

  • Set Financial Goals: Before you can create a budget, you need to set financial goals. Think about what you want to achieve financially in the short term and long term. This will help you determine how much money you need to save and how much you can spend.
  • Track Your Spending: Once you have set your financial goals, it is important to track your spending. This will help you identify areas where you can cut back and save money. You can use a budgeting app or spreadsheet to track your spending.
  • Create a Budget: Once you have tracked your spending, you can create a budget. Start by listing your income and expenses. Then, allocate a certain amount of money for each expense. Make sure to include savings in your budget.
  • Stick to Your Budget: Once you have created a budget, it is important to stick to it. This means avoiding impulse purchases and only spending money on things that are necessary. It is also important to review your budget regularly to make sure you are staying on track.

By following these tips, you can create a budget and stick to it. Money management is an important skill to have and creating a budget is the first step to achieving financial stability and security.

The Benefits of Automating Your Money Management Process financial-budget

Automating your money management process can be a great way to save time and energy while ensuring that your finances are in order. Automation can help you stay on top of your finances, reduce the risk of errors, and make it easier to track your spending.

Here are some of the benefits of automating your money management process.

  • Increased Efficiency: Automating your money management process can help you save time and energy. By automating the process, you can quickly and easily track your spending, set up automatic payments, and manage your budget. This can help you stay on top of your finances and ensure that you are making the most of your money.
  • Reduced Risk of Errors: Automating your money management process can help reduce the risk of errors. By automating the process, you can ensure that all of your transactions are accurate and up-to-date. This can help you avoid costly mistakes and ensure that your finances are in order.
  • Improved Tracking: Automating your better money management process can help you track your spending more effectively. By automating the process, you can quickly and easily track your spending and ensure that you are staying within your budget. This can help you stay on top of your finances and make sure that you are making the most of your money.

Automating your money management process can be a great way to save time and energy while ensuring that your finances are in order. Automation can help you stay on top of your finances, reduce the risk of errors, and make it easier to track your spending. By taking advantage of the benefits of automation, you can ensure that your money management and finances are in order and that you are making the most of your money

The Pros and Cons of Different Money Management Strategies

Money management is an important part of financial planning. It involves making decisions about how to save, invest, and spend money. There are many different money management strategies available, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we will discuss the pros and cons of some of the most popular money management strategies.

The first strategy is budgeting. Budgeting involves setting a spending limit for each month and tracking your expenses to make sure you stay within that limit. The main advantage of budgeting is that it helps you stay on top of your finances and avoid overspending. It also allows you to prioritize your spending and save money for important goals. The main disadvantage of budgeting is that it can be time-consuming and difficult to stick to.

The second strategy is investing. Investing involves putting money into stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and other financial instruments in order to earn a return. The main advantage of investing is that it can help you grow your wealth over time. The main disadvantage is that it carries a certain amount of risk, and you could lose money if the investments don’t perform as expected.

The third strategy is debt management. Professional money management and Debt management involves creating a plan to pay off debt and reduce interest payments. The main advantage of debt management is that it can help you get out of debt faster and save money in the long run. The main disadvantage is that it can be difficult to stick to a debt repayment plan, and it can take a long time to pay off all of your debt.

Finally, the fourth strategy is saving. Saving involves setting aside money each month for future goals such as retirement or a down payment on a house. The main advantage of saving is that it can help you reach your financial goals faster. The main disadvantage is that it can be difficult to stick to a savings plan, and it can take a long time to build up a significant amount of savings.

In conclusion, there are many different money management strategies available, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. It is important to consider your own financial situation and goals when deciding which strategy is best for you.

Laws of Attraction

Laws of Attraction

Why are we attracted to beautiful faces? Maybe because of our own thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. This idea is known as the law of attraction, which states that we attract people and experiences into our lives that are in alignment with our thoughts and emotions. For example, if someone has a positive outlook and exudes happiness and confidence, they are more likely to attract people who are also positive and confident.

However, it is also important to remember that everyone has agency and free will, and they can choose to surround themselves with whomever they wish, regardless of their energy levels or beliefs.

Every time I’ve bought the laws of attraction up in a sales meeting, there has been more attention paid to what was being said. On the other hand, whenever it’s been scheduled in a seminar, the meeting has taken longer than anticipated. More questions and comments…

attract people

Here are what the highest earning professionals do that “you” may not be doing.  What are the 10 laws of attraction:

  1. They specialize in a certain area and become experts in it.
  2. They network with other successful professionals in the same field.
  3. They set clear and measurable goals and work towards them.
  4. They are constantly learning and adapting to new trends.
  5. They are persistent and don’t give up easily.
  6. They take calculated risks and know when to take advantage of opportunities.
  7. They are strategic and creative in their approach to problem-solving.
  8. They are consistently proactive and take action to accomplish their goals.
  9. They build relationships with clients and employers.
  10. They are confident, resilient, and have a positive attitude.

  • Focus Your Attention on the Other Person

Everyone wants to be the center of attention. Is that why are we attracted to certain people to focus all of our attention on another that may not be possible? However, great results can be achieved if you only make people feel special in your presence. Most people love to talk about themselves. So, ask questions that cause people to tell you about their passions and problems. If you do, it will enhance the possibility of them becoming attracted to you and you already know how that’s done. Try to understand others from their point of view.

Ask them about their children, careers, hobbies, what they like to read and what they do in their spare time. Whenever you get people to reveal their private world to you, they become more confident in your presence, and in most cases, you’ll be considered a terrific conversationalist – and consequently, be thought of as a very attractive person to be nearby.

  • Compliment People and Their Abilities

Pay people sincere compliments and then acknowledge the compliment. Here’s a way you can make it work for you. Say you compliment an associate about some new office furniture they just bought.

Most of us would probably say, “Your new furniture looks good and suits the office.” On the other hand, the professional that understands the power of complementing the individual would say something like this. “Your new furniture looks great and suits the office. I think you have a natural talent for decorating. But you’ve never taken decorating lessons, have you?”

Everyone can give a compliment, you attract what you are the law of attraction but only someone interested in people knows how to pass on a compliment that will make the hearer feel special.

