Battling Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity Together

Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity

Stopping Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity 5I have watched many heartbreaking stories on YouTube about children with deadly diseases that eventually take the life of these little children and the parents more times than not ask how come God took the life of my little child. I have been looking into this question and what I have found is very upsetting.

So far, I have found that God has given man cures for many diseases the problem is that man is so greedy that man would rather keep the cure secret and make a lot of money and watch while his loved ones die.


God says that man has a sinful nature and is naturally evil. I can’t think of anything eviler than this.

I keep hearing about all the advances in modern medicine today and about how we are much better off today than we were 50 years ago. I would agree with this statement as far as the advances in traumatic medicine are concerned but what happened to the rest of the industry?

The last disease that was cured to my knowledge was polio way back in 1953. I hate to burst anyone’s bubble but that was 65 years ago! What has the medical profession been doing for the last 65 years? It looks to me that today’s medical profession is more concerned with selling high-priced drugs than curing anybody of anything.

Stopping Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity 8Back in 2001, my wife was diagnosed with a fatty liver, type 2 diabetes, hypothyroidism, high blood pressure, and depression. For the last sixteen years, the medical doctors have put my wife on about twelve different medications. The cost of these medications to the insurance company came to over $3,000 a month or $36,000 a year.

She would shoot up two different types of insulin a day plus take three different pills for her type two diabetes. She would take one pill a day for her hypothyroidism, three pills for her depression, and another three pills for her high blood pressure.

It seemed like whenever we would go to the doctor, we could add another pill to our family of drugs. After sixteen years of this, I decided I would look into this myself because after all this time and money my wife wasn’t feeling any better than when we first went to the doctor sixteen years ago.

The next time my wife went to the doctor I went with her. I started from the beginning of my wife’s troubles and asked the doctor what had been done to get rid of her fatty liver. Her doctor told me that there was nothing they could do for a fatty liver there was no magic pill. Since all her medical problems began with a fatty liver, I figured this was a good place to start my investigation.

I have heard many people make fun of the internet but as long as you “consider the source” there are some very smart people teaching medicine for free. I listened to an hour-and-a-half lecture by Robert H. Lustig MD, UCSF Professor in the division of endocrinology. The program I listened to was called “Sugar the Bitter Truth.” Toward the end of his lecture, he mentioned that apple cider vinegar dissolves the fat from the liver.

We used one tablespoon of Braggs Organic apple cider vinegar in eight ounces of purified water once in the morning and once in the evening. I knew it would take some time to dissolve the fat from her liver because she has had this condition for over sixteen years. After about three months she started losing weight and felt more energetic.

Stopping Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity 9My wife used apple cider vinegar for a little over a year and went from 153 pounds to 118 pounds. We then went to her doctor and scheduled more blood tests. After talking with her doctor, I asked him how her liver test scored and her doctor told us that she no longer had a fatty liver and her blood tests came back in the normal range.

With my wife’s liver now back to normal we started looking into ways to stop my wife’s type 2 diabetes. I was watching on YouTube a doctor named Dr. Jason Fung. Dr. Fung graduated from the University of Toronto and he is currently practicing medicine at Cedars Sinai in Los Angeles.

Dr. Fung has several programs on YouTube and I listened to as many as I could find. Dr. Fung was saying that the current medical establishment is treating type 2 diabetes all wrong. He said that giving a diabetic insulin would be the same as giving an alcoholic alcohol to cure his alcoholism. He also said that insulin prevents your body from burning fat so the more insulin you take the fatter you get. Dr. Fung also says that diabetes is a dietetic problem that can be corrected with a proper diet.

On July 7 2018 my wife went on Dr. Fung’s low-carb, high-fat diet. immediately she stopped injecting the two types of insulin she used daily and after about five weeks she stopped taking her diabetic pills. (Invokana, Januvia and Lisinopril).

When she first went on the low-carb, high-fat diet we would test her blood sugar levels three times a day. The rule of thumb we used was if her blood sugar tested around 150, we were satisfied with that. We noticed on this diet that her sugar levels gradually started coming down. When her sugar levels hit the ’30s she would eliminate one of her pills. When her level consistently hit the 120’s she would then eliminate another pill.

It took a little over three months for my wife to be completely off all of her diabetic medicine. Dr. Fung says that the longer you have had diabetes the longer it will take to be completely off the diabetes medicine. My wife was a diabetic for over sixteen years.

Because of the weight loss she no longer needs her three medications for high blood pressure. Her blood pressure is consistently around 110 over 70. Because she no longer takes insulin, she no longer needs her medication for hypothyroidism. In conclusion, if you know anybody with type two diabetes have them go to YouTube and type in “Dr. Jason Fung” and follow his advice.

Also, if you know anybody that’s overweight and can’t get the weight off let them know it’s probably due to a fatty liver. The food industry would have you believe that this is due to too much fat in your diet. Not true! The truth is being overweight is due to sugar in your diet.

Stopping Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity 4Dr. Fung says that your metabolism can either burn sugar as energy or it can burn fat for energy. That is why the high-fat, low-carb diet works. When you cut out the sugar from your diet your body will then start to burn the fat as fuel.

Dr. Lustig of “sugar the bitter truth” explains it this way. When you eat food that contains sugar your liver stops processing the food and devotes all its resources to processing the sugar. Your liver then stops processing the food and turns the food into fat.

Sugar has also been proven to cause cancer. In 1968 there was a study done where the researchers put mice on a sucrose diet.

Over half the mice developed cancer. That study then was quickly silenced. you can find this study by typing in the google bar “does sugar cause cancer”.

I hope whoever needs this Type 2 Diabetes advice uses it and doesn’t give up because what I wrote works and is the truth.

The next medical problem we are working on is my wife’s depression, she is currently taking three medications for this. I’ll let you know how it works out in my next post.

And stay away from sugar.

A Garden in a Box: The Wonders of Planter…

Planter Boxes

Raised Planter Box

Planter boxes come in all shapes and sizes. Teeny-tiny plant pots, hanging baskets full of cascading miniature plants, and even huge, wild gardens tucked away in woodsy areas. Whether you are planning out your very first foray into miniature gardening, or if you have been living amongst the fairies for some time now, there are always decisions to make. How big will your garden be?

Where will it grow? Who will see it? This year, I have been experimenting with miniature gardens in reclaimed wood planter boxes, and I think I have fallen in love! Small containers and flower beds still have my heart, but planter boxes are my new favorite location for building picture-perfect fairy gardens. Planter Boxes3




Sure, planter box gardens look nice, and they offer plenty of room to plant a variety of miniature plants and miniature trees, alongside fairy houses and accessories. But they also help me out in one big way. They are elevated! The boxes come up to waist height, so there is no need to crouch on the ground or get my knees muddy when caring for the miniature garden.

If you have never experimented with planter boxes before, now is the time! They make creating and maintaining fairy gardens a breeze. Drainage holes at the bottom ensure that your miniature trees and plants will have just enough moisture, and the box can be placed in the yard or under a patio roof to help control the amount of light. The accessible height makes planning out the garden, along with the “get your hands dirty” planting activities, a snap! A large box offers plenty of room for a neighborhood full of fairy houses, gravel paths, and sitting areas.

Planter Boxes

Some gardeners prefer to fill their planter box fairy gardens with fewer accessories and more miniature plants. In the summer, when leaves are green and flowers are blooming, a box full of miniature trees and plants can be an amazing showpiece for the yard. A smaller, sunny planter box could also be filled with succulents or cactus’s. A desert garden or Zen Garden would look spectacular in an elevated planter box. When planting a more traditional fairy garden or mixed container of miniature plants, I like to abide by the “thrill, fill, and spill” rule I learned many years ago. In the back-center of the box, plant a “thriller” miniature tree or plant. These are usually tall and feature bright colors, interesting textures, or impressive foliage.

After the “thriller” has been planted in the box, you will want to select “filler” plants. These are shorter and may spread or creep. Colorful flowers like coral bells or petunias make excellent filler plants. Then, of course, you choose a “spiller.” These are miniature plants that spill or cascade down the sides of the planter box. Vines and sedums are great spiller plants. Planter Boxes2

Come to think of it, in a tall planter, a spiller plant can also act as a ladder for the garden gnomes and pixies. They can just shimmy down the vine whenever they want to explore the rest of the yard on foot. Remember, you will have to inquire with your local fairies when it comes to creating a miniature garden in a planter box. They need to be comfortable up high, closer to the clouds. But something tells me, if you choose the right mix of miniature plants and fairy cottages, the garden residents will enjoy their new home as much as you do.

Happy Gardening!

Grow a Fairy Garden in a Planter Box allows you to grow miniature plants, accessories, fairies, garden tools & dollhouse furniture to create enchanting miniature landscapes for containers or your yard. Storytelling and imaginary fairy garden from ‘Miniature Gardening’ bring the playful kid out in all of us.

Filled with intrigue and mystique each little garden in planter boxes scene you create is a snapshot of such a dream.



Planter Boxes

Achieving Physical Balance: Tips for a Healthy Body

Tips for a Balanced Body

Nutrition and a balanced body are your well-being from the inside out and have been overlooked in modern days. We focus on outer appearance and sometimes miss that treating the inner causes is by far more successful in the long run than treating the outer consequences.

Our blood tells us!

Blood TestOur body is a vehicle and representation of everything we eat, drink, ingest or absorb regardless of form. Whilst I am not by far in favor of extremes or dramatic life changes, some balance and moderation are always good when it comes to food, drinks, and other substances we expose to.

Through our digestive system, our blood is a health barometer and a representation of all meals and liquids that come into our body. A blood microscope analysis takes about 5 minutes and shows: how we function, the level of toxins collected in the body, the state of health for the red cells, and the oxygen transportation.

How the body works

In chemistry, the pH scale measures the acidity or alkalinity of an aqueous solution. The scale ranges from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral and our blood ranging between 7.3-7.4. Everything above 7 and up to 14 is alkaline, and everything below 7 and down to 0 is acidic.

When the blood and body are too acidic, they create an unfavorable environment where illness, bacteria, and yeast thrive. Hormonal diseases, digestive and lymphatic problems, cancer, reduced oxygen intake, and fatigue are only some of the issues that may appear.

whats inside countsScientifically it was not proven that an alkaline diet will remove these risks. Moreover, our bodies have strong regulatory systems that adapt to the environment and whatever food we choose in our diet. However, what is true, is that a more alkaline diet will ease the burden on your digestive system and your blood and body during the pH balancing process. When the pH is too acidic, the blood neutralizes it by extracting minerals from muscles or good alkaline food if any ingested.

Our mouth, digestive system, and mind (producing thoughts) are acidic, our muscles are alkaline. That is why, too much acidity results in low minerals (calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium) and overall weakened muscles and body.

The aim would be to have a diet that mirrors the normal pH of the blood. Unfortunately, our lives today make it difficult to easily access alkaline products. In simple terms, almost everything around us is acidic. Processed food, meat, dressings, alcohol, coffee, and cosmetics are acidic. The same goes for rumbling thoughts, overworking, stress, or usage of technology which produce acidity and bring blood pH below neutral.

So how can we help our Body be slightly Alkaline?

  1. Drink Alkaline Water! Water is vital to the correct functioning of the body, both from quantity and quality perspectives. The quantity depends on factors such as environment, health conditions, pregnancy in the case of ladies or exercising, and the intensity of physical effort. As with everything, a book can be written only on this. In a simplified version, a formula for the quantity (in liters) is your weight in kg times 0.4. For example, a weight of 60kg, requires an intake of 2.4 liters of water per day (60kg x 0.4).

Alcohol, coffee, or coffee-containing teas do not count and intake of water should increase proportionately. Soup and herbal tea are good and so is bottled water sold in shops if the label shows a pH level of around 7. Tap water (where drinkable) is mostly alkaline. If not, adding lemon juice, or sodium carbonate or buying a machine that alkalizes automatically would do the job.

  1. Eat Greens! Almost all green vegetables are alkaline and good for digestion. Notice the difference in how you feel after eating veggies vs. eating meat or other processed food. Heavy meals induce a state of fatigue and burden as the system and blood are fully employed for digestion. On the other hand, vegetables make you feel light and energized, and in addition, they contain chlorophyll and help the production and transportation of oxygen into the cellswhat to eat
  2. Eat Proteins from Vegetables! Our bodies need Proteins, but good alkaline ones exist in vegetables. Meat such as pork, lamb, or beef has a pH between 3 and 4, below the pH level of our blood. In exchange, some vegetables such as broccoli, beans, peas, lentils, sprouts, mushrooms, corn, spinach, or artichoke contain a good proportion of proteins and can be a good replacement for meat. In a simplified manner, the formula of ideal protein intake (in grams) is your weight in kg times 0.8 (For example if you weigh 60kg you should eat around 50 grams of protein per day).

The ideal diet would include meat or fish only once a week, eggs maybe twice a week, and the rest of the necessary taken from the greens.

  1. Add good Fat to your meals! Fat is very important for the brain, and eyesight and they make you feel full. Fat is not necessarily meat or associated products. You can take your necessary dose of fat by adding alkaline ingredients to your food such as olive oil, coconut oil, avocado, or nuts and seeds that contain Omega-3s. Good fats (unsaturated) help reduce cholesterol levels and the risk of heart disease. Bad fats (saturated) are found normally in animal products and cooking oils.

Coconut oil, butter, olive, and avocado oils are relatively good for cooking.

However, seeds, nuts, and other vegetable oils such as corn, sunflower, sesame, canola, etc. contain polyunsaturated fats which are unhealthy in the long run, especially for cooking.

  1. Eat natural Sugar! Added sugar contains no nutrients and is bad for the teeth, overloads the liver, can be addictive and can cause illnesses like diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol, and heart disease. As with fats or carbs, sugar can also be categorized between ‘’good’’ and ‘’bad’’. Processed sugar or similar sweetener products are generally not recommended, including cakes, sweets, and commercially processed products containing sugar among ingredients.

The best intake of sugar and energy comes from fruits and vegetables. Agave, stevia, and coconut sugar are also good replacements. You may also create cookies and desserts from alkaline products such as almond milk, coconut, and banana (pH around 9).

