Going Green: A Guide to Vegetarian Diets

Vegetarian Diets

Chefs started to experiment with cooking without meat back in the day. But the meals were often tasteless. But nowadays after experiencing this for more than a quarter of a century, cooks are combining fruits, vegetable grains, and legumes in exciting new ways. The tastes are so good that even large restaurants are now offering meatless meals.

Healing Power of Vegetarian Diets 2As a result, more than 30 million Americans, including one in three teens, have tried vegetarian meals, according to the American Dietetic Association. They like the health benefits and how good the food tastes. Vegetarian diets have changed, but one thing stayed the same: a plant-based diet, which is low in saturated fat, high in fiber, vitamins, antioxidants, and a powerful array of protective chemicals.

This is the ultimate prescription for a longer and healthier life, according to Virginia Messina, MPH, R.D. a dietitian in Port Townsend, Washington, and co-author of The Vegetarian Way.

Research results have shown that vegetarians have lower rates of cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, type two diabetes, and obesity than people who eat meat. According to British researchers, vegetarians have a 20% lower risk of fatal heart disease and a 40% lower risk of cancer.

Healing Power of Vegetarian DietsOther studies found more positive facts. Fifty years ago, a large study of 27,530 Seventh-Day Adventists, whose religion advocates a vegetarian diet, provided the first scientific link between vegetarian diets and better health. Researchers were amazed to discover that among the vegetarian Adventists, the death rate from cancer was 50 to 70% lower than among other Americans. Since then, study after study has confirmed the benefits of vegetarian eating.

In Asia, where people eat little or no meat, diseases such as heart disease, breast cancer, and diabetes, are far less common than in the United States.

Naturally Lean

Something that makes vegetarian meals so healthy is that they don’t have all the saturated fat and cholesterol that comes from meat. While most Americans get about 36% of their total calories from fat, vegetarians get less, usually between 30% and 34%. And most of the fat they get is the healthier polyunsaturated and monounsaturated type – and not the dangerous saturated fat that comes from animal foods.

In one study, researchers put 500 people on a vegetarian diet. After twelve days, cholesterol levels had dropped an average of 11%.

Besides the fact that vegetarian meals don’t contain saturated fat which makes vegetarian meals so healthy, they also contain “good” fats. According to studies, both polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, which are found in olive oil, canola oil, nuts, seeds, and many other plant foods, can lower the level of cholesterol when they’re used to replace saturated fat in the diet.

And the omega-3 fatty acids found in some plant foods, such as walnuts and flaxseed, can further protect against heart disease by helping to keep artery walls flexible and supporting the electrical “system” within the heart that regulates a healthy heartbeat.

Healing Power of Vegetarian Diets 9The Power of Plants

Doctors in the United States have been pleading with Americans for years to eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes, the same foods that vegetarians eat in abundance. Most plant foods are loaded with antioxidants, like beta-carotene and vitamin C and E. They are essential to protect you against diseases.

Also, plant foods contain an abundance of phytonutrients, which are natural plant compounds that have been shown to lower the risk of cataracts, heart disease, and many other serious problems.

In another study, researchers found that people who got the most carotenoids, the plant pigment that is found in dark green and deep orange, yellow, and red fruits and vegetables, had half the risk of developing macular degeneration (the leading cause of irreversible vision loss in older adults) as people getting less.

Vegetarian diets cut the risk of breast, colon, ovarian, and prostate cancer in several studies. The magic ingredients include several cancer-fighting phytochemicals. The naturally lower levels of saturated fat in most vegetarian diets (except those that rely heavily on cheese) avoid a problem that is connected with meat-rich diets: High-saturated fat diets seem to promote the production of a form of estrogen called estradiol, which is linked to breast cancer.

A study showed that women who ate the most animal fats had a one-third higher risk of breast cancer than those who ate the least.

Another study found that vegetarians have higher levels of “natural killer cells” – special white blood cells that attack cancer cells – in their bloodstreams.

Healing Power of Vegetarian Diets 11But even if you took all the nutrients out of plant foods, the vegetarian diet would still have an edge, because of all the dietary fiber it contains. The average American gets only 12-15 grams of fiber per day, while vegetarians are getting as much as three times that amount.

It is almost impossible to exaggerate the importance of getting enough dietary fiber. because it isn’t absorbed by the body, fiber passes through the digestive tract, adding bulk to stools and helping them to move more quickly. This does more than prevent constipation. The more quickly stools and any harmful substances they contain move through the colon, the less likely they are to do cellular damage that could lead to cancer. Washing is essential.

Also, one type of fiber called soluble fiber forms a gel in the intestine that helps to prevent fat and cholesterol from passing through the intestinal wall and into the bloodstream. In a study of more than 43,000 men, for example, researchers found that those who added just 10 grams of fiber a day to their diets – about 25% of the amount vegetarians get each day – decreased their risk of heart disease by almost 30%.

Vegetarian diets also guard against other health issues, like kidney stones, gallstones, and asthma. Because high-protein diets with much meat prompt your body to excrete more calcium, oxalate, and uric acid – which are the main building blocks of kidney stones. Diets with a lot of meat increase the chance of getting gallstones in women and could threaten bone density by promoting the excretion of calcium.

In a Swedish study of 24 women and men, vegetable-based meals cut the frequency and severity of asthma attacks.

Balance is the Key

A vegetarian diet can provide all the nutrients your body needs, including protein. This is even true for strict vegetarians, who may avoid eggs, milk, and other animal foods altogether. The proteins in meat are complete, which means they contain all the amino acids your body needs.

Healing Power of Vegetarian Diet 4The proteins in legumes and grains, however, may be low in one or more of the amino acids, but because legumes and grains contain some amino acids, eating a variety of these foods throughout the day will provide the proper balance.

However, vegetarians have the risk of vitamin B12 deficiency, which the body needs to make red blood cells. It’s only found in animal foods. People who don’t get enough vitamin B12 feel weak and tired.

You can get plenty of vitamin B12 by eating foods that are fortified with this nutrient, such as fortified cereals, or/and you can take B12 supplements.

Sugar spikes your insulin.

How to Stop Puppy Barking: A Guide to Successful…

Stop Puppy Barking

Puppy Barking/Successful Dog Training. Before we train your puppy to avoid barking, we need to consider the explanations of why your pup barks to begin with.

The age-old question is, why do Puppies bark?

Stop-Puppy-BarkingSome puppies decide to bark as they are after attention and the only method they could get noticed is via barking. The greater you take notice of the barking the greater you might be reinforcing the issue and behavior.

Puppies learned ways to get their mom’s attention once they were within the litter plus, they have discovered the fastest method of getting your attention is through excessive vocalization.

This behavior will not be natural to some puppies or dogs whatsoever which is learned behavior, the reason behind this is when they made lots of noise within the wild chances are they might have gotten negative attention from their wild animals.

One more reason behind excessive vocalization is the result of why dogs and puppies were first adopted as pets. Humans decided to obtain a pet (a long time ago) so they might have a person to guard the home as the owners were out – and a method to guard the home and also to scare off possible intruders was to get a dog that barked or made allot of noise.

One more reason why dogs and puppies bark is boredom, separation anxiety, and frustration. Simply by making a lot of noise your pooch is trying to be reunited along with you and also by creating a allot of noise your pooch is looking to get your attention (however far you may be) so you are reunited being a pack sooner. However, this occasional barking may progress to howling when it is permitted to continue for too much time.

Anxiety and fear may also cause excessive vocalization – this is used as a technique by your puppy to scare off something that they might perceive being a danger. High-pitched barking also makes your pup feel much better too.

Prevention and Cure

Whenever your dog or puppy is making all of that noise – a good thing that can be done would be to ignore him. In case your pooch is making a lot of noise for attention by acknowledging your puppy’s s behavior whether this is reprimanding him or coming whenever he will make a noise – you might be simply reinforcing that your pup wants your attention.

In case your dog or puppy whines as he is within the crate or playpen – don’t allow him to out or acknowledge him until he or she is quiet – so when he or she is quiet reinforce the behavior by allowing him or from the crate (don’t allow him to out until he or she is quiet)!

Never encourage your pet or puppy to bark – either by teasing him or some other method.

Start puppy socialization as soon as possible – the greater experiences that the puppy gets utilized the less frightened he is going to be as well as the not as likely he will bark.

Provide your pet or puppy with a lot of methods to be stimulated – this can stop your pup from becoming bored or frustrated; it’s also a great way for the pooch to convey himself non-verbally.

Reinforce good behavior – in case your puppy utilized to bark when cars went past and are also now quiet – reward him – start using these techniques whenever he or she is quiet around previous experiences as he might have barked.

Proper Dog TrainingFrequent exercise is an excellent method to use with dogs and puppies that bark – as excessive vocalization is extremely tiring and when your pooch is tired, he is going to be not as likely to bark.

In case your puppy is a guarding type; then don’t allow him to use places where he can see traffic passing, mail arriving, or people walking beyond the window.

Anyway, hopefully, you enjoyed our page regarding how to stop dog barking. The greater you utilize these techniques the greater your pooch will stay quiet, not as likely to bark, happy and anxiety free.

Successful Dog Training

Watching your children’s eyes illuminate whenever you bring a brand-new puppy house is truly a heartwarming experience. Your pet includes unconditional love and warm genuine friendship. If you’ve owned a pet dog before you are already aware that along with the delights of the new doggy;- it may also include frustration, unconditional messes, and genuine destruction. Do not worry, with some obedience training you can head off unwanted dog behavior.

5 Wonderful Benefits of Proper Dog Training

It builds a good relationship with both you and your dog and establishes you because of the pack leader. Enough time you may spend together cooperating, and researching one another, deepens your bond.

A properly trained dog is a welcome dog that can be taken almost anywhere and is also fantastic to become around when camping, hiking, as well as just taking a walk, as he will not be high-risk or perhaps a nuisance to others.

Stop-Puppy-Barking 6Proper dog training corrects undesirable dog behavior. Chewing your furniture, digging your flowers, barking at everyone who passes from your yard as well as bolting the door could be resolved with some concentration on obedience training.

Whenever you train your pet, it stimulates your dog’s intellect and allows him to make use of his brain; dogs are curious naturally and wish to find out about both world as well as the people around them. Dogs possess a deep need to please us, it’s instinctive, then when they could know what you want of this plus, they react to our commands; they think vital and needed, a powerful member of the pack.

It will save you money and time! Making the effort to teach your pet to behave properly in your house saves time cleaning messes and will save you money by lacking to change torn-up pillows, shoes, or any other valuable possessions.

There are lots of wonderful benefits to some properly trained dogs, a lot to completely list, but among my favorites is the companionship, using a dog that will protect our family when I’m not around. It had been best said by an unknown author: “He or she is your friend, your lover, your defender. You might be his life, his love, and his awesome leader.”

dog-training 2

The top proper dog training technique is the usage of Positive Reinforcement to teach your pet. This is just rewarding good behavior that you would like to find out repeated, and ignoring bad dog behavior.

This can be a direct contrast to some now outdated ways of obedience training which by today’s standards was cruel, (like using shock collars, hitting your pet with rolled-up newspapers, as well as rubbing your dog’s nose in poop.)

Your pet instinctively would like to make you happy and if you use positive reinforcement to teach your pet you will notice that your pet learns quicker as well as the instruction is remembered throughout your dog’s life. This is the best way to a properly trained dog.


5 superb pieces of advice to facilitate your pet training efforts

dog-trainingMake sure to use meaningful rewards. Most dogs become bored quickly and don’t respond with only a pat on the head or perhaps a good boy. To help keep your training to the highest standards use tempting incentives permanently dog behavior.

Mix in the rewards, don’t always provide the same treatment while training your pet. All dogs have different favorite treats; I’ve trained dogs that will practically rob a bank for any liver treat. Try to look for 2 or 3 special treats which you can use just whenever you train your pet.

Make use of the right timing whenever you reward your pet for obeying a command. Your ultimate goal would be to mark the required dog behavior by having a treat timed so your dog understands what behavior earned the treat.


