Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to get aches and pains faster and more severe than others? A different or healthy lifestyle and informed dietary choices can decrease the risk of many diseases. Studies have shown a correlation between a healthy diet and the prevention of any illness or age-related illness. Many studies suggest that 82% of all chronic degenerative diseases are diet related. The dietary choice is a clever way to delay the onset or even stop arthritis, inflammation, and the pain associated with it. A diet of healthy food and drinks to avoid free radicals in your body with antioxidants while reducing inflammation and stress can make that difference in reversing many of the problems.

Anti-Inflammatory Foods 22The best and only option is food; none of the other drug medications has shown any positive cure to speak of. Foods present you with a more natural way of reducing inflammation. If you are searching for means and ways of alleviating your condition naturally, you will find this information helpful. It is imperative to do everything possible to reduce inflammation. This should not be done simply because of the pain experience, but also because inflammation is already in your body. Certain foods are anti-inflammatory which, if eaten can greatly reduce the symptoms of inflammation.

Anti-Inflammatory foods

Spinach, a dark leafy vegetable has a high content of anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory flavonoids plus carotenoids. It is also rich in vitamins, magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, and folate. When buying spinach, make sure it is grown using organic methods. The non-organic varieties are often sprayed with too many chemicals and you might be risking your health by filling your body with more toxins, thereby increasing inflammation. Always choose colored or dark vegetables. The dark and leafy ones are superb for fighting inflammation.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Anti-Inflammatory Foods 77Not all oils are the same and not all oils are healthy, regardless of the name or what the label may say. Extra virgin olive oil is an excellent choice because of its richness in oleic which has anti-inflammatory capabilities. Olive oil additionally helps improve insulin function thus lowering blood sugar. The quality and power of olive oil: Tablespoons of this oil can save your life and even can make you slimmer. Olive oil is high in antioxidants and a strong substance called oleuropein.

Make sure to use olive oils independently, certified and 100% pure extra virgin olive oil, products locally grown and pressed for quality and safety. This oil is most effective for arthritis sufferers because it can cool inflammation and ease joint pain. Use olive oil wherever possible; pour it over salads, vegetables, and whatever your taste buds agree to.

However, when it comes to high-heat cooking, coconut oil is your best choice. The saturated fats in coconut oil are not harmful to the blood lipid profile as was previously thought. There are no other oil types required for food preparations. These two are the best, healthiest and safest. Other oils tend to have a high content of unhealthy trans fats. Therefore, if you are keen on keeping inflammation at bay, you need to resort to olive oil.

Vegetables – Anti-Inflammatory Foods

what to eatBroccoli, together with Brussels sprouts and cauliflower are also considered anti-inflammatory foods. While this improves your immune system, they are the super vegetables that have a high content of Sulforaphane, very high in antioxidants. This is also a phytonutrient that helps the liver function well, while it increases the natural detoxification capabilities of the body. These vegetables, however, are better eaten as raw as possible to reduce inflammation. You could alternatively just gently steam them to keep their beneficial nutrients; these nutrients are otherwise destroyed in cooking methods such as frying and boiling.

Spices: Let’s include a few spices into the mix, and choosing the right ones of course is important. There are two which have good if not the best anti-inflammatory qualities. Turmeric has become a household name when it comes to spices being used for thousands of years and is known for its many health benefits. If you are looking for a good spice that has anti-inflammatory qualities, then turmeric is an excellent choice. Adding a teaspoon to your food every day will prove beneficial. There are different ways you could take it. For example, you can put it in your soups, mix it in sauces, and salad dressings, sprinkle it over scrambled eggs, etc.

Ginger is yet another spice used and revered globally due to its anti-inflammatory features. Another one is papaya; it has a protein-digesting enzyme called Papain, which is in abundance in this fruit and is known for its many health benefits. Papain, together with other nutrients like Vitamins C and E helps reduce inflammation and improves digestion. If you like tropical fruits, then papaya will just be perfect as it is also counted among anti-inflammatory foods.

As you can see, there are plenty of anti-inflammatory foods that fight inflammation. Start eating these foods and you will notice the difference in the way you feel afterward. In case you already are eating some, you should consider increasing the amounts you eat; in this situation the more the better.

Food Vitamin Supplement

Step up your organic whole food vitamin supplement intake:

Not many people nowadays stick to a balanced diet and also have the recommended 8 servings of whole grain products, seeds, nuts, and vegetables required each day. It appears popular culture respects the intake of processed food as well as the additional synthetic vitamins to supplement otherwise bad diets. However, just like any dietitian will explain this is simply not a great way to keep a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet, and may have negative long-term effects on the condition of your overall health.

You can help matter by boosting your daily consumption of organic whole-food vitamin supplements as a substitute. Eating mineral and vitamin-rich foodstuffs is an excellent method of complimenting your daily diet with natural essentials.

Earth Minerals Vs Homeopathic Minerals

Commercial supplements are targeted at enhancing the mineral and vitamin intake using minerals like calcium carbonate, and calcium citrate as well as other mineral derivates extracted from rocks and sea shells. Alternatively, an organic whole-food vitamin supplement contains mineral-rich food sources and homeopathic mineral ingredients to ensure they are quicker to digest and absorb.

Synthetic Vitamins Vs Organic Whole Food Nutritional Vitamin Supplements

Most supplements you purchase today are produced from synthetic ingredients and therefore are chemically based. These chemical substances manufactured in laboratories fake the molecular structure of vitamins to fool the body.

The body effectively absorbs nutritious substances from what you eat. Most professionals recommend an organic whole-food vitamin supplement and receiving your everyday vitamins allowance from whole food, instead of synthetic vitamins because of the healthiest choice for long-term benefits.

The advantages of Organic Whole Food Nutritional Vitamin Supplements

  •  Organic whole nutritional vitamin supplements contain no synthetic or isolated properties
  •  They simply contain whole-food vitamins.
  •  These supplements do not have sea shells or rocks or some other derivatives Organic whole-food nutritional vitamin supplements contain homeopathic minerals.
  •  They naturally increase the usage of whole foods, vital for any healthy body
  •  They do not contain any chemical additives or any other nasty ingredients
  •  They are produced from a Lacto-vegetarian formula.

Oranges-Anti-InflammatoryAn organic whole-food vitamin supplement is a great method of ensuring a wholesome balance diet. It is great in stopping the start of vitamin deficiencies, as well as their related symptoms, and is also ideally suitable for today’s busy lifestyle.

The key word here is Consistency! Most give up before it starts to work for them. The other crucial factor is to use all these things together. You must have the right nutrition, vitamins, minerals, and exercise. These must work in conjunction to get the best outcome and a positive result.



With consistency, you will start to feel the benefits and enjoy better and healthier days.





Achieving Optimal Health Through Nutritional Balancing

The following information is designed to give you the information needed to truly transform YOU and the nutritional balancing; the way you see food. It is designed to put your body in HEALTH mode, which is your Natural State!

  • REAL FOOD -VS- FOOD-LIKE PRODUCTS Real food, which I like to refer to as “God Food”, is organically grown, whole food that hasn’t been tampered with in any way, shape, or form (i.e., non-GMO). Food-like products, or “Man-Made Food”, are products that have been manufactured in a plant to resemble real food (processed). Man-made food is also real food that has been altered with chemicals. For example, the diet of conventional beef, chicken, and turkey consists of hormones, antibiotics, and GMOs is nutritional balancing.


Detoxing And Nutritional Balancing 1

NUTRIENTS -VS- TOXINS Nutritional balancing is key for a healthy body!

“Food is the safest, most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.”

In a nutshell, your body only recognizes two things that you put in it (food, drugs, sodas, etc.) or that you put ON it (lotions, skincare, soap, etc.). Those two things are nutrients or toxins. That’s it. A nutrient is anything you eat that your body converts to energy, or uses as fuel. On the contrary, toxins, therefore, are anything that your body cannot use as energy.

  • When you overload your liver with toxins, your liver becomes “fatty” and can no longer filter the toxins properly. Your body then protects itself by pulling the toxins away from your vital organs. Since the toxins cannot be used as energy, they are stored in your fat cells. This is the main reason traditional, calorie-cutting diets don’t work. They fail to eliminate the toxins, which causes your body to regain the weight and then some. Fat cells shrink when toxins are eliminated.
  • ACIDIC BODY –VS- ALKALINE BODY All of the foods you ingest either support acid-alkaline balance role in chronic your body’s acidity or your body’s alkalinity. Most acidic foods are man-made foods, which are all processed (junk food). cleanse that delivers whole food-based, acidic foods support the toxicity of your body by causing inflammation. Inflammation creates most diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, Cancer, Heart disease, Bacteria, Viral infections, etc. Alkaline foods, or “God Food”, support the alkalinity in your body, resulting in the literal starvation of the disease process as they create an anti-inflammatory environment.


  • DIET -VS- EXERCISE I have been exercising regularly since age 12. I believed that exercise made up a whopping 75% of your healthy body. It doesn’t. Your healthy body is 10% genetics, 10% exercise, and 80% balanced nutritional! You cannot and will not ever be able to exercise a bad diet away. Period. Your body is a finely tuned vehicle. If you give it good fuel, it will operate at its optimum potential and take you places!
  • WHAT DO I DO NEXT? Balancing nutrition is the first BIG step on your quest for detoxing and maintaining a clean eating lifestyle. Baby steps would be giving up one or two things that are known to be toxic. For example, stop drinking sodas altogether (they contain more than the recommended daily allowance of sugar in just one soda; diet sodas have artificial sweeteners, which have been directly linked to many chronic diseases such as Parkinson’s).
  • Also, NO MORE FAST FOOD (highly processed, GMOs, sugars, etc.). Just don’t do it.

If you’re interested in taking BIG steps, commit yourself. A commitment to join a viable, reliable, truth-based detox program and stick with it from beginning to end. The recommended time frame to fully participate in your detox program is four weeks.

For most, this is the duration required to make or break a habit. This allows your body the time it needs to rid itself of harmful addictions. You will be AMAZED how quickly your body acclimates to the new YOU and your new clean-eating lifestyle!

 Let’s Detox And Get Healthy Fast!

Many key elements make up a healthy body, but for simplicity’s sake, let’s zero in on our biggest concern – weight loss. We are so preoccupied with looking good, we overlook what is truly essential – FEELING good. Your body is a miraculous machine that can work at its optimum potential if we know how to maintain it properly.

I am embarrassed to say, but until very recently, I held on to the belief that it was your fault if you weren’t healthy. As my eyes and heart opened up to the truth, I became more and more aware of how advertising and advertisers tell us every day about their so-called “beneficial and/or healthy” products, when in fact they are anything but that!

We live in a world where Pop-Tarts and low-fat Hot Pockets are being advertised as a healthy or nutritious choice, and we believe them! Mineral analysis a comprehensive guide. We take their word for it!

  • Common Ideology = Lose Weight and You Will Get Healthy (nope)  REALITY = Get Healthy And You Will Lose Weight, plus a lot of other mucky-muck…but that is a different article?

You don’t have to take my word for it. Go to the grocery store and look around. If you don’t know what the ingredients are put it back. We are not healthy. Why is that? Why do we blindly fall prey to the newest fad diet? Why do we continue to believe that cutting calories is the answer when the result is always the same – we gain it all (the weight) back plus some extra pounds too? Why? Why do we keep doing it? It doesn’t work. Period.

And here’s the why…

  • We plateau during traditional weight loss and fad diets, often experiencing a yo-yo effect (lose weight. . .gain it back… lose weight…gain it back) because…WE DON’T GET RID OF THE TOXINS!


So, what are toxins anyway? Well, toxins are anything that you put in your body (food, beverages, drugs, etc.) or ON your body (skincare, lotions, hair care, etc.) that your body can’t use as energy or “fuel”. Since the body does not know what to do with the toxin, it stores it in your body’s “white” fat cells. Food-based nutrition that supports easy Two types of fat cells has distinctive functions. Brown fat cells are specialized heat producers, while white fat cells store and release fats.

“The food you eat can either be the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.”

You can’t detox your body overnight or with a magic pill, but you will be pleasantly surprised how quickly your body responds to a good detox program, which includes a clean eating diet. It takes about 21-28 days to make or break a habit. Detoxing is no different. Detox for the duration it takes to establish your newfound healthiness as a habit. What would be the purpose of detoxing if you quickly went back to all of your old eating habits and harmful addictions?