  1. Have your dose of rich Salt! Salt helps the body with minerals and balances acidity. Processed salt contains limited amounts of minerals. Himalayan salt is a good modern option which contains 84 minerals. It has been preserved under ice and lava for millennia and kept free from pollution, so it’s a good source of healthy minerals.
  2. Limit Dairy products! Opinions differ quite a lot, but generally dairy is difficult for the digestive system, especially as we grow older and have fewer lactase enzymes (after the age of 4). Most of the world (depending on the ethnic group) is intolerant to dairy or highly allergic. In addition to different chemical substances that can end up in the milk such as pesticides or antibiotics. This creates acidity and employs the body to neutralize it. Because it’s an acidic source of calcium, our body will extract from its calcium to balance it and in return weaken our bones.milk-Balanced Body

Cheese is also not necessarily good and comes down to common sense. Besides the fact that it consists of milk, it may also contain mushrooms (like yeast) or other bacteria. Goat milk and cheese are a better replacement as their DNA is closer to the human one. Even better, you can make at home your cheese from Cajun fruits and different spices like salt and garlic.

How to detox your body?

In the body we have around 5-6 liters of blood (7% of the body weight) that transports nutrients and oxygen to the body, cleans the waste in our cells, fights disease, and moves hormones and chemicals. When our digestive system activates, it employs the blood for breaking food into vitamins, fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.

The more time the blood is employed for digestion, the less time and resources are available for the other functions of cleaning the body, transporting oxygen to the cells, and taking out the residuum and toxins.

Giving some breaks from eating can enable the blood to perform its other functions and improve health. For example, fasting has been in some traditions for ages. It’s a process of cleansing the body based only on liquid and no solid food. A simpler way to fast is once or twice a week between 6:00 pm to 12:00 am or between 12:00 am to 6:00 am.

That translates into having eaten solid food for around 75% of the time and allowing your body to detoxify 25% of the time. 

A balanced body

  1. Size of the portion is one of the biggest problems of today’s modern world. Obesity, digestive problems, bad sleep, bloating, and fatigue can be caused by what you eat and more important by how much you eat. The ideal size of your portion is the size of your fist, which is how big your stomach is. Everything in addition stretches the stomach to accommodate the amount of food consumed.

Except for green vegetables which contain water and shrink after chewing, most of the food maintains its original weight and size from the plate into your stomach.

To help yourself, use smaller plates and utensils for eating, as well as non-transparent dishes which have been demonstrated to facilitate eating higher quantities of food. what to eat 2

  1. Chew well! About 20-30 times for one bite. The more we chew, the more the food gets exposed to saliva and digestive enzymes. This facilitates digestive processes and avoids indigestion and bloating. Putting the fork down after having taken a bite, is a simple way to allow time to chew well and be present.
  2. Take Smaller bites! Taking little pieces and breaking down the food sufficiently is one of the most critical processes of the digestive system; overeating or eating in big pieces results in the food not being digested and transferred into the colon where they create a good environment for indigestion, flatulence and bacterial overgrowth.
  3. Don’t eat fast! Your meal should take about 30 minutes minimum. Eating fast allows one to put more food into the stomach and get ‘’stuffed’’ before realizing it. It takes 20 minutes for the brain to register the chemicals from the food and tell you if you are full. Satiety is not a result of your stomach being full but rather of your brain acknowledging the chemicals.

The level of chemicals increases 10 to 30 minutes after eating and decreases in the next 3-5 hours giving the sensation of hunger.

  1. Contrary to common knowledge, drinking water during eating is not recommended. The water dilutes the gastric acid and burdens the process of digestion. Water intake should be done 30-40 minutes before or after meals.
  2. Stay present! You may have caught yourself wondering when did you eat all the ice cream or all the popcorn. When we are not fully focusing on one process, we easily end up not realizing what we do. Overeating or not chewing well is very common when we watch TV or engage in conversations. Keeping your levels of awareness high and putting all the concentration in one place, will relief your stomach and bring short and long-term benefits.

soothing musicSome soothing music may be a wonderful way of accompanying your meals without distraction.

  1. Eat in healthy combinations: Proteins (meat, fish, eggs) go well with greens (vegetables), and greens go well with carbs (bread, pasta, rice, cereals). Proteins and carbs (starches and fruits) do not digest well at the same time and fruits ideally should be eaten alone. Allow a minimum of 2 hours between meals and around 3 hours in-between your last meal of the day and going to sleep
  2. Eat at regular hours. Your body remembers the time for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks and prepares its resources for these processes. In other words, some discipline and predictability to your lifestyle make it easier for the body to allocate resources and employ them for optimal functioning.
  3. Buy and eat seasonal fruits and freshly collected vegetables as they maintain best their vitamins and minerals; replace eating anything processed with everything from the garden. Don’t avoid garlic and onions as they are naturally bacteria killing and try replacing processed fat with coconut oil and Omega 3/6/9.
  4. Treat your stomach! If you feel your digestive system needs some help you may want to talk to a doctor or nutritionist. Having a close look at what you eat may change your life for the better. Probiotics are also good helpers; they are good live bacteria that help the gut stay healthy and improve the digestive system. The impression is that bacteria is bad in general, but actually, our body is a home for good and bad bacteria and probiotics rebalance your intestine flora accordingly.
  5. Brush / clean your tongue. During the night, our mouth accumulates all kinds of bad bacteria resulting from digestion. Before putting these bacteria back into your body, you may wish to use a brush or scraper device to clean your tongue (which can be found online or at the pharmacy). Rinsing your mouth afterward with coconut oil helps eliminate the acidity, cleans even better, and has a good taste and smell; for a continued good start, I would recommend drinking a glass of warm water and lemon juice that has a high alkaline pH
  6. Brush your body 10 minutes after waking up (a big natural brush that can be found in body shops). These will gently remove the dead cells eliminated during the night from your body and allow the skin to breathe better, regenerate, and have an optimal release of toxins. Take a shower afterward.
  7. Exercise to increase your muscle mass and help the body become more alkaline. Practice love and a positive mindset as they are both alkaline as well.
  8. In addition to daily movement, meditation as a routine is a great tool to manage the rumbling mind and balance overall well-being.

Most of the things our bodies need can be made from natural products with no additives or chemicals. Even toothpaste can be done from mint, coconut oil, and soda with no aluminum; or sunscreen for example from carrot juice and coconut oil.

It’s a matter of lifestyle and caring for yourself.

Drink lots of water.

Special thanks to CAMELIA KRUPP, Certified Coach



The Art of Cooking Vegetables: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Cook Vegetables Correctly

How to Cook Vegetables Correctly

Cooking is a very sensitive subject, especially when we talk about vegetables. This is because vegetables are very sensitive to heat; therefore, in addition to being a very healthy food, we must know how to cook it properly to maximize its nutritional benefits.

If one day you need to cook vegetables, but they have gone bad or you have undergone a long trip to get to the kitchen, we propose some tricks that will help you get a tasty and perfectly cooked dish.

Make it easy

Beginners should go for easy dishes if they are new to cooking. On their own, most vegetables taste great, even raw! The best way to make most leafy vegetables, such as kale, taste great is to cook them at a very low temperature for a very short period with some olive oil, salt, and garlic. Dressings have a very strong or pungent taste, which can often overpower the slight taste and texture of most vegetables, so they should be used only for the strongest, for example, chard or spinach.

It’s all about timing

How to Cook Vegetables C

It is always essential to turn on the hood 10 minutes before cooking boiled, steamed, or sautéed vegetables, to inspect the clock on the hob (and use the timer if necessary), and to look at the color of the ingredients to prevent overcooking. Freshly picked vegetables should have a high sheen and not have lost any of their original colors like green sheen, orange, or yellow.

Moreover, they should not taste bland or greasy. A steam oven can also help you to prepare your vegetables, in addition to your cookware. Since this method does not damage the food, it keeps all of the nutrients and minerals intact.

The color and flavor are also enhanced. According to the food and the result you want, you can choose between 100% steam and baking mode with additional steam. Besides vegetables, you can also prepare meat and fish with great results. Following that, we explain how to cook various vegetables, so that you always find them accurate:

  • You can prepare broccoli buds by boiling, steaming, or sautéing them in a pan, stirring them for about 5-8 minutes to get the perfect texture.
  • To cook carrots with their original color, nutrients, as well as their characteristic crunchy texture, you should boil them for 5 to 10 minutes, steam them for 4 to 5 minutes, or sauté them for 3-4 minutes.
  • Eggplants need to retain their magnificent purple color. The process is simple: boil them for 5-10 minutes, steam them for 5-6 minutes or sauté them for no more than 3-4 minutes.
  • Red peppers cut into strips. No matter which of the three colors this product presents, its appearance is consistent. In the presence of heat, they soften quickly. The best way to preserve their sweetness is to cook them in a pan which takes about two to three minutes at most.
  • Cooking spinach is difficult because the texture is lost in seconds. If it is cooked for 2-5 minutes, it should not transfer the green color to the water. During the steaming process, they are cooked for 5-6 minutes, then sautéed with garlic and olive oil for 3 minutes. They are delicious and contain iron.
  • Kale or cabbages, for example, have an important complication: Cooking their stems requires more time than cooking their leaves. Separating the stems first and steaming the leaves before adding them is our recommendation. Let’s do everything together for three minutes at a time as the last step.
  • While pumpkins are a fun Halloween decoration, they are not a great candidate for culinary use. Many people think you can cook them like an apple. In reality, they are difficult to cut up, they have a very strong flavor, and they will quickly go from “cooking” to “boiling” in water.

Cookware suggestions from Gordan Ramsay

How to Cook Vegetables Correctly 9After cooking your vegetables, you still have work to do. After shaking them thoroughly, they will not cook anymore. You may wish to do this step, especially if you are going to use the vegetable for a salad. The same applies to boiled or steamed vegetables. It’s easy to prepare a dish in advance and serve it hours later without worrying about it spoiling or losing its properties by simply shaking it. Squeezing those delivers more flavor, texture, and color.

In a bowl, mix water, a lot of ice, and half a tablespoon of salt. Use a slotted spoon to transfer the vegetables from the pot to the ice bath after they have simmered for a while. After a minute, put them on a plate and serve.

And now for a special treat:

Stir fry that can be easily done and quickly cooked in your kitchen. If you are tired of take-outs and pizza nights, simply prepare this supper from a skillet in just a few minutes. Get all your food groups in one delicious, tangy bowl filled with so much flavor.

snow-peasSHRIMP AND SNOW PEA STIR-FRY: This can be ready in fifteen minutes and this simple stir-fry adds a fresh flavor with herbs and spices. If you desire to kick up more flavor from it, just add a tablespoon of chopped fresh ginger and serve over hot steaming brown rice or soba noodles. The preparation time is estimated at five minutes while the cooking time is at six minutes.

This recipe can make only two servings, but if you are serving more people, simply double the ingredients to make more.


One teaspoon of olive oil
3/4 pounds peeled and deveined large shrimp
One small garlic clove, minced
One cup of trimmed snow peas
1/4 cup chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
Two green onions, thinly sliced
Two teaspoons fresh lemon juice (1/2 small lemon)
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon of coarsely ground black pepper

First of all, prepare all your ingredients according to the instruction on the list of ingredients above. Make sure to wash all your vegetables before cutting and slicing them into the required sizes, most are in bite sizes for easy cooking. Line up your ingredients in separate piles close to your stove for easy reach when frying. For best results, use fresh vegetables and new oil, never use used oil in stir frying because it alters the expected flavor we are creating. How to Cook shrimp Correctly

Once you are ready to fry, begin to heat oil in a large skillet or work high heat on your stove. Best if you swirl the oil to coat the pan.

Then you can now add the shrimp with the garlic and stir to fry for five minutes until the shrimp changes color to pink.

Then add the snow peas and the remaining ingredients and stir fry for another thirty seconds. Make sure that the veggies are crisp-tender before you remove the dish from the pan.

Taste-test the veggies and season with salt and black pepper according to taste.

cooking steamed rice



Serve immediately while hot with hot steaming rice.





The Power of Potassium, Magnesium, and Calcium

About Potassium, Magnesium, and Calcium

A balanced diet includes all the essential macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals. There’s no way that you can skip or replace one for another. Even carbohydrates are necessary for the body, even though you might reduce the intake for losing weight or other health goals. One of the essential minerals for the body is potassium. Just like other minerals, people often take potassium intake for granted.

In this post, we will talk about the benefits of potassium in detail, along with quick tips and suggestions on the right intake, sources, and other aspects.

Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium 3The Basics:

Potassium helps in maintaining fluid balance in the body and helps in keeping the major organs healthy. It is extremely essential for avoiding several chronic health issues, related to the heart, brain, and nerves. Having the mineral in your diet is extremely crucial, especially because it aids in lowering blood pressure, which is an enormous risk for heart disease. Potassium and sodium often work in different wants, as sodium promotes the retention of fluids, which can result in higher blood pressure. With enough potassium in the diet, you can reverse the effects. It is also known to be beneficial for bone health and can protect your body from bone loss. It is also helpful in reducing the risk of kidney stones.

Potassium Daily Amount:

Experts advise around 4,700 milligrams of potassium each day for grown adults. However, if you check the figures, the amount taken by men and women is much lower. According to WebMD, men in the US get around 3,200 milligrams of dietary potassium per day, while women get around 2,400 milligrams on average. The deficiency is mostly related to junk food habits. Most people don’t eat enough fruits and veggies each day, which are the primary sources of dietary potassium.

Where to Get Your Potassium?

