The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Battery for…

Have you ever wondered how to pick out the best battery(s) for your solar panel system (or off-grid energy system)? Or have you wondered what makes one deep-cycle battery better than another? If so, this article will answer these questions and give you specific things to check on before buying your new battery (to ensure you get the most bang for your buck)! solar-system

When choosing a battery (or batteries) for your solar panel system, there are three categories of batteries that work best. So, in this article, we will:

Part 1) Quickly compare the three main types of solar batteries (lead-acid, saltwater, and lithium).

Part 2) Compare the components of batteries, such as depth of discharge, capacity and power, efficiency, battery life, and manufacturer.

By the end of this article, you will know exactly how to pick out the best battery for your solar panel system! So let’s get started…

Part 1) The Three Best Types of Batteries for Solar Panel Systems: The best type of battery for your solar panel system will depend on what you’re looking for. Three battery types work exceptionally well; however, each battery type has pros and cons. So the first decision to make is the type of battery that will fit your system.

Lead Acid Batteries

Lead-acid batteries are the most commonly used rechargeable battery in the world. They’re also among the longest-used and most reliable batteries in existence. Compared to the other batteries we’ll discuss in this report; they are the cheapest option but you trade cost for some battery life and depth of discharge. But for homeowners needing lots of storage for a lower cost, or if you are just making the move to a solar panel system, lead-acid batteries may be a very good option. They’re the type of battery we use in most of the battery banks in our solar panel systems.

Another great thing about lead-acid batteries is that you can use the maintenance and reconditioning methods we teach you in the EZ Battery Reconditioning program to greatly extend lead-acid battery’s life span.

Saltwater Batteries

Saltwater batteries are more expensive than lead-acid batteries, but also have a greater lifespan. Unlike lead-acid batteries, saltwater batteries are essentially brand new to the market and remain both somewhat untested and harder to come across. Of the three types of batteries, saltwater has the greatest depth of discharge, so you’ll get the most output per charge before needing to recharge. solar-battery-pack

Lithium Batteries

Lithium batteries are the most expensive and longest-lasting of the three types of solar batteries. Their depth of discharge is less than that of a saltwater battery, but more than that of a lead-acid battery. Comparing all three options, the lithium battery is probably the highest-rated, but also the most expensive. An example of a lithium battery is the Tesla Powerwall.

Part 2) Compare the components of batteries Once you’ve picked the best battery type for your solar panel or off-grid system (that meets your system’s needs), there are components to explore to find the ideal battery for your system.


Cost is probably one of the more obvious components. But the old saying, “you get what you pay for” holds when buying batteries as well. In some instances though, certain batteries may be overkill for your system so the most expensive battery may not be the best choice always.

Battery Life and Warranty

For most systems, a battery will cycle daily, meaning it will charge and drain regularly. With each cycle, the battery’s ability to hold the same charge lessens slightly. So, one component to consider is the warranty on the battery that guarantees a certain number of cycles of useful life. But keep in mind that if you use the maintenance and reconditioning methods, we teach you in the EZ Battery Reconditioning program, you can extend the life of your batteries.

Depth of Discharge

The depth of discharge is how much you can drain the battery down before needing to recharge the battery without harming its life. Certain solar batteries can be depleted further than others, allowing for more use between charging. Essentially, a battery with a 90% depth of discharge per cycle will provide more battery power per charge than a battery with less.

Capacity and Power

Measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh), capacity is the amount of energy a battery can store over time. The more capacity a battery has, the more power it can store.

Power is how much energy a battery can provide at a given moment. A battery with both a high capacity and high power can run a large system for several hours; a battery with low capacity and high power can run a large system but only for a short time.


Efficiency is the amount of energy used compared to the amount of energy it took to store energy. Batteries require power to charge and efficiency compares the energy taken to charge a battery with the amount of energy that the charged battery produces. The higher the efficiency, the more cost-effective the battery.



This may not be a component most would consider, but it is something to pay attention to. As with other technology, there are both trusted brands and start-up brands. A trusted brand comes with known flaws and benefits; a start-up brand can perhaps have better technology, but can also have yet unknown technological issues.

Depending on your system needs, you may decide to go with a well-reviewed company or one that is brand new to the solar market.

Part 3) What happens when your solar batteries start to die?

But your new solar batteries won’t last forever. So, what can you do? …and what can you do when your batteries actually die Well, that’s where our battery reconditioning course comes in! You can use it to bring nearly any type of dead battery back to life again – including solar batteries, marine batteries, car batteries, forklift batteries, plus many other types.


If you follow this article, you should be able to compare batteries and pick out the best battery for your solar panel system’s needs.

From Novice to Master Chef: A Step-by-Step Guide to…


Become A Great Cooker/Chef

How many times have you dreaded going into the kitchen to make breakfast, lunch, or dinner? You may require a brand-new viewpoint. Cooking may be enjoyable and relaxing in the event you attempt to see it in an additional way.

Here are a few cooking tips that are sure to get your taste buds tingling and entice your inner chef to come out. 


There is a remedy that will quickly fix this problem. In a bowl, combine 2 tablespoons’ worth of water with 1 corn starch. Use this solution to instantly thicken any sauce. Make sure you combine them gradually and consistently to prevent the sauce from thickening too much.

If you need to slice meat into thin strips, then partially freeze it beforehand. This is great for various Oriental meals, such as Thai or Chinese dishes. There’s less tearing of the semi-frozen meat as it’s cleanly sliced. Allow the meat to thaw before cooking though, you must have so that it can cook evenly. During cooking, you must have sharp knives accessible. Not only can it be difficult to cut with dull knives, but it is dangerous to use them too. You could easily cut yourself if you are trying to cut something up with a dull knife.

When you are cooking with garlic, you may notice that your hands will pick up the strong smell. Following utilizing garlic or other foods with odors that stick to your hands, all you have to do is rub your hands on a piece of stainless steel, like your sink. This cleanses your hands thoroughly to avoid transferring the flavor of garlic to other foods.

Cook your vegetables in chicken broth. Utilizing chicken broth will stop the vegetables from sticking to the pan, in addition, to adding some tasty flavor at the same time. There is not a lot of expense when buying chicken broth, and most grocers carry it.

Read nutrition labels when you buy foods. May times common cooking supplies will contain some hidden ingredients which are unhealthy. You need to see to it that the ingredients are not high in sugar or sodium because both may cause complications to your health if consumed in large quantities.  carrots-make-everything-good

Instead of adding all the seasoning in one rapid burst at the beginning, add it in increments over time to give it a better flavor. In the event you do it in this manner you can flavor your meals the very best way and use your components in the very best way.

When making a dish that contains garlic, make sure you purchase the freshest garlic at the store. It’s extensively recognized that the fresher the garlic is, much more than most likely the sweeter the taste will be. Check the freshness of garlic cloves by inspecting the skin. If it is bruised, soft, or shriveled, it is not fresh.

Use these tips for preparing your meals. Once you try some of these tips, you will believe that perhaps cooking is not so difficult after all. Not only will your meals be more fun to eat, but you’ll also look forward to cooking them; you might even start trying new recipes.

                                                     Go ahead, and begin your cooking journey today!













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14 Strategies for Achieving Physical Balance

14 tips for a Balanced Body

Nutrition and body well-being from the inside out are overlooked in modern days. We focus on outer appearance and sometimes miss that treating the inner causes is by far more successful in the long run than treating the outer consequences.  Balanced Body

During the past years, I became increasingly interested in holistic approaches and methods to improve my mind, body, and spirit. Today I would like to share useful information I have come across and collected over time-related to body well-being. Please take what you need from this article. It’s an invitation to reflection and an encouragement to deeper research or even a visit to a nutritionist should you need and choose to do so.