Intermittent fasting over several days or timed fasting over several hours, both promote autophagy. The type of fasting needed to jumpstart autophagy typically requires 14 to 16 hours without eating, though this is dependent on your body’s metabolism. This process is by which a cell breaks down and destroys old, damaged, or abnormal proteins and other substances in its cytoplasm (the fluid inside a cell). The breakdown products are then recycled for important cell functions, especially during periods of stress or starvation.

A good detox program will have the ability to teach you the “why” of it all so you have the power and knowledge to make better choices. It will also give you the time your body needs to free itself from harmful addictions and acclimate to its new state of optimum potential! Using the best weight keeps the energy up and helps lose fat.


You can be healthy and disease-free and live.

Learn to Dance in 5 Easy Steps

How to Dance

How to Dance


Do you have trouble finding the right rhythm at the club? Or maybe you just want to nail that next dance move? Don’t worry – everyone experiences these feelings when they first start dancing. But that doesn’t mean you can’t learn. The best way to learn how to dance is to start slow and build up to higher speeds. Like anything else, you won’t be great at it immediately. The best way to learn how to dance is by step-by-step guidance. Do you want to learn how to dance? Keep reading for more information on how to learn how to dance the right way.

Figure Out What You Want to Learn Before You Start

The first thing you should do is arrange your thoughts on what you want to learn. Do you want to learn how to dance for fun? Or are you getting fit and want to learn some new moves? If it’s the latter, try out a few different dance genres, like ballroom or hip-hop. That way, you can find the one that most appeals to you and will give you the best chance of sticking with it. The next step is going to be setting up your goals. You might want to set up a time frame for yourself, such as tackling three months, six months, or even just one month. It’s also a good idea to think about what kind of dancer you’d like to become: A social dancer or someone interested in learning more about technique?

Get Comfortable Before You Start

The first thing you’ll need to do is find a comfortable place to practice your dance moves. This is important because you want to be as relaxed as possible while you’re learning. You’ll also want to make sure that the room has plenty of space and enough light to see what you’re doing. Next, get your music ready. You want to set this up before you start practicing since it will be difficult for you to change songs mid-dance if the one you were dancing to suddenly switched off halfway through. Then, prepare your space: clear any items from the floor that might impede or get in your way, and turn off any lights apart from those you need for dancing.

Start With Your BodyHow to Dance 99

Your body is the foundation of your dance. To start, you should loosen up your limbs and joints to have more flexibility in your movement. You may want to take some time to stretch before you start dancing.

Don’t Speed Up Before You Can March

There is a common misconception that speeding up as soon as you can is the best way to learn to dance. Don’t get me wrong – it’s important to have fun while you learn, but it’s important that you take your time and don’t speed up before marching. Your movements won’t flow smoothly from one to the next. Your transitions will be stiff and uncomfortable if you try to move too quickly. You need a solid foundation before you can start improving your dancing skills, so make sure you take the time to practice your basic steps first.

Learn the Basics Firstwedding-How to Dance

One of the best ways to learn how to dance is to start with the basics. It’s easiest to use a clicker when you’re first starting. The clicker will make sure that you’re on the beat and in the right rhythm. Learn how to count time, and break it down into quarter notes. The next step is mastering steps like walking or clapping your hands together. These are easy moves that everyone can make. Once you learn these basics, you should learn how to put them together into a dance routine.

It won’t be long before you feel more comfortable dancing to different styles of music and picking up new moves.

Watch Videos and Learn from Experts

The best way to learn how to dance is by watching videos, like the ones on YouTube. You can find lessons that teach you how different types of dances work. For example, watch a step-by-step video on tango or salsa. You can search ‘tango’ or ‘salsa’ on YouTube and see what comes up. Watch some videos before deciding which one you want to try out. In addition to watching videos on YouTube, it’s also a good idea to go to classes if you have the opportunity. Classes will help you become more confident in your dancing abilities and give you feedback from professionals. Plus, people in classes are usually more friendly than people at clubs. It’s important to remember that learning how to dance and how to dance for kids takes time and practice. Don’t expect yourself to be able to dance to any song after only one viewing.

Take a Break from Dancing

Learning how to dance takes dedication and practice. How to learn dance at home, will most likely be frustrating at times. But don’t worry, you won’t have to practice every day. You should only practice a few days a week. For example, you could practice on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. This will allow your muscles time to rest and progress with your dance moves. It’s also important for the brain to break from constantly dancing. Practicing non-dance-related activities or resting can help improve your overall dance skills because it gives your body and mind some much-needed R&R.

Learn How to Dance by Taking Classes

One of the best ways to teach yourself to dance is by taking classes. This will help you learn the basics and pick up new moves and perfect your technique. If you’re interested in taking a how-to ballroom dance class, ask around your neighborhood or city to see if there are any adult classes available. You can also search “adult dance classes” on Google or another search engine and find a studio nearby. Another option is to take an online course or find a video tutorial. These are excellent options for people who live in rural areas without easy access to qualified instructors or studios, though it does require more work to figure out what each one entails.

How to Dance 2Dancing is an art form that can be both physically and mentally challenging. It requires a lot of attention to detail, and the ability to follow instructions and practice. Now is the time if you’re looking for a new hobby and want to try something new. There are many easy ways you can learn how to dance without having any formal training. You just have to figure out what you want to learn first and how to go about it.

Believe it or not, most of what you do throughout an average day is NOT freely chosen by your normal waking consciousness even though it may seem that way. The truth is that most of what you do on a day-to-day basis is done on autopilot. An example of this would be when you’re driving your car and as you do so you get bored and begin daydreaming. Before you know it, you find yourself several miles further down the road with absolutely NO memory of having driven those last several miles.

So, who exactly was driving while your waking consciousness was in la-la land, and how exactly did you manage to avoid an accident? Your subconscious mind was in control. You already spent years programming your subconscious with how to deal with a broad range of possible driving scenarios and thus it had no trouble taking the wheel while your waking consciousness took a little break.


In other words, you were able to take effective actions without having to THINK about them.


Unlocking the Power of Bee Pollen for Optimal Health

Unlocking the Power of Bee Pollen for Optimal Health

Let all-natural bee pollen benefits improve your health. Make bee pollen a protein-rich accessory for your family’s healing tools.

  • Boosts Energy: Bee pollen is packed with carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, and minerals, all of which can help boost energy levels.
  • Improves Digestion: Bee pollen is rich in fiber and prebiotics, which can help improve digestive health.
  • Strengthens the Immune System: Bee pollen contains a high concentration of antioxidants, which can help strengthen the immune system.
  • Supports Weight Loss: Bee pollen is low in calories and can help suppress appetite, which can lead to weight loss.
  • Reduces Allergy Symptoms: Bee pollen has been found to reduce hay fever and other allergies by desensitizing the body to allergens.
  • Improves Skin Health: Bee pollen is rich in essential fatty acids, which can help boost skin health and reduce inflammation. Nearly everybody knows about honey, however, not everybody knows about bee pollen benefits. Do you know the advantages of bee pollen?

what is bee pollen benefitsDo you know the Health Advantages of Bee Pollen?

Who could know the health advantages of bee pollen much better than a bee? When bees help themselves to nectar to allow them to make honey, they coat their legs with pollen. This bee pollen is collected for your colony’s principal protein food once they go back to the hive.

Probably the most important bee pollen fact is it is full of antioxidants.

The antioxidants in bee pollen are compounds chemists call flavonoids. Bee pollen packs the punch of myricetin, quercetin, rutin, and trans-cinnamic acid. You don’t have to remember their names but check out the things they can perform for you.

Myricetin helps white blood cells absorb the “bad” LDL cholesterol from the bloodstream. Quercetin is a natural antihistamine-the appropriate pollen could be good for your allergies! Rutin is better referred to as a treatment for varicose veins. Rutin protects veins throughout the entire body and could assist in preventing cancer too. The body uses trans-cinnamic acid to create its very own antibiotics, which are the potent nutrient that also powers the detoxifying processes of the liver.

Another key bee pollen fact is it is a supply of complete nutrition. Bee pollen is richer in protein than any flesh-based food. Gram for gram, bee pollen supplements contains more proteins than fish, beef, or eggs.

What else is within bee pollen? This supplement contains:

  • Enzymes
  • Coenzymes
  • 18 Proteins
  • DNA and RNA
  • Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, D, E, and K
  • Vitamin B Folic acid
  • Niacin
  • Pantothenic Acid
  • Choline
  • Inositol
  • Iron
  • Zinc

Probably the most interesting bee pollen facts would be that the whole from the pollen is more than its nutritional parts. Insect scientists conducted an experiment where they took away bee pollen and its health benefits and replaced it having a synthetic mix. This “bee chow” contained every known nutrient within its food. Bee pollen benefits for males are obtained.

Bees add “unknown extra” of their very own to bee pollen. This might be the main reason bee pollen is beneficial in treating several human health problems.

Sneeze no longer!

bee-pollenBee pollen products treat allergies. Doctors have prescribed pollen for more than one hundred years. Bee pollen injections desensitize pollen sufferers. Allergists use “allergy shots” to avoid hay fever, hives, rashes, and asthma.

Doctors developed this process at St. Mary’s Hospital in 1903. Within the original method, the nurse gives an injection of pollen and water once per week for several months. The very first injection might be 1 part pollen in 100,000 areas of water. The final injection might be 1 part pollen in 10 areas of water.

These potentially painful shots teach the defense mechanisms not to answer pollen. They decrease the immune system’s power. They ensure that it stays from becoming “hypersensitive” to harmless plants.

However, when bee pollen is taken being a supplement instead of an injection, the allergies still disappear. The main difference is the defense mechanisms are stronger, not weaker.

Dr. Lee Conway of Denver, Colorado treats his allergy patients with bee pollen. All his patients taking bee pollen each day remain free of all allergic reactions. They don’t get new allergies once they go on to new places. They stay allergy-free.

“Half the discomfort, Twice the Pleasure.”

That’s the way a German publication for physicians described bee pollen benefits for guys with prostate problems. Over 20 scientific researchers have discovered that bee pollen supports men’s sexual health.

How? Chronic prostate problems are caused by the accumulation of toxins of oxygen within the seminal fluid. Toxins of oxygen result in a “burn” at the cellular level. Bee pollen puts the fire on.

The advantage of sexual activity without burning, dribbling, or swollen sensation is obvious. But how about bee pollen and male fertility? By far the most comprehensive research in this region originates from Asia. Researchers first discovered that chronic prostate inflammation and male infertility both are caused by the accumulation of toxins of oxygen. Then they set about finding which product stops the creation of toxins.

What is Bee Pollen Benefits 6The top relief for infectious prostate inflammation was a mix of conventional medication and bee pollen. Bee pollen all on its own was eighty percent as good as antibiotics. Bee pollen was free from negative effects. It was expensive less.

The true secret bee pollen benefit ended up being to increase fertility. Sperm swam faster and lasted longer. These were more motile and viable.

How did bee pollen achieve this? The correct answer is zinc. Bee pollen uses offers a unique mixture of zinc and antioxidants. It maximizes the strength of this mineral for men’s sexual health.

Bee Pollen is perfect for Women

Bee pollen benefits women, and bee pollen benefits female  American researchers found that bee pollen might treat women’s cancers. Their government sponsors quickly covered up their findings. Doctors in Austria learned about them anyway.

what is bee pollen benefits 2

Dr. Peter Hernuss and his awesome team lay out to assist twenty-five women struggling with inoperable uterine cancer. They couldn’t take away cancer, therefore the doctors gave the ladies chemotherapy. Half the ladies also received bee pollen. Even underneath the worst possible health conditions, bee pollen benefits were clear.

The fortunate ladies who took bee pollen using their food quickly acquired defense mechanisms boost. Their labs showed:

  • Increased antibody production
  • More red blood cells
  • More hemoglobin
  • Along with a higher power of cancer-fighting natural killer (NK) cells.

How to eat bee pollen with food lessened terrible nausea that goes together with chemotherapy. To put it simply, the whole nutrition in bee pollen prevented starvation. Bee pollen prevented losing muscles.

Bee pollen benefits even included keeping hair thinning as low as possible. Without bee pollen, there was no comparable benefit.

How Can You Use Bee Pollen?

How much bee pollen per day and when is the best time to take bee pollen, take two bee pollen tablets a couple of times daily with meals, or as recommended by your doctor. Scientists have discovered that bee pollen retains its antioxidant potency for approximately 3 years during storage under household conditions.

Caution: Bee pollen’s negative effects are extremely rare; however, they are possible in sensitive individuals. We have seen one case where an individual who had severe reactions to mold experienced a severe response to bee pollen The product has been improperly kept in heat and damp. It contained mold.

These exciting Bee Pollen benefits can be bee pollen dangers and will not be appropriate for ladies who are or who can become pregnant. Discontinue and talk to your doctor in the event you experience negative effects.