Unlike other supplements, you should get your potassium from the diet. Potassium can be found in many foods that are high in other minerals and nutrients. Some of the highest sources of potassium include winter squash, sweet potato, potato, yogurt, fruit juices, broccoli, and banana. If you are a non-vegetarian, you can get pork tenderloin and chicken breast too. Lentils, milk, and dairy products also have a good amount of potassium. Besides food, you can also get potassium from vitamin-enhanced water and other beverages with better ph. You might want to replace your regular drinking water with high-quality alkaline water.Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium 4

Please note that certain drugs that are used for lowering blood pressure can increase the levels of potassium in the body. If you have issues with your kidney function, your doctor might advise reducing the intake of potassium. Those who take medications should talk to their physician about how the drugs and medicines can impact the potassium levels of the body. Don’t shy away from asking questions, especially if you are unsure of the actual amount of mineral you need. Also, if you have a potassium deficiency, talk to your doctor about supplements!


Calcium is essential for your bones, and one study has revealed that it can also help in losing weight. Most dairy products, especially cheese, cottage cheese, and yogurt are high sources of natural calcium. If you are a non-vegetarian, sardines can be your best pick. Keep in mind that you don’t need more than 500 milligrams of calcium per day. For certain health conditions, you may need to take additional supplements, but do talk to your doctor before starting any medication.

Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium 2Magnesium:

Magnesium is vital for the transmission of different nerve impulses and helps in regulating the temperature of the body. It also helps in maintaining the natural energy in the body and is vital for bones and teeth. Health experts have time and again emphasized the significance of having magnesium, zinc, potassium, and calcium in the diet. Besides being vital for the different functions of the body, magnesium also helps in the absorption of calcium too. Women should focus on the intake of this mineral, as it helps in keeping osteoporosis away and can offer relief from menopause symptoms. It is known to aid with common premenstrual symptoms. Magnesium also helps in protein synthesis in the body and can help in the absorption of other minerals. It works wonders on the muscles and can also reduce the impact of common health issues such as hypertension, sleep disorders, and headaches related to migraines. People who do not ensure enough intake of magnesium have a greater risk of type-2 diabetes.

Other tips that matter:

  • If you think you aren’t getting enough calcium, magnesium, and potassium, do not start popping supplements immediately. Always consult your doctor, if you have any health issues or concerns.

  • Keep a check on your diet and water. Besides including the foods, we have mentioned above, you can also go for alkaline and vitamin-enhanced water. You will find high-pH water in the market, which is rich in all of these minerals.

  • Extreme supplements can cause many side effects. For example, potassium supplements are known to cause diarrhea and stomach irritation, while excessive magnesium supplements can lead to nausea, vomiting, and low heart rate. Too much calcium can lead to kidney damage, constipation, and urination issues.

Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium veggiesIdeally, your focus should be on eating a natural diet at all times. Most veggies and leafy foods have the right amount of these three minerals, and with a little increase in your non-vegetarian protein intake, you can ensure that the minimum requirements are met.

Several other micronutrients are necessary for the proper function of the body vitamin E, calcium, Iron, potassium, zinc, and magnesium. These can be obtained from fresh fruits, green vegetables, and dairy products like milk, paneer, curd, egg, fish, etc. These days natural health supplements are also available in the market in packaged form. These can be used within 1 to 2 days of packaging.

These products can be immensely beneficial to people who are unable to meet their nutrition requirements through diet because of medical constraints, allergies, or mere diet imbalances.


Eating Well for Optimal Health

Good Nutrition as part of a Healthy Lifestyle

It’s a sad fact that about one-third (1/3) of American adults are overweight; due mainly to sugar and fructose intake. But wait, people can change that by adopting a lifestyle with the right diet. It’s important to know how fat is deposited in the body so that you understand how to make the body lose it. Your body needs food to obtain the necessary energy to function and feed its cells.

The calories in food have energy, commonly referred to as calories. The more calories food contains, the more fuel the body can obtain from it. Good Nutrition as part of a Healthy Lifestyle

To use the energy from the food, your body has to digest the food first. The process of digestion causes the body to burn some old energy to get new energy from the food. More energy/calories are burned if it’s more difficult to digest the food.

The body’s fuel is categorized as protein, carbohydrates, or fats. This fuel nourishes the body and keeps the body functioning. The leftover calories are eventually stored in the fat cells. Your body uses a part of the food’s fuel for nutrition. The excess fuel is eventually stored up as fat in the “fat cells” of your body, around the kidneys and liver.

Lose WeightFat cells are often deposited in the chest, hips, and waist region. As the cells become bigger, your physique acquires a doughy look. The body has a limited number of fat cells, and there is only so much fat these cells can store. Once the threshold is reached, fat begins to accumulate in the muscle lining of your arms and thighs, creating unsightly, flabby limbs.

EAT FAT-BURNING FOODS All foods can create fat, but certain foods can help burn fat. Some foods have minerals or vitamins that raise metabolism and act as virtual fat burners. There are negative-calorie foods with low calories that burn extra calories during digestion. Other foods, even if you eat them in small quantities, give you a feeling of fullness.

They contain very few calories. You will significantly reduce the fat profile of your body if you consume the right whole foods. By eating these fat-burning foods at the right time, in the correct amount, the body fat profile starts to reduce. Add in foods that lower the likelihood of fat depositing in your body for an extra boost.

Here is a list of everyday foods that double as secret fat burners.

Poultry Salmon, Tuna, Citrus Fruits, Apples, Berries, Oatmeal, Vegetables, Beans, Eggs, Almonds & Walnuts, Pine Nuts


Mustard, Onions, Coconut Oil, Hot Peppers, Green Tea


Help your body to reduce fat deposits by drinking more water. The kidneys do not function correctly without enough water intake. If they don’t work properly, some of the load is discarded into the liver. If the liver is doing the kidney’s work, it can’t concentrate on its’ main job of metabolizing fat. More fat will remain in the body and fat burning stops. So drinking the right amount of water improves metabolism and keeps your fat burning at full capacity. Water also flushes out toxins and improves the body’s ability to stay healthy.


Keep your metabolism active and help burn calories. Adding muscle improves your body’s fat composition ratio. Because muscles are active tissue that continually renews itself, it always needs calories. While normal cardio burns fat only during exercise, weight training builds muscle to ensure that body fat continues to burn throughout the day.  Healthy Lifestyle 3

The main source of energy for muscles is fat. So, even when relaxing or sleeping, you continue to burn calories. The more muscle mass on your frame the more positive effect on your metabolism. It’s important to do weight-resistant exercises to build muscle and to avoid your metabolism from getting sluggish and packing on fat.

To have a healthy diet, it is necessary to follow a healthy eating plan. As it is crucial to know what the right food is, it is even more crucial to know what food not to eat. An appropriately designed healthy eating plan will serve you with all the essential nutrients required and makes your body used to the diet having a goal of calorie intake, which prevents overweighting. Most healthy eating plans have the following ingredients: Fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, herbs, and nuts. All such food items will give you the required nutrients your body demands.

Sometimes many herbs and supplements are added to a normal diet which can give many benefits. When choosing a supplement, it is advisable to be vigilant. Having too many, of the wrong or bad quality supplements can do more harm than good.

Good Nutrition as part of a Healthy LifestyleFollowing a healthy eating plan and detoxifying will make a difference in your health. When it comes to any diet or detox plan, there is no formula where “one-size-fits-all. Your body will let you know of the first signs of change for the better. Follow your instinct, and you are on the way to better health.

Now you have the secrets to a beautifully toned body in the palm of your hands. The only thing standing in the way of a lean sexy physique is you. Adopt these fat-burning secrets into your lifestyle and you will see results in a matter of weeks. The right diet plan will show you how to combine fat-burning foods to keep your body from melting away the flab.

There are countless delicious recipes to make the switch painless. Add a weight-lifting exercise regime and you will sculpt your body into an object of desire. And last; fasting is a great option to regaining your health.

The New You is ready to Emerge!


Unlocking the Power of Bee Pollen for Optimal Health

Bee Pollen Benefits

Nearly everybody knows about honey, however, not everybody knows about bee pollen benefits. Do you know the advantages of bee pollen?

* Potent Antioxidants * Prevents Allergies * Heals Prostate problems * Boosts Men’s love life * Makes Exercise Easy

Let all-natural bee pollen benefits improve your health. Make bee pollen a protein-rich accessory for your family’s healing tools.

Do you know the Health Advantages of Bee Pollen?

Who could know the health advantages of bee pollen much better than a bee? When bees help themselves to nectar to allow them to make honey, they coat their legs with pollen.

This bee pollen is collected for your colony’s principal protein food once they go back to the hive.

Bee Pollen 2Probably the most important bee pollen fact is it is full of antioxidants.

The antioxidants in bee pollen are compounds chemists call flavonoids. Bee pollen packs the punch of myricetin, quercetin, rutin, and trans-cinnamic acid. You don’t have to remember their names, but check out the things they can perform for you.

Myricetin helps white blood cells absorb the “bad” LDL cholesterol from the bloodstream. Quercetin is a natural antihistamine-the appropriate pollen could be good for your allergies! Rutin is better referred to as a treatment for varicose veins. Rutin protects veins throughout the entire body and could assist in preventing cancer too. The body uses trans-cinnamic acid to create its very own antibiotics, which are the potent nutrient that also powers the detoxifying processes of the liver.

Another key bee pollen fact is it is a supply of complete nutrition. Bee pollen is richer in protein than any flesh-based food. Gram for gram, bee pollen supplements contains more proteins than fish, beef, or eggs.


Bee Pollen Benefits for LifeWhat else is within bee pollen?

This supplement contains:

* Enzymes

* Coenzymes

* 18 proteins

* DNA and RNA

* Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, D, E, and K

* Vitamin b folic acid

* Niacin

* Pantothenic acid

* Choline

* Inositol

* Iron

* Zinc

Probably the most interesting bee pollen facts would be that the whole from the pollen is more than its nutritional parts. Insect scientists conducted an experiment where they took away bee pollen and replaced it having a synthetic mix. This “bee chow” contained every known nutrient within its food.

First, the bees neglected to thrive. Chances are they neglected to survive. Nothing artificial can replacement for natural bee pollen.

Bees then add “unknown extra” of their very own to bee pollen. This might be the main reason bee pollen is beneficial in treating several human health problems.Bee Pollen

Sneeze no longer!

Bee pollen products treat allergies. Doctors have prescribed pollen for more than one hundred years. Bee pollen injections desensitize pollen sufferers. Allergists use “allergy shots” to avoid hay fever, hives, rashes, and asthma.

Doctors developed this process at St. Mary’s Hospital in London in about 1903. Within the original method, the nurse gives an injection of pollen and water once per week for several months. The very first injection might be 1 part pollen in 100,000 areas of water. The final injection might be 1 part pollen in 10 areas of water.

These potentially painful shots teach the defense mechanisms not to answer pollen. They decrease the immune system’s power. They ensure that it stays from becoming “hypersensitive” to harmless plants.

However, when bee pollen is taken being a supplement instead of an injection, the allergies still disappear. The main difference is the defense mechanisms are stronger, not weaker.

Dr. Lee Conway of Denver, Colorado here in the United States treats his allergy patients with bee pollen. All his patients taking bee pollen each day remain free of all allergic reactions. They don’t get new allergies once they go on to new places. They stay allergy-free.

Bee Pollen Benefits 66“Half the discomfort, Twice the Pleasure.”

That’s the way a German publication for physicians described bee pollen benefits for guys with prostate problems. Over 20 scientific research have discovered that bee pollen supports men’s sexual health.

How? Chronic prostate problems are caused by the accumulation of toxins of oxygen within the seminal fluid. Toxins of oxygen result in a “burn” at the cellular level. Bee pollen puts the fire on.

Bee Pollen Benefits for allThe advantage of sexual activity without burning, dribbling, or swollen sensation is obvious. But how about bee pollen and male fertility?

By far the most comprehensive research in this region originates from China. Researchers first discovered that chronic prostate inflammation and male infertility both are caused by the accumulation of toxins of oxygen.


Then they set about finding which product stops the creation of toxins.

Their answer? Bee pollen. The top relief for infectious prostate inflammation was a mix of conventional medication and bee pollen. Bee pollen all on its own was eighty percent as good as antibiotics. Bee pollen was free from negative effects. It was expensive less.

The true secret bee pollen benefit ended up being to increase fertility. Sperm swam faster and lasted longer. These were more motile and viable.

How did bee pollen achieve this? The correct answer is zinc. Bee pollen offers a unique mixture of zinc and antioxidants. It maximizes the strength of this mineral for men’s sexual health.

Bee Pollen Benefits 72Bee Pollen is perfect for Women Too

Two decades ago American researchers found that bee pollen might treat women’s cancers. Their government sponsors quickly covered up their findings. Doctors in Austria learned about them anyway.

Dr. Peter Hernuss and his awesome team layout to assist twenty-five women struggling with inoperable uterine cancer. They couldn’t take away cancer, therefore the doctors gave the ladies chemotherapy. Half the ladies also received bee pollen. Even underneath the worst possible health conditions, bee pollen benefits were clear.

The fortunate ladies who took bee pollen using their food quickly acquired a defense mechanism boost. Their labs showed:

* Increased antibody production

* More red blood cells

* More hemoglobin

* Along with a higher power of cancer-fighting natural killer (NK) cells.

Taking bee pollen with food lessened terrible nausea that goes together with chemotherapy. To put it simply, the whole nutrition in bee pollen prevented starvation. Bee pollen prevented losing muscles.

Bee pollen benefits even included keeping hair thinning as low as possible. Without bee pollen, there was no comparable benefit.

Bee Pollen Benefits 2How Can You Use Bee Pollen?

Take two bee pollen tablets a couple of times daily with meals, or as recommended by your doctor. Scientists have discovered that bee pollen retains its antioxidant potency for approximately 3 years during storage under household conditions.

Caution: Bee pollen’s negative effects are extremely rare; however, they are possible in sensitive individuals. We have seen one case where an individual who had severe reactions to mold experienced a severe response to bee pollen the product has been improperly kept in heat and damp. It contained mold.

Bee Pollen BenefitsBee pollen will not be appropriate for ladies who are or who can become pregnant. Discontinue and talk to your doctor in the event you experience negative effects. Bee pollen reactions are uncommon in comprehensive supplements in which bee pollen is simply one part.