  • Focus on the Things You Have in Common

Another laws of attraction way to attract people to you is to find the things you have in common with them. The areas of commonality between you and them could be based on work, family, sports, social and/or business contacts, hobbies, interests, and so on.

  • What makes a person attractive psychology

Attractiveness is a complex and multifaceted concept in psychology that can be influenced by a variety of factors, both internal and external. Some of the most common factors that contribute to a person’s perceived physical attractiveness include their facial symmetry, skin clearness, and facial structure. Additionally, personality traits such as confidence, humor, and kindness can also contribute to a person’s overall attractiveness.

Social and cultural factors, such as media influences and personal experiences, can also play a role in determining what traits and qualities are considered attractive. Ultimately, what makes a person attractive is subjective and can vary greatly from person to person.

That way there will be no need to go out of your way to acquire this information. You’ll be able to do this as part of your contract. Alternatively, you can simply ask whatever questions come to mind, or are relative to the conversation. But remember, don’t just listen – hear what they say.

  • Talk About Third Party Success Stories

Reasons why a common mistake too many salespeople make is to tell other people how successful they are. Generally, most people you’ve just met don’t care about your successes. Other people only care about how they can benefit from the short interlude with you. It is, for this reason, the top professional salespeople concentrate on third-party stories and successes.

You attract what you are the law of attraction They tell others what their company, product, or service did for their customers, how they helped them get over a hurdle, fixed a problem, or made those clients more successful.

  • What stories do you have that others would be pleased to hear about?
  • Can you convey the situation a third party was in before you helped them?
  • Can you describe their predicament in detail without giving away too many personal details?

why are we attracted to beautiful facesThen once you’ve done that, can you provide a good-luck story relating to your third-party reference as a result of doing business with you?

Here’s a hint:

Make a list of all those you have helped. Then physically write down those “before” and “after” stories. Refine, rewrite and perfect the story, then keep on refining, rewriting, and perfecting the story until you’re happy with it. You’ll be amazed at how powerful these personal stories sound, even to you.

The danger here is you could make the stories sound “too good to be true,” and when you do that, those stories will sound too overdone.

So, remember this, if it sounds amazing to you – it will most likely sound even more amazing to them. Be careful.

  • Don’t Just Listen – Hear What is Being Said

Most of us tend to give our listening skills little more than mere lip service. Just hearing another person’s words (when they’re talking to you) is not listening effectively. Most of us think it is, but a seasoned professional salesperson knows it’s not person you want to do business with.

Does a professional salesperson listen to this way? They do this by listening to someone without thinking of what question they’re going to ask next, not thinking about their agenda, and not focusing too heavily on making a sale at that point. They know and understand that when they just listen and focus all their attention on your prospect, the prospect will automatically be drawn to the seller because the way you listen to the answer appears to the prospect to be both genuine and intense.

Do it right, and you’ll find an exchange of dialogue will take place that is both rich and engrossing. Then when that happens, the communication between two people causes an irresistible attraction.

  • The Most Important Person on This Earth

America’s motivational father, Earl Nightingale, used to say, “If you want to be successful, treat every person you come into contact with as the most important person on earth.” Modern-day American motivator, Zig Ziglar says, “No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care.” True sales professionals, and those who understand this one point, focus all their energy, attention, and care on the person they’re with. Also, read Grant Cardone’s Seven 10X Rules for Success to get you to success!

They’ve learned to take themselves out of the equation and give others unbelievable attention without any hint of an ulterior motive or manipulation. They know we respond favorably to those that make us feel special in their presence. They also understand that to the people who go out of their way to make us feel extremely important, we will give them our respect, our friendship, our knowledge, and our business – and we will do it for life, or as long as they keep making us feel extremely important.

  • Offer to Be an Information Resource

Here’s another valuable hint overlooked by far too many within the selling profession, online eCommerce. No, better still let’s call it one of the most valuable selling tools available to you to attract attention to yourself, start applying law of attraction techniques. So why isn’t it used more often? It’s because it usually takes more effort to make this one resource work than the majority of the other resources available to salespeople.

That’s why then true sales professionals approach it systematically. You attract what you are not what you want meaning.

Once a salesperson knows something about their potential prospects, they see ways to provide information of value to them based on that something they have been made aware of. What they hone in on could be articles relating to their prospect’s hobbies, emails about things they have in common, or websites about ways to help them improve one or more aspects of their business. It could even be information related to their community, their children, or their other infatuations.

Top salespeople know that their target audience will appreciate hearing from them when they provide information the prospect can use. So, here’s a very important hint. Do not try and do any selling whatsoever when you first contact the prospect can just provide them with the information they ask for. When you do this, chances are that they will come to you when the time is right and that’s the power of this one point.

  • Send Your Good Customers Business

A personally recommended referral that could lead to a potential sale is the one thing that no one in business will ever say no to. No one in their right mind will ever turn it down – especially if it’s a good referral. The salesperson that finds business for their prospects is very likely to build a good relationship, and because of this, they will always take your calls.

They’ll even be glad to have lunches with you, and they will be more likely to give you more referrals regularly. That’s right. They’ll reciprocate by giving you their business and pass on even more referrals simply because you first sent them referrals that they could work with.

Reasons why we develop a strong personal foundationwhy are we attracted to beautiful faces

Why do I attract so much attention? you attract what you are law of attraction brings you to and top-end sales professionals belief that they have either learned to develop or can naturally acquire a special something that attracts others to them.

In fact, to outsiders, it’s considered to be a kind of special energy that either draws attention to them or, at the very worst, repels others away from them but present is always perfect physical attraction does not necessarily lead to a good relationship.

Many of the sales experts working in the training sector tend to call this a “Strong Personal Foundation.” And that foundation becomes a personal substructure for those sellers to succeed at whatever they put their minds to.

The ones who possess this Strong Personal Foundation,” are the ones that know how to instinct will “balance” the key areas of their life, including health, money, environment, family, friends, fun, recreation, career, and personal and spiritual growth. Moreover, many of the ones that have learned to develop this “Strong Personal Foundation” tend to do so by grading each of the above areas of ‘balance’ between one and ten. A ten grade denotes excellence.