Some dog trainers recommend a clicker while training to mark the actual moment your pet does everything you desire, then immediately provide the reward. This is effective but so does a higher-pitched “whoop,” or some other sound the dog can identify because of the reward sound.

Directions to become a good Canine Citizen: Sit, Down, Stay, Come, Heel, Off, and No.

Be clear and consistent together with your commands. Decide your verbal clues before you begin your training and stay with them. Make sure that the whole family uses the same commands as well as your dog’s rate of obedience training is going to be higher and you’ll see quicker alternation in dog behavior.

Take time to learn proper dog training techniques – it can help to have it right the very first time out. If you’re a newcomer to obedience training or perhaps an experienced trainer; it’s smart big dividends to read through trusted sources to understand more about the advantages of training your pet.

You happen to be the best person to teach your pet! It’d be easy to teach a pet dog to accomplish just about anything. Beyond understanding basic dog behavior and obedience training, I’ve trained dogs to seal the doorway, dance, speak, play bang you’re dead, catch Frisbees, as well as other cute and impressive tricks. 

-special thanks to Gloria for all her insights!



Nourishing Your Kids with Healthy Foods

How to get kids to eat healthily

Get Your Babies to Eat Healthy Food

Patience, perseverance, and a small amount of creativity will greatly assist in making your children eat healthy food. It is not surprising that the children might be by far the most notorious picky eaters up to now. Children choose to eat unhealthy food options in the event you tolerate them. However, that shouldn’t continually be the situation.

Now is the ideal time for you to create a firm foundation for proper nutrition by teaching and encouraging these to eat healthy food for kids. Remember that healthy food for kids is made up of several food combinations from your four major recommended food groups. So long as you can strike an equilibrium with the recommended food groups – dairy, meat protein, fruits, vegetables, and grains – you’re ready. Here are a few ideas to help you get started.

Introduce New Food Flavors A Step at Any Given Time

Don’t let your children go into a food rut. Avoid serving them the same meal repeatedly. Begin by browsing or reading through recipe ideas from books, and magazines, as well as online. Gradually introduce new food flavors, pairings, and recipes every week in conjunction with their favorite food.

You can begin with greens. Dice new vegetables and incorporate all of them with their favorite food like pasta, soup, omelet, or casserole. Just be sure to combine it each week by introducing new methods to cook veggies using their favorite meals.

Involve Your Children in Cooking

The very next time you visit the supermarket, bring your children along and get them to choose their very own fruits and vegetables. In cooking healthy food for kids, invite them to assist you using the preparation. Nothing too much profile. You can make them wash the produce, stir the soup, as well as help to make fresh pasta in your own home.

This is a great method to help make your kids appreciate the enjoyable side of cooking and eating while teaching them basic cooking skills. Research indicates that kids are more inclined to consume the food they helped prepare.Get Your babies eating Healthy Food

Do Not Radically Eliminate Desserts or High-Fat Foods

How to get kids to eat healthily; the true secret to healthy food for kids, much like adults, is moderation. There is absolutely no have to completely ban frozen treats or fries from the kid’s diet. Should you, it can only make sure they want much more of these food types. What you should do is ensure they understand what’s negative and positive on their behalf.

There’s always an area for sugary desserts or oily foods once in a while. Help them learn the need for small portions of these types of foods, or even better find healthy alternatives that will still permit them to take pleasure in the same flavor without compromising the vitamins and minerals.

Use Your Imagination in Plating and Serving

Everyone knows how kids are enticed by anything visual especially colors. Apply that to food. Have just as many color variations as possible when serving them the meals they eat. You may also go so far as to create art pieces using their fruits and vegetables. Invite these to join you for making by far the most visually appealing meals.

Vegetables and fruit happen to be colorful ingredients. You just need some creativity in plating and serving. Kids love dips. Why not produce a delicious, low-fat veggie dip which will entice these to eat their greens and fruits?

Do Not Bribe Your Children into Eating Their FruitsGet Your Kids to Eat Healthy Fruit

In contrast to popular belief, bribing kids to consume their fruits can perform more damage than good. Usually do not bargain together with your kids with rewards like using a full-on sugary dessert after consuming vegetables etc. This can only heighten negative food associations where fruits are requirements and desserts are enjoyable, delicious rewards.

Children often bring these negative associations along with them towards adulthood. Just get them to eat one bite. Usually do not quit. They might nothing like it immediately but that doesn’t mean they are likely to hate it forever.

Become A Role Type of Healthy Eating

This can be a critical part of teaching your children to consume healthily. Set a great example on their behalf now because they are probably to keep in mind their parent’s words, attitudes, and habits about healthy eating. Allow them to see the things they are missing. Healthy eating for children is super important!

Eat your fruits and vegetables, and tell them how delicious and nutritious it is. You can go overboard and make use of your acting skills if you would like. Kids are observant and keen on the elders around them. Be that fun-loving, healthy eater they would like to emulate because they get older.

And, when it’s time for bed…How to Calm a Child for Bed 

How you can calm a young child down for bed can require lots of patience, even for the best-experienced caregivers. From the evening hours, young children could be from sorts, whiny, tearful, and uncoordinated. Youngsters lack the opportunity to set limits on their own if they are exhausted and that is certainly where we as parents and caregivers are available in.

Calming before bedtimeHow you can calm a young child down begins with reducing the pace within your home and establishing a relaxing atmosphere that can help induce rest and sleep. Even the smallest of kids take advantage of choice making like which pajamas to put on or what stuffed animal to rest with.

Give children options to promote maturity, but at this particular age which period of the evening, keep it simplistic. Don’t forget to brush!  Get your kids to brush their teeth before bedtime

Do attempt to schedule an evening routine that the toddler can rely on. A routine helps create a level of comfort the kid can depend on and derive security from thus making relaxation easier. After dinner, an evening bath filled with bubbles and fanfare is how you can calm a young child down in a constructive way.

Tepid warm water features a soothing effect and can help settle down the central nervous system

Stay away from too much sugar throughout your day. It’s unhealthy and could help make your toddler hyperactive. How you can calm a young child down following a day of excessive sugar might be a futile effort. Excess juice and fruit snacks are typical causes of excessive sugar.

Bonding together with your child before bed could be loads of fun using the right DVD or video. Select a title that is soothing like Teletubbies or similar fare rather than long. Don’t attempt to place the kid before the television on their own to get other activities done. How to Calm a Child for Bed

How you can calm a young child down for bed could be answered to some extent simply by making yourself readily available for a great cuddle.

Do attempt to keep a calm demeanor and temperament yourself. Children learn by example. When they realize it’s dark outside, the bath continues to be taken, the DVD has been watched as well as your mood is quiet and loving, children will react by calming down.

Create the child’s bedroom in a loving environment. Put in a nightlight. Ensure the child has their favorite stuffed toy to rest with. Read a brief story or sing a quiet lullaby. A nurturing setting for bed sets the tone for sleep.

This author has enjoyed raising three children and has been witness to cranky, overwrought behavior. I hope these guidelines help and you could make putting your charge to sleep an exciting time.

Happy children become happy adults.

-Beautifully written by Gloria Phillips



The Secrets to Successful Dog Training

Best Dog Training we can do for our Dogs

Best Dog Training 2


We’re always told how important it is to teach our dogs, but precisely what is proper dog training, and the reason why it is essential anyway?

This list explains why it is vital we provide proper socialization and training to canine friends.

Please read these 5 undeniable explanations of why we owe it to the dogs to teach them:

Proper dog training helps you to build and strengthen a wholesome and productive relationship together with your dog.

Proper dog training opens the lines of communication between both you and your dog. A genuine type of two-way communication is established through positive non-violent proper dog training. Both you and your dog will become familiar with to have interacted with one another in a mutually respectful manner, according to cooperation and understanding.

A properly socialized and trained dog can become an excellent lifelong companion, workmate, and friend. An untrained dog can easily turn into a burden as well as an endless supply of frustration. Rather than using a lopsided relationship that your location is continually yelling at or reprimanding your untrained dog, why not set your pet as much as succeed by offering some leadership and clear guidelines for him/her to adhere to?

Best Dog Training 11An experienced dog is a highly regarded and trusted part of society that is welcomed almost anywhere. This needs to be an optimistic thing for the relationship, doesn’t it?

Training prevents many common “dog problems” from ever arising.

An entire selection of common dog behavior problems could be prevented through some obedience training. Dogs are creatures of habit why not utilize this to your benefit by helping your pet to build up good behavior habits from an earlier age? In case you are proactive and set up some simple guidelines and routines for the puppy to adhere to you might never need to deal with destructive behaviors like digging, chewing, excessive barking as well as separation anxiety. Don’t forget the poop bags!

Whenever a so-named behavior problem does arise both you and your trained dog is going to be well-equipped to operate through it. It is possible to communicate to your dog the behavior is unacceptable. You may also decide to get the dog to execute a different behavior instead of the current problem. A good example of this could be in case your dog was up surfing your countertops for food scraps you can get him/her to “visit your spot” instead.

The majority of “bad dogs” or dogs with behavior problems eventuate since the dog has never been taught any better. A pet dog will not chew your expensive shoes to obtain back to you or as he/she is evil. They do it just since you left the shoe lying around having a bored and stressed dog. Most likely in the event, you provided a tasty chew toy and did some chew toy training in that case your dog will be delighted to chew around the toy only.

An experienced dog is another pleasure to consider for any walk (no pulling!) and trips to your Vet or Dog Groomer are never an issue.


Vsezund Dog Training Collar

Best Dog Training 6

Training your pet is a necessary safety measure for you personally, your pet, and exactly what enters into connection with your pet.

Getting your dog under voice control in almost any situation is an extremely reassuring position to stay in – it might even save your dog’s life one day. In case your dog is going to bolt out onto an active road or get something dangerous it is great to immediately intervene and alter their behavior by having an obedience training command like “no”, “come” or “let it rest”.

A suitably socialized and trained dog is a much safer proposition around other dogs and animals. Proper dog training plays an important role in educating your pet on how you can act appropriately around yourself, your kids, and visitors to your house.

An experienced dog is confident, secure, and comfy together with his/her devoted family.

A properly trained dog appreciates the guidance, structure, and boundaries you provide through training. It’s much better than using a nervous, anxious, and confused dog that is continually being yelled at for things he/she doesn’t even understand. Training relieves a lot of the frustration and stress that exists between both you and your dog.

my best friendTraining creates proper household etiquette for the dog to adhere to. It addresses such issues as bolting the entryway, chewing, jumping on guests, and excessive barking.

Proper dog training offers a brilliant release or outlet for all your dog’s pent-up energy. This energy needs to emerge in one method or another why not channel it into something productive like obedience training?

An experienced dog’s life requires a far different way from those of an untrained dog.

Most dogs that wind up in animal shelters arrive there simply because they have a minimum of one behavior problem – a number of these problems can easily be controlled through some fundamental obedience training. Untrained dogs often turn into a pest and therefore are pushed further and additional from the family. This only compounds the current problems. Behaviors like jumping up, mouthing, and cheeky barking that you regarded as cute with your young puppy suddenly turn into a real problem because the dog grows up.



Whenever we bring a brand-new dog into our everyday life, we have been bringing another species right into a world that is completely foreign to them – our human world. We owe it to the dogs to assist them to squeeze into our lifestyle by clearly showing them what exactly is expected of them and what exactly is acceptable behavior – this is exactly what proper dog training provides.

So, there they may be, the five reasons I think every dog deserves a minimum of some fundamental training for everybody’s benefit.

Just for a second ignore all the benefits in the above list that obedience training provides. Could you still train your pet even when all the benefits listed failed to apply? I would personally because training your pet is among the real joys of having a dog, it is extremely fun. Time spent training your pet is time wisely spent – for many involved.

HKZOOI Dog Training Collar

 Hands down one of the best human training tools to better your dog


The Path to a Stronger Heart

Healthy Heart Secrets 


Healthy Heart, from the time when the fruits of fermentation were discovered, wine has been a welcome health guest. Not only at dinner tables but also at weddings, religious rituals, and even in doctors’ offices.