The Superfood of the 21st Century: Avocados

Avocados  avocados-8

The well-known characteristics of fruit, which is light, low-calorie, and fat-free, do not apply to the avocado. An avocado contains a lot of calories, 360 or more. And it is also one of the few fruits with a measurable fat content, about 30 gr. each. That’s almost half the daily recommended amount for an adult.

If you have doubts about the fact that a food that contains so much fat could be good for you, ask a dietitian. He will tell you that adding some avocado to your diet, could improve your health.

Avocados have high folate and potassium content. They are also rich in fiber and monounsaturated fat, both are important for people who are concerned about diabetes and heart health.

A favorite part of a diabetes diet people with diabetes has always been told to eat more carbohydrates and cut back on fat. In general, that’s good advice, but it hasn’t to be the best advice for everyone.

guacamole-saladDoctors have discovered that when some people with diabetes eat a lot of carbohydrates, they tend to develop high levels of triglycerides, a type of blood fat that may contribute to heart disease. However, when people replace some of those carbohydrates with fat that’s found in avocados, the dangerous fats in the bloodstream tend to decline.

The monounsaturated fat in avocados is called Oleic acid. They have found that this type of monounsaturated fat control fat levels in the body and helps control diabetes.

Scientists in Mexico put sixteen women with diabetes on a relatively high-fat diet, with about 40% of calories coming from fat. Most of the fat comes from avocados. The result was a 20% drop in triglycerides. Women on a higher carbohydrate plan, by contrast, had only a 7% drop in triglycerides. Someone on a 2000-calorie-a-day diet might be advised to eat 33 grams of monounsaturated fat. You can get about 20 grams from just one avocado.

Lowering High Cholesterol Apart from people with diabetes, people with high cholesterol levels can also benefit from the oleic acid in avocados.

In Mexico, where guacamole is considered almost a food group, researchers compared the effects of two low-fat diets. The diets were the same, except that one included avocado. While both lowered levels of dangerous low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, the avocado diet raised levels of healthy high-density lipoprotein, (HDL) cholesterol, while slightly lowering triglycerides.



Avocados also help in another way to lower bad cholesterol. They contain large amounts of fiber, and fiber adds bulk to the stool, causing it with the cholesterol it contains, to be excreted from the body quicker. One avocado contains more fiber than a bran muffin 10 grams or 40% of the Daily Value for fiber.


Support the Heart Avocados are also a rich source of potassium. Half an avocado provides 548 mg of potassium. 16% of the DV for this mineral. That’s more than you’d get from a medium banana or a cup of orange juice. Studies prove that people with a potassium-rich diet, like avocados, have a significantly lower risk of high blood pressure and related diseases like heart attack and stroke.

In addition, some research has shown that oleic acid can reduce markers of inflammation in your body. Inflammation plays an important role in the development of artery-clogging atherosclerosis.

Rich in Folate Another benefit from avocado is that it’s rich in folate, a B vitamin that helps prevent the threatening birth defects of the brain & spine. Many women don’t get enough folate in their diets, but avocados can go a long way toward fixing that problem. One avocado contains 114 micrograms of folate, which is 28% of the recommended Daily Value, or nearly 20% of the 600 micro grams that pregnant women need daily.

Minerals for your Bones Avocado can help you to keep your bones healthy. A cup of mashed avocado contains 120 mg of phosphorus, which is 12% of the DV. This mineral is a major component for your bones and teeth, and having plenty of phosphorus on hand also helps your body produce energy from the foods you eat.

Zinc for Good Nutrition You’ll also find 147 mg of zinc swimming in the green depth in a cup of mashed avocado. That’s just under 10% of the DV. Zinc conducts countless activities in your body. The mineral helps keep your immune system working properly, for example, and plays a role in wound healing.

Zinc also aids in your senses of smell and taste, which are necessary to be able to enjoy the food you eat.

Shopping for Avocados If you live in the US, get your avocados from Florida or California. They provide all the nutrients without all the fat. They have about 2//3 of the calories and half the fat of Hass avocados. The best time to buy avocados is between November and March. They may have one-third of the fat of those picked in September or October.Avocado 32

Warning for Drug Users People who are taking warfarin should take care when eating avocados. Researchers in Israel found that eating between one-half and one avocado could make the drug work less efficiently. While the effects didn’t last long, when people stopped eating avocados, the drug started working better again – this could be dangerous for some people. So, if you’re taking warfarin, check with your doctor before adding avocados to your meals.

Help them ripen Like bananas, avocados ripen better off the tree, so they are picked and sold unripe. Once you get them home, leave them on the counter for several days until the fruit is slightly soft. Or if you’re in a hurry to eat them, place them in a paper bag with an apple or banana to soften them. Never place hard avocados in the refrigerator, then they will ripen too slowly.

The Path to a Stronger Heart

Healthy Heart Secrets 


Healthy Heart, from the time when the fruits of fermentation were discovered, wine has been a welcome health guest. Not only at dinner tables but also at weddings, religious rituals, and even in doctors’ offices.

Not so long ago, however, scientists began to investigate the actual health benefits of drinking wine. And the findings they’ve uncorked are enough to make any wine lover raise his glass and say “Salut!”

When sipped in moderation, particularly red wine, can help lower cholesterol and prevent hardening of the arteries and heart disease. Also, studies discovered that it can kill the bacteria that cause food poisoning and travelers’ diarrhea.

Pegusas Marketplace and Physicians don’t recommend that people start guzzling wine rather than sipping it or that people who don’t drink should suddenly start. Rather, what the evidence suggests is that moderate drinking can be a helpful addition to a healthy diet.

For many years, scientists were amazed that their French allies indulged themselves in cigarettes, buttery croissants, and fatty pates – and were still 2 1/2 times less likely to develop heart disease than their supposedly healthier American counterparts.


Berberine Plus 1200mgResearchers are still investigating the so-called French paradox, but it appears likely that the French have healthier hearts, at least partly because they prefer red wine. These wines are rich in compounds that help lower cholesterol and prevent harmful low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol from sticking to the lining of artery walls – the process that leads to heart disease. Red wines also help blood platelets from sticking together and forming dangerous clots.






Healthy Heart-3Heart Protection keeps your pump primed in complex ways. There are several chemical compounds at work, and some of them have more than one benefit. As a start, the alcohol in red wine may be beneficial. People who drink small amounts of alcohol seem to have increased protection from heart disease, studies prove. Supplements help too!
According to research, the reason is that ethanol, or alcohol, in spirited drinks raises levels of good cholesterol, heart-protecting high-density lipoprotein (HDL). Beer and other alcoholic drinks have some benefits, but wine is the only one with health-promoting polyphenols.

The reason for its superior protection is that wine contains powerful flavonoids, like quercetin. Along with other potentially protective compounds, like resveratrol, it helps prevent the body’s dangerous (LDL) cholesterol from oxidizing. This, in turn, makes bad LDL cholesterol less likely to stick to artery walls.

Laboratory studies have shown that resveratrol slows down aging in mice, protects against weight gain, and boosts endurance by improving the functioning of mitochondria – which are tiny power plants inside every cell of your body.

“Flavonoids in red wine are more powerful than vitamin E, which everyone knows is an important antioxidant,” says John D Folts, Ph.D., professor of medicine and director of the coronary thrombosis Laboratory at the University of Wisconsin Medical School in Madison.

Keeping LDL cholesterol under control is a good start against heart disease, besides helping to prevent platelets in the blood from sticking together. A study led by professor Folts and his colleagues found that when reed wine was given to laboratory animals, it eliminated potentially dangerous clots, which can cause heart attacks and strokes. “Red wine performs double duty, giving you two important benefits at the same time,” says Dr. Folts.

red wineIt’s in the color When we talk about the healing power of wine for a healthy heart, we are referring to red wine. A laboratory study at the University of California, Davis, revealed that red wines could prevent from 46% to 100% of (LDL) cholesterol from oxidizing, while white wines were less protective. In addition, laboratory studies found that white wine misses the blood clot-blocking ability. 

The reason why red wine is so much superior to white has to do with winemaking. When vintners make wine, they throw everything in the vat – not just grapes but also the skins, seeds, and stems. They’re all mashed up to create a chunky mixture called must, and this contains healthy flavonoids.  

“The longer the must ferment in the alcohol, the more of these compounds release into the wine, according to Dr. Folts. With white wine, the must is taken out early so that the wine never darkens. With red wine, the must is kept for a long time, and the wine picks up a lot of flavonoids.”

UC Davis researchers have found that some red wines are also rich in saponins, which lower heart disease risk by binding to cholesterol and preventing their absorption. Saponins may also cool body-wide inflammation, which could also lower the risk of heart disease and cancer.

blood clot-blocking ability

Red wines contain 3 to 10 times more saponins than whites. The richest source is red Zinfandel, followed by Syrah, Pinot Noir, and Cabernet Sauvignon. The two white varieties, Sauvignon Blanc and Chardonnay contain less. The saponin may come from the waxy grape skins and seems to dissolve into the wine during fermentation. Wines with the highest alcohol content also have the most saponin. Wine may also maintain a healthy weight.

Researchers at the Mayo Clinic followed drinking behavior and weight in 8,200 men ad women. They found that those who enjoyed one or two alcoholic beverages a day were 54% less likely to be obese than nondrinkers. Nondrinkers and ex-drinkers had twice as much chance of becoming obese. People who have a glass of wine or beer every day usually have it with their evening meal, and it could be that a drink replaces a later, high-calorie evening snack.

However, four or more glasses per day don’t make you super slim but give you a 50% more chance of becoming obese.


“Wine protects against infection,” said Scientists from Tripler Army Medical Center in Honolulu tested red wine, white wine, and bismuth and found that they subsalicylate against some of the meanest intestinal germs, including shigella, salmonella, and Escherichia coli, and that both red and white wines were more effective than drugs for wiping out harmful bacteria.

Headaches for some people with a tendency toward migraine headaches, even a small glass of wine can cause a lot of headaches. Red wine contains substances called amines, which cause blood vessels in the brain to constrict and then expand. For sensitive people, this can result in eye-popping headaches.

Although white wine contains fewer headache-producing amines than the red varieties, it doesn’t contain as many healing compounds. So, if headaches are a problem for you, you may want to ask your doctor if a nonalcoholic wine will allow you to enjoy the great taste without the pain. Resveratrol 500 mg is an age-defying formula to support your body’s youthful essence. 

Know your limit The most important tip for getting the maximum healthy heart benefits from your wine cellar is knowing when to put your glass down. The daily limit is one 5-ounce glass a day for women and two 5-ounce glasses for men. Experts agree, however, that if you are tempted to overindulge, or if you have a personal or family history of alcoholism, you’re better off skipping alcohol entirely.

Petite SyrahGo for the Gusto when you are scanning the shelves for the wine with the highest levels of heart-healthy compounds, go for the full-bodied, robust varieties. There is a close relationship between the level of tannin, the substance that makes wine dry, and the level of healing compounds in red wines.

Three of the most heart-healthy wines are Cabernet Sauvignon, Petite Syrah, and Merlot. 



To your health!



Ready to Reopen: Back to Business This Fall

Back to Business This Fall

Back to Business This Fall2As the days continue to get shorter and summer comes to an end, there’s no better time than now to do some much-needed planning and ensure you can get back to business this fall with renewed confidence.

For many businesses, the summer months tend to be much slower, and this makes it easier to neglect the business planning process when what we should be doing is kicking things into high gear in preparation for the upcoming holiday season.

I know some of you are probably wondering, “Why is she going on about business planning? Isn’t that something you do before you’ve even launched your business?”

That may be true, but writing a business plan isn’t something you just do once and never think about again.

A business plan is supposed to define your company’s objectives and determine how you plan on achieving those goals, right?

So, what makes you think the business planning process is something that ends the second your business is launched?

The truth is your business plan shouldn’t be some static document that always remains the same.

Instead, it should be a fluid strategy that morphs to meet the ever-changing needs of your business, and that means it’s a never-ending process.

At a minimum, you should be re-evaluating your business plan at least once a year, and what better time to do it than before the holiday rush?

In any case, after reading through the list of tips we’ve laid out below, you should be able to get back to business this fall armed with great ideas and inspiration to help you cap off the year on a high note.

Back to Business This Fall3Tips to Get Back to Business This Fall

  • Review & Strategize Many small business owners spend so much time working on their businesses, that they often don’t take time to work on their businesses by planning, reviewing, and strategizing.

At any rate, as the summer comes to a close, you should try to schedule some quiet time away from the office to think, dream, plan, strategize, and review.

With that in mind, here are some questions for you to ponder:

Have you met your objectives?

If so, what allowed you to do that?

If not, what was it that got in your way?

Did you reach your revenue goals?

How many new clients did you gain?

How did those clients find you?

What areas of your business were the most profitable?

Are there any undue expenses you need to keep an eye on?

Which marketing activities are giving you the best return on investment?

Is every member of your team on the same page about your business objectives and what needs to be done to achieve them?

Are there people you need to follow up with who is coming back from vacation or about to go on vacation?

  • Make Goal Cards I’ve always been a firm believer in the power of focus and intention.

That being said, writing down your business goals and reviewing them as much as possible should help you keep them top of mind, while staying excited about achieving them, and avoiding getting sidetracked by things that are not in alignment with your priorities.

I love to set aside time each morning to visualize each one of my goals as if it’s already come true. This gets me engaged and enthusiastic about doing whatever it takes to make those goals materialize.

  •  Organize Your Tasks Another way to maintain that enthusiasm and stay on top of all your business goals, and the tasks that need to be completed to reach them is to break them down into action items with deadlines.

This means you need to define what you’re going to do yourself, what you can assign to a team member, and what you can outsource.

Aside from determining who’s going to do what, you’re also going to have to ensure everything’s organized in a way that’s comprehensive and easy to understand.

For example, Asana and Basecamp are excellent project management tools that make it easy to track, manage, and follow the progress of tasks, especially for teams that work remotely.

Here at eVision Media, we use EGroupware to manage all of our projects and it helps our virtual team to be more organized and productive.

This platform offers a multitude of project management tools and allows every member of our team to find whatever they need to know about a particular task using a single intuitive interface.