Any mark below ten is then worked on until the necessary “balance” (aspiring to be a 10) is achieved in all of the other sectors previously graded to be out of balance.

  • Specialist Knowledge

It is a fact that every top professional in every profession works hard at being a specialist in what he or she does. The top income earners in every field of endeavor are specialists at what they do. Because of the hard work that they undertake to become a specialist, they become the best, the most in-demand, the highest paid, and the most sought-after individuals because of their specialized knowledge.

Top professionals understand the psychology of attraction. Start working hard at knowing more than others in their chosen fields. They understand that if they acquire expert knowledge about something that people want to know about, that can make them particularly attractive in the field in life they have chosen to work in.

What are you good at doing presently, or what are you willing to get good at doing very shortly? Are you prepared to become even better at what you are doing now and specialize in your field of work? The fact is, the better you get, the more others will be attracted to you, and the better you get at what you do, your clients, peers, and superiors will be attracted to you and that includes your opponents as well.

At the very least you attract what you are the law of attraction, they will know about you and how well respected you have become in your craft. To have others become aware of you, all you have to ensure is they know that you exist and that you have the skills they need.

You attract who you are meaning, together with the other skills you have acquired to attract people and make them want to do business with you.


This Article is by Peter Collins



Working from Home: The New Normal

working from home (WFH)The workforce is now remote 

So many people are now in the workforce from home (WFH) 100% of the time. Hopefully, if this is the case for you, you can maintain results and productivity and stay positive during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.  While a lot of us are used to living the entrepreneur life from a home office, it’s still a big adjustment to have to self-isolate and stop all face-to-face interactions with coworkers and clients. 

I encourage you to use this time to take a closer look at your overall business goals, focus on your health (both physical and mental) and self-care, and enjoy some family time at home. I think many small business owners are having to pivot their marketing strategy, and what they do when the coronavirus passes could look quite different from what they did before. 

Team Communication Tools 

This is probably the biggest WFH product decision you’ll have to make. Your team needs a reliable and easy-to-use tool that lets them instantly message coworkers. The right one for you depends on your business needs and challenges, team size, and budget.

  1. You may have heard of Slack. This tool gives you the ability to create channels around multiple topics and invite users. From marketing content ideas to social media tactics to office dog photos, your team can create relevant channels for easy chat and collaboration.

It also integrates with many useful tools, including Outlook Calendar, Twitter, HubSpot, and Salesforce, so you can see what’s going on at all times right in the Slack app (no need to click in and out of your daily calendar or Twitter feed, for example). There are SO MANY fun and creative emojis you can use too, making remote messaging in a challenging time like this a little more lighthearted. 

Another popular platform is Discord. Popular with gamers, this voice, video, and text tool aren’t just for talking to coworkers, but for finding like-minded communities and new friends.  You can create “servers” and “channels” for specific topics, similar like you do for Slack channels. While Slack has more business integrations, Discord has voice channels, so you can easily chat with team members. Discord also lets you set user roles and permissions.

Flock is a cloud-based team communication tool with video and audio calling, screen sharing, text chat, integration with other business applications, and more. You can tag colleagues in comments and to-do lists, upload documents, images, and videos, and set reminders and due dates. Polls, code snippet sharing, and group discussions are available, and it integrates with other apps such as Trello, GitHub, Google Drive, and Asana.

Team Collaboration Tools

Managing Your Workforce Remotely 7Your workforce is now remote. Your employees need to be able to share their work, whether they’re creating a marketing strategy or editing a press release. Here are a few that might fit your small business needs.

  • G/Suite is a Google product that’s made up of cloud computing, productivity, and collaboration tools, software, and products. In one suite of tools, it offers email, word processing, spreadsheets, presentation decks, shared calendars, cloud storage, and more.

You can comment and make suggestions on specific documents through Google Sheets and Docs, edit documents online simultaneously and collaborate on projects and documents. It’s easy to give users permission to specific files.

  • Evernote: This is more than a note-taking app. Evernote helps you capture, prioritize and share ideas, track projects, and to-do lists. I find it super helpful for note-taking but also as a sort of “digital filing cabinet” that simplifies organization.

There’s a free, basic, and business package; compare your options here. 

CRM stands for “Customer Relationship Management,” and CRM tools help you with things like inbound lead management, sales tracking, social tracking, and newsletter delivery. Here are three to consider:

  • MailChimp is an all-in-one marketing platform with tools to create everything from emails to postcards. They have a great selection of templates to choose from that can then be further modified to suit your brand. Their intuitive interface and thorough reporting are great, but things can get expensive as your subscriber list or number of emails increase. You can compare their different plans here. 
  • Constant Contact has always been a big rival with MailChimp being the brand name in email marketing. It’s a huge company and a great option if Facebook is a big part of your online marketing strategy. Constant Contact has an email option that is designed so users can easily share your newsletter on Facebook. 

working from home (WFH) 2This option can be considered the most social media-friendly and has all the major features of the others noted. If your online marketing involves Hootsuite (you can integrate this into Hootsuite) and you focus your efforts on gaining traction on social media then this is a great newsletter tool for you.

AWeber is an extremely popular option and is recommended by many professional marketing companies. It gives you five plans to choose from and a long list of features such as unlimited email marketing campaigns, follow-ups, lists, and Auto Responders.

Many people believe their Auto Responder platform is superior to other companies, allowing businesses to automate the process of delivering personalized emails to customers on a schedule.

Project Management Tools

A collaborative task management tool lets everyone track and manage all of their projects. Think of it as an online scheduler, taskmaster, and collaboration tool to manage your team’s workflows. 

Asana is one of the leading tools and gets a lot of positive feedback. It allows everyone on your team to follow the whole workflow of a project in an easy visual tool. You’ll always know where your team is at and who’s responsible for what and when.

From daily reminders on a task that’s due, to the ability to easily add collaborators or assign teammates a sub-task of a project, Asana makes it simple to see what everyone’s day, week, and month looks like (but you can easily move things around if plans change).