Not so long ago, however, scientists began to investigate the actual health benefits of drinking wine. And the findings they’ve uncorked are enough to make any wine lover raise his glass and say “Salut!”

When sipped in moderation, particularly red wine, can help lower cholesterol and prevent hardening of the arteries and heart disease. Also, studies discovered that it can kill the bacteria that cause food poisoning and travelers’ diarrhea.

Pegusas Marketplace and Physicians don’t recommend that people start guzzling wine rather than sipping it or that people who don’t drink should suddenly start. Rather, what the evidence suggests is that moderate drinking can be a helpful addition to a healthy diet.

For many years, scientists were amazed that their French allies indulged themselves in cigarettes, buttery croissants, and fatty pates – and were still 2 1/2 times less likely to develop heart disease than their supposedly healthier American counterparts.


Berberine Plus 1200mgResearchers are still investigating the so-called French paradox, but it appears likely that the French have healthier hearts, at least partly because they prefer red wine. These wines are rich in compounds that help lower cholesterol and prevent harmful low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol from sticking to the lining of artery walls – the process that leads to heart disease. Red wines also help blood platelets from sticking together and forming dangerous clots.






Healthy Heart-3Heart Protection keeps your pump primed in complex ways. There are several chemical compounds at work, and some of them have more than one benefit. As a start, the alcohol in red wine may be beneficial. People who drink small amounts of alcohol seem to have increased protection from heart disease, studies prove. Supplements help too!
According to research, the reason is that ethanol, or alcohol, in spirited drinks raises levels of good cholesterol, heart-protecting high-density lipoprotein (HDL). Beer and other alcoholic drinks have some benefits, but wine is the only one with health-promoting polyphenols.

The reason for its superior protection is that wine contains powerful flavonoids, like quercetin. Along with other potentially protective compounds, like resveratrol, it helps prevent the body’s dangerous (LDL) cholesterol from oxidizing. This, in turn, makes bad LDL cholesterol less likely to stick to artery walls.

Laboratory studies have shown that resveratrol slows down aging in mice, protects against weight gain, and boosts endurance by improving the functioning of mitochondria – which are tiny power plants inside every cell of your body.

“Flavonoids in red wine are more powerful than vitamin E, which everyone knows is an important antioxidant,” says John D Folts, Ph.D., professor of medicine and director of the coronary thrombosis Laboratory at the University of Wisconsin Medical School in Madison.

Keeping LDL cholesterol under control is a good start against heart disease, besides helping to prevent platelets in the blood from sticking together. A study led by professor Folts and his colleagues found that when reed wine was given to laboratory animals, it eliminated potentially dangerous clots, which can cause heart attacks and strokes. “Red wine performs double duty, giving you two important benefits at the same time,” says Dr. Folts.

red wineIt’s in the color When we talk about the healing power of wine for a healthy heart, we are referring to red wine. A laboratory study at the University of California, Davis, revealed that red wines could prevent from 46% to 100% of (LDL) cholesterol from oxidizing, while white wines were less protective. In addition, laboratory studies found that white wine misses the blood clot-blocking ability. 

The reason why red wine is so much superior to white has to do with winemaking. When vintners make wine, they throw everything in the vat – not just grapes but also the skins, seeds, and stems. They’re all mashed up to create a chunky mixture called must, and this contains healthy flavonoids.  

“The longer the must ferment in the alcohol, the more of these compounds release into the wine, according to Dr. Folts. With white wine, the must is taken out early so that the wine never darkens. With red wine, the must is kept for a long time, and the wine picks up a lot of flavonoids.”

UC Davis researchers have found that some red wines are also rich in saponins, which lower heart disease risk by binding to cholesterol and preventing their absorption. Saponins may also cool body-wide inflammation, which could also lower the risk of heart disease and cancer.

blood clot-blocking ability

Red wines contain 3 to 10 times more saponins than whites. The richest source is red Zinfandel, followed by Syrah, Pinot Noir, and Cabernet Sauvignon. The two white varieties, Sauvignon Blanc and Chardonnay contain less. The saponin may come from the waxy grape skins and seems to dissolve into the wine during fermentation. Wines with the highest alcohol content also have the most saponin. Wine may also maintain a healthy weight.

Researchers at the Mayo Clinic followed drinking behavior and weight in 8,200 men ad women. They found that those who enjoyed one or two alcoholic beverages a day were 54% less likely to be obese than nondrinkers. Nondrinkers and ex-drinkers had twice as much chance of becoming obese. People who have a glass of wine or beer every day usually have it with their evening meal, and it could be that a drink replaces a later, high-calorie evening snack.

However, four or more glasses per day don’t make you super slim but give you a 50% more chance of becoming obese.


“Wine protects against infection,” said Scientists from Tripler Army Medical Center in Honolulu tested red wine, white wine, and bismuth and found that they subsalicylate against some of the meanest intestinal germs, including shigella, salmonella, and Escherichia coli, and that both red and white wines were more effective than drugs for wiping out harmful bacteria.

Headaches for some people with a tendency toward migraine headaches, even a small glass of wine can cause a lot of headaches. Red wine contains substances called amines, which cause blood vessels in the brain to constrict and then expand. For sensitive people, this can result in eye-popping headaches.

Although white wine contains fewer headache-producing amines than the red varieties, it doesn’t contain as many healing compounds. So, if headaches are a problem for you, you may want to ask your doctor if a nonalcoholic wine will allow you to enjoy the great taste without the pain. Resveratrol 500 mg is an age-defying formula to support your body’s youthful essence. 

Know your limit The most important tip for getting the maximum healthy heart benefits from your wine cellar is knowing when to put your glass down. The daily limit is one 5-ounce glass a day for women and two 5-ounce glasses for men. Experts agree, however, that if you are tempted to overindulge, or if you have a personal or family history of alcoholism, you’re better off skipping alcohol entirely.

Petite SyrahGo for the Gusto when you are scanning the shelves for the wine with the highest levels of heart-healthy compounds, go for the full-bodied, robust varieties. There is a close relationship between the level of tannin, the substance that makes wine dry, and the level of healing compounds in red wines.

Three of the most heart-healthy wines are Cabernet Sauvignon, Petite Syrah, and Merlot. 



To your health!



Harness the Power of Video in Email Marketing

Use Video in Email Marketing

Use Video in Email MarketingIt’s not news that video is at the forefront of marketing these days.

From creating videos for your website to hosting Facebook Live sessions, this marketing tool has transformed from a nice-to-have to a must-have if you want to effectively engage with your audience and build a loyal following who will be more likely to purchase from you.


Video-based marketing is a great way to stand out from the multiple messages people get in their inboxes every day, not to mention how effective it is on social media.

This article focuses on how to use video in email marketing. Keep reading for some technical tips on using video in your emails, and advice on the creative aspects for some inspiration.

How To Use Video in Email Marketing

I’ve talked about using video many times in the past, but in case you’re still not convinced or haven’t thought to use video in your email marketing efforts, it’s time to pay close attention.

According to a study from B2B Decision Labs, when people are going through their emails, they tend to be in a negative emotional state, but when study participants watched a video email, it decreased their negative feelings and transitioned them to more of a neutral emotional state. So, when people are going through their inboxes, and they come across a video email, they’re going to feel better than they did reading through all those text emails, and they’ll be more likely to interact with it.

Indeed, a survey from Vidyard showed just that. More than 70 percent of respondents said video emails receive more opens, clicks, and responses than text-based emails.

The Benefits of Video Marketing. It saves time. You can create short, engaging pieces of video much more quickly than it will take you to write an 800-word blog. It also gives info to your viewer in an easy-to-understand way. It can help with SEO. Your Google search ranking can improve if your footage is viewed and shared by enough people. It’s cost-effective. You don’t need CGI effects or animation to make something great. A video can be much more affordable to produce than a blog or ad. It grabs attention. Especially when added to your newsletter, a video captures your audience’s attention and compels them to want to watch.

technical-Use Video in Email MarketingThe Technical Part of Video Email Marketing

When it comes to using video in your email marketing, there are several technical aspects to consider.

You have to make sure your videos are mobile-friendly and confirm that they’re compatible with as many email services as possible, and if you do run into issues, you have to come up with a workaround.

That being said, before we get into the fun stuff, let’s go over some of the more technical details of using video in your emails.

Ensure Your Videos Will Play

Before you start brainstorming ways to use video in your emails, you need to know how they’ll play in different email clients, or whether they’ll play at all.

There are over 30 major email clients, including Gmail, Microsoft Outlook, Apple Mail, and Yahoo Mail, and some of them don’t support the requirements for using email with video.

Traditionally, marketers would use HTML5 (Hypertext Markup Language) to code HTML video directly into an email, but recipients with certain email clients aren’t able to play it. Many popular email providers will only show a fallback image, and your marketing message will be lost in the crowd.

Fortunately, some of the popular services make it easy to share across all providers by using a screen capture image of your video and linking it to the original content on your blog, YouTube, Vimeo, or similar sites.

This gives the appearance of there being an actual video in your email and avoids technical issues with your email provider. Instead of having to learn HTML5, there are also third-party services that can create a video snippet for you to include right in the body of your newsletter.

Check out Playable to embed a short video in your next newsletter. Playable will replace the video with an image of your choice if the email service provider doesn’t support the video technology.

No matter what tool you use, it’s crucial to test your campaign before you send it out. You’ll need to have accounts on all of the popular email platforms so you can see how your footage works on each of them.

Use Video in Email Marketing9Sound like a lot of work? Maybe you’d prefer to leave the heavy lifting to a professional marketing company that’s been helping clients create successful email campaigns since 2003.

Make Sure You’re Mobile According to data from Constant Contact, approximately 60 percent of the emails sent from their service are opened on mobile devices. This shows just how important it is to ensure you’re keeping mobile devices in mind when using videos in your email marketing.

Fortunately, email marketing services like Mailchimp and Constant Contact let you test and see how your messaging will look before you send it out.

Still, it’s important to keep the file size as low as possible so the video doesn’t need to buffer to start playing. Mobile devices don’t have the fastest download speed.

A good tip is to take a 10-second snippet of your video to use in the newsletter. That snippet can then link to the full feature on your blog.

Also, always make sure the auto-play is off, especially on mobile. Most people don’t appreciate having something start playing (often noisily) as they sit in the office or on a bus; they prefer to click the play button themselves.

Use Video in Email Marketing2The Creative Aspects of Video Email Marketing Now that we’ve got the technical stuff out of the way, let’s look at how you can create content that will engage your viewers and increase the traffic on your website.

You need a plan with clear objectives or else you’re just sending content out into the world and hoping it will be seen and loved. Why are you creating this campaign? Are you trying to generate leads? Looking to boost brand awareness? Aiming to increase your followers? Once you’ve identified your objectives and goals, then you can start thinking about the actual emails, and the content you want to produce.

As mentioned, the best way to do this is to host the full-length video in a blog post, landing page, or on a video-sharing site like YouTube, and then incorporate a small snippet of that video in your email marketing campaign, which links to the full-length version.

Tips For Using Video in Email Campaigns

  1. Use the word “video” in your subject line Using the word “video” in your subject lines can encourage people to open your emails. In a study from Super Office, simply adding the word “video” to the subject line increased their open rates by six percent. That might not sound like a lot, but considering how many marketing emails end up in the trash bin, it’s a pretty big deal.
  2. Choose the right format There are some very simple and affordable ways to incorporate video into your marketing emails. For instance, in the survey from Vidyard I referenced above, sales professionals were asked about three video email formats and which ones receive the highest response rate. These formats included screen shares, selfie-style videos, and hybrids of the two.

Use Video in Email Marketing7More than half of respondents said the hybrid-style videos got the highest response rates, 31 percent said the selfie-style videos performed best, and only 15 percent said screen shares got the most responses. This should give you some things to consider when choosing a format, and it’s also good to know that all these videos are easy and inexpensive to produce.