Our blood tells us!

Our body is a vehicle and representation of everything we eat, drink, ingest or absorb regardless of form. Whilst I am not by far in favor of extremes or dramatic life changes, some balance and moderation are always good when it comes to food, drinks, and other substances we expose to.

Through our digestive system, our blood is a health barometer and a representation of all meals and liquids that come into our body. A blood microscope analysis takes about 5 minutes and shows: how we function, the level of toxins collected in the body, the state of health for the red cells and the oxygen transportation (Wikipedia on Red cells), the existence of any bacteria, mushroom (yeast), level of fat and hydration, clogged cells due to toxicity, etc.

How the body works

In chemistry, the PH scale measures the acidity or alkalinity of an aqueous solution. The scale ranges from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral and our blood ranging between 7.3-7.4 (Wikipedia on PH). Everything above 7 and up to 14 is alkaline, and everything below 7 and down to 0 is acidic. Just like a pool, when the alkalinity drop below 7.0 the algae grows. Don’t let your body turn green!

When the blood and body are too acidic, they create an unfavorable environment where illness, bacteria, and yeast thrive. Hormonal diseases, digestive and lymphatic problems, cancer, reduced oxygen intake, and fatigue are only some of the issues that may appear.

Scientifically it was not proven that an alkaline diet will remove these risks. Moreover, our bodies have strong regulatory systems that adapt to the environment and whatever food we choose in our diet. However, what is true, is that a more alkaline diet will ease the burden on your digestive system and your blood and body during the PH balancing process. When the PH is too acidic, the blood neutralizes it by extracting minerals from muscles or good alkaline food if ingested. Our mouth, digestive system, and mind (producing thoughts) are acidic, our muscles are alkaline. That is why, too much acidity results in low minerals (calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium) and overall weakened muscles and body.

The aim would be to have a diet that mirrors the normal PH of the blood. Unfortunately, our lives today make it difficult to easily access alkaline products. In simple terms, almost everything around us is acidic. Processed food, meat, dressings, alcohol, coffee, and cosmetics are acidic. The same goes for rumbling thoughts, overworking, stress, or usage of technology which produce acidity and bring blood PH below neutral.

So how can we help our Body be slightly Alkaline?

  • Drink Alkaline Water! Water is vital to the correct functioning of the body, both from quantity and quality perspectives. The quantity depends on factors such as environment, health conditions, pregnancy in the case of ladies or exercising, and the intensity of physical effort. As with everything, a book can be written only on this. In a simplified version, a formula for the quantity (in liters) is your weight in lbs. X 0.4. For example, a weight of 132 lbs requires an intake of 0.634 gallons of water per day.  we-are-70%-water
  • Alcohol, coffee, or coffee-containing teas do not count and intake of water should increase proportionately. Soup and herbal tea are good and so is bottled water sold in shops if the label shows a PH level around 7. Tap water (where drinkable) is mostly alkaline. If not, adding lemon juice, and sodium carbonate or buying a machine that alkalizes automatically would do the job.
  • Eat Greens! Almost all green vegetables are alkaline and good for digestion. Notice the difference in how you feel after eating veggies vs. eating meat or other processed food. Heavy meals induce a state of fatigue and burden as the system and blood are fully employed for digestion. On the other hand, vegetables make you feel light and energized, whilst in addition, they contain chlorophyll and help the production and transportation of oxygen into the cells.  veggies-greens-healthy
  • Eat Proteins from Vegetables! Our bodies need Proteins, but good alkaline ones exist in vegetables. Meat such as pork, lamb, or beef has a PH between 3 and 4, below the PH level of our blood. In exchange, some vegetables such as broccoli, beans, peas, lentils, sprouts, mushrooms, corn, spinach, or artichoke contain a good proportion of proteins and can be a good replacement for meat. In a simplified manner, the formula of ideal protein intake (in grams) is your weight in kg times 0.8 (For example if you weigh 132 lbs you should eat around 55 grams of protein per day). An ideal diet would include meat or fish only once a week, eggs maybe twice a week, and the rest of the necessary taken from the greens.
  • Add good Fat to your meals! Fat is very important for the brain, and eyesight and they make you feel full. Fat is not necessarily meat or associated products. You can take your necessary dose of fat by adding alkaline ingredients to your food such as olive oil, coconut oil, avocado, or nuts and seeds that contain Omega-3s. Good fats (unsaturated) help reduce cholesterol levels and the risk of heart disease. Bad fats (saturated) are found normally in animal products and cooking oils. Coconut oil, butter, olive, and avocado oils are relatively good for cooking. However, seeds, nuts, and other vegetable oils such as corn, sunflower, sesame, canola, etc. contain polyunsaturated fats which are unhealthy in the long run, especially for cooking.
  • Eat natural Sugar! Added sugar contains no nutrients and is bad for the teeth, overloads the liver, can be addictive, and can cause illnesses like diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol, and heart disease. As with fats or carbs, sugar can also be categorized between ‘’good’’ and ‘’bad’’. Processed sugar or similar sweetener products are generally not recommended, including cakes, sweets, and commercially processed products containing sugar among ingredients. The best intake of sugar and energy comes from fruits and vegetables. Agave, stevia, and coconut sugar are also good replacements. You may also create cookies and desserts from alkaline products such as almond milk, coconut, and banana (PH around 9).
  • Have your dose of rich Salt! Salt helps the body with minerals and balances acidity. Processed salt contains limited amounts of minerals. Himalayan salt is a good modern option that contains 84 minerals. It has been Balanced Body preserved under ice and lava for millennia and kept free from pollution, so it’s a good source of healthy minerals.
  • Limit Dairy products! Opinions differ quite a lot, but generally dairy is difficult for the digestive system, especially as we grow older and have fewer lactase enzymes (after the age of 4). Most of the world (depending on the ethnic group) is intolerant to dairy or highly allergic. In addition to different chemical substances that can end up in the milk such as pesticides or antibiotics, cow’s milk contains much more protein than human milk. This creates acidity and employs the body to neutralize it. Because it’s an acidic source of calcium, our body will extract its calcium to balance it and in return weaken our bones.
  • Cheese is also not necessarily good and comes down to common sense. Besides the fact that it consists of milk, it may also contain mushrooms (like yeast) or other bacteria. Goat milk and cheese are a better replacement as their DNA is closer to the human one.

How to detox your body?

In the body we have around 5-6 liters of blood (7% of the body weight) that transports nutrients and oxygen to the body, cleans the waste in our cells, fights disease, and moves hormones and chemicals. When our digestive system activates, it employs the blood for breaking food into vitamins, fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.

The more time the blood is employed for digestion, the less time and resources are available for the other functions of cleaning the body, transporting oxygen to the cells, and taking out the residuum and toxins.

Giving some breaks from eating can enable the blood to perform its other functions and improve health. For example, fasting has been in some traditions for ages. It’s a process of cleansing the body based only on liquid and no solid food. A simpler way to fast is once or twice a week between 6:00 pm to 12:00 am or between 12:00 am to 6:00 am. That translates into having eaten solid food for around 75% of the time and allowing your body to detoxify 25% of the time.


Take time to consider your health in our days in time. The healthy the body the less likely you’ll be sick.