Monday.com is a pretty simple, intuitive visual team management tool (it’s a project management platform). It runs processes, workflows, and projects in one digital workspace. Visually, it looks the same as a collection of very customized spreadsheets, in which every team member can log their tasks and update them with status reports and other relevant information.

That means that every person can see all active tasks and keep count of their progress. Team members can work on multiple projects without getting lost by using Monday’s weekly overview. The workflow can be customized just about any way you want it to communicate priority, what’s done, not done, and so on. The colorful designs and big buttons don’t hurt either!

Social Media Management Tools

Managing Your Workforce Remotely 99Many small businesses will already have a social media management tool set up. A social media management tool allows you to manage all of your accounts from one dashboard, which saves you both time and frustration. These tools share remote work statistics and content at the best possible times throughout the day, so your followers and fans see your updates more often. It’s a smarter and more efficient way to schedule and share your social media posts.

The best part about these tools is the built-in analytics system, which will give you a glimpse into what’s performing well, and when your social media posts are making the most impact.

Here are two social media management tools we use:

  • Buffer shows your scheduled posts and analytics (how in-depth those analytics get depends on the plan you choose). Many small business owners choose Buffer because of its sleek, clean interface that’s easy for beginners to get the hang of.
  • I find that while Buffer is great for less demanding social media needs, Hootsuite is where it’s at if you want to see your timelines, replies, and more across all your social networks. Both Buffer and Hootsuite offer free and paid plans, so you can always try them out and see which one feels like a better fit for your small business. 

How do we make this scenario work?

With the advancements in technology that we have seen in recent years, together with demand from employees for more flexible hours, it’s not surprising that we have seen the rise of the remote worker.

While such workers certainly make a certain amount of business sense, they do have their disadvantages – not least the difficulty of keeping them motivated throughout the day and getting them to buy into your firm’s ideas and vision.

Here are three great tips to help ensure that your remote workers are as productive as can be.

  • Invest in conference call software

Your workers not sharing an office with you can make it trickier to keep them informed of changes to their schedule or communicate difficult ideas. While you could use email, not all remote workers even check their inboxes regularly.

This is where Skype or other video calling software can come in useful, enabling quicker and more intuitive communication and collaboration. Or what about signing up for a Google Drive account so that you can more easily share and work on documents with your team members?

The main advantages of an IP telephony solution include:

  • Hosted VoIP is becoming the way of business today.
  • Reduced call charges/fees
  • No longer a PBX maintenance contract
  • No cost to upgrade the most unexpected
  • Free calls between users all over the world
  • Immediately change the settings directly in the browser
  • Listen to the messages on the move
  • Billing is flexible & can be based on a single user or a whole site
  • Add another user basically & effortlessly, without the trouble of updating
  • All functions & parameters to be with you & the phone method, ideal for mobile offices at no additional cost
  • Wherever you are, you still appear to call the office
  • Trust your remote workers

Hiring a team to work from home can have its disadvantages – not least an inability to closely monitor how much work they are doing throughout the day. However, if you bombard them with calls and emails asking for a progress report, you may find that their productivity drops still further.

Ultimately, you will need to be able to trust your remote workers to get their work done while understanding that they are not confined to rigid 9-5 working hours. When you allow your remote workers to get on with their tasks, a great number of them will reward you with very high-quality work.

  • Insist on meeting up

Many workers enjoy the quieter, less disruptive environment that remote working affords them. However, they may also be surrounded by distractions if they are working from home, and their concentration levels may dip as a result.

So, why not invite your remote team to an in-person catch-up? This is a great chance for everyone to get to know each other, discuss any issues and collaborate on ideas. Not only that, but it also shows that you care about them as their employer, and value them as a part of your company. Such meetings could therefore truly re-focus and inspire your remote team.

And while it’s not a tool your entire workforce might use, I’m liking Money Minder Online software during these uncertain times. It not only gives you a place to track your spending, but you also get insights into your spending habits, and you can look ahead to improve your cash flow, clear your debt, and start saving for your big goals.


Uncovering the Ugly Truths of Your Online Business

Hard Truths About Your Online Business Presence

Your Online Business PresenceBusting the Fairy Tales, You Keep Being Told to Do

We’ve been living in a fairy tale this past week. Well, more like a nightmare with this scorching heat that has engulfed the Southeast with record-breaking temperatures!

When I was younger, I couldn’t handle the heat at all. I was prone to heat exhaustion – and that was in temperatures nowhere near the heat we just experienced!

Back then, it was standard to earn a summer income picking berries at a local farm. I wasn’t too fond of picking strawberries because we’d have to crawl on our knees all day. But raspberries were great – as long as you came prepared with long-sleeved shirts to avoid the prickly bushes.

My first-year picking wasn’t so great. It was a hot summer, and I often had to leave by noon, feeling the heat exhaustion kick in. I’d spend the afternoon laying on the couch with a cold compress on my head, feeling sick to my stomach and trying to tame my raging headache.

It only took a few days like that for me to figure out a way to stop losing half a day of picking money. And that was to get up at dawn and be at the patch long before anyone else showed up … including the hot sun!

I was quite proud of how I had a couple of flats all set to get weighed before the raspberry boss showed up. They didn’t make up for all of the time lost, but at least some of it was salvaged by not doing what everyone else was doing.

artificial-intelligenceAre there things you are doing in your business that everyone else is doing… but just aren’t working out? Every day I read on social media or watch a video of someone telling entrepreneurs what they “should” be doing to make a lot of money in their business.

I cringe every time I see these bold statements of fact. Because they rarely are true for everyone.


So today, I’m sharing 3 of these online business fairy tales that need to be busted wide open!


The Busted Truth: • Maybe true, perhaps if you spend several thousand marketing dollars to continuously promote them. And if the ads aren’t done right or the landing page isn’t perfect, you won’t get conversions and you’ll be out of a lot of time, effort and money.

  • This model is not sustainable. It’s feast or famine and only works when your marketing engine is revved high and you have a large following who will buy anything you come up with because you’re just that good.
  • This tactic will not get you to the place of running a business. It’s simply a tactic the ‘gurus’ use to get you to believe that landing pages and single-page websites will grow your business.