  1. Showcase your products Whether you’re looking for something economical or extravagant, video email campaigns are an incredibly effective way to show off your products. If you can only afford to do a screen share or selfie-style video, you can still do a great job of highlighting what you have to offer. But if you have the budget for something more elaborate, it can be that much more effective.
  2. Emphasize your values Aside from showing off your products, another way to use video in your email marketing is to emphasize what you stand for, and what you support. Mailchimp did a great job of this by partnering with Reese Witherspoon’s media company, Hello Sunshine, to create a series of videos celebrating female entrepreneurs.

The videos have nothing to do with the service Mailchimp offers, but they help to generate interest in the brand by underscoring its values.

  1. Make tutorials Your product or service solves a problem, so how can you show this to your clients? There are many ways to accomplish this. You can make a traditional tutorial or how-to video where you simply explain how to use your product or service, or you can take more of a lifestyle branding angle where you give consumers a short explanation of how you can improve their lives.

mobile-phone-Use Video in Email MarketingAlso known as an explainer video, this format is loved by both marketers and consumers alike. A survey from Wyzowl found this format is the one most commonly used by marketers today, and 96 percent of respondents said they’ve watched an explainer video to learn about a service or product.

So, whether you’re a life coach shooting some footage while you’re on vacation, or a wellness provider offering viewers a glimpse of your dinner prep process, get creative and get shooting!


Email marketing with video can substantially increase your open rates, engagement, leads, and sales.

However, not every email should contain one. If you start using this tactic every time you send out a newsletter, subscribers might stop paying attention. Using video in newsletter campaigns is a great way to stand out from the crowd, but don’t bombard people with videos and neglect your other tactics in the process.


Get Creative in the Kitchen: Delicious Ways to Make…

Make Your Meals More Exciting

Here are 7 tips to help add some variety to your mealtimes.

Mix It Up The best way to keep your meals exciting is to use a variety of foods in your meals and introduce new ingredients whenever possible. This keeps your family from getting tired of the same food week after week. It’s also a healthier way to eat. Including a wide variety of foods in your diet is the best way to ensure that you get all the nutrients your body needs. Spend some time browsing the aisles at your supermarket and looking for new ingredients to try, or find ideas in downloadable cookbooks online or just purchase meals ready to eat!

Food-SpicesTry New Spices There’s no simpler way to give a dish a makeover than by adding a little spice to it. Add cayenne pepper or chili powder for a little heat, or spice up your meat with herbs like rosemary, basil, and mint. The possibilities are endless, and it can completely transform your old, boring dish into something completely new! To infuse the flavor of the spices into your food, marinate your meat or veggies for 12-24 hours beforehand in the refrigerator.

Variety of Colors One way to make your meals more interesting is by using foods of different colors at each meal. It will look more attractive on the plate, and your family will be more likely to clean their plates. If you serve multiple veggies or a salad, make sure to include some color variety there as well. A plate full of greens is not going to be appealing to most children.

textures-for-foodAdd Texture Just like you want to include foods of different colors in each meal, you should also try to include foods of different textures. If the main dish is a soup or stew, make sure to include something crunchy like fresh carrot sticks, crackers, or a garnish of nuts. Vary your texture from day to day as well – try not to serve soup for 2 or 3 days in a row, for example.

Grill It! A grill is a great way for infusing extra flavor into your foods, and it can help to add some variety during the summer months. The good news is you can cook just about anything on the grill, from veggies to main dishes to desserts. You can also use an indoor electric grill during colder weather–it won’t be quite the same as the “real thing,” but you can enjoy the smoky flavor of the grill all year long.

Kids-CookingLet Your Kids Help If you have kids who are picky eaters, one of the best ways to get them excited about their food is to let them help prepare it. Let them choose their favorite recipes (within reason!) and take part in the cooking process as much as they are able. Look for kid-friendly recipes in downloadable cookbooks online to get started. This is a great way to bond with your children and encourage them to eat new foods at the same time.






Characteristics of the Flavored Woods

Wood plays a very vital role in making your smoking food scrumptious. With electric or charcoal barbecue smokers, smoking food has become an easy task to do. Consider using these types of wood to enhance the flavor of your meats. Apple, Cherry, Hickory, Mesquite, Oak, Pecan, Maple, and Alder are the flavors that enhance your food.


Is a slightly sweet and denser fruity smoke flavor that is best used with beef, poultry, game birds, and ham.







Cherry-woodCherry wood

This is a sweet fruity-smoke flavor that is good to go with all meats.






Is a pungent, smoky, bacon-like flavor and is the most common wood, best used with pork, and ribs.





mesquite-woodMesquite wood

Is a strong earthy flavor, best to go with most meats especially beef and most vegetables.





Oh, this heavy smoke flavor is best used with red meat, pork, fish, and heavy game.




Pecan-WoodPecan Wood

This is similar to the hickory flavor, best used with pork, and fish meat.





Maple-WoodMaple wood

Is a mildly smoky somewhat sweet flavor and is best used with meat, cheese, and vegetable.





A very delicate hint of sweetness that is best used with fish, pork, poultry, and light-meat game birds.





Black-WalnutBlack Walnut 

This heavy smoke flavor is usually mixed with lighter woods like pecan and apple flavor, best to use with red meat and game. This process doesn’t cook your food but gives it food smoky flavor.





Here’s how to solve the eggshell sticker…

Make Your Meals More Exciting


Oh yea, here is something that has perplexed me for a while. It’s one of the annoying things about eating eggs that are cooked by boiling is attempting to unpeel them. I have never fully understood exactly why some eggs you’ll be able to peel so effortlessly yet others you wind up sacrificing half an egg from the peeling method. Therefore, here are several tips that might help ease some of that aggravation.

  1. Use older eggs. Eggs that are a couple of weeks older or longer typically will peel a little easier in contrast to if they’re fresh.
  2. Put the egg in the water at the boiling point. That egg white is going to bond more firmly to the membrane layer inside the eggshell if the eggs are cooked less quickly. Introducing a cold egg into the boiling water stops this from occurring.
  3. Following that first temperature shock, shut the heat down. This will enable the eggs to cook at a reduced rate, which will allow the yolks to cook before the egg whites turn out to be overcooked, and thus rubbery.
  4. Before peeling refrigerate to chill your eggs. When the egg is colder its structure will be firmer, and as the egg shell is removed craters probably will not be made in the egg whites. Holding it in the fridge overnight before peeling ought to also help.
  5. Crack your eggshell throughout and peel under running water. Slowly breaking up a shell into smaller portions prevents more eggs to attach themselves to the white exterior. The cold running water helps to keep the surface of the egg firm. Having an egg organizer helps keep your eggs sorted by dates.
  6. Eggs are good cholesterol and help with testosterone, all with the beautiful protein. I eat four eggs everyday and feel good.

These would be only some techniques to help to keep your boiled egg unaltered when peeling. I have found they will work in basically all cases, nevertheless for some reason often there are eggs which will always be difficult. This however should not stop us from making eggs a staple in our diet.



Winning the War on Our Money: A Psychological Battle

Our Money: Fighting a Psychological Battle

Fighting a Psychological BattleAcross the world, governments and populations alike are encountering the same challenges – namely, how to treat the coronavirus and prevent its spread.

But this is just the beginning. Certainly, in the here and now – in the immediate future – bringing the virus under control is the priority, and we salute the legions of scientists, medical personnel, and key workers who are making that happen every day. But what comes next? How do we deal with the economic depression that follows such a crisis? How do we avoid global recession? There is one thing we must do: We must not give in. We must not roll over and simply accept the worst case as inevitable.

And we won’t. This is not the way that we – as a species – do things. If the last few months have taught us anything, it is that the incredible resilience of humanity is still alive and well. Even in the face of such hardship, the flame of endeavor, compassion, of positivity, still burns brightly.

This is all well and good, but what does this mean in practice? How do we go about channeling this resilience into a set of practical solutions that will carry us, and our finances, forward?

Let’s take a look at this in a little more detail.

Fighting a Psychological Battle3Practical Solutions to Winning the Psychological Battle

We often hear the phrase “it’s all in your head,” as if a psychological problem is somehow less valid than a physical or external issue. In the 21st century, we are pushing back against this – not only recognizing that psychological issues need real consideration but also understanding that there are real steps we can take to overcome them. So, if you’ve found yourself hounded by money worries and anxiety as a result of this crisis, how do you overturn the negativity?

Develop a complete understanding of your situation

Much of the anxiety and worry we feel daily comes from uncertainty and a lack of knowledge. If we do not know what we are dealing with, we assume the worst. And, these negative feelings build and build until we are overwhelmed. Fight this tendency. Fight it with knowledge. Sit down and work out how the virus has affected your incomings. Then, work out what adjustments can be made so not only can you keep yourself moving forward, but you also can actively set yourself up for a thriving future.

This is not a one-off exercise. You need to get used to appraising your situation regularly, running the accounts, assessing the damage and the improvement, and arming yourself with the knowledge you need to gain the upper hand.

Begin to diversify

Don’t put all your eggs, as the adage goes, in one basket. There’s a reason why this has become so cliché – because it’s such great advice. If your income stream is too narrow or too restricted, you are putting yourself in danger. Even when times are good, you are only a hop, step, and jump away from a serious financial problem.

So, what’s the answer? Diversity. Don’t turn your back on your current revenue streams and business interests. Instead, seek to add to them. Think about how you can protect yourself with a more diverse portfolio of investments, and then consider how this diversity can drive your success.

Fighting a Psychological BattleBuild a positive attitude

Negativity will get us nowhere. Instead, it erodes our psychology and makes it difficult to gain perspective and understanding of our situation. Our minds become clouded by doubt and other such thoughts. But, by making small positive changes to our mindset, we can counteract this. Make these small incremental changes – by reframing setbacks as challenges and opportunities, for example, or by putting certain minor hardships in a broader context. Get used to doing this, and witness big changes in your psychology.

Be proactive

Change cannot happen by itself. Your aims and objectives won’t be achieved without effort and action. This does not mean mistaking movement for progress and rushing around like a headless chicken, though. Rather, it means outlining what you want to achieve in the long and short term, thinking about what you need to do to achieve this, and then putting one foot in front of the other until you get there.Fighting a Psychological Battle4

The coronavirus has made goal achievement a little more challenging than usual, so you may need to change your approach. But don’t be discouraged.

Seek assistance

There is help out there, so make sure you get the help you need. This may come from talking to friends and co-workers, or from engaging with webinars, video media, or insightful articles. The truth is, there is no single “correct” way to educate ourselves and grow our emotional and psychological resilience. We are all in this together, so let’s help one another. Let’s accept the help that we need to win the psychological battle, and come through this crisis stronger than ever.

-David Love


Ready to Reopen: Back to Business This Fall

Back to Business This Fall

Back to Business This Fall2As the days continue to get shorter and summer comes to an end, there’s no better time than now to do some much-needed planning and ensure you can get back to business this fall with renewed confidence.

For many businesses, the summer months tend to be much slower, and this makes it easier to neglect the business planning process when what we should be doing is kicking things into high gear in preparation for the upcoming holiday season.

I know some of you are probably wondering, “Why is she going on about business planning? Isn’t that something you do before you’ve even launched your business?”

That may be true, but writing a business plan isn’t something you just do once and never think about again.

A business plan is supposed to define your company’s objectives and determine how you plan on achieving those goals, right?

So, what makes you think the business planning process is something that ends the second your business is launched?

The truth is your business plan shouldn’t be some static document that always remains the same.

Instead, it should be a fluid strategy that morphs to meet the ever-changing needs of your business, and that means it’s a never-ending process.

At a minimum, you should be re-evaluating your business plan at least once a year, and what better time to do it than before the holiday rush?

In any case, after reading through the list of tips we’ve laid out below, you should be able to get back to business this fall armed with great ideas and inspiration to help you cap off the year on a high note.

Back to Business This Fall3Tips to Get Back to Business This Fall

  • Review & Strategize Many small business owners spend so much time working on their businesses, that they often don’t take time to work on their businesses by planning, reviewing, and strategizing.