The Ultimate Guide to the Best Olive Oil

The Best Olive Oil can enhance your food

Extra Virgin Olive oil for your marinade is a staple in lots of marinade recipes, but people generally don’t give much thought to which of the best olive oil their choose to use. Like vinegar, different olive oils have different flavors and qualities and your marinade can gain an extra layer of flavor by picking the right one.

You wouldn’t use apple cider vinegar for a recipe that calls for balsamic, and choosing the best olive oil can make the same difference.


Steak Marinades

Red meat does well with robust olive oil. The Italian varietals are particularly appealing here and several varietals are commonly blended that create a wonderful flavor profile for steak.

This is one of our favorite marinades and it’s become a staple in our home. It usually goes on flank steak, but could easily be used on any steak that you’re grilling. While you can get away with marinating your steak for only hours, we recommend you let any tougher cuts sit overnight.

  • Steak about 1 – 2 lbs.
  • 1/2 cup of Robust Olive Oil
  • 1 Lemon
  • 4 Medium Cloves of Garlic
  • 1/4 cup of Balsamic Vinegar
  • 2 tsps. salt
  • 2 tsps. fresh ground pepper

Start with a Robust Extra Virgin Olive Oil. This recipe has several strong flavors and you’ll want to have an olive oil that can stand up to them. If you have a tougher cut of meat, you may want to use a fork to dock the meat.

In a large plastic Ziploc bag or a ceramic or glass baking dish, pour in the olive oil. Cut a lemon in half and squeeze the juice into the bag or dish. If you’re using a bag, add in the squeezed lemon halves, too. If you’re using a baking dish, you may need to cut these into smaller pieces. Crush the Garlic Cloves with your hands or the flat side of a knife and remove the skins. Place these in your bag or dish. Add in the rest of your ingredients.

Massage the meat with the marinade for a few minutes and make sure that the meat is completely covered. Refrigerate overnight.

Lamb and Game Marinades

Lamb and game marinades benefit from using robust, grassy olive oil with strong flavors. With lamb and game, the meat itself has a strong flavor your marinade will need to be strong as well for the flavors to come through.

  • Typically, with a leg of lamb, we go with a thin wet rub. Massaging the meat with liberal amounts of it gets flavors going.
  • 1 Leg of lamb
  • 1 Bunch of Rosemary
  • 4 Medium Garlic cloves
  • Robust, Grassy Olive oil 2 – 3 tsps.
  • Salt 2 – 3 tsps. Pepper

Remove the bone from the lamb or have a butcher remove it for you. Remove any stems from the rosemary and place in a food processor Remove the skin from the garlic cloves and add the food processor Add the salt and pepper to the food processor Turn your food processor on and slowly pour in your olive oil until you have a thin paste

Open up your leg of lamb. If you have any thick pieces of meat, butterfly them so that you have an even thickness. With a paring knife, poke some small holes all around the leg of lamb with your hands massage the wet rub all over the leg, and into the holes, you created with the knife. Wrap the lamb up with some butcher’s twine Cover with plastic wrap Refrigerate for at least 12 hours.

Pork Marinades

Marinades can help out pork. The meat dries out pretty easily when cooking and no one likes a chewy pork chop. If you don’t cook much pork because of this, consider trying it again, using a marinade.

One other recommendation is to go to your butchers to pick up some thick, bone-in pork chops. They can handle a lot of flavors and tend to be juicier with the bone. For this marinade, we suggest a medium-bodied olive oil. Something with some apple notes would go well, too.

  • 2 garlic cloves (minced)
  • 1 tsp lemon peel (grated)
  • 1/4 c medium olive oil
  • 2 – 3 sprigs fresh rosemary sprigs (stems removed) minced
  • 2 medium fresh sage leaves minced
  • 3 – 5 sprigs of fresh thyme (stems removed)
  • 2 tsps. salt
  • 4 pork chops (thick)

Combine all the ingredients in a plastic bag or baking dish Massage them into the meat Refrigerate for at least 8 hours

Chicken Marinades

Chicken does not require very much time to marinate. The meat is delicate and if your marinade has a lot of citruses, it will begin to protein cook the chicken. Your marinade will need to compensate for that by carrying intense

Every year we throw away untold amounts of Champagne after New Year’s Eve. Once it’s gone flat, it might not taste very good, but it will make a very nice marinade.

  • 4-6 chicken breast halves, boneless and skinless
  • 1/3 cup delicate olive oil preferably with apple /almond notes
  • 1/4 cup dry champagne
  • 1/4 cup fresh tarragon leaves, chopped
  • 2 medium cloves of garlic, whole,
  • crushed 2 pinches of salt

If your champagne isn’t flat yet, it’s still OK to use. Just be aware that as you mix things it might get messy. If some of your chicken breasts are very thick at some points, you may want to consider pounding them a little flatter, butterflying them, or cutting them in half length-wise so that the meat cooks evenly.

Combine all of the ingredients in a plastic bag or baking dish. Refrigerate for 4 – 8 hours. If there is still carbonation in the champagne, stick to the 4-hour side of the time frame.

Fish Marinades

A lot of times, the best thing to do with fish is to brush it with some of the best olive oil that you like, sprinkle on some salt and pepper and it’s ready for the grill!

For meatier fish like Halibut, you can increase its flavor with a quick, fresh marinade.

  • 1 small clove garlic, minced 6 tablespoons delicate – light olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon chopped fresh basil
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 1 tsp lemon zest
  • 1 tsp chopped fresh parsley
  • 2 (6 ounce) fillets of halibut Combine all of the ingredients in a plastic bag or baking dish

Refrigerate for 1 hour We’ve found lots of really wonderful Extra Virgin Olive Oil and we hope you enjoy them too!


Gourmet Olive Oil: Infused with Herbs and Spices

Infused Olive Oil

If you are a big fan of getting a little crazy in the kitchen, then slightly off-kilter ingredients are kind of your thing. As such, there’s a good chance you may have worked with a little gem known as infused olive oil. This ingredient seems a little subdued at first, but it’s only when you start realizing the potential it has that you see the favor bomb that it is! Infused olive oil may not be in your pantry right now, but once you get a taste of it, you’ll be hooked. infused-olive-oil

But how exactly do you use it? You might have a pretty good idea of how to handle basic olive oil and the extra virgin variety (EVOO, anyone?), but this infused stuff — is there some sort of special magic that goes along with it? Of course not.

Then again, here are five ways to use infused olive oil that may just make you rethink some things & rush out the door to buy some ASAP:

Cooking Flavor — If you already use olive oil, try substituting the infused stuff right in. The flavors you’re introducing will kick up your meals more than a few notches. Popular flavors include rosemary, garlic, and crushed red peppers.

Dessert — Though most infusions spoken of are on the savory side, some are sweet, and when you combine the lusciousness of sweet olive oil with your favorite dessert, you’re reaching nirvana.

Baking — Take your baked goods in a new, exciting direction with this twist.

Bread Dip — Everyone knows the scrumptious dip you get when you visit a nice Italian restaurant. It’s peppery, salty, and has a garlicky tang that hits the spot. Imagine how good it can be in your own home with the right oil!foccacia-with-olives

Dimensions of Flavor — Sometimes simplicity is what makes all the difference in the world. A drizzle over a salad or prime steak can be marvelous.

Now, let’s say you go down to your local market & try to find some of this unctuous liquid gold and can’t find it. You might have to look elsewhere, and depending on where you live, you may have to order online. Luckily, olive oil manufacturers are always good about having infused olive oil on hand.