So, whether you choose to use one of these platforms, go with another one, or decide to use a completely different method, the important thing is to find a way to organize all your tasks so you can ensure every member of your team stays on the same page about what needs to be done when it’s due, and who’s supposed to do it.

  • Identify Required Resources If you want to ensure you’re firing on all cylinders this fall, you’ve got to take stock of everything you need to make that happen.

I know this can be incredibly overwhelming, but it’s better to do it now when you have some breathing room instead of doing it on the fly in the middle of the holiday season when there’s no time to plan.

Here are some questions you can ask yourself to make sure you’re not forgetting anything:

Do I need to learn any new skills?

Do I need to hire new team members?

What do I need to make my goals happen?

Are there any industry events I should attend?

Are there any networking groups I should look into?

Should I hire a coach or mentor to help keep me on track with my goals?

Should I invest in new equipment or software so I can get things accomplished faster?

Whatever questions you end up asking yourself, the purpose of this reflection is to make sure you’ve armed yourself with everything you need to make your goals a reality.

So, make sure to go over everything meticulously and consider every possible scenario so you can be sure you’re not overlooking anything.

READ: Simplifying & Demystifying the Business Plan by simplifying-demystifying-business-plan-pamela-chatry2

Creating a business plan can be one of the most intimidating things you’ll ever do. There are a ton of things to consider, and once you start getting into the financial aspects, it can end up being downright terrifying. So, if you want to come up with a business plan, but you want to learn more about what goes into it, then this is definitely for you.

In this video, strategic business advisor and planner, Pamela Chatry, and I discuss what goes into a business plan, including what your sales and marketing should look like, determining hiring and outsourcing criteria, and much more.

  • Update Your Website Something else you can do to adjust your business plan at this critical time of year is to review your website.

This means looking for anything that’s out of date, updating it with new information about things like upcoming promotions or product launches, and changing anything else that is no longer applicable to your business.

For example, one of our clients is a Texas-based human resource and leadership consultant who runs a business called Quantum Ascendance.

Over the last several months, her business has shifted to focus mainly on helping American business owners who’ve been affected by pandemic restrictions to apply for what’s known as the employee retention credit.

So, once she made us aware of this change, we got straight to work making a banner for her website, so this new service could be featured prominently on her home page.

We also worked with her to update her site with fresh blog content related to the employee retention credit, so she can highlight her expertise and let potential clients know that she’s offering this service.

Truth be told, she was already connecting with a lot of clients through other means, including referrals and social media, but it wouldn’t be right to not showcase this service on her website, as well.

At any rate, with the holidays just around the corner, now is the time to stop neglecting your website, update it accordingly, and get it working for you instead of against you.

  • Holiday Planning If you’re planning on taking some time off over the holidays, now would be a great time to ensure all your ducks are in a row so you can relax and enjoy your vacation instead of wasting your time worrying.

First and foremost, this means making sure every single member of your team knows what’s expected of them and they understand all the protocols they’re required to follow.

That being said, no matter what kind of business you run, it’s incredibly important to have a solid set of standard operating procedures (SOP).

With this in place, even if you’re unable or unwilling to answer inquiries from your team while you’re on holiday, they’ll have something to refer to that will tell them everything they need to know.

I recently took three weeks off, which was a bit scary at first, not least because my team had to launch a website in my absence.

But I made sure to finalize our SOP before going on vacation, which ensured they knew exactly what to do, and as a result, I experienced only a few minor interruptions during my time off.

  • Scheduling If you’re running a business, you’ll probably end up with a mile-long to-do list, and that means it’s going to be very difficult to remember everything.

And if you’re anything like me, you won’t rest until everything is scheduled and organized, so you can stop worrying and get back to building your business.

If you’re looking to do this sort of schedule, two things I would recommend are creating a content calendar and a promotional calendar.

This involves planning out all the content you’re going to publish and all the promotions you plan to offer well in advance, using some sort of calendar or spreadsheet.

Everything I need to know to write each article can be found on this sheet, including the topic, due date, keywords, and notes to explain exactly what needs to be written.

But before you can do all that, you’re going to have to determine what kind of content and promotions you want to offer.

As of right now, there’s still time to have a back-to-school sale, plus Thanksgiving, Halloween, and Christmas are coming up, so you should try to take advantage of this window to sit down and figure out exactly what your plans are for these holidays.

This way, instead of scrambling to come up with ideas at the last minute or stressing about when your next article is going to be published, you can just kick back and relax with your family during the holidays, knowing everything is planned out and ready to go.

  • Advertising One way to quickly grab holiday sales is to capture the attention of potential customers by setting up ads that correspond to each holiday you’re looking to target.

For example, you can retarget people who visit your business’s Facebook page using a custom audience retargeting pixel on your website.

This means if someone is looking at gifts for dad on your website, you can retarget them with ads on their Facebook feed that feature the best gifts for dad.

Most social media platforms offer this same kind of functionality, as well, so make sure to take some time to think about where you’re getting a lot of engagement on social media so you can make the best decision about which platforms you want to target.

No doubt, social media can be an absolute goldmine for ad targeting, but despite having accounts on most of the major platforms, I still prefer advertising through Google Ads and other forms of paid search, so keep this in mind.

Paid search allows you to target users similar to how you would on social media, but instead of the ads being served to them on their social feeds, they’ll show up on Google when they search for whatever keyword(s) you’re targeting, and your link will be prominently placed within the search results.

Not sure how to do all this stuff? You should get help from a marketer who knows how to get the best results from these kinds of advertising.

  • Consider Some Cards Despite being immersed in the world of digital marketing for more than 20 years now, I will never discount the value of tried-and-true old-school marketing tactics, like sending out greeting cards.

You could just buy some greeting cards and send them out to your customers, colleagues, staff, and vendors, or target specific areas and have them delivered door-to-door, but you’d be missing out on the perfect chance to showcase your brand.

Instead, why not take this opportunity to leverage your visual brand with some custom-designed cards?

I know it sounds like a blast from the past, but greeting cards are still a great way to let your clients, colleagues, staff, and trusted vendors know how much you appreciate them.

One idea to stand out from the crowd is to send Thanksgiving or New Year’s cards instead of the typical Christmas card.

And speaking of cards, with all these holidays coming up, it’s also an appropriate time to start offering gift cards, if you’re not doing that already.

Even if you are, you can always entice people by featuring specific imagery on your cards for each holiday.

In any case, gift cards provide a terrific option for people who are shopping for those hard-to-buy-for individuals, so it’s something to consider.

  • Book Your Vacation Time Now I know this one seems like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how many business owners leave this stuff to the last minute and allow their teams to do the same, only to end up with one massive headache right before the holidays.

Aside from booking your own vacation time as soon as possible, you should encourage team members to put in their vacation requests early, as well.

This way, you’ll have more time to work out any scheduling issues, and this will make your holiday time less stressful.

In any case, I hope these tips have inspired you to come up with some creative and profitable plans that will help you to build your business as we near the fall season.

Putting this kind of thought into your business plan, and updating it regularly, can produce truly amazing results if you go through everything in detail and make sure to cover all your bases.

Remember, the more you plan now, the easier and more successful your business will be for the rest of the year.

Do you have any further tips you can share about how you’re trying to get back to business now that summer is almost over?

Are you wondering how you’re ever going to figure out all this stuff on your own? We’ve been helping business owners to build their brands for more than 20 years, and we can help you, too. Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you.

To your business success, Susan Friesen


Exercise for Optimal Health

Healthy for Life 

If people would realize how many health benefits exercise can offer, there would be no hesitation in getting started with some form of exercise. older folks are harder to get motivated because they think the exercise will cause an injury. On the contrary, exercise will keep their overall fitness level and muscle strength in optimal form. It’s a matter of choosing the right form of exercise.

Swimming, walking, and gardening are very suitable for older people. Swimming has the advantage that their body weight will be partly supported by the water, which makes it possible to exercise without risking any bodily harm.

Walking is the best exercise you can have because it’s natural. Good long brisk walks give a lot of benefits- the whole body begins to respond. You breathe properly, your circulation and heart benefit, and it’s good for the mind and positive thinking.

fitness-running (2)Fitness gurus have recognized the supremacy of brisk walking. Contrary to jogging, brisk walking provides a lot of benefits without any problems. Walking is almost as important as the right food. You need to eat properly and exercise properly, the two together give you the best results. The internal organs of the body need tone and for this most of them depend almost entirely on physical activity.

Exercise produces big results whether we’re 40, 60, or 80. According to the Human Physiology Laboratory at Tufts University Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, we respond well to exercise at any age. Muscles grow, bones strengthen, and metabolism increases. Our body fat decreases while blood sugar and balance improve. I proved this to myself when I taught strength training at a retirement residence. modest effort, exercisers in their 80s grew stronger and more vital. We were all delighted. Reduced muscle strength is associated with age-related disability. The most common cause of muscle weakness is inactivity. After three months of high-intensity muscle training, healthy men over 60 experienced gains similar to those reported for younger men training with similar intensity and duration. Stronger people remained more independent and less burdened by advancing years. Any type of exercise helps, but combining aerobics, strength, and flexibility works best. For most people, aerobic exercise is an easy place to begin.

As we breathe deeply, the diaphragm – which separates the chest from the abdomen – rises and falls repeatedly, massaging all the internal organs, particularly the stomach, small intestine, bowel, lungs, and liver. The stretching and relaxing of the intestines are vital in preventing that widespread form of ‘self-poisoning’: constipation. Exercise does keep you regular!

In the mid-eighties, a vital clue to the right exercise for lifelong health was uncovered by brilliant research in biochemistry. Biochemists established that all cell replication in the immune system and therefore all immune strength is dependent on the availability of the amino acid glutamine. Your immune system uses a ton of it. But immune cells cannot make glutamine. Only muscle cells can do the job. So your muscles have to supply large amounts of glutamine to your immune system every day to maintain it. That’s it! The mitochondria of muscle are the furnaces in which most of your body fat and sugar are burned for fuel.

Muscle is what stresses your skeleton to maintain your bones. We also know that muscle is the vital link that also maintains your immunity and hence your resistance to all diseases. Muscle is the health engine. Which so much overwhelming evidence that muscular exercise is essential to health, what are we doing about it? A big fat zero.

Healthy for Life with Exercise3Muscle is the health engine. It’s a proven fact that the right exercise not only maintains your heart, your lungs, your muscles, your bones, a healthy level of body fat, and even your intestinal function but also some more subtle functions, like insulin and your body’s dealing with sugar. It has been known for more than fifty years that a lack of exercise leads to glucose intolerance.

However, not long ago research has shown that getting off the couch and starting moving, not only maintain insulin function to deal with the sugar but also can reverse decades of damage. Insulin-dependent diabetics, for example, using the right exercise program, can increase insulin efficiency so much that some patients, who have used insulin daily for years, no longer need it. In healthy people, the right exercise completely protects glucose tolerance against the degenerative changes in insulin metabolism that lead to adult-onset diabetes.

Healthy old men who maintain a lifelong exercise program, have the same healthy insulin efficiency as young men. A high-sugar diet, which progressively destroys insulin metabolism, makes it virtually mandatory to exercise if you want to avoid glucose intolerance as you grow older.

Most physicians believe that hardening of the arteries, a degenerative process, is inevitable. The National Institute on Aging Research Centre in Baltimore is showing in ongoing experiments, that regular exercise maintains arterial elasticity and even reverses arterial hardening that has already occurred. I could fill many pages citing numerous bodily functions which are maintained by regular exercise. But I will keep it short.

runners-for-fitnessResearch recently undertaken has revealed the major way in which exercise protects you against all diseases. It started with the evidence that exercise increases the overall number of white blood cells. Followed by more precise findings that moderate exercise increases bodily production of lymphocytes, interleukin 2, neutrophils, and other disease-fighting components of the immune system. There is no doubt that the right exercise strengthens your immunity. And it also strengthens your resistance to all forms of damage, decay, bacteria, viruses, toxins, and even radiation.


Closing with the wise words of Louis Pasteur, the father of modern medicine: “Host resistance is the key.”


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Wishing you a cheerful holiday season!


Unlock the Benefits of Dumbbells

Using Dumbbells in your Exercise

If you have ever exercised in a gym, you have probably used dumbbells to do strength training. You may have dumbbells set laying around your home.

Dumbbells in your Exercise

Dumbbells are smaller hand-held weights resembling single-piece mini barbells. Dumbbells are available in various weights, beginning with those less than 5 lbs. These are best used throughout aerobic exercises or when using an exercise bike or treadmill. Heavy dumbbells allow you to build muscle mass.

Dumbbells are versatile, affordable, and easy-to-use weights that allow you to do a range of exercises to enhance your fitness. Based on the weight amount you use, the number of reps you do, and the pace at which you work out, they can help you enhance cardiovascular health, build muscles, burn fat, or improve muscle endurance for sporting activities.

In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits of using dumbbells for your fitness routine.

Helps Burn More Fat Overall

For beginners, if define exercise isn’t what you’re aware that frequent strength training using dumbbells, while mixed with the usual cardio workouts, may help burn more fat overall? One study suggests that women who included dumbbell training in their exercises a minimum of 3 days a week were able to lose more fat during usual activities, thus allowing them to fulfill their weight and fitness goals more rapidly. This occurs because in addition to the fat you burnt when you were doing a strength training workout, the body also keeps burning extra fat after you finish your workout since more calories are needed to develop muscle than to lose fat.

So, even when you are not looking to burn fat anymore, strength training or dumbbell workouts make it simpler to keep your ideal body weight besides improving your muscles.

Helps in Preventing Diseases

There is also evidence to suggest that frequent strength training with dumbbells can help in preventing some diseases. For instance, women who experienced menopause in the past can lessen their chance of having osteoporosis (which may cause bone fracture and breakage) by doing a dumbbell training workout as suggested by their doctor. Also, dumbbell training has been proven to help keep glucose levels in the blood in control for countless people having diabetes.