At any rate, as the summer comes to a close, you should try to schedule some quiet time away from the office to think, dream, plan, strategize, and review.

With that in mind, here are some questions for you to ponder:

Have you met your objectives?

If so, what allowed you to do that?

If not, what was it that got in your way?

Did you reach your revenue goals?

How many new clients did you gain?

How did those clients find you?

What areas of your business were the most profitable?

Are there any undue expenses you need to keep an eye on?

Which marketing activities are giving you the best return on investment?

Is every member of your team on the same page about your business objectives and what needs to be done to achieve them?

Are there people you need to follow up with who is coming back from vacation or about to go on vacation?

  • Make Goal Cards I’ve always been a firm believer in the power of focus and intention.

That being said, writing down your business goals and reviewing them as much as possible should help you keep them top of mind, while staying excited about achieving them, and avoiding getting sidetracked by things that are not in alignment with your priorities.

I love to set aside time each morning to visualize each one of my goals as if it’s already come true. This gets me engaged and enthusiastic about doing whatever it takes to make those goals materialize.

  •  Organize Your Tasks Another way to maintain that enthusiasm and stay on top of all your business goals, and the tasks that need to be completed to reach them is to break them down into action items with deadlines.

This means you need to define what you’re going to do yourself, what you can assign to a team member, and what you can outsource.

Aside from determining who’s going to do what, you’re also going to have to ensure everything’s organized in a way that’s comprehensive and easy to understand.

For example, Asana and Basecamp are excellent project management tools that make it easy to track, manage, and follow the progress of tasks, especially for teams that work remotely.

Here at eVision Media, we use EGroupware to manage all of our projects and it helps our virtual team to be more organized and productive.

This platform offers a multitude of project management tools and allows every member of our team to find whatever they need to know about a particular task using a single intuitive interface.

So, whether you choose to use one of these platforms, go with another one, or decide to use a completely different method, the important thing is to find a way to organize all your tasks so you can ensure every member of your team stays on the same page about what needs to be done when it’s due, and who’s supposed to do it.

  • Identify Required Resources If you want to ensure you’re firing on all cylinders this fall, you’ve got to take stock of everything you need to make that happen.

I know this can be incredibly overwhelming, but it’s better to do it now when you have some breathing room instead of doing it on the fly in the middle of the holiday season when there’s no time to plan.

Here are some questions you can ask yourself to make sure you’re not forgetting anything:

Do I need to learn any new skills?

Do I need to hire new team members?

What do I need to make my goals happen?

Are there any industry events I should attend?

Are there any networking groups I should look into?

Should I hire a coach or mentor to help keep me on track with my goals?

Should I invest in new equipment or software so I can get things accomplished faster?

Whatever questions you end up asking yourself, the purpose of this reflection is to make sure you’ve armed yourself with everything you need to make your goals a reality.

So, make sure to go over everything meticulously and consider every possible scenario so you can be sure you’re not overlooking anything.

READ: Simplifying & Demystifying the Business Plan by simplifying-demystifying-business-plan-pamela-chatry2

Creating a business plan can be one of the most intimidating things you’ll ever do. There are a ton of things to consider, and once you start getting into the financial aspects, it can end up being downright terrifying. So, if you want to come up with a business plan, but you want to learn more about what goes into it, then this is definitely for you.

In this video, strategic business advisor and planner, Pamela Chatry, and I discuss what goes into a business plan, including what your sales and marketing should look like, determining hiring and outsourcing criteria, and much more.

  • Update Your Website Something else you can do to adjust your business plan at this critical time of year is to review your website.

This means looking for anything that’s out of date, updating it with new information about things like upcoming promotions or product launches, and changing anything else that is no longer applicable to your business.

For example, one of our clients is a Texas-based human resource and leadership consultant who runs a business called Quantum Ascendance.

Over the last several months, her business has shifted to focus mainly on helping American business owners who’ve been affected by pandemic restrictions to apply for what’s known as the employee retention credit.

So, once she made us aware of this change, we got straight to work making a banner for her website, so this new service could be featured prominently on her home page.

We also worked with her to update her site with fresh blog content related to the employee retention credit, so she can highlight her expertise and let potential clients know that she’s offering this service.

Truth be told, she was already connecting with a lot of clients through other means, including referrals and social media, but it wouldn’t be right to not showcase this service on her website, as well.

At any rate, with the holidays just around the corner, now is the time to stop neglecting your website, update it accordingly, and get it working for you instead of against you.

  • Holiday Planning If you’re planning on taking some time off over the holidays, now would be a great time to ensure all your ducks are in a row so you can relax and enjoy your vacation instead of wasting your time worrying.

First and foremost, this means making sure every single member of your team knows what’s expected of them and they understand all the protocols they’re required to follow.

That being said, no matter what kind of business you run, it’s incredibly important to have a solid set of standard operating procedures (SOP).

With this in place, even if you’re unable or unwilling to answer inquiries from your team while you’re on holiday, they’ll have something to refer to that will tell them everything they need to know.

I recently took three weeks off, which was a bit scary at first, not least because my team had to launch a website in my absence.

But I made sure to finalize our SOP before going on vacation, which ensured they knew exactly what to do, and as a result, I experienced only a few minor interruptions during my time off.

  • Scheduling If you’re running a business, you’ll probably end up with a mile-long to-do list, and that means it’s going to be very difficult to remember everything.

And if you’re anything like me, you won’t rest until everything is scheduled and organized, so you can stop worrying and get back to building your business.

If you’re looking to do this sort of schedule, two things I would recommend are creating a content calendar and a promotional calendar.

This involves planning out all the content you’re going to publish and all the promotions you plan to offer well in advance, using some sort of calendar or spreadsheet.

Everything I need to know to write each article can be found on this sheet, including the topic, due date, keywords, and notes to explain exactly what needs to be written.

But before you can do all that, you’re going to have to determine what kind of content and promotions you want to offer.

As of right now, there’s still time to have a back-to-school sale, plus Thanksgiving, Halloween, and Christmas are coming up, so you should try to take advantage of this window to sit down and figure out exactly what your plans are for these holidays.

This way, instead of scrambling to come up with ideas at the last minute or stressing about when your next article is going to be published, you can just kick back and relax with your family during the holidays, knowing everything is planned out and ready to go.

  • Advertising One way to quickly grab holiday sales is to capture the attention of potential customers by setting up ads that correspond to each holiday you’re looking to target.

For example, you can retarget people who visit your business’s Facebook page using a custom audience retargeting pixel on your website.

This means if someone is looking at gifts for dad on your website, you can retarget them with ads on their Facebook feed that feature the best gifts for dad.

Most social media platforms offer this same kind of functionality, as well, so make sure to take some time to think about where you’re getting a lot of engagement on social media so you can make the best decision about which platforms you want to target.

No doubt, social media can be an absolute goldmine for ad targeting, but despite having accounts on most of the major platforms, I still prefer advertising through Google Ads and other forms of paid search, so keep this in mind.

Paid search allows you to target users similar to how you would on social media, but instead of the ads being served to them on their social feeds, they’ll show up on Google when they search for whatever keyword(s) you’re targeting, and your link will be prominently placed within the search results.

Not sure how to do all this stuff? You should get help from a marketer who knows how to get the best results from these kinds of advertising.

  • Consider Some Cards Despite being immersed in the world of digital marketing for more than 20 years now, I will never discount the value of tried-and-true old-school marketing tactics, like sending out greeting cards.

You could just buy some greeting cards and send them out to your customers, colleagues, staff, and vendors, or target specific areas and have them delivered door-to-door, but you’d be missing out on the perfect chance to showcase your brand.

Instead, why not take this opportunity to leverage your visual brand with some custom-designed cards?

I know it sounds like a blast from the past, but greeting cards are still a great way to let your clients, colleagues, staff, and trusted vendors know how much you appreciate them.

One idea to stand out from the crowd is to send Thanksgiving or New Year’s cards instead of the typical Christmas card.

And speaking of cards, with all these holidays coming up, it’s also an appropriate time to start offering gift cards, if you’re not doing that already.

Even if you are, you can always entice people by featuring specific imagery on your cards for each holiday.

In any case, gift cards provide a terrific option for people who are shopping for those hard-to-buy-for individuals, so it’s something to consider.

  • Book Your Vacation Time Now I know this one seems like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how many business owners leave this stuff to the last minute and allow their teams to do the same, only to end up with one massive headache right before the holidays.

Aside from booking your own vacation time as soon as possible, you should encourage team members to put in their vacation requests early, as well.

This way, you’ll have more time to work out any scheduling issues, and this will make your holiday time less stressful.

In any case, I hope these tips have inspired you to come up with some creative and profitable plans that will help you to build your business as we near the fall season.

Putting this kind of thought into your business plan, and updating it regularly, can produce truly amazing results if you go through everything in detail and make sure to cover all your bases.

Remember, the more you plan now, the easier and more successful your business will be for the rest of the year.

Do you have any further tips you can share about how you’re trying to get back to business now that summer is almost over?

Are you wondering how you’re ever going to figure out all this stuff on your own? We’ve been helping business owners to build their brands for more than 20 years, and we can help you, too. Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you.

To your business success, Susan Friesen


Unlock Your Inner Artist: Learn How to Draw

Learn How to DrawLearn How to Draw

Drawing is an art that requires special skills. It’s why some people struggle with basic things like drawing a simple circle or a straight line, even after several attempts. The good news is that anyone can learn how to draw.

You can teach yourself how to draw and improve this skill. Sure, it’s easier to improve this skill for a talented person. But even if you are not, you can perfect your drawing with time and dedication. This article shares some insights on learning how to draw by yourself. Read on to learn more.

Can You Learn to Draw at Any Age?

Anyone can learn to draw regardless of their age. Well, it’s usually easier to perfect your drawing skills at a young age. However, you can still do it even if you are older. What matters is that you are dedicated and motivated to learn this skill. Contrary to what many people think, drawing isn’t only for kids. Adults can perfect this skill and use it as a hobby or even a source of income.

So, how long will it take to perfect my drawing? Unfortunately, there isn’t a simple answer to this. It could be a few minutes to a few hours or even many years, depending on the individual. It is a matter of prioritization and how complex the object you want to draw is. But once you master a concept, you can keep practicing and improving on it.

Steps to Teaching Yourself How to Draw

Step 1: Collect Your Art Supplies

Of course, you cannot start drawing without the needed tools. But don’t trouble yourself buying expensive art supplies since you are only starting. A simple pen, pencil, and paper will get the job done.

Step 2: Sketch Anything You Want

Choose any subject you like, preferably one that you can currently see. Please choose a meaningful subject like a flower or a pet. Also, note that drawing what you can see is much easier than using your imagination. A visible object improves your focus, and you can capture all the detail.

Step 3: Start by Drawing Short Lines

Begin to press your pencil very lightly against the paper. Pay attention to the line you are drawing without worrying about your subject. For instance, if you have picked your cat, don’t think about it yet. Instead, focus on outlining first. Your cat’s edge will be represented by the line between it and the environment.

It’s also advisable that you avoid drawing continuous lines. Rather, opt for short strokes. The shorter the strokes are, the easier it will be to draw. Also, avoid critiquing your work at this stage. Just draw fast and finish your strokes.

Step 4: Fill in the DetailsLearn How to Draw4

Now that you have an outline of your subject, you can begin working on the interior. Identify the landmarks or distinguishing marks on your subject to help you know where to draw the next line. Using the same cat example, look out for marks like a tuft of hair on the cat.

Step 5: Time to Shade in Shadows

Shading is challenging for many people, but it’s an essential step as your drawings will have more depth and light. Start by observing how the sun shines on the subject, then with a sharp pencil, shade lightly on the object. Remember to make even marks on your subject’s dark areas. As your pencil tip starts to wear away, shade shadow areas. Here, you’d want to press harder to make the marks darker.

You can perfect your shading using a shading bar. Move your pencil back and forth, starting from one end of your drawing paper, and moving across it to the other end. Remember to put more pressure when transitioning to darker marks.