Your Online Business Presence 2



The Busted Truth:

• No, never believe anyone who promises you this. It’s something no one should promise because no one knows what the Google algorithms are that make a site rise to the top (except, of course, for employees themselves). The people who are making those promises are desperate for your business and will tell you anything to get a sale. Would you do business with anyone who does not include their business domain name or phone number in their correspondence?

  • They think you have ‘sucker’ written across your forehead and you are easy prey for their false promises.
  • If they were so good at SEO, then they would have droves of qualified traffic going to their website. They’d be so busy they would never need to cold call or cold email you with those fake promises, to begin with!
  • SEO is complex and it’s hard to find people who know what they are doing.
  • The best thing to do is to vet the people you’re considering hiring. Ask for referrals and speak with their happy clients to get a good sense of the integrity of that person or agency.

Your Online Business Presence 4



The Busted Truth:

• Sorry but… knowing how to use a calculator doesn’t make you a mathematician. Meaning, just because someone (or you) knows how to install a WordPress theme, doesn’t make them a qualified website developer.


There’s so much more to creating a website that will get you the sales and conversions you want and need than just installing a WordPress theme, changing out the colors and photos, and calling it a day.

  • Namely, your website must address these critical components: brand design, user experience, layout elements, copywriting, and brand messaging and SEO. Each of these areas requires an expert who understands them to deliver you a website that gets you the results you want.
  • And if you think setting up a 3rd party (cheap) website will do the trick, it won’t. They are horrible with SEO, and more importantly, you don’t own your website with them! You will end up paying more in the long run than if you had built a proper website, to begin with.

The Moral of this fairy tale story is; Hire a full-service agency that has all of those experts working for you as a team, and you will get way further ahead than if you try to go the cheap route.

Branding – to ensure the right impression is given to the ideal target audience, right away. Messaging – to ensure the right headlines and text are written in a way that will assure the visitor they are in the right place, and also get them excited they found the perfect solution to their challenge.

SEO – to ensure those looking for solutions to their challenges on Google and other search engines will find your website listing in their search results.

Performance – to ensure while the visitor is on the website, they don’t get frustrated by a slow rendering site, it fails miserably on their phone, or there are broken links that take them nowhere. Credibility on your website matters. These subtle nuances are often completely missed by the non-professional web developer who wants to build their website themselves or hire someone with little experience, all to save some money.

webmaster-webpage-designThe opposite happens, the website ends up giving the wrong impression to those visiting it, so they end up leaving right away.

Or the website doesn’t convey the right message to reflect how much your business can help those visitors.

Or the website is never found in the first place because it landed on page 20 in the search results.

Or the site was awkward, clunky, and frustrating to use, so the users give up and move on to a competitor’s website.

So, if you built your website yourself, or had a non-professional build it for you, it would be wise to take a step back and look at it through the lens of your prospective client.

Your Online Business Presence 6Four Clarifying Website Questions that will Save you Time, Energy, and Money

Is it as amazing as you think? Get opinions from others?

Is it truly conveying the right message to the right people?

Is it SEO optimized so your target audience will find it?

Is it frustrating for new users who aren’t as familiar with it as you are?

webpage-developmentP.S. If you liked what you read (and heard) here, you will want to sign up for our newsletter where you’ll get notified every week of our blog posts, announcements, and business-building strategies. Click here to also receive our free website guide


Increase Engagement with Your Blog

Make Your Blog More EngagingMake Your Blog More Engaging

Simple Blogging Tips to Get You More Raving Fans

Knowing how to make your blog engaging is one of the most important elements of any smart digital marketing strategy.

I encourage all small business entrepreneurs to start blogging because a blog can dramatically increase brand awareness and drive quality traffic to your website. In today’s digital landscape, using blogs to convert just makes sense.

But of course, this only works if you understand how to write an engaging blog, and what makes a good blog post. Even if you think of yourself as a writer, blogging is a very different animal, and it requires some special know-how.

So, let’s explore 9 key elements of a good blog post.

  • Update your blog frequently or don’t bother at all
  • I know it sounds harsh, but you must (must!) update your blog frequently.
  • There are two reasons to add new posts to your blog on a frequent and consistent basis. The first one is that if someone visits your blog and sees that the last article posted was 6 or more months ago, then their immediate impression will be that you are no longer in business.
  • Yes, it will be that drastic! They won’t assume that you’re too busy to tend to your blog. What they WILL assume is that you’ve abandoned your website, and therefore business as well.
  • Moreover, as we explored in our recent article on personal branding for businesswomen, people judge a book by its cover (or, in this case, by its neglected blog page).
  • Whether intuitively or directly, most people believe that how you do one thing is how you do everything. If your blog is haphazard, poorly written, or nonexistent, that will reflect on your business whether you want it to or not.
  • The other reason to update your blog frequently is for SEO (Search Engine Optimization). The more you write and post successful blog articles, the more Google and other search engines will see that you are actively updating your website. And they tend to reward fresh content and websites that stay updated.
  • So how often should you post? Let me put it this way: once a month is better than every 6 months, once a week is better than once a month, and every day is better than once a week. You get the idea.

Provide substance over quantityMake Your Blog More Engaging 2

OK, maybe you think I’m contracting Tip #1 here. Yes, you should post as much as you possibly can. But you should only post quality content as much as you possibly can.

The key word here is quality. You want your blog posts to be engaging. This isn’t your space to wax poetic or list what you had for dinner last night. This is your space to showcase your business to potential customers.

To write a blog post that converts, you must write about topics your target market wants to learn about. This is why doing your research on your ideal client is critical.

You want to write about things that potential and existing customers will find interesting, valuable, informative, entertaining, or captivating. Write for them, not just for the sake of having something posted.

So be sure to write about topics that your target market will find of interest and value. And always have a purpose in mind: what do you want your readers to get out of this article and what do you want them to do/know after reading?

Learn more about how to create blog content to attract your ideal target customer on our website.

blogging-wp-pegusasGive them a reason to keep coming back

One of your objectives when writing blog is to create a community – a place for people to keep coming back to get more of what you’re offering.

This means your blog posts must be entertaining, informative, compelling, and/or emotionally charged to keep people engaged and wanting to come back for more.