Infused olive oil, at least for some, might be a bit of a cheat. They figure that if the olive oil was good enough, it wouldn’t need to be infused with anything else. Well, that’s a perspective that is a bit on the narrow-minded end. The culinary arts are all about maximizing flavor any way that you can, and it seems odd that you’d pass up on the chance to take one ingredient that rocks & not want to make it rock harder.tomatoes-olive-oil

So, to those of you grooving in the kitchen with a flair for serious flavor, infused olive oil should be high on your list of kitchen “must-haves”.

Texas-born infused olive oil is only the tip of the iceberg when working with Texas Hill Country Olive Co. Visit them today.

Achieving Optimal Wellness Through Healthy Habits

Healthy Habits for a Balanced Life

I like to believe there are ten healthy habits one needs to follow to live a balanced life. No matter what I am doing whether on vacation or going about my day-to-day work these healthy habits are important to me. You may be wondering what these habits are. To know more keep on reading. My friends often find me saying that everything in life is about balance. Healthy living is the equilibrium of good habits, not something extreme. So how do we achieve this balance? To start with, we must focus on consistency but don’t rush because consistency takes time. Also, take a step back to disengage from negative self-talk and try to transform that into positive self-talk.

Remember that being obsessed with anything can cause the opposite outcome. Your reality is shaped by your thoughts and when you spend too much time thinking about losing calories, what food to eat, whether or not to use social media, or simply comparing yourself to others, you end up feeling depressed and disconnected from yourself. Changing these negative thoughts into more positive ones is a great healthy habit to try and develop.

Eating healthy foods provided by Mother Nature such as fresh fruits and green vegetables is another must-do if you are trying to develop healthy habits. Cut out processed and packaged foods as much as possible. Think about how you want your day to turn out and do one or two things for your health that will benefit you in the long run.  healthy_foods

Exercising moderately, eating some greens or drinking more water are easy ways to build good habits that you can swear by. Be mindful at all times and realize it’s not about yesterday or tomorrow; it’s about where you are today and at this moment – it’s all about now. Now that we have a basic understanding of what healthy habits seem like and how you can find that equilibrium in your life, let’s dive into a list of ten good habits that will make your well-being a priority.

Change your mindset.

Think of your health as a lifestyle change and a daily balancing act.

  1. Sleep sufficiently and in good time. Your body undergoes necessary repairs when you sleep. Physical and psychological repair takes place from 10 pm to 6 am.
  2. Be patient. It takes roughly ninety days to create a new habit. So develop patience and learn to love yourself through the process of change.
  3. Read voraciously. Educate yourself on spiritual practices, gain knowledge about the foods you eat, read about the lives of wellness masters – there are so many kinds of literature out there.
  4. Be mindful of your energy system. Think of your body as particles of energy and ponder over what kind of fuel you want to use to keep it functioning. Do you really want coke and chips to get into your system? I hope not because they will eventually break down your system.
  5. Hydrate often. Drink good quality water. If you like, you can add some lemon or other fruits to it to drink more frequently.
  6. Eat healthily. Consume natural foods and stay away from processed, packaged food. At least, 80 to 90% of the time, your food intake should be healthy.
  7. Don’t feel guilty. When you do eat food that is not good for your health, don’t kill yourself with guilt. Remember balance is important so once in a while, you can break away from your mundane diet and incorporate some junk in it until, of course, you’ve mastered the habit of eating well.
  8. Move around. Exercise is the best medicine – even if it’s something as simple as going for a walk or as complex as working out at the gym. Your body is meant for movement. Being in nature is one of the best things you can do for your body.
  9. Know yourself. Get to the root of why you’re self-sabotaging if you are and foster a more loving relationship of self-worth with yourself.


Eat Healthy – Be Well.


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The Ultimate Daypack for Your Everyday Needs

Fundamentally, anything with strap shoulder straps is classified as a “backpack”. Therefore, a backpack is a kind of pack, too. However, not all backpacks are backpacks. Know about the Daypacks.

A backpack is a big version of a typical lightweight backpack, but not always a full-sized pack. The major difference between a backpack and a normal backpack is the shoulder straps and the size of the pack. A normal backpack has no shoulder straps at all, while a backpack typically does. In addition, most backpacks are much larger than the smaller daypacks that you see people carrying around campus, the grocery store, or even on long-distance trips.  daypacks_for_seniors

Because of the way that daypacks are constructed, they can carry all sorts of stuff, both for protection and convenience. Backpacks are usually larger than normal daypacks because of their added shoulder strap, and the fact that they carry so much weight. For example, a regular backpack would not fit on a plane, while a backpack would! But the good thing about backpacks is that they have enough space for everything you need, so you won’t have to keep finding an extra bag when you run out of something important.

The main reason why people wear backpacks is for comfort, but they also carry them in a variety of situations, including hiking, camping, sport, and even recreational pursuits. Backpacks are also used for storage. Some backpackers even carry their laptop computers and other equipment with them while on the go! This makes carrying your laptop and other essential information easy and helps save space, too!

Daypacks can be one or more shoulder straps, a waist belt, or a bottom pocket. Some come with built-in storage compartments, while others come with their own side pockets. Some daypack styles have the ability to open up for storage. This is great for people who travel a lot, since they can store all of their things in one place, instead of having to find a separate bag every time they need to take a few small items for a short trip.

Many people choose to buy one daypack, so they can easily carry more than one item. like snacks, drinks, water, toiletries, and more. If you’re like most backpackers, you may carry multiple backpacks because you don’t want to deal with carrying two or three different items at once.

Although there are some drawbacks to backpacks, they still play a vital role in our everyday lives. For instance, backpacks can make it easier to go through airport security. Since you don’t have to stand in line to check your items, you can easily walk through the process without being stopped. On top of that, if you do happen to have a large amount of luggage that needs to be checked, carrying your bags through security is also a lot easier, since you can put everything in one bag. As a bonus, the ability to quickly load and unload bags is one of the reasons why many travelers choose to fly. day_packing

Overall, backpacks have been around for centuries. They’re a versatile item that’s found use everywhere from hiking, camping, hunting, to just going on a nice hike through nature.

There are many different styles of daypacks available. There are the ones that are more traditional like the backpacks that were made for women. Then there are the backpacks that are more modern like the backpacks that are created for men. The difference between these two styles is mainly based on the way that the backpacks fit the individual.

One of the most popular backpacks is the military backpack. These days, there are military style packs that you can purchase that can be used for a variety of different things, such as hunting, as well as military-style bags that are designed for carrying equipment like guns and ammunition.

These military-style or daypacks are lightweight, which is good for carrying your belongings like clothes and more. They can also be used to carry a gun in a backpack form, or a water bottle, or other type of liquid like water bottle. They can even be used to carry other personal items like books and other materials that may not necessarily need to be carried by hand.


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Essential Survival Techniques

survival skillsBasic Survival Skills

We live in a world marked by modern conveniences, which is great. Modern technologies allow us to find our way, stay warm, find shelter, and even get the food and water our bodies need.

While this is fine, have you ever thought of uncertainties that nature may present?

What if a heavy storm knocks power out?

What if your phone battery dies in the middle of nowhere?

You need a few skills to survive these inevitable life moments.

There are plenty of basic survival skills that everyone needs to know and practice. While most of them look less important to learn, they can potentially save your life, depending on the situation. This post will cover some of the basic survival skills you need to learn.

Of importance, until you get out into the field and practice any survival skills, all you have is a false sense of security.