Bee pollen reactions are uncommon in comprehensive supplements in which bee pollen is simply one part.


Revitalizing Your Energy: Boosters to Recharge Your Body

Energy Boosters

The best natural energy boosters and supplements you should use for that energy burst are similar to Royal Jelly extract, Ginseng, Spirulina as well as Bee Pollen. According to this world’s great history books, bee pollen is considered a fantastic source of perpetual youth.

The ancient Greek athletes were employed to regularly eat bee pollen for increased strength and vitality. Even recent research has proven that bee pollen increases energy levels and has anti-cancer properties.

energy boosters 11Bee pollen as well as royal jelly

Bee pollen gives this energy burst as it is full of 22 amino acids, natural antibiotic variables, 18 enzymes for helping digestion and other body functions, plant hormones, 28 minerals, glucosides that provide an organic and natural source of energy, and a minimum of 16 vitamins.

Looking at this all, it is no surprise in bee pollen helps increase equally energy and vitality. However, it’s better to avoid taking bee pollen should you suffer from pollen allergies or for those who have a bee allergy.

Royal jelly is the consequence of the combination of bee honey and pollen. It contains B-complex vitamin supplements, enzymes, hormones, 18 amino acids, additional vitamins, and natural antibacterial as well as antibiotic substances.

Royal Jelly happens to be used for treating Pancreatitis, Sleeping disorders, Bronchial Asthma, Stomach Ulcers, Kidney conditions, Immune problems, Bone fractures as well as Skin Disorders.

In addition to all this mentioned, it is also effective in improving your body’s energy.

Furthermore, it can damage your body due to caffeine addiction, blood sugar movement, and depletion of adrenal glands. More or less everything makes you vulnerable to stress in addition to being caffeine works for about 12 hrs., the afternoon coffee you take may leave you wide awake during the night instead of letting you take your much-needed rest.

So, if you think you should improve your focus and strength, the best way to do this is by taking energy boosters that are fitted with many natural ingredients. Just make sure you choose the supplement that has safe ingredients which will help you make it through a difficult workout.

It is quite natural to find it hard to hit the gym after a good day at work. However, through supplements with safe energy boosters ingredients, you besides make it through your time with flying colors, but you also enjoy your gym session due to improved stamina. With the right energy supplement, you can boost one’s body metabolism, increase energy levels and protect your body’s immunity the whole day.

Natural energy bursts

There are many natural energy supplements you should use for that energy burst similar to Royal Jelly extract, Ginseng, spirulina as well as bee pollen. According to this world’s great books like Koran, Bible, and the Talmud, Bee Pollen is considered a fantastic source of perpetual youth.

The ancient Greek athletes were employed to regularly eat bee pollen for increased strength and vitality. Even recent research has proven that bee pollen increases energy levels and has anti-cancer properties.

Bee pollen as Royal Jelly

Bee pollen gives this energy burst as it is full of 22 amino acids, natural antibiotic variables, 18 enzymes for helping digestion and other body functions, plant hormones, 28 minerals, glucosides that provide an organic and natural source of energy, and a minimum of 16 vitamins.

Looking at this all, it is no surprise in bee pollen helps increase equally energy and vitality. However, it’s better to avoid taking bee pollen should you suffer from pollen allergies or for those who have a bee allergy.

Royal Jelly is the consequence of the combination of bee honey and pollen. It contains B-Complex vitamin supplements, enzymes, hormones, 18 amino acids, additional vitamins, and natural antibacterial as well as antibiotic substances.

Royal Jelly happens to be used for treating pancreatitis, sleeping disorders, bronchial asthma, stomach ulcers, kidney condition, immune problems, bone fractures as well as skin disorders. In addition to all this, it is also effective in improving your energy boosters body’s.

More or less, everything makes you vulnerable to stress in addition to being caffeine works for about 12 hrs., the afternoon coffee you take may leave you wide awake during the night instead of letting you take your much-needed rest.

So, if you think you should improve your focus and strength, the best way to do this is by taking energy boosters that are fitted with many natural ingredients. Just make sure you choose the supplement that has safe ingredients which will help you make it through a difficult workout.

It is quite natural to find it hard to hit the gym after a good day at work. However, through supplements with safe ingredients, you besides make it through your time with flying colors, but you also enjoy your gym session due to improved stamina. With the right energy supplement, you can boost one’s body metabolism, increase energy levels and protect your body’s immunity the whole day.

Safe And Effective Supplements Safe And Effective Supplements 

Nutritional health store supplies quality dietary supplements online. We are one of the leading dietary suppliers online. We have a habit to eat fast food every day. We always think about what our stomach wants but never think about what our body wants. Because of some reason, we don’t take the required supplements.

After some time, our body requires these external supplements. These supplements are micronutrients are Potassium Chloride, Sodium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Zinc, Iron, Manganese, Copper, Selenium, Molybdenum, various Vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12, C, D, E, K), etc.

Many products are under the special offer category. Buy this today and get exciting benefits. Those products are Adios Herbal Slimming, Firefly Sharpen Up, FSC Evening Primrose Oil, Probiotics for traveling abroad, Evening Primrose Oil, Glucosamine sulfate, Selenium, Garlic, and Kids Vitamin D.

Evening Primrose is an herbal flower plant and is generally found in China, Korea, and Japan. This plant supplement has anti-fatigue energy-lifting properties. It has been used since last many years by Russian athletes to improve their stamina, reflexes, coordination, and athletic performance.

Other forms are also used for anti-aging and to avoid heart diseases. It is used as a treatment for high blood pressure, low blood pressure, hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis), and rheumatic heart disease.

Ginseng is very effective for colds and flu.

Primrose is generally found in health stores or here by clicking the link, also use as a energy boosters. This oil is prepared from the seething ends the of Primrose plant. It is effective on various skin diseases like eczema, psoriasis, and acne.

Adaptogens for Stress Relief

Adaptogens are all-natural herbs that are used in tonics and other preparations to provide relief from all sorts of illnesses. Believe it or not, there are even adaptogens for stress relief that can work just as well as if not better than the various prescription medications to which the Western world has grown accustomed.

Eleuthero – Siberian Ginsengenergy boosters 2

Eleuthero has been referred to for centuries as Siberian Ginseng due to the resemblance of the two plants. When studied, it was found that eleuthero had several physical and physiological benefits on humans and animals alike. Of these, the ability of the herb to protect the adrenal glands, thereby increasing the ability to withstand periods of severe stress without harsh side effects, is the most notable.

This was studied in several stressful situations including infection, blood loss, heat, cold and more.

Similarly, the plant is cited to provide a significant boost in immune function, which is one of the various things that stress can affect negatively if it is not effectively treated.

Licorice Root

Licorice root, like eleuthero, works to help improve the balance of the adrenal glands, making it one of the best adaptogens for stress relief. In theory, constant stress causes the adrenal gland to release the hormones cortisol and adrenaline on an almost constant basis, reducing the effectiveness of these hormones when a situation that should be incredibly stressful presents itself.

Licorice root relieves adrenal gland ‘exhaustion’ and allows the body to work in the way it was designed to work. The root of the plant contains a substance known as Glycyrrhizin Acid that stimulates proper adrenal function and ensures that the proper hormones are released at the proper times.


TurmericTurmeric is a bright-orange relative of ginger that has gained superfood status over the last few years, and it is also one of many powerful adaptogens for stress relief. The active compound found in turmeric is curcumin, and although it has not been found to have a direct impact on the adrenal glands, it does help to reduce inflammation and pain as well as treat digestive disorders. By positively treating a host of conditions without bothersome side effects, this herb easily lowers stress and helps individuals feel healthier overall.


astragalusAstragalus is a Chinese herb that has been used for centuries to treat individuals who have compromised immune systems. The plant increases the amount of cortisol produced by the adrenal glands, therefore working to enhance the way the body reacts to physical and emotional stress. For astragalus to be most effective, it must build up in the body over time. The herb will help to regulate the adrenal glands, allowing the right hormones to be released into the bloodstream at just the right times.


Rhodiola is very popular in Russia and surrounding countries and it is gaining popularity in the United States. Rather than preventing stress, Rhodiola works to enhance the way that the body reacts to it. For instance, the herb is well-known for positive energy boosters providing energy and mental clarity, two things that are often lacking in individuals who are faced with stressful situations regularly.

Similarly, studies have shown that it can decrease the heart rate and reduce blood pressure. Rhodiola is commonly taken by athletes, pilots, and other groups whose professions can be particularly stressful.

Stress can have a serious effect on the body, and it could even kill you if it is left untreated. Thankfully, adaptogens for stress relief can help to improve how your body handles and reacts to stress.

Not only can these natural energy boosters food and apoptogenic herbs improve the way you feel, but they could also save your life.


Oils: A Necessity for Optimal Health

Our body needs Oils

Benefits of Olive OilResearchers started studying Greeks living on the island of Crete more than 40 years ago, they were amazed to find that although the traditional Greek diet is very high in fat, people had exceptionally low rates of heart disease.

Olive oil plays a critical part in their diet; we would do well if we followed their example. Olive oil, which is made of crushed olives, not only appears to “possibly” lower the risk of heart disease after all good fats are healthy.

Olive oil, long-known for its heart health benefits, has now been identified for its destruction of cancer cells. While scientists have proven that the oleocanthal compound has been unable to explain this phenomenon until now. Benefits of Olive Oil

Paul Breslin, the study’s co-author, said “The mechanism of protecting cells and sparing healthy cells, lysosomal membrane permeabilization, has been hypothesized as a possible mechanism of effectively making healthy cells tissues but has never been realized before. Our realization of this makes this paper of particular therapeutic interest for treatment.”

The study’s focus on the effect of oleocanthal on cancerous and un-cancerous cells leads to larger implications about the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet, which is rich in Olive Oil. Breslin stated the Mediterranean diet is associated with a reduced risk of many kinds of diseases.

Whereas the entire diet likely has many benefits, this study points directly to the importance of fats in our body, as playing an especially important role in these observations. As more people turn to the Mediterranean diet as a healthy life option, oleocanthal is growing in its significance as a key active component of this diet.”

All fats, from butter and margarine to olive oil, contain almost the same number of calories. But they behave quite differently inside the body. Saturated fats, found mainly in meats and dairy foods, are incredibly destructive because the body can’t rid itself of harmful low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. Fats and oils examples.

What are oils, good fats, fats and oils examples however, is monounsaturated fat, with no more than 2 grams of saturated fat per tablespoon. Sources of omega-3 fatty acids include fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, flaxseeds, walnuts, and canola oil. Foods rich in linoleic acid and other omega-6 fatty acids include vegetable oils such as safflower, soybean, sunflower, walnut, and corn oils.

The importance of oils in the body is recommended by the American Heart Association for your food preparation. When replacing saturated fats in your diet with olive oil this lowers LDL cholesterol while leaving the beneficial high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol alone. Compared with butter, olive oil also gives us a feeling of being more satisfied. The olive oil-loving Greeks eat very little butter or margarine.

Additionally, their main meals usually consist of vegetables and legumes instead of meats. So even though they use a lot of olive oil, they get very little saturated fat. What do fats and oils do for the body? Olive oil helps to protect the cells in your body from oxidation.

Protection against Cancer with Olive Oil 3Extra-virgin olive oil may also help lower the risk of rheumatoid arthritis, according to a Greek study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Experts believe extra-virgin olive oil reduces the risk of rheumatoid arthritis because of its anti-inflammatory effects. One study found that olive oil is similar to ibuprofen in reducing inflammation. Besides the monounsaturated fat in olive oil fats and oils chemistry, it also contains other disease-fighting compounds that can prevent damage to the arteries before it starts.

Several of the compounds in oil, like polyphenols, are powerful antioxidants. This means that they can destroy free radicals before they can do damage. This results in keeping your arteries clear when you use olive oil. Although olive oil is best known for protecting the heart, research suggests that it may also protect the female breasts as well.

In a study involving more than 2,500 women, researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health in Greece found that women who used olive oil more than once a day had a 25% lower risk of breast cancer than those who use it less often. Greece women are much less likely to die from breast cancer than American women.

Olive oil is rich in vitamin E, which has proved to stop cellular damage. And of course, the same polyphenols that help prevent free radicals from damaging the heart. All types of olive oils are rich in monounsaturated fats, but not all have equal amounts of disease-fighting polyphenols. Some olive oils are quite rare and exquisitely flavored and priced. Others are much more affordable.

Many cooks keep two (or more) kinds of olive oil in the kitchen a gourmet oil for drizzling on salads or pasta and a heartier oil to use for cooking.