Improves Balance and FlexibilityDumbbells in your Exercise 2

Besides helping you keep an ideal weight and prevent some diseases, frequent dumbbell training may also enhance your overall balance, flexibility, and coordination at a level that cardio workouts cannot do simply. Many dumbbell training workouts need you to naturally maintain a balanced posture, which eventually helps with coordination and balance. In addition, the included range of activities in many dumbbell training workouts is perfect for improving flexibility.

Protects the Muscles and Bones

Dumbbell training can aid to protect the bones and overall muscle density. Nevertheless, are you aware that after people complete puberty, they slowly start to lose bone mass every year? It is a surprising revelation for most people; however, the good thing is that by using your muscles in workouts frequently (minimum 3 days a week), you may save bone mass and save the muscles during the process.

Improves your Self-Esteem

Although a body-mind relation indeed exists, this is greatly true when someone uses dumbbells (or any kind of workout) to exercise. As dumbbells add resistance to one’s body, soon this causes your body to get fit and tone rather than building bulk. As “tightness” is what everyone desires from their outlook, soon this becomes a reality and therefore it makes the individual feel good. This in turn develops confidence and provides them with a good feeling about their bodies.

Improves the Metabolic Rate

As exercising with dumbbells will slowly improve your body’s strength while developing muscle and losing calories at a rapid rate, this happens because with dumbbells you lose more fat when compared to calisthenics.

Fast Results

Maybe this one is the biggest benefit of using dumbbells rather than freehand and cardio workouts, and you can merely finish your dumbbell exercises in just an hour and call it a day while burning similar if not more fat.


Are dumbbells effective?

Dumbbells are greatly effective to target particular muscles, and can contribute majorly to overall performance and resistance to injury. There are huge values and returns of investment to exercising isolation movements, no matter what your objectives are. Dumbbells can improve muscles to a level you simply cannot do with barbells.

Do dumbbells burn belly fat?  Dumbbells in your Exercise 4

Dumbbell workouts are a great way to burn body fat, including on the stomach. Although you cannot target specifically belly fat, however, losing calories all through your body will also aid you to lose fat on the tummy. Developing muscle and doing dumbbell circuits (probably with hex dumbbells) is greatly effective for burning belly fat.

Do dumbbells build muscle?

Yes, as long as you raise the weight over a period. You can surely build massive bodies with dumbbells; however, you may face a roadblock if you do not keep increasing your weight. 

Should you use dumbbells every day?

Weight lifting daily is safe as long as you’re giving rest to other muscle types. Split workouts, where you work different muscle types on different days, are ideal for this. In case you don’t, you will have the risk of a plateau or injury.

How long should I use dumbbells?

If you are a beginner 30 minutes a day is ideal. You can exercise with weights such as a 20 lb. dumbbell even longer, however, never over-train your muscle, three workouts per muscle type is enough (advanced). In case your dumbbell train for over 60 minutes you are perhaps doing one of these things over-training or speaking too much.

Dumbbells in your Exercise 5Final Words

Regardless of the level, you are in your fitness journey, you should keep dumbbells a part of it. Not just they are easy to store and use, but dumbbells are comparatively cheap and because they are versatile, they can be used for a wide range of exercises.

Considering all these dumbbells can be a wise investment for your fitness goals.

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Exhausted: The Reasons Behind My Constant Fatigue

So tired all the time? The question that arises is why I am feeling tired all the time. Although it is pretty normal to feel tired after a long day, a constant urge to drop into a bed or a cozy couch is an alarm that something is amiss with your health. This article discusses why you are always on a press to snooze mode or feel drained post-lunch and recommendations to avoid the situation.

tired all the timeWhy am I so Tired All the Time?

The day can affect a person’s physical and mental health. It also takes a dig at the quality of life. Usually, a good night’s sleep or a day off can work well to restore energy levels or eliminate extreme fatigue. But if they are not fixing the issue, something could keep up with your mental health, and should be concerned immediately. It is beneficial to seek help sooner than later if you are not sure about the cause of being tired all the time despite a good diet and enough rest.

Here are 13 key reasons why someone is so tired all the time and when to seek help:

Diet is the most critical pillar of a healthy lifestyle, and so is its importance in sustaining the body’s energy levels. Skipping the meals drops the required level of calories. Long breaks between the means lower the sugar level and make you tired. It is essential to take a healthy diet and high-energy snacks to keep your systems running smoothly. Another more important thing is never to skip an end-day meal going hungry to bed reduces sleep quality, leaving you tired on the day after.

Sedentary Lifestyle Physical activity improves energy levels; on the other hand, a sedentary lifestyle leaves you feeling exhausted and sleepy. In one study, researchers worked on how an inactive and sedentary lifestyle affects women’s fatigue levels. Seventy-three women participated in the study. Some woman was physically active quite well, while others were not physically active.

According to the study’s findings, physically active women had a significantly lower fatigue level than women living a sedentary life. This supports the notion that a healthy lifestyle is physically active, leading to more energy and vigor.

Vitamin Deficiency multivitamins Being tired all the time can be a sign of vitamin deficiency. It might occur because of low vitamin D levels, vitamin B-12, iron, magnesium, and potassium. A routine blood test is required to identify the deficiency. In case a person is vitamin deficient, the doctor may recommend taking supplements. The natural way to cope with the deficiency is to increase foods rich in multivitamins and other nutrients. For example, clams, beef, and liver may reverse a B-12 deficiency and reduce the constant tiredness and fatigue.Why I am so tired all the time?

Stress can deteriorate sleep quality and its duration. Also, the lack of sleep elevates stress levels. Therefore, it is essential to manage the mental burden and enable a better and sufficient rest, restoring your energy levels. Persistent stress keeps the body in a state of fight and flight, leaving you exhausted. Stress is also a trigger in worsening sleep disorders. It is advisable to avoid stressful events and off to bed in time for healthy sleep. Other ways to prevent stressful thoughts and remain calm are to practice meditation and build new achievable goals regularly.

Depression When you are suffering from depression, lack of energy and tiredness becomes a problem. Feeling tired tends to associate with physical issues, but mental health problems like depression, anxiety, and stress contribute to exhaustion and chronic fatigue. Consult your therapist for mental health treatment or counseling. Antidepressants, anti-anxiety medicine, and cognitive behavioral therapy can make a difference to alleviate the symptoms of depression. If you’re struggling to cope with depression, It can cause Irregularities in sleep and begin to impact your mental health, seek medical advice immediately.

Sleep Disorder can be an underlying cause of tiredness. If a person’s energy level doesn’t improve after weeks, or even improving lifestyle, speak with your doctor. You may need a sleep specialist. A sleep disorder such as sleep apnea or insomnia also affects a person’s cognitive, mental, and physical abilities. Sleep apnea is a disorder in which breathing pauses while a person is asleep. As a result, the brain and body don’t receive enough oxygen during sleep leading to daytime fatigue.

Sleep Apnea is a complex medical condition that can cause hypertension (high blood pressure), decreased concentration, and even a stroke or heart attack. Sleep apnea treatment involves using a CPAP machine or an oral device to keep the upper airway open during sleep hours.

Burn-out If a person has a constant feeling of running on empty, one could be going through burnout. The World Health Organization (WHO) now considers burn-out as a medical condition, defining the condition as a syndrome caused by chronic stress at the workplace. But how does it play a part in making someone feel tired all the time?

Scientific facts determine that a rest-activity rhythm is an essential requirement to perform well. Sleep is a prime pillar of human health which is mandatory for the body to perform well during working hours. If a person is becoming a workaholic and performing continuously without a sound sleep or downtime, which is required to restore the body’s ability to function OK- what comes next is physical and mental health deterioration. Therefore, sidestep burn-out and let more downtime invade your daily routine for relaxation.

Being Overweight Being overweight can also cause tiredness all the time. When body weight is more than the desired BMI, it becomes harder for the body to carry your weight during daily life, making you exhausted or feeling tired all the time. You can gradually improve your condition by working on a plan to gradually lose weight by adopting a healthy lifestyle like eating well and starting exercises like swimming, jogging, walking, and gradually increasing the workout.

Fibromyalgia Daily activities become a struggle for people who have fibromyalgia, causing muscle pain and tenderness. Fibromyalgia affects the muscles and soft tissues, but it causes pain that does not let you have a good sleep. The awakening of night and restless leg syndrome results in chronic tiredness throughout the day. An over-the-counter pain killer helps improve pain and sleep. Some people also find an antidepressant, physical therapy, and exercise helpful.

Why I am so tired all the time2Chronic Fatigue Syndrome A person can feel tired all the time without any significant health ailment because of chronic fatigue syndrome. It is a long-term illness with various symptoms such as extreme tiredness, insomnia, and even some patients may feel staying asleep for longer durations. Even longer sleep durations do not help to improve the feeling of tiredness. The cause of chronic fatigue syndrome is unknown, and the diagnosis is only possible after ruling out the chances of all other health disorders by a health professional. Treatment of chronic fatigue is possible only by understanding your physical limitations, mild to moderate regular exercise, and circadian rhythm changes.

Medication Certain medications can make you drowsy and sleepy or make you feel tired all the time and complete everyday chores like driving or operating machinery challenges. On the other hand, some medications can cause insomnia, such as high blood pressure and asthma. Consult your doctor about any such medicine you are taking to find if any alternative or dose adjustment.

Diabetes If you are continually experiencing fatigue, thirst, frequent urination, and unexplained weight loss, get yourself tested for diabetes. Feeling tired all the time can be a symptom of diabetes. If a person has diabetes, the body doesn’t make enough insulin leading to high blood sugar and leaving you tired and irritable. Consult a doctor for any unexplained fatigue as it can be a symptom of other medical conditions like heart disease and cancer.

Under-Active Thyroid Hypothyroidism, or an underactive thyroid, occurs when the body doesn’t produce the required thyroid hormones. An under-active thyroid causes symptoms such as fatigue, lethargy, and weight gain. Although with treatment, people with hypothyroidism can lead an everyday life.

Sleep ApneaPost-Viral Fatigue feeling tired all the time or for most of the day after recovering from an infection like flu and glandular fever, are the signs of post-viral fatigue syndrome. Symptoms include chronic tiredness, severe muscle pain, weight loss, vomiting, diarrhea, fever or chills, chest pain, and shortness of breath. It is common to feel tired after an illness, but if your symptoms are not alleviating for weeks or months and prevent you from leading an energized healthy man’s life-it’s better to seek medical advice. However, there is not enough research on post-viral fatigue, so it’s challenging to find treatment. The best way to improve the condition is by having self-care making you feel better gradually.

The takeaway, There is not a hard and fast rule that every other day is an easy day. A few days are meant to squeeze your energy and it’s quite understandable to feel tired at the end of such days. But being tired all the time is something that needs to be addressed by a health professional. You may have a health condition that required to be discussed with your health professional. Another thing to understand well cannot be attributed to physical health alone, sometimes what needs the most attention is your mental health.

Seven Strategies for Smart Nutrition

7 steps of Savvy Nutrition, 14 tips of Balanced Body

Nutrition and body well-being from the inside out are overlooked in modern days. We focus on outer appearance and sometimes miss that treating the inner causes is by far more successful in the long run than treating the outer consequences.

During the past years, I became increasingly interested in holistic approaches and methods to improve mind, body, and spirit. Today I would like to share useful information I have come across and collected over time-related to body wellbeing. Please take what you need from this article. It’s an invitation to reflection and an encouragement to deeper research or even a visit to a nutritionist should you need and choose to do so.

Our blood tells us everything

7 steps of Savvy Nutrition Our body is a vehicle and representation of everything we eat, drink, ingest or absorb regardless of form. Whilst I am not by far in favor of extremes or dramatic life changes, some balance and moderation are always good when it comes to food, drinks, and other substances we expose to.

Through our digestive system, our blood is a health barometer and a representation of all meals and liquids that come into our body. A blood microscope analysis takes about 5 minutes and shows: how we function, the level of toxins collected in the body, the state of health for the red cells and the oxygen transportation (Wikipedia on Red cells), the existence of any bacteria, mushroom (yeast), level of fat and hydration, clogged cells due to toxicity.

How the body works

In chemistry, the PH scale measures the acidity or alkalinity of an aqueous solution. The scale ranges from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral and our blood ranging between 7.3-7.4 Everything above 7 and up to 14 is alkaline, and everything below 7 and down to 0 is acidic.

When the blood and body are too acidic, they create an unfavorable environment where illness, bacteria, and yeast thrive. Hormonal diseases, digestive and lymphatic problems, cancer, reduced oxygen intake, and fatigue are only some of the issues that may appear.

Scientifically it was not proven that an alkaline diet will remove these risks. Moreover, our bodies have strong regulatory systems that adapt to the environment and whatever food we choose in our diet. However, what is true, is that a more alkaline diet will ease the burden on your digestive system and your blood and body during the PH balancing process. When the PH is too acidic, the blood neutralizes it by extracting minerals from muscles or good alkaline food if ingested. Our mouth, digestive system, and mind (producing thoughts) are acidic, our muscles are alkaline. That is why, too much acidity results in low minerals (calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium) and overall weakened muscles and body.

The aim would be to have a diet that mirrors the normal PH of the blood. Unfortunately, our lives today make it difficult to easily access alkaline products. In simple terms, almost everything around us is acidic. Processed food, meat, dressings, alcohol, coffee, and cosmetics are acidic. The same goes for rumbling thoughts, overworking, stress, or usage of technology which produce acidity and bring blood PH below neutral.

So how can we Help our Body be Slightly Alkaline?  Savvy Nutrition

  1. Drink Alkaline Water! Water is vital to the correct functioning of the body, both from quantity and quality perspectives. The quantity depends on factors such as environment, health conditions, pregnancy in the case of ladies or exercising, and the intensity of physical effort. As with everything, a book can be written only on this. In a simplified version, a formula for the quantity (in liters) is your weight in kg times 0.4. For example, a weight of 60kg, requires an intake of 2.4 liters of water per day (60kg x 0.4).

Alcohol, coffee, or coffee-containing teas do not count and intake of water should increase proportionately. Soup and herbal tea are good and so is bottled water sold in shops if the label shows a PH level around 7. Tap water (where drinkable) is mostly alkaline. If not, adding lemon juice, and sodium carbonate or buying a machine that alkalizes automatically would do the job.