Survival skills everyone should try and master:

To prepare yourself for whatever might befall you, here are basic skills you can learn on your own to prepare yourself to handle most survival situations:

  • Finding water

When it comes to surviving, water is often the first thing that people look for. After all, nothing is more critical to survival than clean, drinking water.

Finding food and water is a skill that people used daily for survival that has since been forgotten. While there is no guaranteed way to look for water, it is obvious that streams are found downhill or in crevasses where hills meet. If you can’t find a water source, you will need to explore the area further. Lush areas with green vegetation and animals are likely to have water.

Rain, snow, and dew are other reliable sources of clean water you can collect. In extreme conditions, you can squeeze water from vines and thistles.

Most importantly, don’t drink any water you find. Make an effort to purify or boil it. This takes us to the next survival skill.

  • Starting and tending to a fire campfire for food

Even if you find a flowing stream with what seems to be clean water, make an effort to make it safer for drinking. In the wilderness, you will need to know how to start a fire to boil your water. Fire will also give you life-saving warmth, help you cook, scare predators away, and even other people notice your location.

While starting a fire with a lighter can be easy and quick, you need to learn how to start a fire from scratch, which requires practice and patience. One of the techniques is making a flint that can generate sparks. You can also short-circuit your battery to create sparks.

The most important thing is to practice and master how you can start a fire in different weather conditions. There are a whole lot of effective techniques to create fire by friction.

  • Foraging for food

While you can survive for a few weeks without food, as long as you have clean, clean drinking water, having the skill to hunt and forage for food is critical.

There are lots of edible wild plants that you can eat while in the wilderness. However, you need to be super keen; otherwise, you may find yourself feasting on poisonous fruits.

You will also need to learn and master hunting, trapping, fishing, and any other technique you can use to get food.

  • Building a shelter  survival today

Once you have water and food, the next most obvious basic thing you want is to find somewhere you can hide from the elements. The type of shelter you can build and how to build it depends entirely on where you are, how long you will stay there, and the available resources.

The basic requirements are branches for poles plus some clothing, a tent, or leaves to cover the finished structure. There are a lot of factors to consider as well. For instance, walking distance to water source and chances of immediate surroundings catching fire.

  • Basic First Aid

First Aid Only 298 Piece All-Purpose First Aid Emergency Kit


There are times when it is difficult for emergency services to reach you when you are sick or injured. Being able to administer first aid may save a life at such critical moments.

Apart from knowing how to use a first aid kit, you should be able to come up with creative ways to offer first aid using what is readily available. For instance, creating a brace with tree branches and harvesting natural medicine.



Final thoughts

Learning basic survival skills is a great way to prepare yourself for uncertainties. Practicing and mastering these skills can bring you closer to nature and help you save your life should things go wrong.

If you want to go beyond being just a beginner at this or any other skill, and work toward developing a real mastery, then you are going to need a deeper and more powerful strategy.



What you need is a way to hack your brain so you can develop a winning mindset.



A winning “mindset” is a “state of mind” that allows you to enter a “flow state” at will. You do this by programming your subconscious mind.



Believe it or not, most of what you do throughout an average day is NOT freely chosen by your normal waking consciousness even though it may seem that way. The truth is that most of what you do on a day-to-day basis is done on autopilot. 

Be Safe wherever you Go!


Deliciously Homemade Dog Treats

If you really want to make sure that the homemade dog treats you are giving your doggy are healthy and good for them then check out these easy-to-do recipes. And what dog doesn’t love peanut butter or their very own cupcake? Or try these out, your pets will love you!


Ingredients: 1/2 cup organic salt-free smooth peanut butter

1 cup of hot water 1 cup of organic wheat bran

1 1/2 cups organic bulgur wheat

1/2 cup organic white whole wheat flour (or any flour of your choice).


1) Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.  Homemade dog treats

2) Mix all ingredients until peanut butter is well incorporated.

3) Using a large spoon or ice cream scoop, drop dough onto a parchment-paper-covered cookie sheet. Use a wet fork to press in the classic fork pattern on top, if desired. (Note: Dough will get harder to work with in just a few minutes, so create the cookies as soon as you mix the ingredients.)

4) Bake for 50 to 60 minutes, until the crunchies just start to turn golden brown.

PUPCAKE (Makes 24 Mini Pupcakes)


1 1/4 cups rolled oats 1 cup buttermilk

2 teaspoons ground cinnamon

1 teaspoon ground ginger

1 large egg 1/4 cup honey

1/2 cup unsalted butter, melted

1/3 cup brown sugar, firmly packed  Homemade dog treats

1 cup all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking powder

1/2 teaspoon baking soda


1) Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

2) Combine the oats, buttermilk, and spices in a large bowl and let the mixture stand for one-half to 1 hour.

3) Meanwhile, line 24 mini-muffin tin cups with mini cupcake paper liners.

4) Add all of the remaining ingredients to the oat mixture and mix until thoroughly combined.  Homemade dog treats

5) Using a regular spoon, scoop the batter into the muffin tins, distributing equally.

6) Bake until firm and golden brown (approximately 20 minutes).


If you have larger pets try these. And after your pet has had their dog cake, they will probably want to nap (again).



The Best Olive Oils for Delicious Home-Cooked Meals

The Best Olive Oil for Cooking

If you look around the landscape, it’s hard not to notice the almost inordinate amount of best olive oil for booking shows on the air, a testament to changing views on food in this day and age. Even with the amazing amount of variety in these cooking shows, one of the topics that come up on an almost daily basis is trying to identify the best extra virgin olive oil for cooking.

Extra virgin olive oil is an ancient ingredient that has been used for everything from religious ceremonies to meal preparation. One would think that over the course of thousands of years, someone would have been able to aptly answer the question of what the best olive oil for cooking is, right? I mean, someone must have made a note somewhere. The problem is that many folks have come right out and said that olive oil should never see heat because it does untold damage to the structure of the oil. So, what’s an amateur chef to do?virgin olive Oil

Listen to the great chefs out there who’ve been doing it long enough to tell you one thing — don’t be afraid of using olive oil. Here are a few more things you should know regarding olive oil and cooking:

Use It in All Applications — Cook with it, bake with it, and use it as a garnish. There are a lot of great recipes out there that use olive oil as an ingredient. Don’t start immediately looking for an alternative. Extra virgin olive packs such amazing flavor, and you don’t want to miss out on it. It’s all good.

Use It in Moderation — Don’t go overboard with it, though. It can be easy to just start adding it to everything, kind of like a popular rooster-emblazoned hot sauce we all know. Make it a bit of a treat.

Check the Dates — Look the bottle over while you’re shopping, and see when the product was harvested and bottled. The more time between when the oil is first packaged for sale & when you actually buy it, the higher likelihood that the oil may not be up to par.

Seals of Approval — Try to find governing bodies for olive oil who have designated the oil you’re holding is the real things & good to go. If you’re not seeing these, you’re taking a bit of a chance. virgin olive Oil

Smell and Taste — Once you get home, smell & taste the extra virgin olive oil. You should not get any ‘off’ notes in flavor or scent. If something seems wrong, you may have rancid oil on your hands. Take that back to the store you purchased it from, and get that squared away.

Keep Things Local — States like Texas are becoming major players on the olive oil front, so keep things local, support small businesses, and take advantage of serious freshness.


Choosing the best olive oil for cooking seems like it could be pretty relative. As such, the best advice from the best chefs out there is basically use something that tastes good, don’t overuse it, and understand that you don’t need a plane ticket for great olive oil.