Extra-virgin Olive Oil is the Mercedes of Oils.

It’s usually used as a flavoring oil and not for cooking. When you buy extra-virgin olive oil, look at the color. The deeper the color, the more intense the flavor. This type of oil is made from the first pressing of perfectly ripe olives, which leaves the polyphenols in and the bitter acids out. Although it’s a little bit more expensive, studies have shown that buying extra-virgin olive oil is worth your money.

Olive oil protects.

Researchers in Spain studied the role of olive oil and asked 24 men to use refined olive oil for 3 months and extra-virgin olive oil for 3 months. They found that the antioxidants in extra-virgin olive oil kept their LDL or bad cholesterol from oxidizing and slowed the formation of plaque in the arteries, but the refined oil didn’t offer this protection. Pure (also called virgin) olive oil is paler than extra-virgin and has a milder flavor. It’s usually used for low- to medium-heat frying.

Light olive oil is often used by people who want the heart-healthy benefits of monounsaturated fats but don’t want the strong olive taste.

It endures heat well, so you can use it for high-heat frying. Olive oil, which is made of crushed olives, not only appears to lower the risk of diseases.

Store it cool.

It tends to go bad on the shelf if you don’t use a lot of olive oil. It gives up both its good taste and also its protective compounds. Store olive oil in the refrigerator or another dark, cool place to keep it fresh. It will quickly restore its nature when you bring it back to room temperature.

Or look for olive oil that comes in a dark bottle to keep the light from damaging its benefits. And buy only what you need within 2 months to prevent the oil from deteriorating and tasting stale.

Read the label.

Our views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the text belong solely to the author, and not necessarily to the author’s employer, organization, committee, or other group or individual. Just helping people understand.

The Art of Cooking Vegetables: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Cook Vegetables Correctly

How to Cook Vegetables Correctly

Cooking is a very sensitive subject, especially when we talk about vegetables. This is because vegetables are very sensitive to heat; therefore, in addition to being a very healthy food, we must know how to cook it properly to maximize its nutritional benefits.

If one day you need to cook vegetables, but they have gone bad or you have undergone a long trip to get to the kitchen, we propose some tricks that will help you get a tasty and perfectly cooked dish.

Make it easy

Beginners should go for easy dishes if they are new to cooking. On their own, most vegetables taste great, even raw! The best way to make most leafy vegetables, such as kale, taste great is to cook them at a very low temperature for a very short period with some olive oil, salt, and garlic. Dressings have a very strong or pungent taste, which can often overpower the slight taste and texture of most vegetables, so they should be used only for the strongest, for example, chard or spinach.

It’s all about timing

How to Cook Vegetables C

It is always essential to turn on the hood 10 minutes before cooking boiled, steamed, or sautéed vegetables, to inspect the clock on the hob (and use the timer if necessary), and to look at the color of the ingredients to prevent overcooking. Freshly picked vegetables should have a high sheen and not have lost any of their original colors like green sheen, orange, or yellow.

Moreover, they should not taste bland or greasy. A steam oven can also help you to prepare your vegetables, in addition to your cookware. Since this method does not damage the food, it keeps all of the nutrients and minerals intact.

The color and flavor are also enhanced. According to the food and the result you want, you can choose between 100% steam and baking mode with additional steam. Besides vegetables, you can also prepare meat and fish with great results. Following that, we explain how to cook various vegetables, so that you always find them accurate:

  • You can prepare broccoli buds by boiling, steaming, or sautéing them in a pan, stirring them for about 5-8 minutes to get the perfect texture.
  • To cook carrots with their original color, nutrients, as well as their characteristic crunchy texture, you should boil them for 5 to 10 minutes, steam them for 4 to 5 minutes, or sauté them for 3-4 minutes.
  • Eggplants need to retain their magnificent purple color. The process is simple: boil them for 5-10 minutes, steam them for 5-6 minutes or sauté them for no more than 3-4 minutes.
  • Red peppers cut into strips. No matter which of the three colors this product presents, its appearance is consistent. In the presence of heat, they soften quickly. The best way to preserve their sweetness is to cook them in a pan which takes about two to three minutes at most.
  • Cooking spinach is difficult because the texture is lost in seconds. If it is cooked for 2-5 minutes, it should not transfer the green color to the water. During the steaming process, they are cooked for 5-6 minutes, then sautéed with garlic and olive oil for 3 minutes. They are delicious and contain iron.
  • Kale or cabbages, for example, have an important complication: Cooking their stems requires more time than cooking their leaves. Separating the stems first and steaming the leaves before adding them is our recommendation. Let’s do everything together for three minutes at a time as the last step.
  • While pumpkins are a fun Halloween decoration, they are not a great candidate for culinary use. Many people think you can cook them like an apple. In reality, they are difficult to cut up, they have a very strong flavor, and they will quickly go from “cooking” to “boiling” in water.

Cookware suggestions from Gordan Ramsay

How to Cook Vegetables Correctly 9After cooking your vegetables, you still have work to do. After shaking them thoroughly, they will not cook anymore. You may wish to do this step, especially if you are going to use the vegetable for a salad. The same applies to boiled or steamed vegetables. It’s easy to prepare a dish in advance and serve it hours later without worrying about it spoiling or losing its properties by simply shaking it. Squeezing those delivers more flavor, texture, and color.

In a bowl, mix water, a lot of ice, and half a tablespoon of salt. Use a slotted spoon to transfer the vegetables from the pot to the ice bath after they have simmered for a while. After a minute, put them on a plate and serve.

And now for a special treat:

Stir fry that can be easily done and quickly cooked in your kitchen. If you are tired of take-outs and pizza nights, simply prepare this supper from a skillet in just a few minutes. Get all your food groups in one delicious, tangy bowl filled with so much flavor.

snow-peasSHRIMP AND SNOW PEA STIR-FRY: This can be ready in fifteen minutes and this simple stir-fry adds a fresh flavor with herbs and spices. If you desire to kick up more flavor from it, just add a tablespoon of chopped fresh ginger and serve over hot steaming brown rice or soba noodles. The preparation time is estimated at five minutes while the cooking time is at six minutes.

This recipe can make only two servings, but if you are serving more people, simply double the ingredients to make more.


One teaspoon of olive oil
3/4 pounds peeled and deveined large shrimp
One small garlic clove, minced
One cup of trimmed snow peas
1/4 cup chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
Two green onions, thinly sliced
Two teaspoons fresh lemon juice (1/2 small lemon)
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon of coarsely ground black pepper

First of all, prepare all your ingredients according to the instruction on the list of ingredients above. Make sure to wash all your vegetables before cutting and slicing them into the required sizes, most are in bite sizes for easy cooking. Line up your ingredients in separate piles close to your stove for easy reach when frying. For best results, use fresh vegetables and new oil, never use used oil in stir frying because it alters the expected flavor we are creating. How to Cook shrimp Correctly

Once you are ready to fry, begin to heat oil in a large skillet or work high heat on your stove. Best if you swirl the oil to coat the pan.

Then you can now add the shrimp with the garlic and stir to fry for five minutes until the shrimp changes color to pink.

Then add the snow peas and the remaining ingredients and stir fry for another thirty seconds. Make sure that the veggies are crisp-tender before you remove the dish from the pan.

Taste-test the veggies and season with salt and black pepper according to taste.

cooking steamed rice



Serve immediately while hot with hot steaming rice.





The Majestic Appalachian Trail

Appalachian Trail

Appalachian Trail

If you have an adventurous heart, then hiking the Appalachian Trail is likely on your bucket list of things to do at some point in your life. As with everything that requires a great amount of physical exertion, this kind of experience will be made easier and more enjoyable with the right kind of preparation.



The following is a list of suggestions that will help you be as prepared as possible for this life-changing adventure when hiking the Appalachian Trail:

Learn to Pack for the Trail

Packing for biking the Appalachian Trail (AT) will be a lot different than packing for other outdoor activities. You will need to find out what your tour guides suggest. Your packing list will depend on the length of the trip, your abilities, and the time of year you decide to take this trip. Follow these suggestions closely as they will help you many times along the way.

Research the Map of the Trip

Each area of the country comes with some unique views and exciting pieces of culture, but also with some new hazards and potential dangers. Take some time to research the areas you will be riding through so that you can have a good idea of what kind of challenges you might be facing. This research will help you know what to look out for along the ride and can give you the chance to properly stock up and prepare against these dangers.

Get Your Equipment Serviced

Even if you had your tires pumped and your gears oiled recently, it will be a very good idea for you to have all of your biking and camping equipment looked over to make sure everything is in good condition. You do not want to get out on the trail and have a chain break or a brake stop working when the issue could have been spotted and resolved before the trip even began.

Shop for Appropriate Clothing

Appalachian Trail Clothes

The right attire for this kind of trip can be a little hard to shop for. You need clothing that is tight so that you don’t end up with too much wind resistance. You also want clothing that is loose enough to be comfortable to move in. The material should be heavy enough to keep you warm as you travel at high speeds, but light enough to keep you from getting overheated. All of these paradoxical requirements can be hard to meet.

The best way to handle this is to head to a store that handles high-adventure outings like the one you are embarking on. They can help you find the best clothing to help you handle this trip with grace and comfort.

Purchase Lightweight Nutrition

Most of these adventures come with meals, but that will not keep you from getting hungry and possibly weak on the road. It takes a lot of exertion to endure this kind of adventure, so if you are worried about needing an extra boost here and there on the road, then be sure to pack some lightweight nutrition options. There are some great protein gels and power drinks that will give you the healthy boost you are looking for without weighing you down too much.

Review Survival Skills

Some good preparation to consider is brushing up on your survival skills like CPR, rescue breathing, and other first-aid skills.

All of these things will help your trip biking the Appalachian Trail be calmer and more exciting. A little bit of preparation can go a long way when it comes to this kind of adventure. Your efforts to prepare well will be met with a successful trip full of amazing views, good friendships, and incredible memories.

Appalachian Trail 2If you are someone who loves the outdoors, then you need to be sure that you put biking the Appalachian trail on your bucket list. This is an amazing experience that can enhance your life in some really beautiful ways. Those who make this kind of trip enjoy many benefits including, but not limited to the following:

  • Beautiful landscapes: When you bike the Appalachian trail, you will be riding through some of the most beautiful landscapes on Earth. This is a very unique area, geologically speaking. The rolling hills that are so close to the East coast create a strange and lovely mixture of vegetation and formations.
  • New skills: Even if you are an avid biker, this kind of tour can help you to gain some new skills. The terrain that is covered can create some different pedal methods and breathing techniques. You will come away learning new things about the area as well.
  • New friends: It is really hard to go on adventures of this nature with a group without really bonding with those people. It takes a certain kind of person to invest in this kind of experience. If this is something that you love, then you know that a lot of the other people you meet on this adventure will have similar backgrounds and mindsets. You could come away with some life-long friends thanks to investing in this one experience.
  • Deeper relationships: If you decide to experience this trip with someone you love, then get ready to care about them in a deeper way than ever before. You will be able to see a new side of this person, and this can create some incredibly deep bonds.Appalachian Trail Clothing
  • Amazing memories: It is doubtful that you will ever see things like this ever again in your life. The sheer uniqueness of the experience will make it something to remember. Memories are one of the few things you can take with you after this life is over, so investing in experiences that will create such lasting memories is a wonderful thing.
  • Familiarity with a new area: As you bike through the different towns, lakes, and forests, you will be learning new things about the area. This section of the country has a fascinating history, and there is a lot to learn about the culture, plants, animals, and people. This new familiarity can be a cool thing and will add to your love for the diversity that makes this country such a wonderful place to live.
  • Physical fitness: When you spend your vacations doing physical activities of this nature, then you are investing in a healthy body and mind. Physical fitness is a hard-won quality for most people, and this kind of vacation can help
  • you with this.

Appalachian Trail 10Peace of mind: “There is healing power in nature”. Spending a great deal of time hiking or biking through the beauty of nature can help you to reflect on important things. You can find inner healing and personal peace of mind on a deeper level than ever before. If you have a job that brings a lot of stress to your life, then you need a good chance to get away from the tension and fast pace of that life for a little bit and gain some inner peace.

The next time you are ready to get outside and feel at one with nature, you need to sign up to bike the Appalachian Trail. This is an experience like no other. There is a reason a wait list often forms for most of these tours. Get some good time to bond with a loved one, and a good chance for self-reflection in one of the most beautiful environments on the planet.

blue-ridge-Appalachian-TrailWhat goes through 14 states, (approximately) 2,184 miles, and almost every climate and ecosystem America has to offer? The jaw-dropping Appalachian National Scenic Trail – known as the Appalachian Trail, or just the AT. It’s taken partway or ends to end by over 3,000,000 hikers each year, and along with the Continental Divide Trail and the Pacific Crest Trail, it’s one-third of the Triple Crown of US long-distance hiking.