You know you have accomplished this when you get lots of subscribers and lots of comments on each post where your followers are eager to add their two cents worth.

Be specific to one thought, idea, or topic on your blog posts

I get it. You’re passionate about your business. You sit down and you want to just share every thought that comes to your head.

It’s great that you’re so passionate. And it’s great that you have so many ideas. But you don’t have to squeeze them all into one post. It’s much better to stick to one topic for each blog post.

This might turn out to be harder than you’d think. If you’re anything like me, that one specific topic will compel you to explain in more detail an idea you’ve shared and the next thing you know, you’re going down a rabbit hole.

But remember Tip #1 – you want to update your blog regularly. So, save all those ideas and rabbit holes for new posts!

Include at least one large image to create an engaging blog post

Images are a must for blogger. Not only do images help your readers get a visual idea of what the article is about, but they also help break up the text, emphasize important points, and create more interest than just a long article full of text.

Using images in website design is one of the simplest things you can do to make your website more popular – both with users and with search engines.

There are many reasons to use images on your website. Images and graphics can:

  • Improve your SEO
  • Help brand your company
  • Create more user engagement
  • Ultimately, a more attractive website just performs better

Of course, images will only work if you use them properly, and we’ll cover best practices below – see best practices for using images on your website here.

And learn how (and where) to choose the right images for your website on our website.

Don’t use 3rd party blogging services

Be sure to host your blog on your domain (where your website is hosted). Do not use 3rd party services like Tumblr or WordPress for your business blog.

Unfortunately, because these services are free and usually easy to set up, they make it very tempting to go that route instead of hiring a web developer to install WordPress and theme it to match the look and feel of the rest of your website.

But using these services negates the whole SEO reason why you want to be blogging in the first place.

Essentially what you are doing is sending people to THEIR services instead of to YOUR website – and that, at the end of the day, is the whole point of blogging! If you are just sending them to a 3rd part blog, you’ve missed that boat entirely.

Fix the spelling and grammar mistakes

Honestly, this shouldn’t have to be said. But – oh my goodness – does it ever need to be said!

I remember once reading someone’s blog post and it was so hard to read due to grammar mistakes that I gave up. The irony is, she was a copywriter! Can you guess what impression her readers have on her ability to write well? Not so great.

Understandably, not everyone has a Master’s degree in English. I don’t either. And more than likely, if you look hard enough, you’ll find mistakes in my writing. But that’s not the point here, nor the expectation. The goal is to write something very readable and not full of obvious mistakes.

If you’re one of those people who has great ideas and lots of information to share but are terrible in the English department, this is the time to hire someone to help you how to write a blog. We do this a lot for our clients – they will send us their rough draft, and we’ll edit it, make it look pretty, add it to their blog, and SEO optimize the post. Easy for the non-writer.

It’s a simple equation: the more time people spend on your website, the more likely they are to convert into a lead or sale.

  • So, do your website visitors like what they see when they land on your site, or are they leaving after a few seconds?
  • Are they choosing to buy something from you, or abandoning their cart before making a purchase?
  • It can be a big challenge to figure out ways to increase online conversions and time spent on your site.
  • That’s why I’m sharing seven eCommerce and business website marketing strategies to help you keep people on your website longer.

Make Your Blog More Engaging 3Make your blog article easy to scan

When you take the time to write out a great article for your blog, you want to make sure that the people coming to visit stick around long enough to read the whole thing, right?

Aside from having a compelling title and a well-written article, one way to improve your blog readers’ retention is by making your blog posts easy to scan and read.

Since a mere 16% of people read online text word for word, it’s critical to ensure your main message comes across when someone simply scans and reads your article.

To do this, it’s best to break the text up with headlines, sub-headlines, bolding, images, and bullet points. But don’t overdo it on the bullet points!

Now, I’ve witnessed many people who hear that one should use bullets in their articles or email promos and write the entire thing in bullets! We’re after balance here folks – don’t stress your reader by overdoing it in any of these tactics and you’ll do great.

(And notice how many bullets I’ve used in this article?)

Make Your Blog More Engaging2Create long-form content

How do you truly captivate your audience? Usually, it’s in one of two ways: by connecting with a personal story, or by impressing with your expertise.

In both of these cases, a few hundred words likely won’t cut it.

In today’s world of online marketing, content should be lengthy (but not wordy), visually compelling, and, preferably, interactive.

And a word to the wise: when it comes to SEO, the longer the better (assuming, of course, that ‘the length is also well-written and interesting).

I know.

It’s a big puzzle to put together.

You have to post frequently, and you also have to post long articles, but those articles also have to be nicely formatted, well-written, and targeted at your desired audience. 


Get Your Finances in Order with Debt Consolidation

Debt Consolidation to Clean Up Your Finances

Debt ConsolidationA significant challenge that many people experience as they get older, especially those who are not the best at managing money, is the mounting debt that is against their name.

Perhaps you paid for private college or university, or you had to spend a lot of money on a car or other expenses. While you may have thought that taking out loans was responsible, as they were relatively low interest, you are now having to deal with the aftermath.

Between significant loans and regular credit card debt, you likely have a lot of monthly payments to get through. Below is a guide that explains how you can use debt consolidation loans as a way to get out of such a hole.

What is Debt Consolidation?

The concept of debt consolidation in the United States is that you are taking all the money that you owe, and combining them into a single, low-interest loan. People find this advantageous, especially if they have a lot of money to repay that could take them several years to get through.

If you were to make a list of all the money that you owe each month as a result of loans or credit card bills, you are looking at a significant percentage of your monthly income. People who are giving up 50 percent or greater of their income to debt will have a very hard time making ends meet, or saving any money.

Debt consolidation loans can come in handy during such situations. By engaging in debt consolidation in the US, you can lower the amount of money that you have to pay each month to a manageable level.

Extend Your Loans

Taking longer to pay back loans, on the surface, may not appear like the smartest way to get out of debt. The issue for a lot of people is that their monthly loans are not manageable anymore. You may have taken out two or three long-term loans, while putting money on your cards, thinking that you can handle the minimum payments.