Air Fryer Magic: Perfectly Cooked Veggies Every Time

Cook Vegetables in an Air Fryer

Cooking in an air fryer is a hit, especially when we talk about vegetables. This is because vegetables are very sensitive to heat the air fryer works best; therefore, in addition to being a very healthy food, we must know how to cook it properly to maximize its nutritional benefits.Ninja AF101 Air Fryer that Crisps, Roasts, Reheats, & Dehydrates, for Quick, Easy Meals, 4 Quart Capacity

If one day you need to cook vegetables, but they have gone bad or you have undergone a long trip to get to the kitchen, we propose some tricks that will help you get a tasty and perfectly cooked dish. Cooking in an air fryer recipe works for almost all vegetables.

Beginners should go for easy dishes if they are new to cooking. On their own, most vegetables taste great, even raw! The best way to make most leafy vegetables, such as kale, taste great is to cook them at a very low temperature for a very short period with some olive oil, salt, and garlic. Dressings have a very strong or pungent taste, which can often overpower the slight taste and texture of most vegetables, so they should be used only for the strongest, for example, chard or spinach.

It’s all about timing

It is always essential to turn on the hood 10 minutes before cooking boiled, steamed, or sautéed vegetables, to inspect the clock on the hob (and use the timer if necessary), and to look at the color of the ingredients to prevent overcooking. Freshly picked vegetables should have a high sheen and not have lost any of their original colors like green sheen, orange or yellow.

Moreover, they should not taste bland or greasy. An air fryer can also help you to prepare your vegetables, in addition to your cookware. Since this method does not damage the food, it keeps all of the nutrients and minerals intact.

The color and flavor are also enhanced. According to the food and the result you want, you can choose between 100% steam and baking mode with additional steam. Besides vegetables, you can also prepare meat and fish with great results. Following that, we explain how to cook various vegetables, so that you always find them accurate:

You can prepare broccoli buds by boiling, steaming, or sautéing them in a pan, stirring them for about 5-8 minutes to get the perfect texture.

To cook carrots with their original color, nutrients, as well as their characteristic crunchy texture, you should boil them for 5 to 10 minutes, steam them for 4 to 5 minutes, or sauté them for 3-4 minutes.

Eggplants need to retain their magnificent purple color. The process is simple: boil them for 5-10 minutes, steam them for 5-6 minutes or sauté them for no more than 3-4 minutes.

Red peppers are cut into strips. No matter which of the three colors this product presents, its appearance is consistent. In the presence of heat, they soften quickly. The best way to preserve their sweetness is to cook them in a pan which takes about two to three minutes at most.

Cooking sweet potatoes with salt and pepper. During the steaming process, they are cooked for 5-6 minutes, then sautéed with garlic and olive oil for 3 minutes. They are delicious and contain iron.

Kale or cabbages, for example, have an important complication: Cooking their stems requires more time than cooking their leaves. Separating the stems first and steaming the leaves before adding them is our recommendation. Let’s do everything together for three minutes at a time as the last step.

While pumpkins are a fun Halloween decoration, they are not a great candidate for culinary use. Many people think you can cook them like an apple. In reality, they are difficult to cut up, they have a very strong flavor, and they will quickly go from “cooking” to “boiling” in water.

air fryer

After cooking your vegetables, you still have work to do. After shaking them thoroughly, they will not cook anymore. You may wish to do this step, especially if you are going to use the vegetable for a salad. The same applies to boiled or steamed vegetables. It’s easy to prepare a dish in advance and serve it hours later without worrying about it spoiling or losing its properties by simply shaking it. Squeezing those delivers more flavor, texture, and color.

In a bowl, mix water, a lot of ice, and half a tablespoon of salt. Use a slotted spoon to transfer the vegetables from the pot to the ice bath after they have simmered for a while. After a minute, put them on a plate and serve.

Cooking for the Campsite: Meal Planning for a Fun…

Plan Meals for Camping


Planning out a week’s worth of meals at home is hard enough; it seems nearly impossible if you plan out all of the meals for a week-long camping trip. After all, you won’t have those easy fallback options of going out to eat or making a grilled cheese sandwich. The only food you will have is the food that you bring with you, so it’s important that you plan out your meals carefully and ensure that you have everything you need.

This article will give you a few tips on planning a menu for your camping trip so that you don’t end up scavenging for berries at the end of your trip.  family_camping

Plan around the Cooking

You want to take as few cooking tools with you as possible when you go camping, so you should try to plan meals that all use the same outdoor cooking equipment in Alpharetta. So, if you have a recipe for Dutch oven biscuits, try not to also have barbecued chicken on the menu.

This would require you to have both the Dutch oven and access to a grill on your trip. Unless you know the campsite already has barbecues available for your use, this can make packing extremely troublesome.

If you really want to make things easy, plan as many meals as possible that require no cooking equipment. This can include things like tinfoil dinners, hot dogs, and other foods that can be cooked directly over the fire. Depending on how long your trip is, you may be able to plan a menu that doesn’t require you to pack any cooking equipment at all. However, if you’re going to be camping more than a few days, you’ll probably want some variety and will want to bring some equipment along so you can cook different meals.

Non-Perishable Foods

As easy as it is to serve everyone cereal and milk in the morning, keeping milk cold during a week of camping is quite difficult. Instead, you’ll have to plan meals that use non-perishable foods, like canned goods, rice, and pasta.

If you do have a few meals that use perishable food items, plan your menu out so that you will eat those items within the first few days. This will allow you to have those meals before the ingredients are in danger of going bad.

Advanced Preparation

Wherever possible, do as much cooking preparation in advance as you can. This can include things like chopping up the chicken and potatoes for your tinfoil dinners, or rolling up some breakfast burritos so they just need to be heated up over the fire. Whatever preparation you can do at home will save you a lot of time and hassle while you’re camping. After all, it’s much easier to chop up chicken on your clean countertop than to try to do it on a cutting board sitting on a log.

people camping

Divide and Conquer

If you’re going on a camping trip with multiple people, make sure that you divide up the duties for food. Put each person or group in charge of one meal or one day’s worth of meals and make them responsible for providing and preparing the food for that meal or on that day. This will lessen the load for you.




Plan meals for campingJust make sure that you communicate with one another when you’re planning out the meals, you’re responsible for. Otherwise, you might end up having hot dogs every day.


BIoLite Campstove 2

The Best Energy Boosters to Keep You Going

Top 5 Energy Boosters

With so many ads about which superfoods are best, it can be confusing to decipher what’s a scam and what’s the truth. That’s why I compiled a list of the top five energy-boosting foods that will give you true, lasting energy to keep you hopping all day! Oatmeal

Oats contain the energizing and stress-lowering B vitamin family, which helps transform carbs into usable energy. Oats are also low on the glycemic index because they have a lot of fiber. That means that your body gets a steady stream of energy, as opposed to a short-term spike, because the carbohydrates gradually flow into your bloodstream.oatmeal

The key here is to look for high-fiber oatmeal, like oat bran. For the best nutrition kick, avoid instant oatmeal and stick with more natural varieties, then add your own sweetness.

  • Lentils

Beans are a great source of fiber, which translates to a slow release of glucose, as well as B vitamins, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, calcium and copper. Lentils provide both carbohydrates and protein, making them a great addition to any meal. Lentils help reduce your cholesterol and blood pressure, and they’re low in fat and calories to boot.