Alternatively, one can use value bars. Divide a rectangle into five sections leaving one end white. Darken the other end and layer lines in the squares in between. This will bring out a different shade of gray.

How to Draw Your Art Style?Learn How to Draw2

Now, the above steps are for drawing a subject that has already been created. But to be a true artist, you must also learn to come up with unique drawings from your imagination. Here are the steps for drawing an original piece;

Step 1: Draw several shapes with your hands shaking; like you are feeling nervous. Do that until your hand relaxes. Try to draw 3D shapes as much as you can. (Skip this step if you already know how to draw perfect shapes).

Step 2: Combine blocks to form figures. Join the objects that you’ve outlined to form one imaginary object. For instance, you can make several rectangles, cylinders, and circles. Then imagine which of these blocks can join together to form an object. Once you have that picture, start linking the blocks up.

Step 3: Design a reference sheet. It’s unlikely that the first trial would be perfect. In that case, you want to make it a reference sheet that you can refer to when doing another attempt. Arrange forms to form a subject’s shape. Erase meaningless lines and refine useful ones to give the subject shape. Once done, try drawing your subject from different angles. For instance, if drawing a horse’s side view, most people would draw the nose from a square, the chest from a circle, and the ears from a triangle. However, there are various other ways you can draw this object.

Step 4: Perfect you’re drawing. Go back to the sketches and check where you made a mistake. Once you identify, draw the subject again, paying close attention to all detail. Start by drawing shapes to outline the subject, then bring out the other details.Learn How to Draw3

Step 5: Practice and more practice. The more you draw, the better you’ll become. So spare time every week to perfect your drawing skills.

If you want to go beyond being just a beginner at this or any other skill, and work toward developing a real mastery, then you are going to need a deeper and more powerful strategy. What you need is a way to hack your brain so you can develop a winning mindset. Learn How to Draw5


Exercise for Optimal Health

Healthy for Life 

If people would realize how many health benefits exercise can offer, there would be no hesitation in getting started with some form of exercise.

https://amzn.to/3OnaiI9Especially older folks are harder to get motivated because they think the exercise will cause an injury. On the contrary, exercise will keep their overall fitness level and muscle strength in optimal form. It’s a matter of choosing the right form of exercise.

Swimming, walking, and gardening are very suitable for older people. Swimming has the advantage that their body weight will be partly supported by the water, which makes it possible to exercise without risking any bodily harm.

Walking is the best exercise you can have because it’s natural. Good long brisk walks give a lot of benefits- the whole body begins to respond. You breathe properly, your circulation and heart benefit, and it’s good for the mind and positive thinking.

fitness-running (2)Fitness gurus have recognized the supremacy of brisk walking. Contrary to jogging, brisk walking provides a lot of benefits without any problems. Walking is almost as important as the right food. You need to eat properly and exercise properly, the two together give you the best results. The internal organs of the body need tone and for this most of them depend almost entirely on physical activity.

Exercise produces big results whether we’re 40, 60, or 80. According to the Human Physiology Laboratory at Tufts University Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, we respond well to exercise at any age. Muscles grow, bones strengthen, and metabolism increases. Our body fat decreases while blood sugar and balance improve. I proved this to myself when I taught strength training at a retirement residence.

https://amzn.to/3OnaiI9With modest effort, exercisers in their 80s grew stronger and more vital. We were all delighted. Reduced muscle strength is associated with age-related disability. The most common cause of muscle weakness is inactivity. After three months of high-intensity muscle training, healthy men over 60 experienced gains similar to those reported for younger men training with similar intensity and duration. Stronger people remained more independent and less burdened by advancing years. Any type of exercise helps, but combining aerobics, strength, and flexibility works best. For most people, aerobic exercise is an easy place to begin.

As we breathe deeply, the diaphragm – which separates the chest from the abdomen – rises and falls repeatedly, massaging all the internal organs, particularly the stomach, small intestine, bowel, lungs, and liver. The stretching and relaxing of the intestines are vital in preventing that widespread form of ‘self-poisoning’: constipation. Exercise does keep you regular!

In the mid-eighties, a vital clue to the right exercise for lifelong health was uncovered by brilliant research in biochemistry. Biochemists established that all cell replication in the immune system and therefore all immune strength is dependent on the availability of the amino acid glutamine. Your immune system uses a ton of it. But immune cells cannot make glutamine. Only muscle cells can do the job. So your muscles have to supply large amounts of glutamine to your immune system every day to maintain it. That’s it! The mitochondria of muscle are the furnaces in which most of your body fat and sugar are burned for fuel.

Muscle is what stresses your skeleton to maintain your bones. We also know that muscle is the vital link that also maintains your immunity and hence your resistance to all diseases. Muscle is the health engine. Which so much overwhelming evidence that muscular exercise is essential to health, what are we doing about it? A big fat zero.

Healthy for Life with Exercise3Muscle is the health engine. It’s a proven fact that the right exercise not only maintains your heart, your lungs, your muscles, your bones, a healthy level of body fat, and even your intestinal function but also some more subtle functions, like insulin and your body’s dealing with sugar. It has been known for more than fifty years that a lack of exercise leads to glucose intolerance.

However, not long ago research has shown that getting off the couch and starting moving, not only maintain insulin function to deal with the sugar but also can reverse decades of damage. Insulin-dependent diabetics, for example, using the right exercise program, can increase insulin efficiency so much that some patients, who have used insulin daily for years, no longer need it. In healthy people, the right exercise completely protects glucose tolerance against the degenerative changes in insulin metabolism that lead to adult-onset diabetes.

Healthy old men who maintain a lifelong exercise program, have the same healthy insulin efficiency as young men. A high-sugar diet, which progressively destroys insulin metabolism, makes it virtually mandatory to exercise if you want to avoid glucose intolerance as you grow older.

Most physicians believe that hardening of the arteries, a degenerative process, is inevitable. The National Institute on Aging Research Centre in Baltimore is showing in ongoing experiments, that regular exercise maintains arterial elasticity and even reverses arterial hardening that has already occurred. I could fill many pages citing numerous bodily functions which are maintained by regular exercise. But I will keep it short.

runners-for-fitnessResearch recently undertaken has revealed the major way in which exercise protects you against all diseases. It started with the evidence that exercise increases the overall number of white blood cells. Followed by more precise findings that moderate exercise increases bodily production of lymphocytes, interleukin 2, neutrophils, and other disease-fighting components of the immune system. There is no doubt that the right exercise strengthens your immunity. And it also strengthens your resistance to all forms of damage, decay, bacteria, viruses, toxins, and even radiation.


Closing with the wise words of Louis Pasteur, the father of modern medicine: “Host resistance is the key.”


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Wishing you a cheerful holiday season!


Conquer the Board: Play Chess and Other Games

Play Chess 

6 Reasons to Play Chess & Other Board Games6 Reasons to Play Chess

When it comes to games, you not only play for physical fitness but also to build your mental fitness. If you are looking for the best games with these qualities, then chess is of course the first choice (there’s a reason that everyone knows of the game of chess), but other board games can serve this purpose as well.

A board game involves a ‘board’ of course and a defined area where the competition will take place – and pieces that represent you, your army, your resources, or whatever is necessary for the game you are playing. In many board games, there may be dice and ‘money’. In chess there are no dice, only pieces to represent your army that you deploy against your opponent.

Winning in chess depends solely on the player’s skills, other board games may involve luck as well as skill. Despite being old-fashioned, board games continue to be popular and are a great way to socialize. So, the top six reasons to play chess and board games are:

  • Board games are easy to learn and tough to master

Board games involve rules, usually, the rules are easy enough to understand that only a few minutes are necessary before you can begin playing. However, mastering any game is hard and takes time, regardless of your skills in other areas. This means that you keep learning as you play, which makes it interesting.

  • Playing games increases the function of the brain

Playing a board game involves critical thinking, which stimulates the area of the brain that is responsible for memory formation and complex thoughts. This stimulation stretches your brain cells, strengthens your memory, and builds your thinking skills. Studies have shown that playing board games reduces the chance of developing Alzheimer’s, so it is especially important to make a life-long habit of playing board games if you want to stay sharp in your senior years.

  • Board games strengthen relationships and bring people closer. 6 Reasons to Play Chess2

Sitting together with family or friends without interruptions may, at times, seem like an impossibility. However, playing board games gives you an activity to engage in while building social bonds. Board games involve two or more people, and whether those people are family, friends, or strangers (such as at a chess tournament), it is a social activity. You will be spending time together, and sharing a common, casual activity. That is the best way to connect with others, naturally.

Board games are especially good for couples. They build connections and help to discover new depths in the relationship.

  • Board games enhance self-confidence and creativity

When playing board games, you tend to open up and come out of your shell as you have to take an active role in the game. Board games are also relaxing, which makes it easier and more natural to interact with others. Being noticed or included in the game gives a sense of fulfillment and raises one’s self-esteem. Therefore, for timid adults and shy children, playing board games is a fantastic way to develop a strong sense of individuality and self-confidence.

  • Board games reduce stress and make us laugh

It is impossible to play board games and not laugh. Laughter is a natural side effect of playing board games. Laughing helps reduce stress. According to a study by RealNetworks, more than 50% of people who play board games do it to relieve stress.

  • Board games help you build life skills  6 Reasons to Play Chess5

While a board game may seem simple to play, they all teach patience. You have to wait for your turn, and sometimes it takes considerable time to achieve the objective of the game. You not only learn to be patient during games but the skill transfers to other aspects of your life.

Board games teach you how to be fair and honest and build a sense of compassion and empathy as you engage with other players.

Strategy games such as monopoly and chess help you to develop quick responses when faced with tough decisions in real life.

Our Conclusion

Board games are not limited to the elderly or the young, the poor or the rich, they are for everyone and they are enjoyed around the world… for good reason.

6 Reasons to Play Chess4




Khalyla the Magnificent Labradoodle

Khalyla the Labradoodle 

Khalyla-the-LabradoodleLabradoodles are wonderful family dogs. They are great for first-time pet owners. They are friendly, and intelligent, and do well with children and other dogs. They are easy to train, easy to care and make good watchdogs.

Description: Labradoodles are Hybrid Dogs that are a cross between a poodle and a Labrador. They come in various sizes depending upon the size and characteristics of the parents, the lab, and the poodle. Their coloring may be black, brown, cream, gray, silver, white, or yellow, again depending upon the color of the parents. There are also miniature Labradoodles for those looking for a smaller dog.


Labradoodles are generally quite healthy. They are prone to hip dysplasia and genetic eye problems depending upon their parents’ genetics. That is why it is so important to get your labradoodle from a reputable dog breeder. Be sure to read the ingredients label when buying dog food. The primary protein should be from a quality animal source, preferably, chicken. Grains such as soy, corn, and wheat gluten can be hard to digest and may cause possible allergic reactions. It is not natural for dogs to eat grain, so grains should not be included in the dog food you buy over the counter. Remember, never feed people food to dogs, especially food with a lot of seasoning.

Khalyla-the-Labradoodle (Care

Labradoodles should be brushed at least a couple of times a week, with regular grooming every 8 to 12 weeks including ear cleaning, nail clipping, and teeth brushing. Usually, there is little shedding with a Labradoodle, however, if it has more characteristics of the lab rather than the poodle, it will tend to shed.


Labradoodles are highly energetic so they need to have a regular exercise routine of 30 to 60 minutes every day. Due to their high energy, they may become destructive if they become bored and do not receive the needed daily exercise. Exercising the dog is not only healthy for the dog but is also healthy for the pet owner. Walking a dog can be a very enjoyable and relaxing experience.


Labradoodles are very intelligent and are usually easy to train. They like to please their owner so they are inclined to listen to commands with fewer repetitions for obeying specific instructions. They also make good watchdogs. They will bark and alert their owners if an unknown intruder enters their area. If it is time to own a pet, remember these important facts: Check the local or online Pet Adoption Centers first.

There are thousands of pets needing adoption every day; If you are unable to find your perfect pet at the Adoption Center, then begin to conduct research and find a reputable pet breeder from whom to buy a pet. Do not buy from a puppy mill; Always spay and/or neuter the pet; and be sure to devote quality love, time, and attention to care for the pet.