Where – and Which Way?

Appalachian Trail 7The trail runs from south to north, from Georgia up to Maine. If you’re on a roll, you can even continue into Canada to the Atlantic, a jaunt known as the International Appalachian Trail.

You can reverse the order too, going from Maine to Georgia. This has an impact on the weather and conditions you can expect: heat is more extreme in the south, and cold in the north. If you’re starting in the winter or spring, go from Georgia north. But later in the year or autumn, starting in Maine while it’s warm will get you to Georgia as it cools.

Not a Walk in the Park…

Aside from the physical challenge of walking a dozen or more miles a day for several months – and they are considerable – the main issue you’ll face will be the equipment you’ll need to carry with you at all times. This can run to over twenty pounds. As with any trip to the USA, travel insurance is a must, doubly so when you rely so heavily on what you carry. Prepare physically with cardio and strength training, but, if possible, take on some smaller local trails to test yourself and your gear.

Take in the Sights, and Beware of the Bears

The camaraderie of those you’ll meet on the road is a highlight for many people… but not all of them are human. The trail is home to deer, snakes, raccoons, countless birds, and too large numbers of black bears, which are usually shy and avoid humans – but they will inspect your campsite at night. Keep food in a bear canister and hang it from a tree.

smoky-mountains-Appalachian TrailSome more things you shouldn’t miss: – The highest point is Clingman’s Dome, in Tennessee’s Great Smoky Mountains, up to 6,625ft. The views can be incredible up here. – It’s possible if you plan carefully to do the whole AT without a tent. The whole length is catered for by over 250 huts – but they vary from 8 to 30 miles apart. More than adequate if you need them. – For a full list of what not to miss, see here: –

Another guide worth following is Bill Bryson’s hilarious, heartwarming A Walk in the Woods – worth a pound weight in your bag, even more so as an eBook.

Preparing for the Trail – What You Need:

The big four”: – Good quality backpackSleeping bag or quiltShelter (hammock, tent or bivouac) – Sleeping pad

More must-haves: – Lightweight shoes or bootsWaterproof clothesGood USA travel insurance that covers what you need.

Nice to haves: – A light foldaway camping stoolA French press coffee maker – for a little help warming you up in the morning.


The Superfood of the 21st Century: Avocados

Avocados  avocados-8

The well-known characteristics of fruit, which is light, low-calorie, and fat-free, do not apply to the avocado. An avocado contains a lot of calories, 360 or more. And it is also one of the few fruits with a measurable fat content, about 30 gr. each. That’s almost half the daily recommended amount for an adult.

If you have doubts about the fact that a food that contains so much fat could be good for you, ask a dietitian. He will tell you that adding some avocado to your diet, could improve your health.

Avocados have high folate and potassium content. They are also rich in fiber and monounsaturated fat, both are important for people who are concerned about diabetes and heart health.

A favorite part of a diabetes diet people with diabetes has always been told to eat more carbohydrates and cut back on fat. In general, that’s good advice, but it hasn’t to be the best advice for everyone.

guacamole-saladDoctors have discovered that when some people with diabetes eat a lot of carbohydrates, they tend to develop high levels of triglycerides, a type of blood fat that may contribute to heart disease. However, when people replace some of those carbohydrates with fat that’s found in avocados, the dangerous fats in the bloodstream tend to decline.

The monounsaturated fat in avocados is called Oleic acid. They have found that this type of monounsaturated fat control fat levels in the body and helps control diabetes.

Scientists in Mexico put sixteen women with diabetes on a relatively high-fat diet, with about 40% of calories coming from fat. Most of the fat comes from avocados. The result was a 20% drop in triglycerides. Women on a higher carbohydrate plan, by contrast, had only a 7% drop in triglycerides. Someone on a 2000-calorie-a-day diet might be advised to eat 33 grams of monounsaturated fat. You can get about 20 grams from just one avocado.

Lowering High Cholesterol Apart from people with diabetes, people with high cholesterol levels can also benefit from the oleic acid in avocados.

In Mexico, where guacamole is considered almost a food group, researchers compared the effects of two low-fat diets. The diets were the same, except that one included avocado. While both lowered levels of dangerous low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, the avocado diet raised levels of healthy high-density lipoprotein, (HDL) cholesterol, while slightly lowering triglycerides.



Avocados also help in another way to lower bad cholesterol. They contain large amounts of fiber, and fiber adds bulk to the stool, causing it with the cholesterol it contains, to be excreted from the body quicker. One avocado contains more fiber than a bran muffin 10 grams or 40% of the Daily Value for fiber.


Support the Heart Avocados are also a rich source of potassium. Half an avocado provides 548 mg of potassium. 16% of the DV for this mineral. That’s more than you’d get from a medium banana or a cup of orange juice. Studies prove that people with a potassium-rich diet, like avocados, have a significantly lower risk of high blood pressure and related diseases like heart attack and stroke.

In addition, some research has shown that oleic acid can reduce markers of inflammation in your body. Inflammation plays an important role in the development of artery-clogging atherosclerosis.

Rich in Folate Another benefit from avocado is that it’s rich in folate, a B vitamin that helps prevent the threatening birth defects of the brain & spine. Many women don’t get enough folate in their diets, but avocados can go a long way toward fixing that problem. One avocado contains 114 micrograms of folate, which is 28% of the recommended Daily Value, or nearly 20% of the 600 micro grams that pregnant women need daily.

Minerals for your Bones Avocado can help you to keep your bones healthy. A cup of mashed avocado contains 120 mg of phosphorus, which is 12% of the DV. This mineral is a major component for your bones and teeth, and having plenty of phosphorus on hand also helps your body produce energy from the foods you eat.

Zinc for Good Nutrition You’ll also find 147 mg of zinc swimming in the green depth in a cup of mashed avocado. That’s just under 10% of the DV. Zinc conducts countless activities in your body. The mineral helps keep your immune system working properly, for example, and plays a role in wound healing.

Zinc also aids in your senses of smell and taste, which are necessary to be able to enjoy the food you eat.

Shopping for Avocados If you live in the US, get your avocados from Florida or California. They provide all the nutrients without all the fat. They have about 2//3 of the calories and half the fat of Hass avocados. The best time to buy avocados is between November and March. They may have one-third of the fat of those picked in September or October.Avocado 32

Warning for Drug Users People who are taking warfarin should take care when eating avocados. Researchers in Israel found that eating between one-half and one avocado could make the drug work less efficiently. While the effects didn’t last long, when people stopped eating avocados, the drug started working better again – this could be dangerous for some people. So, if you’re taking warfarin, check with your doctor before adding avocados to your meals.

Help them ripen Like bananas, avocados ripen better off the tree, so they are picked and sold unripe. Once you get them home, leave them on the counter for several days until the fruit is slightly soft. Or if you’re in a hurry to eat them, place them in a paper bag with an apple or banana to soften them. Never place hard avocados in the refrigerator, then they will ripen too slowly.

The Path to a Stronger Heart

Healthy Heart Secrets 


Healthy Heart, from the time when the fruits of fermentation were discovered, wine has been a welcome health guest. Not only at dinner tables but also at weddings, religious rituals, and even in doctors’ offices.

Not so long ago, however, scientists began to investigate the actual health benefits of drinking wine. And the findings they’ve uncorked are enough to make any wine lover raise his glass and say “Salut!”

When sipped in moderation, particularly red wine, can help lower cholesterol and prevent hardening of the arteries and heart disease. Also, studies discovered that it can kill the bacteria that cause food poisoning and travelers’ diarrhea.

Pegusas Marketplace and Physicians don’t recommend that people start guzzling wine rather than sipping it or that people who don’t drink should suddenly start. Rather, what the evidence suggests is that moderate drinking can be a helpful addition to a healthy diet.

For many years, scientists were amazed that their French allies indulged themselves in cigarettes, buttery croissants, and fatty pates – and were still 2 1/2 times less likely to develop heart disease than their supposedly healthier American counterparts.


Berberine Plus 1200mgResearchers are still investigating the so-called French paradox, but it appears likely that the French have healthier hearts, at least partly because they prefer red wine. These wines are rich in compounds that help lower cholesterol and prevent harmful low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol from sticking to the lining of artery walls – the process that leads to heart disease. Red wines also help blood platelets from sticking together and forming dangerous clots.






Healthy Heart-3Heart Protection keeps your pump primed in complex ways. There are several chemical compounds at work, and some of them have more than one benefit. As a start, the alcohol in red wine may be beneficial. People who drink small amounts of alcohol seem to have increased protection from heart disease, studies prove. Supplements help too!
According to research, the reason is that ethanol, or alcohol, in spirited drinks raises levels of good cholesterol, heart-protecting high-density lipoprotein (HDL). Beer and other alcoholic drinks have some benefits, but wine is the only one with health-promoting polyphenols.

The reason for its superior protection is that wine contains powerful flavonoids, like quercetin. Along with other potentially protective compounds, like resveratrol, it helps prevent the body’s dangerous (LDL) cholesterol from oxidizing. This, in turn, makes bad LDL cholesterol less likely to stick to artery walls.

Laboratory studies have shown that resveratrol slows down aging in mice, protects against weight gain, and boosts endurance by improving the functioning of mitochondria – which are tiny power plants inside every cell of your body.

“Flavonoids in red wine are more powerful than vitamin E, which everyone knows is an important antioxidant,” says John D Folts, Ph.D., professor of medicine and director of the coronary thrombosis Laboratory at the University of Wisconsin Medical School in Madison.

Keeping LDL cholesterol under control is a good start against heart disease, besides helping to prevent platelets in the blood from sticking together. A study led by professor Folts and his colleagues found that when reed wine was given to laboratory animals, it eliminated potentially dangerous clots, which can cause heart attacks and strokes. “Red wine performs double duty, giving you two important benefits at the same time,” says Dr. Folts.

red wineIt’s in the color When we talk about the healing power of wine for a healthy heart, we are referring to red wine. A laboratory study at the University of California, Davis, revealed that red wines could prevent from 46% to 100% of (LDL) cholesterol from oxidizing, while white wines were less protective. In addition, laboratory studies found that white wine misses the blood clot-blocking ability. 

The reason why red wine is so much superior to white has to do with winemaking. When vintners make wine, they throw everything in the vat – not just grapes but also the skins, seeds, and stems. They’re all mashed up to create a chunky mixture called must, and this contains healthy flavonoids.  

“The longer the must ferment in the alcohol, the more of these compounds release into the wine, according to Dr. Folts. With white wine, the must is taken out early so that the wine never darkens. With red wine, the must is kept for a long time, and the wine picks up a lot of flavonoids.”

UC Davis researchers have found that some red wines are also rich in saponins, which lower heart disease risk by binding to cholesterol and preventing their absorption. Saponins may also cool body-wide inflammation, which could also lower the risk of heart disease and cancer.

blood clot-blocking ability

Red wines contain 3 to 10 times more saponins than whites. The richest source is red Zinfandel, followed by Syrah, Pinot Noir, and Cabernet Sauvignon. The two white varieties, Sauvignon Blanc and Chardonnay contain less. The saponin may come from the waxy grape skins and seems to dissolve into the wine during fermentation. Wines with the highest alcohol content also have the most saponin. Wine may also maintain a healthy weight.

Researchers at the Mayo Clinic followed drinking behavior and weight in 8,200 men ad women. They found that those who enjoyed one or two alcoholic beverages a day were 54% less likely to be obese than nondrinkers. Nondrinkers and ex-drinkers had twice as much chance of becoming obese. People who have a glass of wine or beer every day usually have it with their evening meal, and it could be that a drink replaces a later, high-calorie evening snack.

However, four or more glasses per day don’t make you super slim but give you a 50% more chance of becoming obese.


“Wine protects against infection,” said Scientists from Tripler Army Medical Center in Honolulu tested red wine, white wine, and bismuth and found that they subsalicylate against some of the meanest intestinal germs, including shigella, salmonella, and Escherichia coli, and that both red and white wines were more effective than drugs for wiping out harmful bacteria.

Headaches for some people with a tendency toward migraine headaches, even a small glass of wine can cause a lot of headaches. Red wine contains substances called amines, which cause blood vessels in the brain to constrict and then expand. For sensitive people, this can result in eye-popping headaches.