The problem is that minimum payments can add up very quickly, and if you are only paying a modest sum on each loan, you are incurring a lot of interest charges. That puts pressure on you to quickly pay off your loans, which can eat into your monthly earnings.

Taking out a single loan that you can handle with your present earnings will make life a lot easier. Depending on your current job and credit history, you may be eligible for a debt consolidation loan that is lower interest, compared to many of the loans that you are repaying.

Rebuild Your Finances

Arranging your loans into a single, manageable payment is only the first step in getting your finances in order. Limiting how much you have to pay in loans each month will make your life easier, but does not solve the root cause of the problem.

What you must tackle is your spending, as it is overspending that likely got you into this problem. To find a solution, start by spending two months tracking every dollar you spend. Assess where you are spending the most money, and what expenditures you could eliminate without damaging your quality of life too much.Debt Consolidation3

Perhaps you are spending a lot of money when you go out on the weekends, or you love ordering take-out or delivery food. Such indulgences are great when you have a very high-paying job, but if you are struggling to save money, you may need to cut back on some luxuries to secure your long-term future.

Take Control of Your Life

Allowing debt to take over your life is not pleasant, and can have a significant impact on your personal and professional life. Not only will you find it difficult to focus at work, but your relationships with friends and family may be impacted by your constant stressing about debt.

Rather than letting the cycle of repaying various loans each month take over your life and consume your thoughts, debt consolidation offers an out. You still have to pay back the money you owe, but you can do so using a single, manageable loan.

Debt Consolidation2

You take the money from that loan, pay off all the loans and credit card debts you owe, and then start making monthly payments on the consolidation loan. Within a few years, you will be debt free. If you have made changes to your spending habits in the meantime, you will likely have significant savings by then as well.


Start Your Career as a Bookkeeper

Become a bookkeeperBecome a bookkeeper

Bookkeeping is one of the oldest and most important professions in the world. Bookkeepers maintain accurate company records, financial transactions, and statements.

This article provides some tips on how to teach yourself how to become a bookkeeper. It will also give you some information on the skills needed to succeed in this profession.


Roles of a Bookkeeper

To become a bookkeeper, you’ll first need to understand what a bookkeeper does and the education and skills required to become one.

A bookkeeper’s work is to keep track of company finances by creating financial records for all transactions that occur in the company. They also maintain the company’s books and records by calculating taxes and payrolls, paying bills and invoices, reconciling bank statements, preparing financial statements and budgets, and managing investments or other assets such as stocks or bonds held.

They do this by using accounting software such as QuickBooks or Xero and following generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).

As a bookkeeper, you’ll have different responsibilities depending on the size of your employer. For example, if working for a small business, you might also be responsible for handling payroll or managing inventory. If you work in public accounting, you may also be responsible for preparing tax returns.Become a bookkeeper



Skills Needed to Become a Good Bookkeeper

The main requirement for becoming a bookkeeper is knowing how to keep books. A four-year degree in accounting is not required, especially if you possess the following skills;

  • Organized and detail-oriented
  • High level of accuracy and organization
  • Ability to handle multiple tasks at once, such as bills and daily transactions
  • Ability to use computer software and adapt to new programs easily
  • The terminology and procedures involved in financial record keeping
  • Basic math skills, an understanding of debits and credits, and a working knowledge of double-entry accounting.

How to Become a bookkeeper

Step 1. Learn Accounting

To become a bookkeeper, you’ll first learn basic accounting skills. If you don’t know how to balance your checkbook, start there. Learn the difference between a debit and a credit, the difference between cash and accrual accounting, and how to use the various reports generated by accounting software.

You can practice these skills on software like QuickBooks or Quicken as you learn them. These programs are often available at local libraries or on the internet. Once you feel comfortable with these basic skills, you can seek more advanced training.

Step 2. Take Free or Low-cost Online Bookkeeping Courses

Bookkeeping coursework covers general bookkeeping principles and the specific accounting software used by many businesses. Accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll, trial balance, and journal entries are covered in typical bookkeeping classes.

Free/low-cost bookkeeping courses includeBecome a bookkeeper2

  • Coursera courses

Coursera is a large online learning platform. Many free online courses are available, including courses in accounting and bookkeeping. Most of these courses are done in partnership with other online universities, are accredited, and have certificates of completion.

They offer various courses in different subjects. Some of the courses are free, and some are pay-as-you-go. You can learn and expand your knowledge on bookkeeping at Coursera at a minimal expense.

  • Corporate Finance Institute

Corporate Finance Institute is an online community college that offers specialized training in corporate finance, including stock trading and investing. You can learn from the world’s best instructors in just three months. Corporate Finance Institute also offers new students six months of free access to their online course materials. This includes a large selection of free video training courses covering topics such as stock trading and investing and bookkeeping and payroll.

  • Intuit bookkeeping basics

Intuit is the bookkeeping division of the software giant Intuit Inc., formerly QuickBooks. The QuickBooks bookkeeping software is a great place to get started with bookkeeping, but if you want to advance your career and learn more advanced techniques, you should consider enrolling in one of the company’s online courses. There are several different courses available, designed for beginners and advanced users. You can learn QuickBooks fundamentals and more advanced topics, such as the payroll module.

Step 3. Enroll In Internship ProgramsBecome a bookkeeper3

You may also want to look for an internship with a company in your area that uses bookkeepers. This will give you some hands-on experience.

Once you have completed formal training and gained some practical experience, you will be ready to seek employment as a bookkeeper for a company in your area or even as an independent contractor working from home.


Investing Strategies for the Present

During the Roman Empire, Emperors would tinker with the money supply through a process called “coin clipping.” They would collect coins from their people and mint them into newer coins with less gold or silver content, for profit. Eventually, too many coins existed, which devalued their worth and made it difficult for Roman citizens to survive. Thus began the fall of the Roman Empire. money lessons

It would be wise to go back in time and learn from the money mistakes made by one of the greatest empires of history. Only in this way, will we avoid repeating their same downfall. “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Philosopher, George Santayana.