For those who want to help find homes for pets that need adoption, go online and view profiles of pets who need adoption. Then share the profiles via Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or Email. Perhaps there is someone within a social network who needs a pet and is ready to adopt

Khalyla-the-Labradoodle3 Animals are wonderful companions. Whether it is a cat or a dog, they can bring so much enjoyment to an individual or a family. Yes, owning pets means taking good care of them with food, shelter, and affection.

However, the unconditional love and devotion they provide in return are well worth the effort. There is nothing more rewarding than coming home and being greeted by a dog with a happy face and wagging tail.

Regardless of how bad your day has been, your best friend, your dog will be sure to cheer you up. Remember, only those who have love, passion, time, and dedication to care for pets should own pets.

Pets are not something that should be bought or adopted one day and forgotten the next.

Cooking for Two: A Couple’s Guide

cooking for twoCook for Two

Are you tired of having too many leftovers when you cook at home?

There are quite a few ways to cook only two portions, or four if you want to have lunch the next day. It’s frustrating when you see a really good recipe on Pinterest but it calls for 6 servings. In this article, we will look at five different ways that you can cook at home and save money but not end up with a ton of leftovers. The first method is cutting a recipe in half.

Halving Recipes

Cook for two just needs to take a regular recipe and cut it down. If you want a quiche, look into making a smaller one in a muffin pan. You don’t need to buy a full sheet of pastry dough that you cut up and waste most of either. You can make the crust using hash browns. You can also make egg cups by buying Canadian bacon and using that as the bottom of the cup. Again, you would assemble this in a muffin pan.

If you want to make more egg dishes, but don’t know how to halve an egg, buy liquid eggs. You can easily pour out 1/8 of a cup instead of 1/4 for smaller recipes. Eggs aren’t the only thing you can get smaller portions of.

Get Friendly with Your Butcher 

Supermarket butchers are happy to recut and repackage meat for you. Most meat sections have a small bell that you can ring for help. Ask the butcher to slice you a smaller chuck roast for pot roast or beef stew. You will save money by only buying what you can easily use. Whole chickens are cheaper than cut-up chicken packs. Ask the butcher to cut up the whole chicken for you, and then use the pieces in different meals throughout the week.


Slow Cooker ConvenienceOld Stone Oven Rectangular Pizza Stone

Most of the common slow cookers hold 6 quarts. You certainly don’t need to make enough soup for 10-12 people. Yes, it can be nice to have leftovers for another dinner or lunch the next day, but you don’t need or want that much.

Slow cookers offer a major convenience as well as saving money. You can buy a cheap cut of meat and cook it slowly for a wonderful pot roast. You could buy a 3-quart size slow cooker. But if that’s still too large, or if you have a 6-qt hanging around, put a 1–2-quart ceramic or Pyrex dish inside of the slow cooker. Fill the slow cooker insert with water until approximately halfway up the side of the smaller dish.

You may want to start with something simple like some seasoned chicken breasts that could be finished on the stove if needed. As you gain knowledge, you can start quartering down standard recipes and testing them.


Pressure Cooker

The new electric pressure cookers are fool-proof. They are sometimes called “multi-cookers. ” You can use them as a pressure cooker, steamer, rice cooker, and slow cooker. If you’re short on time, they can help you craft an all-in-one meal like beef stew. The other nice thing is that you can cook smaller portions more easily.  cooking for two c

Let’s say you have a bag of frozen chicken breasts in your freezer. You can pour in a cup to a cup and a half of water or broth and then put the chicken directly in or on top of a trivet and pressure cook on high for six minutes. You then have a completely cooked chicken breast that you can serve with just about anything. Add teriyaki sauce or barbecue sauce or make your honey Dijon mustard sauce.

Foil Packets

Foil packets are where you take a piece of foil and place in it a protein like fish or chicken, some vegetables like thinly sliced potatoes and asparagus, and then put in some seasonings. There are a tremendous number of recipes out there if you Google terms like “chicken packet meal” or “fish foil packet. “

You then cook the packet in an oven (or better still, a toaster oven) for a set amount of time at the given temperature. You get a well-cooked meal with perfect portion sizes without messing up too much of your kitchen, and with no leftovers to deal with.

I often just cook for my wife and myself and end up with mystery things in the freezer that I can’t tell apart. I save money

and enjoy cooking more when I can cook just enough for that meal.  cooking for two d

So, enjoy these tips.



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The Joys of Tent Camping


Tent camping

Just picture waking up to the sound of birds chirping, and the wind rustling in the trees. You are comfortably snuggled in flannel softness, ready to start your day. Sounds great, doesn’t it? That is what tent camping is all about. And you don’t have to be experienced to do it. Here are the seven reasons why tent camping is the best way to camp.

It’s Affordable

Nothing beats tent camping for affordability. With just a tent and tarp you can be set to go on a great camping adventure. The great thing about tent camping is you can decide the night before that you want to go camping the next day and off you go. Of course, you will probably want to add to the list a few extras. A sleeping bag and air mattress or pad are a nice extra but a sheet and some blankets will do just as well. A tarp and some rope are also a good idea, especially if you run into rain during your trip. You can hang the tarp above your tent and attach it to the tree trunks surrounding your tent. This makes for a great umbrella for your tent and will keep you dry in the event of an unforeseen rain storm.

Unlimited Camping Locations

There is virtually no limit to where you can go tent camping. Unlike RV and Pop-up camping, tent camping can be done just about anywhere provided you have permission. And really, there are enough public campgrounds throughout the US to choose from. Tent camping makes it ideal to camp close to home which is especially good if you are trying it out for the first time. In fact camping in your backyard is an excellent way to do a trial run before you commit to a longer trip.

Being Close to Nature

tent-camping3Tent camping is a great way to get to see nature up close. If you live in a large city this is a great way to see nature at its finest. Want a lake view? Just find a lake with a campground and you are all set. Love the beach? The same thing applies. Many lakes and beaches have campgrounds that cater to tent campers.

Minimal Preparation

Got the tent and sleeping gear. Just add a flashlight, charcoal, food, a few folding chairs, and a container for water and you are ready to go. Sounds too simple? Well, you could add to the list but the point is tent camping can be done with minimal preparation and you can still enjoy yourself.

Easy to Set Up

Tent camping is the easiest form of camping for setting up. The way tents are made these days it only takes a few minutes to have the tent unpacked and assembled. Dome tents are usually the easiest to set up and usually come with easy-to-follow instructions. It’s much easier with two people but even one person can put together a dome tent.

Kids Love Tents

tent-camping4Kids love camping in tents. Aren’t your kids already playing tent in your house with sheets? Tent camping is a great way for families to have a vacation with a minimal amount of expense and effort. It’s also a great way to get your kids involved in helping “set up” camp. They will enjoy watching (or helping) you assemble the tent. Who knows – you might be able to sit back and watch them set up the tent!

Anyone Can Do It

Tent camping is something that doesn’t require experience. Anyone can enjoy tent camping, young and old alike. Just a love of the outdoors and a willingness to try something new and anyone can become a tent camper.


Tent camping is a great way to see the country without spending a lot of money and you may find it’s the best way to camp and wake up to this view, wow!!

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The Keys to Successful Dog Training

Successful-Dog-TrainingSuccessful dog training

Successful dog training includes unconditional love and warm genuine friendship. If you’ve owned a pet dog before you are already aware that along with the delights of the new doggy – it may also include frustration, unconditional messes, and genuine destruction. Do not worry, with some obedience training you can head off unwanted dog behavior.

5 Wonderful Benefits of Proper Dog Training

It builds a good relationship with both you and your dog and establishes you because of the pack leader. Enough time you may spend together cooperating, researching one another, and deepening your bond.

A properly trained dog is a welcome dog that can be taken almost anywhere and is also fantastic to become around when camping, hiking, as well as just taking a walk, as he will not be high-risk or perhaps a nuisance to others.

Proper dog training corrects undesirable dog behavior. Chewing your furniture, digging your flowers, barking at everyone who passes from your yard as well as bolting the door could be resolved with some concentration on obedience training.

Whenever you train your pet, it stimulates your dog’s intellect and allows him to make use of his brain; dogs are curious naturally and wish to find out about both worlds as well as the people around them. Dogs possess a deep need to please us, it’s instinctive, then when they could know what you want of them plus, they react to our commands; they think vital and needed – a powerful member within the pack.  Successful-Dog-Training2

It will save you money and time! Making the effort to teach your pet to behave properly in your house saves time cleaning messes and will save you money by lacking to change torn-up pillows, shoes, or any other valuable possessions.

There are lots of wonderful benefits to some properly trained dogs, to a lot of to complete list, but among my favorites is the companionship, using a dog that will protect our family when I’m not around. It had been best said by an unknown author: “He or she is your friend, your lover, your defender. You might be his life, his love, and his awesome leader.”

Successful-Dog-Training3The top proper dog training technique is the usage of Positive Reinforcement to teach your pet. This is just rewarding good behavior that you would like to find out repeated, and ignoring bad dog behavior. This can be a direct contrast to some now outdated way of obedience training which by today’s standards was cruel, (like using shock collars, hitting your pet with rolled-up newspapers, as well as rubbing your dog’s nose in pooh.) Your pet instinctively would like to make you happy and if you use positive reinforcement to teach your pet you will notice that your pet learns quicker as well as the instruction is remembered throughout your dog’s life. This is the best way for a properly trained dog.

5 superb pieces of advice to facilitate your pet training efforts

Make sure to use meaningful rewards. Most dogs become bored quickly and don’t respond too with only a pat on their head or perhaps a good boy. To help keep your training to the highest standards use tempting incentives permanently dog behavior.

Mix in the rewards, don’t always provide the same treatment while training your pet. All dogs have different favorite treats; I’ve trained dogs that will practically rob a bank for any liver treat. Try to look for 2 or 3 special treats which you can use just whenever you train your pet. 

Successful-Dog-Training IV

Make use of the right timing whenever you reward your pet for obeying a command. Your ultimate goal would be to mark the required dog behavior by having a treat timed so your dog understands what behavior earned the treat. Some dog trainers recommend a clicker while training to mark the actual moment your pet does everything you desire, then immediately provide the reward. This is effective but so does a higher pitched “whoop,” or some other sound the dog can identify because of the reward sound.

Be clear and consistent together with your commands. Decide your verbal clues before you begin your training and stay with them. Make sure that the whole family uses the same commands as well as your dog’s rate of obedience training is going to be higher and you’ll see quicker alternation in dog behavior.

Take time to learn proper dog training techniques – it can help to have it right the very first time out. If you’re a newcomer to obedience training or perhaps an experienced trainer; it’s smart big dividends to read through trusted sources to understand more about the advantages of training your pet.  Successful-Dog-Training

You happen to be the best person to teach your pet! It may be easy to teach a pet dog to accomplish just about anything. Beyond understanding basic dog behavior and obedience training, I’ve trained dogs to seal the doorway, dance, speak, play bang you’re dead, catch Frisbees, as well as other cute and impressive tricks.

With fresh and new dog-related information being added constantly you are certain to achieve success in all your proper dog training efforts.


Mental Health in the Youth: A Growing Concern

Mental Health in Youths

Something that we should keep an eye on in these crazy times. Mental health in youths is not just something important, adults have to pay more attention to and work on, it is also something teens and youths can struggle with. It is also not just the absence of a mental illness; it is also about having the tools to deal with setbacks and challenges life might throw at you.

Having good mental health in youths is just as important as being physically healthy. Just as people exercise, eat well, and lead a healthier lifestyle to achieve good physical well-being, so too are the things you can learn to help with mental well-beingself-doubt-mental-health

The added difficulty with youths is that this is a time when they are already moody, experimenting with behavior, developing sexual preferences, changing their appearance, and being influenced by societal expectations and peers.