Although white wine contains fewer headache-producing amines than the red varieties, it doesn’t contain as many healing compounds. So, if headaches are a problem for you, you may want to ask your doctor if a nonalcoholic wine will allow you to enjoy the great taste without the pain. Resveratrol 500 mg is an age-defying formula to support your body’s youthful essence. 

Know your limit The most important tip for getting the maximum healthy heart benefits from your wine cellar is knowing when to put your glass down. The daily limit is one 5-ounce glass a day for women and two 5-ounce glasses for men. Experts agree, however, that if you are tempted to overindulge, or if you have a personal or family history of alcoholism, you’re better off skipping alcohol entirely.

Petite SyrahGo for the Gusto when you are scanning the shelves for the wine with the highest levels of heart-healthy compounds, go for the full-bodied, robust varieties. There is a close relationship between the level of tannin, the substance that makes wine dry, and the level of healing compounds in red wines.

Three of the most heart-healthy wines are Cabernet Sauvignon, Petite Syrah, and Merlot. 



To your health!



What to Pack for a Tent Camping Trip

Tent CampingTent Camping is one of the summer activities my family has been involved in for many years.

Camping is something we all enjoy by combining fishing, hiking, and swimming with the regular campsite life of cutting wood, starting a fire, food preparation, cooking, eating, games, and just relaxing. We’ve made a lot of good memories from our camping trips. We’ve always gone up in the mountains and found great camping hiking spots either at designated campgrounds that offer water for washing, some type of restroom (outhouse or rest-stop type), and garbage cans or places, where there was no creature or comforts at all. We always camped by streams, lakes, or rivers during the summer months.

Planning is critical to a successful camping experience. As a retired military man, who has had to live out of a ruck (backpack) for many days, having the right camping gear when you’re camping will make the experience that much more enjoyable.

The best camping tents for families are tents that have separate rooms. Since we have two children our tent has three rooms — my wife and I slept in a room, the kids slept in a room, and the entrance room was the dressing and storage area. We use a combination of foam and inflatable mattresses. We used rectangular sleeping bags that you can zip together for the wife and me, and the kids had their bags. Bring extra blankets for chilly nights. We also used poncho liners for the kids to use inside their sleeping bags. We’ve had our tent for over 15 years and average 2-3 camping trips each summer.

We take a couple of tarps. We use one tarp on the ground under the tent and make it long enough to have about 8 feet in front of the tent door. We take our shoes/boots off outside to keep the inside of the tent as clean as possible. We bring a small folding stool to place outside the tent door to help with putting shoes on. The second tarp is used to cover our kitchen/cooking gear if it rains. Waterproof Camping Tarp, Hammock Rain Fly Tent Tarp

We use a couple of camping stoves – one uses propane (which we mainly use for heating water for hot drinks and washing) and the other is a 2-burner stove and uses fuel, which does not burn as hot. We use this one for cooking bacon, pancakes, eggs, etc. Bring a couple of frying pans, and camping pots/pans – remember to bring a spatula if you’re going to cook pancakes or eggs.

We always start a fire in the morning – for warmth and in the evening, for cooking. Bring a collapsible grate to put over the fire if you plan on laying anything on it to cook or heat up. We make pointed sticks by cutting small branches from nearby trees for the polish dogs or bratwurst – so bring a couple of knives. We cut our wood from the dead branches and logs you find near the campground. We bring an ax and a small saw with a folding blade.

Here are the basics of camping gear to bring:

Tent with a rain fly, tarp, tent stakes, and hammer

Sleeping gear to include mattresses – inflatable or foam, blankets (poncho liners), and pillows

Cooking/kitchen equipment – camping stoves, folding camping table, frying pans, pots to heat water and cook in, paper plates, bowls, and utensils, napkins, paper towels, wash rags, towels, cutlery, large spoons, tongs, can opener, lighters, tin foil, plastic wash basin, scouring pads, disposable wipes, detergent, plastic storage bags, and trash bags. We pack this in see-through plastic tubs with folding lids. We pack most of our non-cooler food in these types of containers, too.

Fire pit necessities – if you plan on scrounging your wood from the forest floor – an ax, folding saw, gloves, a newspaper for fire-starting, a lighter, a folding grate (campfire tripod), and a folding shovel.

Personal hygiene – soap, washcloths, towels (dark in color), shampoo and shower shoes (if your campground has a shower), toothpaste, and toilet paper.

Safety equipment – flashlights, lanterns, spare batteries, cell phone with car charger, map of the area, first aid kit, compass or GPS, and plenty of drinking water, sunscreen.

These are some of the items you’ll need to have an enjoyable camping trip.

After your first trip, you’ll be able to fine-tune your list.

BIoLite Campstove 2

Tent camping is a lot of work, but it is so worth it for the memories you’ll always have.

The Keto Diet: A Comprehensive Guide to Weight Loss…

The Keto Diet, when you hear about the keto diet, the first thing you perhaps think of is what could make it as good as people say. The answer is, that there are enough benefits to change your life.

What exactly is a ketogenic diet?

The keto diet recommends an intake of low carbs, moderate protein, and high fat. The idea is to fine-tune nutritional intake to send the body into a metabolic state known as ketosis.  The Keto Diet

The body enters a state of ketosis when it no longer has stores of glycogen sugar to fuel its energy needs. With sugar out of the way, the body has no choice but to tap its stores of fat to get by. The liver converts fat reserves into ketones to present to the body as an energy source. This is why the keto program is a good way to lose fat.

Unlike other diets that offer practitioners a weight loss benefit and little else, the keto diet comes with several benefits.

Weight loss

Without a doubt, weight loss is the primary goal of the keto diet. It works because it makes the body look to its fat reserves to power its metabolism. It can be interesting to go deeper into the process, however.

the-keto-dietWhen the body is deprived of carbs, it enters a state of ketosis. Blood sugar and insulin levels fall when that happens. As the body taps the energy in fat cells, they release considerable quantities of water, making for some great weight loss. The fat cells are then able to enter the bloodstream and make their way to the liver, where they are turned into ketones for energy processing. As long as your diet allows you to stay in a caloric deficit, you get to enjoy the weight loss benefits of the keto diet.

It takes the edge off your appetite

When your diet isn’t heavy on carbs, you’ll find that you don’t crave as much food as before. Many people who get on the keto diet can fast most of the day and only eat at mealtimes. They are simply not as hungry as before.

Improved ability to focus

When you choose a regular diet that puts carbs into the body, your brain has to deal with the rise and fall in sugar levels that happen as a result. Inconsistent energy levels can make it hard for the brain to focus. With the keto diet, however, the energy source is constant and consistent. The brain is better able to stay focused.

You feel more energetic keto-is-good

When you are on a regular diet, your body is always on the verge of running out of energy. You need to constantly eat and refuel. With a keto diet, however, the body taps its fat reserves, a nearly unending energy source. The body, then, can maintain constant energy levels throughout the day. The result is, that you end up feeling a lot more energetic.

It helps you fight diabetes

When you suffer from Type II Diabetes, your body experiences high levels of insulin. Since the keto diet takes excess sugar from your diet, it helps stabilize HbA1c counts and reverse Type II diabetes.

You get improved levels of good cholesterol

HDL cholesterol helps get rid of the body’s bad cholesterol reserves. When you’re on keto, your body’s triglyceride levels fall and your HDL cholesterol levels rise.

You get better blood pressure  keto-breakfast

When you’re on the keto diet, it drops your blood pressure. Many people on the keto diet find that they can stop taking blood pressure medicine altogether.

The keto diet can change a person’s life. It isn’t a difficult diet to get on, either. There are plenty of great recipes for the keto diet. All it takes is the willingness to give it a shot.

Green Detox Smoothie


Green Smoothie that’s tasty, yummy, and healthy, you’ll drink one almost every day. It’s a combination of spinach, mango, kiwi fruit, banana, and dragon fruit, along with ginger, kale, or apple. The pitaya is sweet, so you don’t need a lot of fruit. It’s breakfast, so it’s green.

Green smoothies have about 1/3 the calories of a regular smoothie. They taste great and make you feel healthy and full of energy.



Here’s a detailed recipe:

1 cup of Spinach

1/2 cup of Pineapple

1/2 cup of Mango

1/2 Banana

2 Kiwis

1/2 cup of Dragon Fruit dragon-smoothies

1/2 cup of Kale

1 tsp. of Ginger

1 tsp. of Apple extract

1/2 cup of Coconut water

1 tsp. of Agave nectar or honey

Fill with Ice Cubes

Put the spinach, pineapple, mango, banana, and pitaya in a high-powered blender and blend until smooth. Add the kale, ginger, apple, coconut water, and agave nectar/honey. Blend again until completely smooth. Add ice and blend again until smooth.

It seems so obvious now, this green smoothie thing. You add greens and fruit, maybe some ginger and mint. Then you drink it all up, and you’re healthy. Or so it seems. But back in the early nineties, when I first heard about green smoothies, it sounded crazy. Why would anyone put sugar into a drink that was just vegetables? And why would anyone drink anything that looks like spinach mixed with milk?

But at the time, many of the things we thought we knew about nutrition were wrong. The conventional wisdom was: Eat lots of fat. Eat lots of protein. Eat lots of carbs. Eat lots of cholesterol. Eat lots of salt. Eat lots of sugar. Eat lots of whatever. Eat lots of fruit, but eat fewer vegetables. Eat lots of vegetables, but eat less fruit.

Fast forward to today and it’s the green smoothie that boosts your health and immune system. Green smoothies are made with organic fruits and vegetables. The fruits used in making it are rich in water and loaded with vital nutrients, especially vitamin C which is the main natural source of detoxification.


In addition to this, organic vegetables are rich in chlorophyll which is believed to purify the blood and cleanse the entire body. Moreover, the green smoothies hold excellent fiber content and antioxidants that are again greatly helpful in detoxification. So, when the purifying power of fruits is combined with the cleansing aid of green leafy vegetables then this results in making a rich smoothie that is perfect for detoxification. Take it with you!

Get Healthy: Start Working Out

Start Working Out!

Many people say that they simply don’t have the time to exercise. While this may be perfectly true in a fast-paced world, there are certain things you can do to start working out and incorporating exercise into your daily life without allotting much time for it.  Start Working Out

When it comes to exercise, it all starts with a good attitude and a little bit of action each day. It’s a common misconception to believe that you need to engage in strict dieting or lengthy and vigorous exercise routines to stay in shape. It simply isn’t true!

Try some of these tips to start working out in your daily routine:

Take the Stairs. No matter where you are, there are many times when you can opt to take the stairs instead of an elevator. Whether you’re attending an important business meeting, or just going to the mall, take the stairs.

Go for a Walk. Walking is a great way to get extra exercise and most of the time it doesn’t feel like exercise at all. If you were planning to meet with a friend, ask them if they’d like to go for a walk while you talk. Alternatively, you can go for walk when you just need to sort out some of your thoughts. Besides, getting some extra blood to the brain will help you think clearer.

Start- Working- Out--go-walk

Play with Your Children. If you have children, you likely have at least a part of your day dedicated to their care. Decide that you’re going to engage in active games like outdoor sports. You can even do this with pets too. It’ll be a fun and relaxing source of exercise!

Jog in Place. Jogging in place might seem like a boring activity, but when you combine it with something else that you’re doing, it can be quite invigorating. There are bound to be short bursts of time that you can use to relieve tension and get the blood pumping.

Ride Your Bike. If you’re traveling a short distance, it’s a good idea to take your bike, instead of the car or bus. While it may add some time to your overall travel time, it’s a great way to stay in shape if you can spare a few extra minutes.

Active Dates. Whether you’d like to schedule a date with a partner, friend, or family member, you can choose an activity with exercise. Instead of going to a movie, go dancing. You could even try something like rock climbing or attending the batting cages. Get creative and have a blast!

Lift Weights. You can start a beginner workout plan as well. Lift while you’re brainstorming, watching TV, or talking on the phone. You may also want to keep the weights at your desk as a reminder to use them.

Lift weights

Park Far Away. You don’t need the stress of fighting for the closest parking spot. Instead, travel a little further and walk! There’s little stress involved with this decision and it’ll probably save you some time, too.

Try Outdoor Chores. If you don’t already participate in outdoor chores, you could be helping your house and yourself by engaging in them. You might even be saving your family some money if you’ve previously hired the neighbor’s kids. Mow your lawn, do some weeding, or take up gardening – it’s a simple way to stay fit. Start Working Out!!

Keep Moving

It doesn’t take long to realize that, with the proper attitude, you can remain active while you’re busy with other things. Sometimes you may end up taking a little extra time to work out, but your body will thank you for it.