  1. Eat Greens! Almost all green vegetables are alkaline and good for digestion. Notice the difference in how you feel after eating veggies vs. eating meat or other processed food. Heavy meals induce a state of fatigue and burden as the system and blood are fully employed for digestion. On the other hand, vegetables make you feel light and energized, whilst in addition, they contain chlorophyll and help the production and transportation of oxygen into the cells

  2. Eat Proteins from Vegetables! Our bodies need Proteins, but good alkaline ones which exist in vegetables. Meat such as pork, lamb, or beef has a PH between 3 and 4, below the PH level of our blood. In exchange, some vegetables such as broccoli, beans, peas, lentils, sprouts, mushrooms, corn, spinach, or artichoke contain a good proportion of proteins and can be a good replacement for meat. In a simplified manner, the formula of ideal protein intake (in grams) is your weight in kg times 0.8 (For example if you weigh 60kg you should eat around 50 grams of protein per day). An ideal diet would include meat or fish only once a week, eggs maybe twice a week, and the rest of the necessary taken from the greens.

  3. Add good Fat to your meals! Fat is very important for the brain, and eyesight and they make you feel full. Fat is not necessarily meat or associated products. You can take your necessary dose of fat by adding alkaline ingredients to your food such as olive oil, coconut oil, avocado, or nuts and seeds that contain Omega-3s. Good fats (unsaturated) help reduce cholesterol levels and the risk of heart disease. Bad fats (saturated) are found normally in animal products and cooking oils. Coconut oil, butter, olive, and avocado oils are relatively good for cooking. However, seeds, nuts, and other vegetable oils such as corn, sunflower, sesame, canola, etc. contain polyunsaturated fats which are unhealthy in the long run, especially for cooking.

  4. Eat natural Sugar! Added sugar contains no nutrients and is bad for the teeth, overloads the liver, can be addictive, and can cause illnesses like diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol, and heart disease. As with fats or carbs, sugar can also be categorized between ‘’good’’ and ‘’bad’’. Processed sugar or similar sweetener products are generally not recommended, including cakes, sweets, and commercially processed products containing sugar among ingredients. The best intake of sugar and energy comes from fruits and vegetables. Agave, stevia, and coconut sugar are also good replacements. You may also create cookies and desserts from alkaline products such as almond milk, coconut, and banana (PH around 9) (

  5. Have your dose of rich Salt! Salt helps the body with minerals and balances the acidity. Processed salt contains limited amounts of minerals. Himalayan salt is a good modern option that contains 84 minerals. It has been preserved under ice and lava for millennia and kept free from pollution, so it’s a good source of healthy minerals.

  6. Limit Dairy products! Opinions differ quite a lot, but generally dairy is difficult for the digestive system, especially as we grow older and have fewer lactase enzymes (after the age of 4). Most of the world (depending on the ethnic group) is intolerant to dairy or highly allergic. In addition to different chemical substances that can end up in the milk such as pesticides or antibiotics (, cow’s milk contains much more protein than human milk. This creates acidity and employs the body to neutralize it. Because it’s an acidic source of calcium, our body will extract its calcium to balance it and in return weaken our bones.

Cheese is also not necessarily good and comes down to common sense. Besides the fact that it consists of milk, it may also contain mushrooms (like yeast) or other bacteria. Goat milk and cheese are a better replacement as their DNA is closer to the human one.

How to detox your body?  detox-your-body

In the body we have around 5-6 liters of blood (7% of the body weight) that transports nutrients and oxygen to the body, cleans the waste in our cells, fights disease, and moves hormones and chemicals. When our digestive system activates, it employs the blood for breaking food into vitamins, fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. The more time the blood is employed for digestion, the less time and resources are available for the other functions of cleaning the body, transporting oxygen to the cells, and taking out the residuum and toxins.

Giving some break from eating can enable the blood to perform its other functions and improve health. For example, fasting has been in some traditions for ages. It’s a process of cleansing the body based only on liquid and no solid food. A simpler way to fast is once or twice a week between 8:00 pm to 12:00 am or between 12:00 am to 6:00 am. That translates into having eaten solid food for around 75% of the time and allowing your body to detoxify 25% of the time.

14 tips for a Balanced Body

  1. Size of the portion is one of the biggest problems of today’s modern world. Obesity, digestive problems, bad sleep, bloating, and fatigue can be caused by what you eat and more important by how much you eat. The ideal size of your portion is the size of your fist, which is how big your stomach is. Everything, in addition, stretches the stomach to accommodate the amount of food consumed. Except for green vegetables which contain water and shrink after chewing, most of the food maintains its original weight and size from the plate into your stomach. To help yourself, use smaller plates and utensils for eating, as well as non-transparent dishes which have been demonstrated to facilitate eating higher quantities of food
  2. Chew well! About 20-30 times for one bite. The more we chew, the more the food gets exposed to saliva and digestive enzymes. This facilitates digestive processes and avoids indigestion and bloating. Putting the fork down after having taken a bite, is a simple way to allow time to chew well and be present.
  3. Take Smaller bites! Taking little pieces and breaking down the food sufficiently is one of the most critical processes of the digestive system; overeating or eating in big pieces results in the food not being digested and transferred into the colon where they create a good environment for indigestion, flatulence and bacterial overgrowth.
  4. Don’t eat fast! Your meal should take about 30 minutes minimum. Eating fast allows one to put more food into the stomach and get ‘’stuffed’’ before realizing it. It takes 20 minutes for the brain to register the chemicals from the food and tell you if you are full. Satiety is not a result of your stomach being full but rather of your brain acknowledging the chemicals. The level of chemicals increases 10 to 30 minutes after eating and decreases in the next 3-5 hours giving the sensation of hunger
  5. Contrary to common knowledge, drinking water during eating is not recommended. The water dilutes the gastric acid and burdens the process of digestion. Water intake should be done 30-40 minutes before or after a meal.
  6. Stay present! You may have caught yourself wondering when did you eat all the ice cream or all the popcorn. When we are not fully focusing on one process, we easily end up not realizing what we do. Overeating or not chewing well is very common when we watch TV or engage in conversations. Keeping your levels of awareness high and putting all the concentration in one place, will relief your stomach and bring short and long-term benefits. Some soothing music may be a wonderful way of accompanying your meals without distraction.
  7. Eat-in healthy combinations: Proteins (meat, fish, eggs) go well with greens (vegetables), and greens go well with carbs (bread, pasta, rice, cereals). Proteins and carbs (starches and fruits) do not digest well at the same time and fruits ideally should be eaten alone. Allow a minimum of 2 hours between meals and around 3 hours in-between your last meal of the day and going to sleep
  8. Eat at regular hours. Your body remembers the time for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks and prepares its resources for these processes. In other words, some discipline and predictability to your lifestyle make it easier for the body to allocate resources and employ them for optimal functioning.
  9. Buy and eat seasonal fruits and freshly collected vegetables as they maintain best their vitamins and minerals; replace eating anything processed with everything from the garden. Don’t avoid garlic and onions as they are natural bacteria-killing and try replacing processed fat with coconut oil and Omega 3/6/9
  10. Treat your stomach! If you feel your digestive system needs some help you may want to talk to a doctor or nutritionist. Having a close look at what you eat may change your life for the better. Probiotics are also good helpers; they are good live bacteria that help the gut stay healthy and improve the digestive system. The impression is that bacteria is bad in general, but actually, our body is a home for good and bad bacteria and probiotics rebalance your intestine flora accordingly.
  11. Brush / clean your tongue. During the night, our mouth accumulates all kinds of bad bacteria resulting from digestion. Before putting these bacteria back into your body, you may wish to use a brush or scraper device to clean your tongue (which can be found online or at the pharmacy). Rinsing your mouth afterward with coconut oil helps eliminate the acidity, cleans even better, and has a good taste and smell; for a continued good start, I would recommend drinking a glass of warm water and lemon juice that has a high alkaline PH
  12. Brush your body 10 minutes after waking up (a big natural brush that can be found in body shops). These will gently remove the dead cells eliminated during the night from your body and allow the skin to breathe better, regenerate and have an optimal release of toxins. Take a shower afterward.
  13. Exercise to increase your muscle mass and help the body become more alkaline. Practice love and a positive mindset as they are both alkaline as well 🙂
  14. In addition to daily movement, meditation as a routine is a great tool to manage the rumbling mind and balance overall wellbeing




Most of the things our bodies need can be made from natural products with no additives or chemicals. Even toothpaste can be done from mint, coconut oil, and soda with no aluminum; or sunscreen for example from carrot juice and coconut oil. It’s a matter of lifestyle and caring for yourself.

Always ask your body how it feels after ingesting different things and make observations on what works for you. If you have pain, feel tired, and have low energy after eating or drinking, then something is not working well for you, you may need to read, learn or observe more about it.

The more you practice the 7 steps of Savvy Nutrition, the more you look and feel way better! 7 steps-of-savvy-nutrition


Generate a Steady Income

earn-good-moneyEarn good money and If you work remotely you can realize how to bring in cash with Fiverr, your income potential is limitless. With Fiverr, you can travel anyplace on the planet with your abilities, and obviously, you can get paid for it.

Regardless of your figure, Fiverr can be your remote work stop, make more than $5 per work. A few consultants charge hundreds or even a huge number of dollars.

In this way, as should be obvious, Fiverr’s $5 notoriety was fortunately lost. Pay attention to the assessments of computerized wanderers, explorers, and occupation searchers.

Fiverr is an extraordinary method to utilize your abilities and make additional money. So, we should borrow something more profound and discover how to bring in cash on Fiverr.

In this article, I will show you what how to earn good money at the place where to begin, and what kinds of occupations are accessible on Fiverr, including the best generally beneficial and well-known positions to earn good money on Fiverr.

What is Fiverr?

Fiverr is a popular online freelance marketplace for all types of services. From graphic design to voiceover work, Fiverr has you covered. You can now also offer your skills as a video editor or web developer on the site.

With over 3 million gigs listed and more than half available for $5, this platform offers some great opportunities for freelancers looking to make money and build their portfolios at the same time.

Let’s take a look at some high-paying gigs on Fiverr that you may be interested in getting started with today! Fiverr, to put it is an online commercial center that offers a wide scope of administrations, errands, and smaller-than-normal positions.

The site contains a large number of occupations for every ability type. Regardless of whether you are an originator, web engineer, legal counselor, or performer, Fiverr can address your issues. work-anywhere-earn-good-money

The administrations offered on Fiverr are designated “shows,” and a large number of them start at as low as $5 per individual, which is the name of the organization. Nonetheless, this is just the essential compensation. You pay similar expenses as other building locales.

By straightforwardly associating salesmen with specialists, Fiverr has formed into one of the biggest online assistance trade destinations.

Its ubiquity in the business makes it a mainstream approach to bring in cash while voyaging, low maintenance, and surprisingly busy working.

As I said, Fiverr has practically a wide range of abilities and gifts for work. There are in reality more than 200 different occupation classes on the site! These are only the absolute most ideal approaches to bringing in cash with Fiverr.

Best Freelance High Paying Gigs on Fiverr

Web Developer $100-$2,000 /Gig  vaca-work-earn-good-money

Web development and advancement can be supposed to be one of the most generously compensated high-paying gigs on Fiverr. If you can make every one of the three, you can get more cash flow.

Particularly online business web development is of incredible interest. Purchasers are particularly searching for merchants who can utilize platforms like WordPress, Squarespace, and Shopify.

Graphic Design $10–1,000 /Gig earn-good-money2

There is no shortage of affordable graphic pricing plans on Fiverr. Whether you have practical experience in planning T-shirts, logos, or business cards, there should be no problem tracking your graphic layout work on Fiverr.

Video Marketing $100-10,000 /Gig

Call all hungry bosses! Video marketing is one of the most profitable channels in Fiverr’s diversified work. Interest in this management has increased by more than 100% in recent years, making it a useful alternative for those with video experience.

Alternatives are video preparation, short film events, and promotional activities. In addition, there is an important market for companies trying to become their social media sites. You can find jobs looking for YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook Video Managers.

Social Media Marketing $50–$2,000 /Gig

Interest in important social media marketing is growing. Based on your experience, you can make a lot of money by providing your knowledge to growing companies.

Buyers look for everything, from creating and promoting advertising campaigns to technology and large-scale research. Sometimes, they can also ask someone to manage their social media profile for their benefit.

Virtual Assistant $5-$100 /Gig

As a virtual assistant, you can work anywhere in the world! Assistant is a valuable option. It’s one of the high-paying gigs on Fiverr

Fiverr has a seemingly endless number of virtual assistant positions. Trends include notification areas, patch settings, and cold starts.

Copywriting $50-$2000 /Gig  earn-good-money-now

To win at Fiverr, you don’t have to be a technical genius! There are many composing works, especially in writing. For example, we found that it is possible to verify the posts of journalists, bloggers, and even eBook authors.

Translation Service $100–$1,000 /Gig

If you can communicate in multiple languages, you can certainly make extra money by transcribing recordings for others. The organization looks forward to multilingual providers that can decrypt various files and projects.

Similarly, you can find buyers who want to learn different dialects on Fiverr. If you have a teaching tolerance, you can use these language skills effectively. Many active students are willing to pay for private language coaches.

Keep in Mind

In a nutshell, Fiverr is an online marketplace where you can sell your skills for $5. It’s a great way to make some extra cash while getting the experience needed to land high-paying gigs. I have used this site to get work done for years. 

There are all kinds of services on Fiverr and they’re rated based on quality, price, and turnaround time so it’s easy to find what you need at a reasonable price.

Whether it be graphic design or writing content, someone in their community can help you out!work-anywhere-earn=good-money

What to Pack for a Tent Camping Trip

Tent CampingTent Camping is one of the summer activities my family has been involved in for many years.

Camping is something we all enjoy by combining fishing, hiking, and swimming with the regular campsite life of cutting wood, starting a fire, food preparation, cooking, eating, games, and just relaxing. We’ve made a lot of good memories from our camping trips. We’ve always gone up in the mountains and found great camping hiking spots either at designated campgrounds that offer water for washing, some type of restroom (outhouse or rest-stop type), and garbage cans or places, where there was no creature or comforts at all. We always camped by streams, lakes, or rivers during the summer months.