Often experiments at this age are harmless, but sometimes they are not. When you add to that, stress, family problems, learning problems, anxiety, depression, bullying and so on then it is clear there are some big things going some big things are going on they need help with. Teens turn to self-harm, develop dangerous behavior, and may even display warning signs of suicide.

Rising rates 

Not noticing when a youth’s mental health is at risk leads to an increased likelihood of unsafe behavior, self-harming, isolation, academic failure, poor health, drug and alcohol dependency, unsafe sexual habits, unemployment, and more. As the crisis gets worse, not better every year, the rising rates of mental health problems mean we are seeing a staggering number of suicides and suicide attempts. Youth mental health statistics 2022, show more and more youths face mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression and other more serious psychological problems. The issue then is even if teachers, parents, and the community can see it what then can be done to help? 

mental-healthImproving access to mental health in youths support

When you are able to recognize the warning signs of suicide you can take action. This is not just the role of the parents, it is something teachers, counselors, club organizers, employers, and the whole community can help with. Being good role models, offering advice not judging, listening, helping them with self-esteem issues, and making sure there are programs in place and resources available.

Suicide prevention programs, social skills training, violence prevention, conflict resolution, anti-bullying, and so on. Education in schools helps parents to prevent the abuse of drugs and alcohol, promote mental health, and pay attention to the pressure teens have placed on them. With better attention paid to their mental well-being youths can improve their lives, and see a positive impact on how they feel, and on their personal and academic achievements.

Child Psychology & Mind Development

Along with the physical health of your child, it is necessary to care about his psychological health because during childhood a child passes through several mental changes and these changes leave a dark impression on his mind till the younger stage. A child’s psychological development depends basically on the love that he or she will receive from his parents, especially in the first days of his life.

In early childhood, it is necessary to give more & more love as well as affection to your child more love allows it to develop physically, mentally, and emotionally. It should be taught how to eat, walk and talk and how to get the most out of what it learns at school and college.

A child who is treated well in his childhood has more confidence & Children who are not respected and loved acquire serious psychological problems from the beginning of their formation. If you had a sad childhood, you probably have many psychological problems, even if you don’t admit their existence, or if you cannot recognize various behavioral abnormalities in the way you act.

The minds of children are very sharp and are affected easily by all events in the immediate environment. Events that are only trivial or unimportant to adults may leave deep scars or memories in a child’s mind.

Several factors affect the mental development of a child in early childhood:

  • Memorable physical/bodily sensations
  • Personal experiences/events that evoked strong emotions of fear, joy, sorrow, etc.
  • Emotional relationships with friends, teachers, or family members.
  • Domestic abuse or violence
  • Sexual molestation or abuse
  • Accidents or illnesses experienced or observed.
  • Personal success or failure in school

Several other situations badly affect the mind of a child. At any age, parents need to be aware of the result of their reactions to their children’s learning about emotions. Hence the important thing is that you take notice of your child’s emotional state and take it into account when you react. Acknowledge it in an age-appropriate way first, before you race for a solution. Don’t be shy to ask: ‘So what are you feeling right now?’ or ‘How does that make you feel?’



If you are looking for support, advice, or information, whether for parents, educators, youths or the community you might want to head to SPTS USA. it is a great resource there to help educators understand what their role is in youth suicide prevention and improved mental health. The quicker we can observe warning signs, and refer students to the right resources the more chance we have of having a positive impact. 

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish. 


Capturing Nature’s Glow: Shooting Photographs in Natural Light

sunset-photographyMost people shooting photographs in natural light or just starting in photography probably won’t have access to expensive cameras and lighting equipment. But, in terms of creativity, some of the most emotive and affecting images can be captured using natural or available light. There are, however, certain basic tips and tricks that you can use to maximize the effects of natural light and make your work more professional from the get-go, depending on how you want the finished image to look.

Shooting When the Sun is High

In the middle of the day, the sun is high overhead in the sky; while many people tend to shy away from this because it can be harsh and creates strong shadows, it can work well in terms of a striking and interesting composition. If you want to work with this hard light, you should study it for some time beforehand so you understand how it behaves and then uses it to its full advantage.

Making the Most of the Golden Hour sunset-photography

Whether you’re into photography or not, you’ve probably heard (a version of) this term, which refers to the times just before sunrise and sunset, when the light is at its most glorious. It’s soft and directional (as the sun is low and coming in at an angle) and, along with the stunning hues, there are lots of beautiful long shadows to play with for composition. Get up early and reap the rewards!

Using Side Lighting

If you’re looking for strong, graphic contouring (which is particularly effective for portraiture), side lighting can provide a wonderful way to add detail and depth to an image or subject. It can be tricky to get right, however, so you have to watch from which angle it is coming. Again, simply sitting at a location and consciously observing, then experimenting, is the best way to learn.

Indoor Natural Lighting

Natural window light can make for absolutely stunning portraits, and positioning your subject in different places has a vast range of effects. The window acts like a soft box, diffusing the light and creating a beautiful softness to the image; as a general rule, the closer your subject is to the window the softer and more even the light will be, but moving them further away will create strong (and often very interesting) contrast.

Don’t Be Afraid of the Weather

If you have genuine creative aspirations you need to make friends with all kinds of weather. There are incredible opportunities to be found on rainy and stormy days, but even simply taking advantage of clouds can help you achieve remarkable results. Think of the moodiest and most evocative landscape images and they were probably shot in what many of us would consider being ‘bad’ weather. Be open-minded, challenge yourself and invest in some decent wet-weather gear!

Learn from the Experts

There’s no substitute for time and practice if you’re looking to take your skills to the next level, however, if you’re serious, it’s a great idea to enroll in some professional education.  There are a host of online courses. Is photography a good career in 2022? 

 Photographs      Photographs kingfisher-natural light

So, as an overall answer regarding the question “Is Photography a Good Career?” Yes, it is! As long as the earnings of a photographer, in general, are concerned, a photographer in the USA can earn about $30-40k per year. Employment of photographers is projected to grow 18% from 2022 to 2030.
Good Luck !


The Benefits of Eating Raw: A Guide to the…


Raw Food Diet

Raw Food Diet, more and more we hear about how you should think about your eating habits and the impact your eating has on your health and longevity, you may be considering a raw-food diet. While this lifestyle could be quite different from your usual fare, you might find that you thrive on eating mostly raw foods.

What exactly is a raw food diet? In general, it means eating only things that are in a completely natural state. This means foods that have not been processed or cooked. For some folks, this can even include raw meat, though many raw-food advocates do not eat meat, other than perhaps a little sushi.

These tips will help you make the conversion:

  • List acceptable foods that appeal to you. There are numerous books and websites available with lists of foods that conform to the principles of the diet. You’re likely to find a lot of foods you’ve never considered. Make a long list so you can provide yourself with a wide variety of foods and flavors!
  • Go shopping. Budgeting accurately may be challenging at first. While much of the food you’re likely to buy won’t be expensive, there will be a lot of it. Most raw foods don’t offer a lot of calories; you’ll be surprised how much you might need to eat.


Avoid over-shopping, though; many foods won’t last as long as many processed foods.

  •  Start slowly. If you’re not used to eating a lot of fruit, getting carried away might cause more than a little gastric upset. Introduce the raw foods slowly. Substitute a raw food item at each meal for something you didn’t typically eat raw. Continue adding foods over a week or two, until you’re 100% raw.
  • Throw out your processed foods. One way to be almost certain to fall off the wagon is to have other food readily available. We all have moments of weakness, so prepare for yours. Friends, family, and food banks will likely take what you no longer want to eat.avocado-raw-diet

If you have others in the house who won’t be eating raw, at least try to get rid of the items you’ll find most tempting.

  • Take a good multivitamin. Certain nutrients may be unavailable with a raw vegan diet, and Vitamin B-12 is the classic example. Even if you’re not eating vegan and you usually scoff at manufactured supplements, talk to your doctor before you dismiss the idea.


  • Remember to get enough protein. Protein is another major nutrient you might lack if you’re not careful. Eating balanced meals is just as important as ever.
  • Keep adjusting until your diet is right for you. Assess how you feel. Are you losing weight? Are you losing too much weight? Are there other foods you’d like to try? Are there foods you’d like to eliminate?
  • Give raw foods for at least 30 days. If you can go 30 days without cheating, you should have an excellent idea of whether or not a raw-food diet is something that you want to continue. Any foods eaten outside of the diet will tend to interfere with an accurate assessment. 


If a raw-food lifestyle is something you want to try, give the above steps a shot. Changing dietary habits is frequently a challenge; our bodies and minds get used to certain foods. Expect some challenging times over your first 30 to 60 days.

However, keep in mind that medical data indicates that our dietary choices have a huge impact on our health. Maybe a raw-food diet is an answer for you. Try a green smoothie, it’s a source of raw and healthy food you can consume daily.

Don’t forget about a raw diet for your pets if you have them.



Is Your Child a Television Junkie?

TV Addict, who loves watching television or is commonly known as the idiot box? However, if there’s no parental guidance, it can expose them to inappropriate messages about violence and sex. And when these kids spend a lot of time watching TV, they’ll not only be addicted but also, they’ll tend towards adopting a sedentary lifestyle. Nevertheless, with parental guidance, watching TV can be educational and will open up the child’s mind and mold it into one that can see an issue from many perspectives.

Tips to help you optimize the benefits and cut down the negativities of watching television on your kids.

Cut down your kids’ TV time

  1. Set a time of saying no more than two hours per day for kids above 2 years. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no more than two hours of watching good TV programs per day for kids. They caution against letting children younger than two years old watch TV and parents should instead spend more time bonding with them because parent-child interaction brings more benefits to their mental development.  kids-addict-tv-watching
  2. Set a rule that homework and other tasks are to be done first. Let your kids know that school, chores, and exercise take priority over TV. Strike a balance between the times spent watching TV and activities that will develop other aspects of their lives.
  3. Allow one show at one sitting. Ask your kids to choose the programs they like to watch. If there isn’t any specific program that your family intends to watch, keep the television switched off.

Choosing good quality programs suitable for kids

  1. Check out TV ratings. TV ratings are no substitute for parental judgment, but they can be helpful guides. TV ratings provide parental guidelines on the content and age-appropriateness of the various programs.

The rating symbol appears as a box in the top left corner of the screen at the start of a program and it’ll normally re-appear every hour for longer programs.

  1. Utilize V-Chip. The V-Chip is a device fixed into most television sets manufactured after the year 2008. The chip reads the TV ratings and helps parents filter out inappropriate programs. However, remember that even with the ratings and the chips, parents must still use their own discretion to check out cartoon programs that may be objectionable.
  2. Seek out quality programs. It’s easier than ever to find high-quality programs that can help stimulate your child’s interest in reading and other activities. Visit the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) or borrow educational videos from your library. Record valuable programs and watch them in your own free time.

Other TV Viewing Tips

  1. Watch TV together as a family. It can be hard for working parents to spend enough time with their kids, so watching TV can be a rewarding family activity. You’ll also be able to keep track of what your kids watch and discuss the program with them.
  2. Discuss what your kids saw on TV. If a program is about good values that would help in your kids’ development, use it as an opportunity to discuss them further to reinforce the good values. You can impress upon them the virtues of having good values in their lives by telling them real similar cases.
  3. Lead by example. You’ll be more credible with your kids if you limit your own time watching TV. Show to them that there’s more to life than just watching TV. For instance, make use of your free time for reading, outdoor activities, and pursuing other hobbies.
  4. Cut out the Ads. Advertising can influence your kids in a big way and you should reduce their exposure to commercials. You can get around this by recording their favorite programs minus the commercials. It’s also good if you can tell your kids how the commercials influence people’s perceptions, especially the young ones.
  5. Limit snacking. Try to discourage snacking while watching TV. If your kids like to have some snacks, make them healthy snacks like fresh fruits or yogurts. 


Indeed, watching TV can expose your kids to a multitude of cultures, places, people, animals, and others that they may have not come across. And is certainly very enriching for them in tv-addict-kids terms of opening up their minds and molding their perception of things.

But help your kids limit their TV time, select good quality programs and encourage family discussion and activities relating to watching TV.

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