Just take these simple, small actions each day and you’ll soon reap the rewards!


Boost Your Energy Now!

increase-energyMany people complain that they do not have the energy that they feel they should. This is something that doctors hear daily. Many people often complain that they always feel tired and as if they just do not have what it takes to perform their daily activities. Many people who experience a lack of energy and general fatigue often pursue alternative treatment methods in order to resolve their issues. Quite a few people experiment with vitamins to find that they suddenly have that burst of energy that they desire.

There are many types of vitamins that provide a person with a boost of energy. One of the most common energy boosters as far as vitamins are concerned is folic acid. It is great to implement the use of folic acid in your daily vitamin regime because it allows you to gain energy and will alleviate the fatigue that often accompanies the lack of energy that many people experience. Folic acid is often prescribed to women who are pregnant because it helps to increase energy levels and is very beneficial to the proper growth and development of the unborn child.

There is a vitamin on the market that is known as “NADH”. This vitamin is an excellent source of energy. Many people complain that it takes time before they actually feel the results of the vitamin that they are taking to increase energy, but people who have taken NADH often are very surprised at how they experience almost immediate results from taking this vitamin. There are other vitamins and supplements that help Some other vitamins and supplements help induce energy in people, which include Gingko Biloba. Gingko-Biloba

Gingko Biloba is an excellent vitamin-based supplement to help to increase energy. However, if you have an issue with thinning blood, or take certain types of blood thinners, you should consult your doctor before implementing this herb into your daily regime. Gingko Biloba has been known to result in the thinning of the blood. If you already have an issue with thinning blood, taking this supplement can lead to serious complications.

Many people are not aware that there can be dangerous side effects with various types of vitamins and supplements. This is why it is so important to speak with your doctor about any type of new product you wish to implement when it comes to vitamins and supplements. People with certain medical conditions such as heart problems, organ issues, immunity problems, and blood problems should always seek the approval of a medical professional before taking certain products.

Vitamins can also reverse the effects of certain medications, such as birth control. This is an important consideration when wanting to take vitamins to increase your energy and decrease the fa. Before that you experience. ore purchasing vitamins consultant with your doctor.


You do not have to continue to battle with your energy level and fatigue. There are many safe products that you can acquire at your local pharmacy that will help you increase energy naturally or, just have a healthy snack.


Exhausted to the Core

Clean sheets help with sleep which helps your health.

Extreme fatigue, what to do if someone is feeling extreme fatigue all the time? The question that arises is why I am feeling tired all the time. Although it is pretty normal to feel tired after a long day, a constant urge to drop into a bed or a cozy couch is an alarm that something is amiss with your health. This article discusses why you are always in a press-to-snooze mode or feel drained post-lunch and recommendations to avoid the situation. lack-of-energy

Extreme fatigue all the time can affect a person’s physical and mental health. It also takes a dig at the quality of life. Usually, a good night’s sleep or a day off can work well to restore energy levels or eliminate extreme fatigue. But if they are not fixing the issue, something could keep up with your mental health, and should be concerned immediately. It is beneficial to seek help sooner than later if you are not sure about the cause of being tired all the time despite a good diet and enough rest.

Here are 13 key reasons why someone might experience extreme fatigue all the time and when to seek help:

Diet is the most critical pillar of a healthy lifestyle, and o is importance important to leave feeling in sustaining the body’s energy levels. Skipping the meals drops the required level of calories. Long breaks between meals lower the sugar level and making makes you tired. It is essential to take a healthy diet and high-energy snacks to keep your systems running smoothly. Another more important thing is never to skip an end-day meal going hungry to bed reduces sleep quality, leaving you tired on the day after.

An active lifestyle improves energy level; levels the other hand, a sedentary lifestyle leave feeling feel exhausted and sleepy. In one study, researchers worked on how an inactive and sedentary lifestyle affects women’s fatigue levels. Some woman was physically active quite well, while others were not physically active.

According to the study’s findings, physically active women had a significantly lower fatigue level than women living a sedentary life. This supports the notion that a healthy lifestyle is physically active, leading to more energy and vigor. woman-fatique

Vitamin Deficiency multivitamins can be a sign of vitamin deficiency. It might occur because of low vitamin D levels, vitamin B-12, iron, magnesium, and potassium. A routine blood test is required to identify the deficiency. In case a person is vitamin deficient, the doctor may recommend taking supplements. The natural way to cope with the deficiency is to increase foods rich in multivitamins and other nutrients. For example, clams, beef, and calf liver may reverse a B-12 deficiency and reduce the constant tiredness and fatigue.

Stress can deteriorate sleep quality and its duration. Also, the lack of sleep elevates stress levels. Therefore, it is essential to manage the mental burden and enable better and sufficient rest, restoring your energy levels. Persistent stress keeps the body in a state of fight and flight, leaving you exhausted. Stress is also a trigger in worsening sleep disorders. It is advisable to avoid stressful events and off to bed in time for healthy sleep. Other ways to prevent stressful thoughts and remain calm are to practice meditation and build new achievable goals regularly.

When you are suffering from depression, lack of energy and tiredness becomes a problem. Feeling tired tends to associate with physical issues, but mental health problems like depression, anxiety, and stress contribute to exhaustion and chronic fatigue. Consult your therapist for mental health treatment or counseling. Antidepressants, anti-anxiety medicine, cognitive brand, and levels below therapy can make a difference to alleviate the symptoms of depression. If you’re struggling to cope with depression, it can cause Irregularities in sleep and begin to impact your mental health, seek medical advice immediately.

Sleep Disorders

If a person’s energy level doesn’t improve after weeks, or even improving lifestyle, speak with your doctor. You may need a sleep specialist. A sleep disorder such as sleep apnea or insomnia also affects a person’s cognitive, mental, and physical abilities. Sleep apnea is a disorder in which breathing pauses while a person is asleep. As a result, the brain and body don’t receive enough oxygen during sleep leading to daytime fatigue.  mental-health

Sleep apnea is a complex medical condition that can cause hypertension (high blood pressure), decreased concentration, and even a stroke or heart attack. Sleep apnea treatment involves using a CPAP machine or an oral device to keep the upper airway open during sleep hours. extreme-fatigue

Burn-out If a person has a constant feeling of running on empty, one could be going through burnout consider. Doctors now consider burnout as a medical condition, defining the condition as a syndrome caused by chronic stress at the workplace. But how does it play a part in making someone feel tired all the time?

Scientific facts determine that a rest-activity rhythm is an essential requirement to perform well. Sleep is a prime pillar of human health which is mandatory for the body to perform well during working hours. If a person is becoming a workaholic and performing continuously without sound sleep or downtime, which is required to restore the body’s ability to function OK; what comes next is physical and mental health deterioration. Therefore, sidestep burn-out and let more downtime invade your daily routine for relaxation.

Being overweight can also cause tiredness all the time. When body weight is more than the desired BMI, it becomes harder for the body to carry your weight during daily life, making you exhausted or feeling tired all the time. You can gradually improve your condition by working on a plan to gradually lose weight by adopting a healthy lifestyle like eating well and starting exercises like swimming, jogging, walking, and gradually increasing the workout.

Daily activities become a struggle for people who have fibromyalgia, causing muscle pain and tenderness. Fibromyalgia affects the muscles and soft tissues, but it causes pain that, does not let you have a good sleep. The awakening of night and restless leg syndrome results in chronic tiredness throughout the day. An over-the-counter pain killer helps improve pain and sleep. Some people also find an antidepressant, physical therapy,  and exercise helpful.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome can make you feel tired all the time without any significant health ailment because of chronic fatigue syndrome. It is a long-term illness with various symptoms such as extreme tiredness, insomnia, and even some patients may feel like staying asleep for longer durations. Even longer sleep durations do not help to improve the feeling of tiredness. The cause of chronic fatigue syndrome is unknown, and the diagnosis is only possible after ruling out the chances of all other health disorders by a health professional. Treatment of chronic fatigue is possible only by understanding your physical limitations, mild to moderate regular exercise, and circadian rhythm changes.

Certain medications can make you drowsy and sleepy or make you feel tired all the time and complete everyday chores like driving or operating machinery challenges. On the other hand, some medications can cause insomnia, such as high blood pressure and asthma. Consult your doctor about any such medicine you are taking to find if any alternative or dose adjustment.

Diabetes  GU Energy Original Sports Nutrition Energy Gel

If you are continually experiencing fatigue, thirst, frequent urination, and unexplained weight loss, get yourself tested for diabetes. Feeling tired all the time can be a symptom of diabetes. If a person has diabetes, the body doesn’t make enough insulin leading to high blood sugar and leaving you tired and irritable. Consult a doctor for any unexplained fatigue as it can be a symptom of other medical conditions like heart disease and cancer.

Under-Active Thyroid Hypothyroidism, or an under-active thyroid, occurs when the body doesn’t duce the required thyroid hormones. An under-active thyroid causes symptoms such as fatigue, lethargy, and, weight gain. Although with treatment, people with hypothyroidism can lead an everyday life.

Post-Viral Fatigue feeling tired all the time or for most of the day after recovering from an infection like Covid or the flu as well as glandular fever, are the signs of post-viral fatigue syndrome. Symptoms include chronic tiredness, severe muscle pain, weight loss, vomiting, diarrhea, fever or chills, chest pain, and shortness of breath. It is common to feel tired after an illness, but if your symptoms are not alleviating for weeks or months and prevent you from leading an energized healthy man’s life-it’s better to seek medical advice. However, there is not enough research on post-viral fatigue, so it’s challenging to find treatment. The best way to improve the condition is by having self-care making you feel better gradually. woman-vitamin-deficiency

There is not a hard and fast rule that every other day is an easy day. A few days are meant to squeeze your energy and it’s quite understandable to feel tired at the end of such days. But being tired all the time is something that needs to be addressed by a health professional.

You may have a health condition that required to be discussed with your health professional. Another thing to understand well cannot be attributed to physical health alone, sometimes what needs the most attention is your mental health.


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Enjoy Paddle Boarding with These Tips

Have you been contemplating your paddle board adventure for a long time but without taking things forward? Make Paddle Boarding Enjoyable! If yes then you need to act right away so that you could claim your share of fun paddle boarding. First, invest in a good stand-up paddle board.

Once you have the paddle board then it is a matter of planning your paddle board experience. Take your time to review as many paddle boarding stores as possible and purchase from the most trusted store because the quality of your paddle boarding experience will depend greatly on the quality of the paddle board.

If you happen to sacrifice on quality when ordering your first paddle board then you would regret your choice for life. The first step then to make your paddle boarding experience enjoyable is to select the best paddle boards available in the market.

Whenever you are going out on an adventure with your inflatable stand up paddle boards you need to ensure that you have all the required paddle board accessories. You need to have the right costumes for the adventure because all these contribute towards your overall experience.

When ordering your inflatable paddle board itself you need to pay attention to details and check what is included in the box. Does the paddle board come with all the required accessories? Does it come with the safety leash and is the pump included in the kit? Is there an inflatable sup board repair kit in the box? If all these are not already included you need to source them separately.


Make a checklist of items before you start packing. This will save you from forgetting important things and end up in a foul mood on the day of your paddle board adventure. More to that, planning your paddle board adventure on a sunny day is important so that you are not stopped in the last minute by the rain or thundershowers.

There couldn’t be anything more disappointing than not being able to paddle board because of rains. When planning without fail check the weather.

As we talk about planning your adventure on a sunny day, do not forget to pack your sunscreen so that you do not come back with sunburns all over your body. All these little things make the difference. When you forget all these little things then you would be ruining your entire experience.

If you pay close attention to the above things, you would notice that all these are factors that are very much within your control. Therefore, it is vital that you invest enough time in planning and in putting together your adventure.

It would be fun if you could join your friends or if you could invite some friends for the adventure.  lake-paddleboarding



It is more fun if you are a group instead of paddle boarding alone.







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Inflatable Stand up Paddle Board

14 Strategies for Achieving Physical Balance

14 tips for a Balanced Body

Nutrition and body well-being from the inside out are overlooked in modern days. We focus on outer appearance and sometimes miss that treating the inner causes is by far more successful in the long run than treating the outer consequences.  Balanced Body

During the past years, I became increasingly interested in holistic approaches and methods to improve my mind, body, and spirit. Today I would like to share useful information I have come across and collected over time-related to body well-being. Please take what you need from this article. It’s an invitation to reflection and an encouragement to deeper research or even a visit to a nutritionist should you need and choose to do so.

Our blood tells us!