  • Bananas banana

Bananas provide a lot of potassium, an electrolyte that helps maintain normal nerve and muscle function. Unlike some nutrients, the body doesn’t store potassium for long periods of time. This means that your potassium level can drop during times of stress or during strenuous exercise when the nutrient is lost through excessive sweating. The sugar in bananas is an easily digested form of carbohydrate. Other fruits such as apples, grapes, peaches and pineapples also make great energizing and refreshing snacks. We all know we need to be eating more fruits in our diet!

  • Chocolate

Studies show that chocolate can elevate your energy levels by way of certain bioactive compounds such as tyramine and phenylethylamine. Chocolate has also been claimed to improve anemia, awaken the appetite, aid in digestion, and improve longevity. Chocolate contains sugar and caffeine along with fat and calories so consume in moderation. When possible, opt for dark chocolate or raw cacao for the highest source of antioxidants.

  • Almonds

These little guys are great if you’re looking to improve your focus and mental clarity. Monounsaturated fats such as almonds provide essential fatty acids, known as omega-3s and omega-6s that produce an alert mental state.

  • Healthy Fats

Other healthy fats to include in your diet are avocados, seeds, nuts, olive oil, and fish oil. Of course, you’ll want to check with your health practitioner before making drastic changes to your diet. healthy oils

Incorporating these foods into your daily menu takes some planning, so here are some ideas you can use to ensure you’ll have all the energy you need every day.


* Smoothies: For breakfast, a banana fruit smoothie is a quick and easy way to get the potassium your body requires for normal function. In a blender, combine a small banana, some frozen berries of your choice, ice, 1/2 cup low fat milk, and a teaspoon of vanilla. You can also add a tablespoon of peanut butter or some raw cacao powder as well. If dairy is off the list for then I suggest you use almond – coconut – or another substitute of your choosing.

* Oatmeal: If you need a quick breakfast, you may not always think of oatmeal, or you may think of instant oatmeal, which isn’t as nutritious. Some companies are making instant oatmeal healthier by not adding as much sugar and artificial flavoring, but you’ll always want to compare the sugar and fiber amounts across a few different brands to find the most nourishing oatmeal.

* Cereals: Another great alternative to a bowl of hot oatmeal is bran and muesli cereals. They contain a lot of the energy boosting nutrients of oatmeal, and often contain healthy nuts and dried fruits as well.


* Almonds: These nuts are perfect as a mid afternoon snack. Grab a handful and take them to work with you in a snack cup or baggie.

* Dark Chocolate: When you’re feeling sluggish, a small dark chocolate bar is all you need for a great pick me up that will last longer than an hour or two.

Dinner Side Dishes

* Beans: Lentils are a great side dish to enhance many dinner entrees such as tacos and burgers. You can also make lentils a main dish by combining several types into one dish as a bean soup or bean casserole served with cornbread. Another way to eat lentils is to add some pepper and melted shredded cheese as part of a healthy lunch.

Working these naturally energizing foods into your daily routine doesn’t have to be difficult. With a little imagination and effort, you can have all the energy you need to stay awake and alert throughout the entire day!


Outdoor Camping Gear

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Outdoor camping gear

Camping is an adventure that lots of people have delighted in from the time they were children. It is something that is done by families, with friends, or alone to clear your head. There is absolutely nothing like being out in the open, living a bit like we made use of, before the days of computer systems and smartphones.

However, simply because it may want to be simple and take your mind off of things, you must not attempt to obtain away with bad, old, or damaged campingpeople camping equipment. Not only will you have a bad time with bad gear, but you might even be risking your life in some cases.

Camping gear comes in numerous kinds, influences, sizes, kinds, and brand names. From outdoor tents to sleeping bags to camp stoves to footwear and beyond, the list is very long. While you do not need everything on that list for each outdoor camping journey, you must know what pieces are necessary.

Start by finding out what kind of camping you’ll be doing then go from there. You may want to truly invest in the crucial pieces off of that list once you have that figured out.

Yes, it’s a financial investment and will cost a little money. A financial investment is expected to provide returns over time, and great outdoor camping gear will most certainly provide those returns after each use.

First, simply the expense per use of each product. If you buy something that is of greater quality that might cost a bit more, you will likely get a lot e, even more,se out of it than if you purchased an economical, low-quality piece.

Envision yoyourselfuy a $60 sleeping bag at an outlet store since you go camping a couple of times each year. Let’s say you get 20 makes use ou it before it begins tearing, disintegrating, or the zipper breaks past all repair work. The cost per use of that sleeping bag is $3.00.

Now, let’s say you buy a $200 sleeping bag online and go camping several times each year. Assuming the bag lasts you years, which excellent sleeping bags often do, we can assume that you get 100 uses out of it before you start looking for a brand-new one. The cost per use of the pricier sleeping bag is $2.00. Gear Doctors Ultralight 17oz Apollo-Air Sleeping pad

Even though you invest more upfront, you get much more out of it.

The second way to see the value of investing in the right gear is the general comfort or convenience that a good quality product gives you.

Roughing it is and expecting to leave some creature comforts behind is something, however sleeping in a leaky camping tent with a sleeping bag that does not keep you warm if the temperature level drops below 50 is not fun.

Take it an action further and think of your shoes and clothes. You may be okay with normal clothing and shoes when it pertains to car outdoor camping however the 2nd you get on that path or trip that mountain, you’re putting yourself in hazard if you don’t have good shoes and garments. If you slip since your hiking boots are rubbish, are not using the proper safety layers, and wind up hurting yourself and needing to await assistance, your opportunity of surviving is much higher if you have all the right equipment.

Camping should be enjoyable, it must be relaxing, and it should be hassle-free. Getting the right equipment before taking a camping break is necessary if you desire to get the very best value for your dollar and a good, safe time.

Now think about buying a $50 sleeping bag at a department store and you go camping a couple of times each year. Let’s say you get 20 uses out of it before it starts, degenerating, or the zipper breaks beyond all repair work. Now, let’s state you buy a $200 sleeping bag online and go camping a couple of times each year. Presuming the bag lasts you lots of years, which great sleeping bags often tend to do, we can assume that you get 100 uses out of it before beginning to look for a new one.

You might be fine with regular clothing and shoes when it comes to automobile outdoor camping but the second you get on that trail or trip that mountain, you’re putting yourself in danger if you do not have great shoes and clothing.


Be sure you have a first-aid kit with you.

Swiss Safe 2-in-1 First Aid Kit

The Benefits of Fasting: How to Fast Safely and…

Fasting Facts and how to do it Safely

People have been fasting for thousands of years for religious and health reasons, and some regard it as a weight loss tool. You’ve probably seen headlines about celebrities drinking exotic fruit juices to prepare for movie roles, and heard friends talking about their weekly fast days.

Fasting is still controversial among medical experts. If you’re trying to decide whether to give up food for weight loss or other purposes, consider these suggestions for staying safe while you fast.


Deciding to Fast

1. Losing weight. Any diet extremely low in calories will cause you to lose weight quickly, but you’re likely to gain it right back. That’s because you lose water and muscle mass, and your metabolism slows down. When you resume eating, you may gain weight while consuming the same amount of food you used to be able to manage.

2. Detoxify your body. Some diet books claim that fasting will purify your system and remove environmental pollutants. Most doctors believe that your liver and other organs do that job automatically.

3. Feel empowered. The stigma associated with being overweight can create a difficult relationship with food. You may appreciate the experience of control that comes with brief fasting.