  • Gold and silver coins during the Roman Republic

Julius-CaesarThe denarius was the coin used for trade and contained 3.9 grams of silver. But it was Julius Caesar, the last dictator of the Roman Republic, who created the aureus coin which contained around 8 grams of gold. Gold coins were popular and widely accepted which made them easy for trade across Europe and the Mediterranean. For about 75 years, economic stability reigned with the gold coin until the assassination of Caesar by the aristocracy. Caesar’s successor and grandnephew, Augustus, would continue building the golden age and transform the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire.


  • Coin clipping during the Roman Empire money lessons 1

Sadly, was Emperor Nero the first to engage in “coin clipping.” With coin clipping, the aureus was reduced from 8 to 7.2 grams, to 6.5 grams (under Caracalla), and 5.5 grams (under Diocletian). A replacement coin called the solidus was introduced, made up of only 4.5 grams of gold. Meanwhile, the denarius (silver coin) was reduced from 3.9 to 3.41 and only had traces of silver to cover its bronze core, which vanished quickly with wear and tear. Coin clipping would eventually reduce the value of the coins, and the real wages of workers, while providing profits to the emperor.

“Coin clipping reduced the aureus’s real value, increasing the money supply, allowing the emperor to continue imprudent overspending, but eventually resulting in inflation and economic crises, which the misguided emperors would attempt to ameliorate via further coin clipping.” Saifedean Ammous

  • The Fall of The Roman Empire

With time, the Empire no longer had prosperous lands to conquer. This meant they could not collect payment to fund their wars or fund their lavish lifestyle, growing military base or the increasing number of citizens that were living off the emperor’s resources. All this strained the resources of the state beyond its ability to sustain itself. Stuck in a feedback loop, the emperor would try to salvage its finances by further coin clipping, taxation, and often accusing a person of treason to confiscate all their assets. They even developed a two-tier system in which the government and military enjoyed the benefits of a gold standard, and the rest of the population was on the devalued currency.

With currency becoming worthless, increasing inflation, and taxation due to the emperor’s overspending, it was becoming impossible for people to survive as they were. People began fleeing to empty lands where they could at least have a chance of living in self-sufficiency and where they could be spared from having to pay high taxes on no substantial wages. Citizens of the Empire went from having wealth and being part of history’s greatest empire to now becoming serfs living under their feudal lords (serfs were agricultural laborers working on their lord’s estates). The Empire crumbled under the weight of its recklessness.

  • Bitcoin Is the People’s Money money lessons2

Coin clipping and the resultant inflation not only began the fall of the Roman Empire but also destroyed the (economic) freedom of the Roman people. As we can see from history, state leaders habitually seek to monopolize the supply of money and tinker with it to finance their own needs. It’s a habit that remains with us today when we see overspending by the government causing hyperinflation rates like in Venezuela and Zimbabwe. Their mismanagement of money impoverished their people so much they can barely afford basic goods.

  • Because our monetary system has been in place for so long, it is almost intrinsically impossible for the majority of people to imagine an alternative system. One where the currency is not managed, manipulated, or owned by our governments.

Bitcoin offers this possibility because it is a digital currency that is not owned by a central power. It is scarce and resistant to hyperinflation. And what this means is that it protects the people’s wealth against losing value. In other words, Bitcoin takes economic power and liberty away from governments and puts it back into the people’s hands, money lessons helping to avoid the same fate as the Roman people did.


The Benefits of Fasting: How to Fast Safely and…

Fasting Facts and how to do it Safely

People have been fasting for thousands of years for religious and health reasons, and some regard it as a weight loss tool. You’ve probably seen headlines about celebrities drinking exotic fruit juices to prepare for movie roles, and heard friends talking about their weekly fast days.

Fasting is still controversial among medical experts. If you’re trying to decide whether to give up food for weight loss or other purposes, consider these suggestions for staying safe while you fast.


Deciding to Fast

1. Losing weight. Any diet extremely low in calories will cause you to lose weight quickly, but you’re likely to gain it right back. That’s because you lose water and muscle mass, and your metabolism slows down. When you resume eating, you may gain weight while consuming the same amount of food you used to be able to manage.

2. Detoxify your body. Some diet books claim that fasting will purify your system and remove environmental pollutants. Most doctors believe that your liver and other organs do that job automatically.

3. Feel empowered. The stigma associated with being overweight can create a difficult relationship with food. You may appreciate the experience of control that comes with brief fasting.

4. Practice your religion. Many faiths include rituals based on fasting. Practitioners say it heightens their awareness and brings them closer to the divine.

5. Prepare for medical treatment. Listen to your doctor when they give you directions not to eat before certain medical tests or surgery. Proper treatment may require establishing an accurate baseline or giving your body a break from digesting food.

6. Live longer. A large body of research supports a connection between consuming fewer calories and extending your life span. The tradeoffs may be worth it for you.

Techniques for Fasting Safely

1. Drink liquids. Dehydration is one of the biggest concerns during any extreme diet. If you feel dizzy or confused, drink more water, and see your doctor if the symptoms continue.

2. Clarify your terms. There are many different kinds of fasts. Most healthy individuals can handle consuming nothing but water for up to 2 days. Fasts that allow liquid calories or eating at certain hours may be feasible for longer periods.

3. Alternate days. Alternate-day fasting is a hot trend since a British TV doctor wrote a book about his experience. You may want to experiment with his formula for five days on and two days off.  Intermittent Fasting

4. Study nutrition. If you’re trying to take off weight, keep in mind that fasting is a temporary and intense approach. In the long term, it’s important to understand how to eat healthily to stay in shape. Pick up a book on nutrition and try out new recipes for vegetables.

5. Watch for side effects. In addition to dehydration, there can be other consequences to fasting. Look out for bad breath, trouble sleeping, and mood changes. You may find it helpful to decrease your level of physical activity and postpone tasks that require heavy thinking.

6. Know your risks. Some adults need to avoid fasting altogether, including pregnant women and those who suffer from diabetes. The bottom line is that there are many diets more effective than fasting if you’re trying to lose weight.

On the other hand, you may have other good reasons to stop eating temporarily. In that case, fasting may be good for your body and soul, as long as you talk with your doctor and take precautions that will keep you safe while you cut out calories.

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