Our body is a vehicle and representation of everything we eat, drink, ingest or absorb regardless of form. Whilst I am not by far in favor of extremes or dramatic life changes, some balance and moderation are always good when it comes to food, drinks, and other substances we expose to.

Through our digestive system, our blood is a health barometer and a representation of all meals and liquids that come into our body. A blood microscope analysis takes about 5 minutes and shows: how we function, the level of toxins collected in the body, the state of health for the red cells and the oxygen transportation (Wikipedia on Red cells), the existence of any bacteria, mushroom (yeast), level of fat and hydration, clogged cells due to toxicity, etc.

How the body works

In chemistry, the PH scale measures the acidity or alkalinity of an aqueous solution. The scale ranges from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral and our blood ranging between 7.3-7.4 (Wikipedia on PH). Everything above 7 and up to 14 is alkaline, and everything below 7 and down to 0 is acidic. Just like a pool, when the alkalinity drop below 7.0 the algae grows. Don’t let your body turn green!

When the blood and body are too acidic, they create an unfavorable environment where illness, bacteria, and yeast thrive. Hormonal diseases, digestive and lymphatic problems, cancer, reduced oxygen intake, and fatigue are only some of the issues that may appear.

Scientifically it was not proven that an alkaline diet will remove these risks. Moreover, our bodies have strong regulatory systems that adapt to the environment and whatever food we choose in our diet. However, what is true, is that a more alkaline diet will ease the burden on your digestive system and your blood and body during the PH balancing process. When the PH is too acidic, the blood neutralizes it by extracting minerals from muscles or good alkaline food if ingested. Our mouth, digestive system, and mind (producing thoughts) are acidic, our muscles are alkaline. That is why, too much acidity results in low minerals (calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium) and overall weakened muscles and body.

The aim would be to have a diet that mirrors the normal PH of the blood. Unfortunately, our lives today make it difficult to easily access alkaline products. In simple terms, almost everything around us is acidic. Processed food, meat, dressings, alcohol, coffee, and cosmetics are acidic. The same goes for rumbling thoughts, overworking, stress, or usage of technology which produce acidity and bring blood PH below neutral.

So how can we help our Body be slightly Alkaline?

  • Drink Alkaline Water! Water is vital to the correct functioning of the body, both from quantity and quality perspectives. The quantity depends on factors such as environment, health conditions, pregnancy in the case of ladies or exercising, and the intensity of physical effort. As with everything, a book can be written only on this. In a simplified version, a formula for the quantity (in liters) is your weight in lbs. X 0.4. For example, a weight of 132 lbs requires an intake of 0.634 gallons of water per day.  we-are-70%-water
  • Alcohol, coffee, or coffee-containing teas do not count and intake of water should increase proportionately. Soup and herbal tea are good and so is bottled water sold in shops if the label shows a PH level around 7. Tap water (where drinkable) is mostly alkaline. If not, adding lemon juice, and sodium carbonate or buying a machine that alkalizes automatically would do the job.
  • Eat Greens! Almost all green vegetables are alkaline and good for digestion. Notice the difference in how you feel after eating veggies vs. eating meat or other processed food. Heavy meals induce a state of fatigue and burden as the system and blood are fully employed for digestion. On the other hand, vegetables make you feel light and energized, whilst in addition, they contain chlorophyll and help the production and transportation of oxygen into the cells.  veggies-greens-healthy
  • Eat Proteins from Vegetables! Our bodies need Proteins, but good alkaline ones exist in vegetables. Meat such as pork, lamb, or beef has a PH between 3 and 4, below the PH level of our blood. In exchange, some vegetables such as broccoli, beans, peas, lentils, sprouts, mushrooms, corn, spinach, or artichoke contain a good proportion of proteins and can be a good replacement for meat. In a simplified manner, the formula of ideal protein intake (in grams) is your weight in kg times 0.8 (For example if you weigh 132 lbs you should eat around 55 grams of protein per day). An ideal diet would include meat or fish only once a week, eggs maybe twice a week, and the rest of the necessary taken from the greens.
  • Add good Fat to your meals! Fat is very important for the brain, and eyesight and they make you feel full. Fat is not necessarily meat or associated products. You can take your necessary dose of fat by adding alkaline ingredients to your food such as olive oil, coconut oil, avocado, or nuts and seeds that contain Omega-3s. Good fats (unsaturated) help reduce cholesterol levels and the risk of heart disease. Bad fats (saturated) are found normally in animal products and cooking oils. Coconut oil, butter, olive, and avocado oils are relatively good for cooking. However, seeds, nuts, and other vegetable oils such as corn, sunflower, sesame, canola, etc. contain polyunsaturated fats which are unhealthy in the long run, especially for cooking.
  • Eat natural Sugar! Added sugar contains no nutrients and is bad for the teeth, overloads the liver, can be addictive, and can cause illnesses like diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol, and heart disease. As with fats or carbs, sugar can also be categorized between ‘’good’’ and ‘’bad’’. Processed sugar or similar sweetener products are generally not recommended, including cakes, sweets, and commercially processed products containing sugar among ingredients. The best intake of sugar and energy comes from fruits and vegetables. Agave, stevia, and coconut sugar are also good replacements. You may also create cookies and desserts from alkaline products such as almond milk, coconut, and banana (PH around 9).
  • Have your dose of rich Salt! Salt helps the body with minerals and balances acidity. Processed salt contains limited amounts of minerals. Himalayan salt is a good modern option that contains 84 minerals. It has been Balanced Body preserved under ice and lava for millennia and kept free from pollution, so it’s a good source of healthy minerals.
  • Limit Dairy products! Opinions differ quite a lot, but generally dairy is difficult for the digestive system, especially as we grow older and have fewer lactase enzymes (after the age of 4). Most of the world (depending on the ethnic group) is intolerant to dairy or highly allergic. In addition to different chemical substances that can end up in the milk such as pesticides or antibiotics, cow’s milk contains much more protein than human milk. This creates acidity and employs the body to neutralize it. Because it’s an acidic source of calcium, our body will extract its calcium to balance it and in return weaken our bones.
  • Cheese is also not necessarily good and comes down to common sense. Besides the fact that it consists of milk, it may also contain mushrooms (like yeast) or other bacteria. Goat milk and cheese are a better replacement as their DNA is closer to the human one.

How to detox your body?

In the body we have around 5-6 liters of blood (7% of the body weight) that transports nutrients and oxygen to the body, cleans the waste in our cells, fights disease, and moves hormones and chemicals. When our digestive system activates, it employs the blood for breaking food into vitamins, fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.

The more time the blood is employed for digestion, the less time and resources are available for the other functions of cleaning the body, transporting oxygen to the cells, and taking out the residuum and toxins.

Giving some breaks from eating can enable the blood to perform its other functions and improve health. For example, fasting has been in some traditions for ages. It’s a process of cleansing the body based only on liquid and no solid food. A simpler way to fast is once or twice a week between 6:00 pm to 12:00 am or between 12:00 am to 6:00 am. That translates into having eaten solid food for around 75% of the time and allowing your body to detoxify 25% of the time.


Take time to consider your health in our days in time. The healthy the body the less likely you’ll be sick.



Achieving Optimal Wellness Through Healthy Habits

Healthy Habits for a Balanced Life

I like to believe there are ten healthy habits one needs to follow to live a balanced life. No matter what I am doing whether on vacation or going about my day-to-day work these healthy habits are important to me. You may be wondering what these habits are. To know more keep on reading. My friends often find me saying that everything in life is about balance. Healthy living is the equilibrium of good habits, not something extreme. So how do we achieve this balance? To start with, we must focus on consistency but don’t rush because consistency takes time. Also, take a step back to disengage from negative self-talk and try to transform that into positive self-talk.

Remember that being obsessed with anything can cause the opposite outcome. Your reality is shaped by your thoughts and when you spend too much time thinking about losing calories, what food to eat, whether or not to use social media, or simply comparing yourself to others, you end up feeling depressed and disconnected from yourself. Changing these negative thoughts into more positive ones is a great healthy habit to try and develop.

Eating healthy foods provided by Mother Nature such as fresh fruits and green vegetables is another must-do if you are trying to develop healthy habits. Cut out processed and packaged foods as much as possible. Think about how you want your day to turn out and do one or two things for your health that will benefit you in the long run.  healthy_foods

Exercising moderately, eating some greens or drinking more water are easy ways to build good habits that you can swear by. Be mindful at all times and realize it’s not about yesterday or tomorrow; it’s about where you are today and at this moment – it’s all about now. Now that we have a basic understanding of what healthy habits seem like and how you can find that equilibrium in your life, let’s dive into a list of ten good habits that will make your well-being a priority.

Change your mindset.

Think of your health as a lifestyle change and a daily balancing act.

  1. Sleep sufficiently and in good time. Your body undergoes necessary repairs when you sleep. Physical and psychological repair takes place from 10 pm to 6 am.
  2. Be patient. It takes roughly ninety days to create a new habit. So develop patience and learn to love yourself through the process of change.
  3. Read voraciously. Educate yourself on spiritual practices, gain knowledge about the foods you eat, read about the lives of wellness masters – there are so many kinds of literature out there.
  4. Be mindful of your energy system. Think of your body as particles of energy and ponder over what kind of fuel you want to use to keep it functioning. Do you really want coke and chips to get into your system? I hope not because they will eventually break down your system.
  5. Hydrate often. Drink good quality water. If you like, you can add some lemon or other fruits to it to drink more frequently.
  6. Eat healthily. Consume natural foods and stay away from processed, packaged food. At least, 80 to 90% of the time, your food intake should be healthy.
  7. Don’t feel guilty. When you do eat food that is not good for your health, don’t kill yourself with guilt. Remember balance is important so once in a while, you can break away from your mundane diet and incorporate some junk in it until, of course, you’ve mastered the habit of eating well.
  8. Move around. Exercise is the best medicine – even if it’s something as simple as going for a walk or as complex as working out at the gym. Your body is meant for movement. Being in nature is one of the best things you can do for your body.
  9. Know yourself. Get to the root of why you’re self-sabotaging if you are and foster a more loving relationship of self-worth with yourself.


Eat Healthy – Be Well.


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Cooking for the Campsite: Meal Planning for a Fun…

Plan Meals for Camping


Planning out a week’s worth of meals at home is hard enough; it seems nearly impossible if you plan out all of the meals for a week-long camping trip. After all, you won’t have those easy fallback options of going out to eat or making a grilled cheese sandwich. The only food you will have is the food that you bring with you, so it’s important that you plan out your meals carefully and ensure that you have everything you need.

This article will give you a few tips on planning a menu for your camping trip so that you don’t end up scavenging for berries at the end of your trip.  family_camping

Plan around the Cooking

You want to take as few cooking tools with you as possible when you go camping, so you should try to plan meals that all use the same outdoor cooking equipment in Alpharetta. So, if you have a recipe for Dutch oven biscuits, try not to also have barbecued chicken on the menu.

This would require you to have both the Dutch oven and access to a grill on your trip. Unless you know the campsite already has barbecues available for your use, this can make packing extremely troublesome.

If you really want to make things easy, plan as many meals as possible that require no cooking equipment. This can include things like tinfoil dinners, hot dogs, and other foods that can be cooked directly over the fire. Depending on how long your trip is, you may be able to plan a menu that doesn’t require you to pack any cooking equipment at all. However, if you’re going to be camping more than a few days, you’ll probably want some variety and will want to bring some equipment along so you can cook different meals.

Non-Perishable Foods

As easy as it is to serve everyone cereal and milk in the morning, keeping milk cold during a week of camping is quite difficult. Instead, you’ll have to plan meals that use non-perishable foods, like canned goods, rice, and pasta.

If you do have a few meals that use perishable food items, plan your menu out so that you will eat those items within the first few days. This will allow you to have those meals before the ingredients are in danger of going bad.

Advanced Preparation

Wherever possible, do as much cooking preparation in advance as you can. This can include things like chopping up the chicken and potatoes for your tinfoil dinners, or rolling up some breakfast burritos so they just need to be heated up over the fire. Whatever preparation you can do at home will save you a lot of time and hassle while you’re camping. After all, it’s much easier to chop up chicken on your clean countertop than to try to do it on a cutting board sitting on a log.

people camping

Divide and Conquer

If you’re going on a camping trip with multiple people, make sure that you divide up the duties for food. Put each person or group in charge of one meal or one day’s worth of meals and make them responsible for providing and preparing the food for that meal or on that day. This will lessen the load for you.




Plan meals for campingJust make sure that you communicate with one another when you’re planning out the meals, you’re responsible for. Otherwise, you might end up having hot dogs every day.


BIoLite Campstove 2

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