4. Practice your religion. Many faiths include rituals based on fasting. Practitioners say it heightens their awareness and brings them closer to the divine.

5. Prepare for medical treatment. Listen to your doctor when they give you directions not to eat before certain medical tests or surgery. Proper treatment may require establishing an accurate baseline or giving your body a break from digesting food.

6. Live longer. A large body of research supports a connection between consuming fewer calories and extending your life span. The tradeoffs may be worth it for you.

Techniques for Fasting Safely

1. Drink liquids. Dehydration is one of the biggest concerns during any extreme diet. If you feel dizzy or confused, drink more water, and see your doctor if the symptoms continue.

2. Clarify your terms. There are many different kinds of fasts. Most healthy individuals can handle consuming nothing but water for up to 2 days. Fasts that allow liquid calories or eating at certain hours may be feasible for longer periods.

3. Alternate days. Alternate-day fasting is a hot trend since a British TV doctor wrote a book about his experience. You may want to experiment with his formula for five days on and two days off.  Intermittent Fasting

4. Study nutrition. If you’re trying to take off weight, keep in mind that fasting is a temporary and intense approach. In the long term, it’s important to understand how to eat healthily to stay in shape. Pick up a book on nutrition and try out new recipes for vegetables.

5. Watch for side effects. In addition to dehydration, there can be other consequences to fasting. Look out for bad breath, trouble sleeping, and mood changes. You may find it helpful to decrease your level of physical activity and postpone tasks that require heavy thinking.

6. Know your risks. Some adults need to avoid fasting altogether, including pregnant women and those who suffer from diabetes. The bottom line is that there are many diets more effective than fasting if you’re trying to lose weight.

On the other hand, you may have other good reasons to stop eating temporarily. In that case, fasting may be good for your body and soul, as long as you talk with your doctor and take precautions that will keep you safe while you cut out calories.

Going Raw: A Guide to Implementing a Raw-Food Diet

Implement a Raw-Food Diet

As you hear more and more about the impact your eating has on your health and longevity, you may be considering a raw-food diet. While this lifestyle could be quite different from your usual fare, you might find that you thrive on eating mostly raw foods.

What exactly is a raw food diet? In general, it means eating only things that are in a completely natural state. This means foods that have not been processed or cooked. For some folks, this can even include raw meat, though many raw-food advocates do not eat meat, other than perhaps a little sushi.

raw food diet
Raw vegan is very good!

These tips will help you make the conversion:

1. List acceptable foods that appeal to you. There are numerous books and websites available with lists of foods that conform to the principles of the diet. You’re likely to find a lot of foods you’ve never considered. Make a long list so you can provide yourself with a wide variety of foods and flavors!

2. Go shopping. Budgeting accurately may be challenging at first. While much of the food you’re likely to buy won’t be expensive, there will be a lot of it. Most raw foods don’t offer a lot of calories; you’ll be surprised how much you might need to eat.

* Avoid over-shopping, though; many of the foods won’t last as long as many processed foods.

3. Start slowly. If you’re not used to eating a lot of fruit, getting carried away might cause more than a little gastric upset. Introduce the raw foods slowly. Substitute a raw food item at each meal for something you didn’t typically eat raw. Continue adding foods over a week or two, until you’re 100% raw.

4. Throw out your processed foods. One way to be almost certain to fall off the wagon is to have other food readily available. We all have moments of weakness, so prepare for yours. Friends, family, and food banks will likely take what you no longer want to eat.

* If you have others in the house who won’t be eating raw, at least try to get rid of the items you’ll find most tempting.

5. Take a good multivitamin. Certain nutrients may be unavailable with a raw diet, and Vitamin B-12 is the classic example. Even if you’re not eating vegan and you usually scoff at manufactured supplements, talk to your doctor before you dismiss the idea.

6. Remember to get enough protein. Protein is another major nutrient you might lack if you’re not careful. Eating balanced meals is just as important as ever.

7. Keep adjusting until your diet is right for you. Assess how you feel. Are you losing weight? Are you losing too much weight? Are there other foods you’d like to try? Are there foods you’d like to eliminate?

8. Give raw foods for at least 30 days. If you can go 30 days without cheating, you should have an excellent idea of whether or not a raw-food diet is something that you want to continue. Any foods eaten outside of the diet will tend to interfere with an accurate assessment.

If a raw-food lifestyle is something you want to try, give the above steps a shot. Changing dietary habits is frequently a challenge; our bodies and minds get used to certain foods. Expect some challenging times over your first 30 to 60 days. However, keep in mind that medical data indicates that our dietary choices have a huge impact on our health.


Maybe a raw-food diet is an answer for you. Try it.

Get Moving and Feel Great

Some people love a tough workout, while others do not so much. 80% of Americans fail to meet government guidelines for aerobic and strength training, it’s obvious why most of us fall into the second category. A recent study by the University of Freiburg in Germany suggests that just 2 changes can make you enjoy exercise more.

Participants with similar fitness levels were asked to ride a stationary bicycle for the same amount of time. Those who considered themselves to be athletic said the activity was more enjoyable and required less effort. The researchers concluded that personal expectations made the difference. The secret is to believe in your athletic abilities and the benefits of exercising.

Think how much easier it would be for you to stick to a workout program if you really enjoyed doing it. Try these tips for building up your confidence and knowledge.

Believing in Your Athletic Abilities:

1. Develop your own style. Each of us has our own personal interests and signature strengths. You may like ballroom dancing or playing competitive sports. You may excel at sprinting or long-distance running. Choose activities that make you feel accomplished.

2. Create challenges. Set goals that will encourage you to keep going. Work at strengthening your tennis serve or increasing your lung capacity so you can swim more laps.

3. Use external rewards. Intrinsic motivation is more powerful, but you can give yourself treats to help you feel fulfilled while you’re waiting to reach major milestones. Promise yourself a pedicure or a weekend outing to celebrate any week you visit the gym consistently.

4. Share social support. While you’re cheering yourself on, it also helps to have family and friends on your side. Team up with an exercise buddy, post your workout plans on a fitness forum, and ask your family for the help you need.

5. Find a role model. Look for someone who has qualities and achievements that you admire. You can pick someone close to you or someone you see in the news. Study what they do and focus on what you have in common.

6. Repeat affirmations. Create positive statements that help you to realize your worth and make changes in your life. Write them down and read them when you’re feeling stressed.

Understanding the Benefits of Physical Activity:

1. Do some research. Browse online or visit the library to read about how exercise affects your body and mind. Visualize yourself having more energy, strengthening your muscles, and reducing your risk for serious medical conditions.

2. Take a course. Sign up for rock climbing lessons or take an anatomy class at a community college. Learn more about your body and how to care for it.

3. Work with a trainer. Maybe you prefer working with a professional one-on-one. Ask friends and fellow gym members for recommendations. A customized program can deliver impressive results.

4. Talk with your doctor. Ask your physician about any concerns you have. They may be able to suggest what priorities would be helpful for you, such as lowering your blood pressure or rehabilitating a previous injury.

5. Evaluate your performance. As you become more physically fit, you may notice the effects spilling over into many areas of your life. Maybe you’re eating more vegetables or responding more effectively to feedback at work.

6. Listen to your body. Feeling good may be the ultimate benefit of working out. Take pleasure in your flat stomach or glowing skin. When you want to exercise, you’ll find ways to overcome any barriers like being too busy or avoiding discomfort. A positive attitude about your athletic abilities and the benefits of physical activity will help you to stay healthy and fit.

enjoy exercise

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