Planning is critical to a successful camping experience. As a retired military man, who has had to live out of a ruck (backpack) for many days, having the right camping gear when you’re camping will make the experience that much more enjoyable.

The best camping tents for families are tents that have separate rooms. Since we have two children our tent has three rooms — my wife and I slept in a room, the kids slept in a room, and the entrance room was the dressing and storage area. We use a combination of foam and inflatable mattresses. We used rectangular sleeping bags that you can zip together for the wife and me, and the kids had their bags. Bring extra blankets for chilly nights. We also used poncho liners for the kids to use inside their sleeping bags. We’ve had our tent for over 15 years and average 2-3 camping trips each summer.

We take a couple of tarps. We use one tarp on the ground under the tent and make it long enough to have about 8 feet in front of the tent door. We take our shoes/boots off outside to keep the inside of the tent as clean as possible. We bring a small folding stool to place outside the tent door to help with putting shoes on. The second tarp is used to cover our kitchen/cooking gear if it rains. Waterproof Camping Tarp, Hammock Rain Fly Tent Tarp

We use a couple of camping stoves – one uses propane (which we mainly use for heating water for hot drinks and washing) and the other is a 2-burner stove and uses fuel, which does not burn as hot. We use this one for cooking bacon, pancakes, eggs, etc. Bring a couple of frying pans, and camping pots/pans – remember to bring a spatula if you’re going to cook pancakes or eggs.

We always start a fire in the morning – for warmth and in the evening, for cooking. Bring a collapsible grate to put over the fire if you plan on laying anything on it to cook or heat up. We make pointed sticks by cutting small branches from nearby trees for the polish dogs or bratwurst – so bring a couple of knives. We cut our wood from the dead branches and logs you find near the campground. We bring an ax and a small saw with a folding blade.

Here are the basics of camping gear to bring:

Tent with a rain fly, tarp, tent stakes, and hammer

Sleeping gear to include mattresses – inflatable or foam, blankets (poncho liners), and pillows

Cooking/kitchen equipment – camping stoves, folding camping table, frying pans, pots to heat water and cook in, paper plates, bowls, and utensils, napkins, paper towels, wash rags, towels, cutlery, large spoons, tongs, can opener, lighters, tin foil, plastic wash basin, scouring pads, disposable wipes, detergent, plastic storage bags, and trash bags. We pack this in see-through plastic tubs with folding lids. We pack most of our non-cooler food in these types of containers, too.

Fire pit necessities – if you plan on scrounging your wood from the forest floor – an ax, folding saw, gloves, a newspaper for fire-starting, a lighter, a folding grate (campfire tripod), and a folding shovel.

Personal hygiene – soap, washcloths, towels (dark in color), shampoo and shower shoes (if your campground has a shower), toothpaste, and toilet paper.

Safety equipment – flashlights, lanterns, spare batteries, cell phone with car charger, map of the area, first aid kit, compass or GPS, and plenty of drinking water, sunscreen.

These are some of the items you’ll need to have an enjoyable camping trip.

After your first trip, you’ll be able to fine-tune your list.

BIoLite Campstove 2

Tent camping is a lot of work, but it is so worth it for the memories you’ll always have.

The Benefits of Eating Raw: A Guide to the…


Raw Food Diet

Raw Food Diet, more and more we hear about how you should think about your eating habits and the impact your eating has on your health and longevity, you may be considering a raw-food diet. While this lifestyle could be quite different from your usual fare, you might find that you thrive on eating mostly raw foods.

What exactly is a raw food diet? In general, it means eating only things that are in a completely natural state. This means foods that have not been processed or cooked. For some folks, this can even include raw meat, though many raw-food advocates do not eat meat, other than perhaps a little sushi.

These tips will help you make the conversion:

  • List acceptable foods that appeal to you. There are numerous books and websites available with lists of foods that conform to the principles of the diet. You’re likely to find a lot of foods you’ve never considered. Make a long list so you can provide yourself with a wide variety of foods and flavors!
  • Go shopping. Budgeting accurately may be challenging at first. While much of the food you’re likely to buy won’t be expensive, there will be a lot of it. Most raw foods don’t offer a lot of calories; you’ll be surprised how much you might need to eat.


Avoid over-shopping, though; many foods won’t last as long as many processed foods.

  •  Start slowly. If you’re not used to eating a lot of fruit, getting carried away might cause more than a little gastric upset. Introduce the raw foods slowly. Substitute a raw food item at each meal for something you didn’t typically eat raw. Continue adding foods over a week or two, until you’re 100% raw.
  • Throw out your processed foods. One way to be almost certain to fall off the wagon is to have other food readily available. We all have moments of weakness, so prepare for yours. Friends, family, and food banks will likely take what you no longer want to eat.avocado-raw-diet

If you have others in the house who won’t be eating raw, at least try to get rid of the items you’ll find most tempting.

  • Take a good multivitamin. Certain nutrients may be unavailable with a raw vegan diet, and Vitamin B-12 is the classic example. Even if you’re not eating vegan and you usually scoff at manufactured supplements, talk to your doctor before you dismiss the idea.


  • Remember to get enough protein. Protein is another major nutrient you might lack if you’re not careful. Eating balanced meals is just as important as ever.
  • Keep adjusting until your diet is right for you. Assess how you feel. Are you losing weight? Are you losing too much weight? Are there other foods you’d like to try? Are there foods you’d like to eliminate?
  • Give raw foods for at least 30 days. If you can go 30 days without cheating, you should have an excellent idea of whether or not a raw-food diet is something that you want to continue. Any foods eaten outside of the diet will tend to interfere with an accurate assessment. 


If a raw-food lifestyle is something you want to try, give the above steps a shot. Changing dietary habits is frequently a challenge; our bodies and minds get used to certain foods. Expect some challenging times over your first 30 to 60 days.

However, keep in mind that medical data indicates that our dietary choices have a huge impact on our health. Maybe a raw-food diet is an answer for you. Try a green smoothie, it’s a source of raw and healthy food you can consume daily.

Don’t forget about a raw diet for your pets if you have them.



Exploring the Four Major Parenting Styles


Parenting Styles play an important part in molding the attitude and behavior of their children. The way a child talks and behaves with others reveals the environment he’s growing up in and how his parents are bringing him up. So who your baby will be and how he will grow up all boils down to you! After all, in the crucial first few years of life, your child isn’t just developing communication skills and language, he is building the foundation of his personality.

The primary influence over his environment is your parenting style!

While it takes a range of techniques and practices to raise a child that is well-equipped for adulthood, you will find some recurring themes through this parenting advice: letting your child make decisions, spending time with your child, and keeping a happy family. Catering to your child’s needs, cuddling, reading a book or any activity that involves nurturing will do a lot to improve your baby’s temperament, emotional well-being, personality, and ability to cope with stress. One of the interesting things about being a parent is that there are noticeable differences in how different parents raise their children.

Your parenting style can impact everything – from how your child feels about himself to how he behaves in public. It is necessary to make sure your parenting style encourages healthy development because how you interact with your child and how you discipline him will influence the rest of his life.

Below you will find the four major parenting styles that researchers have identified. 

  1. Authoritarian parenting from the very name, we can gather the idea that this type of parenting focuses onparenting-of-kids imposing authority on the child without any exception. In this case, children have to follow whatever their parents say. Parents with this parenting style don’t allow children to face obstacles or problem-solve in any way. Instead, they set the rules and reinforce the consequences with little regard for their child’s opinion. Authoritarian parents punish their children instead of disciplining them. So instead of focusing on how a child should make better choices, parents are more caught up in making children feel sorry for their mistakes. Such kids stand a high risk of developing self-esteem problems because they feel as though their opinions aren’t valued.


  1. Authoritative parenting Such parents have rules and they also use consequences but at the same time, they take into account their children’s opinions. They validate the child’s feelings but also make it clear that it’s the adults that are ultimately in charge. This parenting style invests time and energy into preventing behavior problems even before they begin. Such parents also use positive discipline strategies to instill good behavior. Children of such parents tend to be self-disciplined and think for themselves. This parenting style is thought to benefit children the most.


  1. Permissive parenting in this parenting style, parents are quite lenient and they step in only when there is a severe problem. They are forgiving and might give in when a child begs for something. Permissive parents are more like friends and less like parents. They typically encourage their children to talk to them about their issues but they refrain from putting much effort into discouraging a child’s bad behavior or poor choices.parenting-styles-forever


  1. Uninvolved parenting from the name itself, we can gather that uninvolved parents have little knowledge of what their children are doing. There are very few rules and children barely receive any guidance, nurturing, or parental attention. Uninvolved parents think that children will raise themselves. They don’t devote much energy or time to meeting a child’s basic needs. Even though it seems like uninvolved parents are neglectful, that’s not always on purpose. They may be lacking in knowledge about child development or simply overwhelmed with other responsibilities. Children of such parents may grow up to have self-esteem issues and perform poorly in school. They may exhibit different behavior problems and rank low in happiness.

Get your kids involved in outdoor activities.



Unlock Your Brain’s Potential

Power up your BrainPower up your brain; did you know your diet can have a strong impact on your brain and its ability to function? You can enjoy greater brainpower with simple diet changes. The right foods are important for both the mind and the body, so your diet matters.

Try these simple additions to your diet:

  • Oily fish. The oils in the fish are important for brain health because your mind requires fats in the right amounts.

* Fish has essential fatty acids that can help boost brainpower. Oily fish include salmon, sardines, herring, trout, and other varieties.

* The lack of essential fatty acids can lead to memory issues and other concerns.

  • Dark leafy vegetables. Adding these vegetables can help your mind and your body at the same time.

* Vegetables such as kale and spinach are important for boosting brainpower. They have vitamins and folate, so your brain benefits by having more protection for its cells. By adding a salad to your meal plans, you can help your brain. broccoli-for-your-brain

  • Broccoli. Broccoli may not be a favorite, but it has powerful nutrients to help the mind.

* Broccoli has a large amount of vitamin K, which has been linked to helping boost your brain.

  • Nuts. Does your diet include almonds, peanuts, and other nuts?  Power up your Brain

* Add more cashews, walnuts, and other nuts to your diet to get more vitamin E. This vitamin helps keep the mind healthy and prevents a decline in function.

  • Avocadoes have multiple nutrients that can help the brain.

* Avocadoes have a great amount of vitamin E and other helpful fats that your brain needs to function.

  • Nuts & Seeds. Sunflower seeds are an easy source of getting more vitamin E in your diet.

* Pumpkin seeds are another important ingredient for boosting brainpower. They have high levels of zinc, which helps the memory. Zinc may also affect the thought processes in the brain.

  • Tomatoes have lycopene, an important antioxidant, that can help protect your brain.  Power up your Brain

Berries. From strawberries to acai berries, your diet can benefit from the addition of more berries. They have antioxidants and vitamins that can help protect the brain. They also help memory through their nutritional power.

Whole grains. Although all grains can boost energy, whole grains are better for your mind because they release glucose slowly. This means your body takes more time to digest them and avoids sugar spikes. Your brain gets a steady amount of energy this way.

Sage. Sage extracts and oils are an easy way to boost your brain. The herb has compounds that prevent neurotransmitters from falling apart, so your memory and overall brain function are better. You can add sage to salads or other foods. 

Beets. They’re a cheap way to get more brainpower, and they can be prepared in multiple ways.Power up your Brain

* Beets help the mind by increasing blood flow, so your cells can work better.

You can enhance your brain’s function with simple diet changes. By carefully evaluating your diet and making informed choices, you can power up your brain.



Green Detox Smoothie


Green Smoothie that’s tasty, yummy, and healthy, you’ll drink one almost every day. It’s a combination of spinach, mango, kiwi fruit, banana, and dragon fruit, along with ginger, kale, or apple. The pitaya is sweet, so you don’t need a lot of fruit. It’s breakfast, so it’s green.

Green smoothies have about 1/3 the calories of a regular smoothie. They taste great and make you feel healthy and full of energy.



Here’s a detailed recipe:

1 cup of Spinach

1/2 cup of Pineapple

1/2 cup of Mango

1/2 Banana

2 Kiwis

1/2 cup of Dragon Fruit dragon-smoothies

1/2 cup of Kale

1 tsp. of Ginger

1 tsp. of Apple extract

1/2 cup of Coconut water

1 tsp. of Agave nectar or honey

Fill with Ice Cubes

Put the spinach, pineapple, mango, banana, and pitaya in a high-powered blender and blend until smooth. Add the kale, ginger, apple, coconut water, and agave nectar/honey. Blend again until completely smooth. Add ice and blend again until smooth.

It seems so obvious now, this green smoothie thing. You add greens and fruit, maybe some ginger and mint. Then you drink it all up, and you’re healthy. Or so it seems. But back in the early nineties, when I first heard about green smoothies, it sounded crazy. Why would anyone put sugar into a drink that was just vegetables? And why would anyone drink anything that looks like spinach mixed with milk?

But at the time, many of the things we thought we knew about nutrition were wrong. The conventional wisdom was: Eat lots of fat. Eat lots of protein. Eat lots of carbs. Eat lots of cholesterol. Eat lots of salt. Eat lots of sugar. Eat lots of whatever. Eat lots of fruit, but eat fewer vegetables. Eat lots of vegetables, but eat less fruit.

Fast forward to today and it’s the green smoothie that boosts your health and immune system. Green smoothies are made with organic fruits and vegetables. The fruits used in making it are rich in water and loaded with vital nutrients, especially vitamin C which is the main natural source of detoxification.


In addition to this, organic vegetables are rich in chlorophyll which is believed to purify the blood and cleanse the entire body. Moreover, the green smoothies hold excellent fiber content and antioxidants that are again greatly helpful in detoxification. So, when the purifying power of fruits is combined with the cleansing aid of green leafy vegetables then this results in making a rich smoothie that is perfect for detoxification. Take it with you!

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